Friday, October 31, 2008

Pioneer of the Month - November...."Aunty Hyde"

Charlotte Staunton Quindlan Johnson Hyde
You would think that a wife of Orson Hyde would be buried in Spring City next to him. You would think that she would have a very distinctive, monolithic marker of granite and stand very tall. Not so for Charlotte Staunton Quindlan Johnson Hyde. Of those many names by which she was called, we can only verify that her name was Charlotte Quindlan Hyde. She lived in Mt. Pleasant, taught school in Mt. Pleasant and died in Mt. Pleasant. Her grave marker is about 18 inches tall made of marble. You literally have to kneel down to read her epitaph there.

Charlotte Quindlen was born 22 of August 1802 at Lower Pensnock, Salem, New Jersey. Charlotte Quindlan was the name used at the Endowment House in Salt Lake City when she was sealed to Orson Hyde in 1852. The marble marker lists her as Charlotte Staunton Hyde as does the Mt. Pleasant History Book. Perhaps the name Staunton came from another marriage. From the dates we find that she was fifty years old when she married Orson Hyde.
The following is taken from the book “Orson Hyde Olive Branch of Israel”
“Orson Hyde was chosen as an original member of the Council of the Twelve in 1835, when the Mormon Church first organized this governing body. Orson's most well-known accomplishment was as a Mormon missionary to Jerusalem (1840-1842) to dedicate the land for the return of the Jews. Because his words have proven prophetic in the many decades since his entreaty, a peaceful garden on the Mount now honors him and his supplication. In 1979 civil authorities in Jerusalem invited the development of a five-acre hillside garden in honor of Orson Hyde.
“Orson Hyde was a remarkable individual. He received esteem in many roles, among them apostle, teacher, missionary, orator, scriptorian, journalist, editor, lawyer, judge, statesman, colonizer, and administrator; also as the husband of eight wives, the father of thirty-three children, a friend of mankind, and a servant of God.
During the years 1850-1852 Charlotte Quindlin Johnson lived in Kanesville, Iowa at the home of Orson Hyde as a domestic assistant to his first wife Marinda. She was already a member of the L.D.S. Faith. She had been divorced from a man named Johnson. She was described as a seamstress who also liked children. She helped Marinda with her children Alonzo, Frank and baby Delila. She was with the Hyde Family at Winter Quarters and as they traveled across the plains to Salt Lake, arriving in 1852. Marinda and Charlotte got along very well.

Orson and Marinda discussed the possibility of inviting Charlotte to become a wife rather than a domestic. Orson had also married Mary Ann Price who for a time was a domestic in his household. Orson and Mary Ann were married in Nauvoo in 1843. Orson talked with Brigham Young about taking Charlotte as another wife and Brigham Young approved. Orson proposed to Charlotte, she accepted and they were sealed as husband and wife in the Endowment House 22nd of November, 1852. She was the fourth wife of Orson. Besides Marinda and Mary Ann, Orson had married Martha Rebecca Browett, who he later divorced in 1850. Martha went on to become the wife of Thomas McKenzie who also divorced her.

In the spring of 1853 we find Marinda, Mary Ann and Charlotte all living together under one roof in Salt Lake. Charlotte, however, was having a hard time adjusting to being a plural wife and departed the family, a mutual decision between she and Orson. They were separated, but never divorced. Brigham Young granted official separation for Charlotte and Orson Hyde in 1859.

Charlotte came to the Sanpete Valley long before Orson shows his influence here. It was during the “big move” with the earliest Saints first to Fort Ephraim, then north to resettle Mt. Pleasant. The first pioneers had been driven out of Camp Hambleton, located one mile west of the current city of Mt. Pleasant. She first made her living as a seamstress then as a school teacher while the settlers still lived inside the fort. A schoolhouse was then built outside the fort. She was fondly called "Aunty Hyde" by her students. She inspired many of her students to become teachers themselves.

