Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Andersen, Annie Brotherson -- -- -- Obituary
It may be of interest to you that Annie and her husband Rasmus were the second owners of the home that is now the RELIC HOME. They bought the home from the William S. Seely family.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Old Cemetery Stone Fountain - Merz

The following are excerpts of from the series "Saga of the Sanpitch" and entitled "The Red Fountain" and written by Louise Johansen.
Adolph and Hyrum Merz, brothers from Switzerland, wanted to do something nice for the community of Mt. Pleasant. So they conceived the idea of a fountain to be placed in the center of the city cemetery. They both had learned the monument trade while living in Switzerland.
They looked around the valley for material to build it with and found some red stone east of the Moroni City Cemetery. A large stone weighing better than a ton was brought to Mt. Pleasant Marble Works by Lewis Johansen. The wagon was driven close to the hill where the stone was rolled onto it with the help of crowbars. Everything from this point had to be done by hand. They placed the stone in the back yard of their monument business establishment and built a shelter over it to keep the hot sun and rain off their heads while they worked. The stone was not hard, but it was very dirty, and consequently it was necessary to sharpen the steel instruments very often.
The fountain was sculpted to represent the stump of a tree with the bark and knots chisled in to resemble real wood for washing hands. The drinking water came from a bronze lizard's mouth in a continual stream and went back into the ground. The washing compartment formed three petal shaped bowls with the center one for washing, the others to enhance the beauty of it. The bowls were made of a separate stone and mortised into the tree stump.
In order to shape this large square stone into a natural looking tree stump and get the shape, length and width they wanted, they had to use a single jack (hammer) and chisel to rough it down to shape, and this required going over it many many times.
At first they used a pointed chisel, and as it smoothed down they used a blade chisel and a seven pound wood mallet. John A. Matson, an employee, assisted them for five months of painstaking hours before their dream was realized. This work was all done free gratis with no cost to anyone except the kind hands who built it.
The fountain was removed from the cemetery when the cemetery was placed under perpetual care in 1965 with new roadways and sprinkling system, but the fountain will never be forgotten. It is now located on the lawn in front of the Relic Home. It stands as a symbol of craftmanship as well as of courage, faith, love and civic pride of the Merz brothers,
Adolph and Hyrum from Switzerland
The following was recorded by Mrs. Louise Hastler: In the autumn of 1869 the governor sent out a notice to the citizens of Sanpete County that a military drill would be held the first week
in November, did requested all soldiers and men that could bear arms to be ready and on hand for a three-day drill. The gathering place would be between Ephraim and Manti. All captains and officers of the Indian War organizations should be represented and also the Military bands . . . .
When this notice was served the brethren wanted to make a good showing and made necessary preparations. John Hastler had arrived in Mt. Pleasant in October and brought with him a full set of musical instruments from Switzerland. Bishop Seeley and the leading brethren engaged him to organize a Brass Band at once. This was affected about the 15th of October, 1869, with John Hastler, James Hansen, Bent Hansen, John Waldermar, Andrew Beckstrom, Daniel Beckstrom. James C. Meiling, August Wall, Aaron Oman, Peter Syndergaard. Andrew Syndergaard, Soren Hansen, Lars Nielsen (Fiddler), Mortin Rasmussen, Jacob Hafen, Ulrich Winkler, Oscar Barton, Charlie Hampshire, and Paul Coates. John Hastler and Olaf Rosenlof were chosen as their leaders. John Hastler distributed the instruments at once.
In three weeks, at the appointed time, they were able and ready to play six or more of our national and popular tunes, which made a good showing for Sanpete County. Their efforts were much praised and appreciated by the visiting staff."
At these drills all the Indian War officers and soldiers wore blue coats trimmed with brass buttons. These coats were homemade, but, in the different communities there were a number of tailors as well as women who came to the various homes and made men's clothing. It is remembered that Mrs. Jepsen Stohl, as well as others, were thus employed.
in November, did requested all soldiers and men that could bear arms to be ready and on hand for a three-day drill. The gathering place would be between Ephraim and Manti. All captains and officers of the Indian War organizations should be represented and also the Military bands . . . .
When this notice was served the brethren wanted to make a good showing and made necessary preparations. John Hastler had arrived in Mt. Pleasant in October and brought with him a full set of musical instruments from Switzerland. Bishop Seeley and the leading brethren engaged him to organize a Brass Band at once. This was affected about the 15th of October, 1869, with John Hastler, James Hansen, Bent Hansen, John Waldermar, Andrew Beckstrom, Daniel Beckstrom. James C. Meiling, August Wall, Aaron Oman, Peter Syndergaard. Andrew Syndergaard, Soren Hansen, Lars Nielsen (Fiddler), Mortin Rasmussen, Jacob Hafen, Ulrich Winkler, Oscar Barton, Charlie Hampshire, and Paul Coates. John Hastler and Olaf Rosenlof were chosen as their leaders. John Hastler distributed the instruments at once.
In three weeks, at the appointed time, they were able and ready to play six or more of our national and popular tunes, which made a good showing for Sanpete County. Their efforts were much praised and appreciated by the visiting staff."
At these drills all the Indian War officers and soldiers wore blue coats trimmed with brass buttons. These coats were homemade, but, in the different communities there were a number of tailors as well as women who came to the various homes and made men's clothing. It is remembered that Mrs. Jepsen Stohl, as well as others, were thus employed.
Friday, August 28, 2009
President Brigham Young's Visit
September 12th, 1868 President Brigham Young and a number of the apostles and elders visited Mount Pleasant. A suitable wagon, drawn by four fine horses, was fitted up and driven by Rasmus Frandsen and Andrew Madsen, taking the Mount Pleasant Brass Band to Fountain Green, where they met the party. Coming back by way of Moroni, they led the procession and furnished the music. James Hansen leading the band, among others who were members were John Waldermar, Daniel Beckstrom, Andrew Beckstrom, Andrew Anderson, Bent Hansen and Mortin Rasmussen.
Andrew Madsen's Journal records: "When we reached Mount Pleasant, the band gave great stress to their music and the chords were clearly sounded. Many people were out to meet the party and were formed in lines extending over three blocks on both sides of Main Street, cheering our leader and his party as they passed between the throng of people. Large arches had been made for them to pass under, many large banners, and a number of smaller ones were displayed, all giving honor to the occasion.
As they neared the home of our Bishop, where the party was first escorted, they were met by the Sunday School children, lead by Superintendent H. P. Miller. They sang that favorite song of the Latter Day Saints, 'We Thank Thee 0 God for a Prophet,' and never before had we heard such beautiful singing. There was meeting in the bowery and almost every soul in the community attended. An enjoyable meeting was held, and the spirit of joy led our souls. The brethren who addressed us, pronounced blessings upon the people. President Young was not feeling very well, being worn out and tired from the trip, and spoke only a very short time. The other principal speakers were Elders Orson Hyde, D. H. Wells, George Q. Cannon, Joseph H. Young and Willford Woodruff. After this enjoyable meeting, they continued through the county, accompanied by our brass band and a mounted guard under George Farnsworth. This was the most interesting visit ever so far made us by the leaders of the Church, we at that time being prepared to meet them." History of Mt. Pleasant, HML pp 126-127
September 12th, 1868 President Brigham Young and a number of the apostles and elders visited Mount Pleasant. A suitable wagon, drawn by four fine horses, was fitted up and driven by Rasmus Frandsen and Andrew Madsen, taking the Mount Pleasant Brass Band to Fountain