In Mt. Pleasant History by Hilda Longsdorf the following description of Aunty Hyde school: “In a little log house about 12x15 feet, on the south side of the street on First North, about midway between State and First West, (in the area where Mary Ursenbach now lives-2008) Charlotte Staunton Hyde taught school. The building was also known and later used for Lesser Priesthood meetings and similar Church gatherings. Mrs. Hyde was a woman who no doubt had earlier in life received quite a liberal education, and although described as “a little old woman who smoked a pipe and was quite deaf,” she was affectionately called "Aunty Hyde". Many amusing stories were told of her school, but with all her students there remained pleasant memories. There being no hand bell, as in later years, the children were always called from their play to the schoolroom with her familiar call, “To Books. To Books. To Books.””

“Mrs. Hyde lived in a little log house west of the school. She often brought her bread to the schoolhouse to bake. She had a skillet with a tight fitting lid and in this, by heaping on it coals from the fireplace, which was in one end of the building, she baked the bread during school hours. She was paid for her services as a teacher with any produce or garden stuff available.
Mrs. Hyde taught for sometime in the log meeting house in the fort. Many attended school. A number of the pioneers were polygamist families and usually were large families. In some cases the entire family had attended her school as was the case in Abraham Day’s family, Joseph, Abraham Jr. , Eli A., Ezra, and Ephraim, children of the second wife, all attended; among others who also in later days became prominent citizens were her students Emaline Seely Barton, Oscar Anderson, William Morrison Jr., Sylvester Barton, Joseph Nephi Seeley, Annie Porter Nelson, Melvina Clemensen Crane, Peter Johansen, Chastie Neilsen, Benta Neilsen, Peter Jensen, Allen Rowe, Henry Ericksen, Miranda Seeley Oman, Wilhemina Morrison Ericksen, Hans Neilsen, William D. Candland, Charlotte Reynolds Seeley, Sarah Wilcox Bills, Celestial McArthur Barton, William A. Averett, Amasa Aldrich, James B. Staker, Maria Tidwell Larsen, Libby Barton Averett, Morgan A. Winters, Eli A. Day, W.W. Brandon, Sarah Davidsen Wilcox, Maggie Peel Seely, Samuel H. Allen, Harry Candland, Albert Candland, Charles Averett, Hazard Wilcox and Hans Neilsen.

Although records show that Mrs. Hyde was not the first teacher in the community, in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery on the south side of the center driveway, is a little marble slab now yellowing with age, upon which is engraved: “Charlotte Staunton Hyde, wife of Apostle Orson Hyde, born in Penn., Died in Mount Pleasant, December 3, 1881, age 78. At rest now---Through the kindness of pupils of early days, this stone is erected to her memory, she being the first school teacher in Mt. Pleasant.” M.M.F.C.M.”

Many, many children benefited from her talents, from her love and from her example.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Those seen in this picture are left to right:
Ella Candland, Johanna M. Hafen, Mina Bjelke, Bertie M. Eatinger, and Tina Nelson

By Wilhelmina H.M. Ericksen 1928 (Book of Mt. Pleasant)

A Becoming Hat adds much to the appearance of a lady, and emphasizes her good grooming. This fact was realized in pioneer days, even as it is at the present, but there are many difficulties to be overcome at that time in the art of millinery, which present day hat makers know nothing about.

Many materials, available now (1928), were unknown at that time. In fact, straw for the summer hats and old velvet, silk, felt or wool goods for the winter bonnets, with trimmings of the same material or dyed chicken feathers and home-made flowers were about the limit of their millinery supplies.

A millinery shop, in those days, was not just a place where ladies, young and old (could try) on hats which had been manufactured in some distant city, (or) until they found the most becoming one and bought it. It was not a shop where they could go and select a becoming hat shape; and order it trimmed according to (their own) fancy. The pioneer milliner gathered her raw materials and proceeded with much painstaking and tedious labor to manufacture both hat shapes and trimmings.

Mt. Pleasant pioneer milliners were Mrs. Marie Jacobsen, Mrs. Ida C. Larsen, and Mrs. M.F.C. Morrison. In the early (1870’s), Mrs. Louise Aldrich did much of the straw making and taught a number of young women the art of braiding the straw and making the trimmings.

While their efforts produced hats rather crude when compared with the finished bonnets of today, yet they developed a great deal of skill and artistry along this line and completely satisfied the desires of themselves and their less gifted sisters for attractive head adornment.

Esther Rasmussen Christensen

In Memory of a dear friend to all of Mt. Pleasant. She was a member of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association for a number of years as well as other historical societies. Her father, Dan Rasmussen, was one of the original board members. She taught school, sunday school and Relief Society. She served in the Manti temple. She was an avid historian and loved working to preserve the history of Mt. Pleasant. She was loved and honored by everyone who knew her.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Did You Know That Mt. Pleasant Once Had Its Own ZCMI?

Three of them at different times and different locations.

Mt. Pleasant’s Own Z.C.M.I. (third location). was on State Street and Main; North East Corner of the Intersection and faced south.
Now On display at the Mt. Pleasant Relic Home is an original Z.C.M.I. trunk donated by David and Jan Smith. Also a set of Z.C.M.I. exchange coins which were donated by Dick and Peggy Ruiz. The picture above is also on display. This display features a very important segment of Mt. Pleasant’s history.

Z.C.M.I. stands for Zions Cooperative Mercantile Institution. The following is taken from Hilda Madsen Longsdorf’s History of Mt. Pleasant, page 129.

“Mt.. Pleasant Z. C. M. I.
In February 1869, the Mt. Pleasant Z. C. M. I. was organized. It was a co-operative organization patterned after the Z. C. M. I. that was organized the year previous in Salt Lake City, under the instructions of President Brigham Young, who at that time pointed out to the people the necessity and the benefits of such institutions. The Mt. Pleasant Z. C. M. I. began business in a small room, in a log building, afterwards known as Anderson's Blacksmith Shop, on the east side of State Street, about Third South. Here Anthon H. Lund served as clerk. After a time, the Company erected a log building on the southwest corner, intersection of State and Main Street. (Where Skyline Pharmacy is now located); Quoting Amasa Aldrich: “This was quite a creditable building at that time, being built of logs chinked with mud. The room on the inside was plastered with mud. Outside, above the door, which faced the east, was painted the sign 'Z. C. M. I.' Underneath this was painted the “All Seeing Eye,' and beneath that, 'Holiness to the Lord.' This was the first store building built in Mt. Pleasant, and became known as the Mormon or Polygamist Store. Charlie Hampshire, and Olaf Sorensen were clerks who served. Charlie spoke English and Ole spoke Danish, hence the people could always be served, because when one could not understand the customer, the other could.” (HML)
It is interesting to note that a “lower store” was built later and was known as the Gentile Store, Swedish Store, or Sanpete County Co-op. This is the store now located on the north side of main street at about 150 West, most recently occupied by Head Start.

The third Z.C.M.I. was built on the corner where the Mt. Pleasant Recreation Center is now located. And this last Z.C.M.I. building is shown in the picture above. This building was the first building that necessitated a break in the old fort wall. It was a two story brick building. “Its brick were made and fired by hand and then tested to make sure that “nothing but the first class brick or any other material was put into the building. The huge timbers used were hewed with a broad axe and smoothed with drawing knives.” HML p.156. The second story of the building was used as a theatre and dance hall. Madsen and Anderson operated the theatre and dance hall on the second floor of the brick building, and here the public witnessed Shakespearean plays by John S. Lindsay and Company, also other high class companies, home dramatics, etc., as well as the C. C. A. Christensen's panoramas, minstrel shows, sleight of hand performances, hypnotism, etc., and many heated political rallies, setting forth free trade, tariff on wool, etc.”
“The scenery for the hall was painted by C. C. A. Christensen, a very popular artist. Music for the dances was mostly furnished by the Peter Almertz orchestra, consisting of John Waldermar, Rebecca Beckstrom, Bent Hansen, and others. Brigham Lee was floor manager and prompter. The east room of the building was used as the city council headquarters. On top of the building had been arranged seats, and at daybreak on holidays the Brass Band assembled; their music could be clearly heard in the distance, as the stars and stripes were unfurled. It had been common for the band, in their band wagon, to serenade the city, and they were usually treated with plenty of home-made beer and refreshments.” HML p.173.

Anyone having additional pictures of the people named above or anyone who was also involved which can be added to the Relic Home’s Z.C.M.I. Display is encouraged to email us at or visit the Relic Home.

The Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association is also asking for additional histories of pioneers of our community, but also histories of all residents and events right up to the present time. These histories will be collected, documented, preserved and eventually put on DVD’s for current and future generations.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

1929 Lions Club Recreation Activity

Recreational activity sponsored by the Lions Club summer 1929. Instructors, not pictured, were Vernal Christensen and Dee Keusseff

Picture taken by Arthur Childs on steps of Johns Gym, Wasatch Academy
First row lf to rt: Rex Matson, Buddy Christensen, Robert Christensen, Gordon Brunger, unk, Ray Freston, Phil Squires, Dale Christensen, Leon Holman, Dewey Fillis, Allen Olsen, Shirly Madsen
2nd row lf to rt: Jake Johnson, Bob Rasmussen, unk, R W Christensen, Ferd Nelson, Bry Christensen, unk, unk
3rd row lf to rt: unk, Doyle Draper, Don Anderson, Bry Jacobs (white shirt), Fred Rasmussen, Rex Syndergarrd, Arron Jones, Emil Lund, Joe Matson
4th row lf to rt: Jean Brunger, Ruth Christensen (blurred), Leone Larsen, Beth Lund, unk, Leslie Candland, unk, Beth Hansen, unk, unk
Top row lf to rt: Dr Holman, unk, unk, unk Camille Holman, Miriam Candland, unk, unk, Coach Brunger holding Tommie Brunger, LR Christensen, Joseph Matson,
(Sent to us by Lee R. Christensen)

Pioneer Recipes

Starch Cake Granma Peel Oman
(Alice Hafen)

6 egg yolks (7 if small eggs)
1 Cup sugar
3/4 cup potato starch
1/2 tsp baking powder
well beaten egg whites

Mix the egg yolks, sugar and potato starch. Fold in the beaten egg whites.
Bake in 325 degree oven for 1 hour
Sprinkle a little sugar over the top

Potato Starch

When we had left over potatoes in the spring, we'd peel and grate them, and
put them in water and kind of wash them around. The starch would go to the
bottom. Then we would drain the water and put the starch on a sheet to dry
in the sun. And that was our potato starch. Today you can buy potato starch. ???

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mt. Pleasant Brass Band 1869

John Hasler, Director
Daniel Beckstrom................... August Wall
Charlie Hampshire................. Andrew Beckstrom
John Waldermar.....................Peter Syndergaard
James Meiling.........................Andrew Syndergaard
James Hansen.........................Lars Nielsen (Fiddler)
Bent Hansen............................Morten Rasmussen
Loren Hansen..........................Oscar Barton
Jacob Hafen.............................Paul Coates
Aaron Oman............................Ulrich Winkler

Friday, October 17, 2008

Betsy Ross Girls

Also called "Girls Night Out Club".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Early Mt. Pleasant Shoe Makers and Tanners

Because of the need for shoes, one of the most important useful industries was leather tanning. 

A tannery was established by James Porter on the east side of the street, First West between Main and First South, and here with others, John Wallis was employed. Wallis, a professional tanner, also operated a tannery on his lot, Main Street and Third East. He did splendid work and was a great help to the community. 
Later, N. P. Nielsen, usually known as Pete Tanner, set up in a smaller way an establishment on his lot in the western part of the city.

 Still, later, a stock company was organized, for which certificates were issued and stock in the company was sold. This company was located on twin Creek and was later run for a number of years by Emanuel Christensen. 
While there were a number of shoemakers, one of the first shoemakers the community knew was Siginale, who lived and worked inside the fort for many years. With the coming of the leather industry, the need arose for more up-to-date shoemakers, and in due time a company shoe shop was established on the south side of Main, between Main and First West. 

The organizers of this company were Carl G. Bjelke, A.P. Oman, Peter Nielsen, Jacob Hafen, Jens Hendersen, and Job Green. This company was not alone in making of shoes; Peter Andersen and Rasmus Hansen were busily engaged in making wooden shoes which were preferred by many. 

Information is taken from "History of Mt. Pleasant" by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf.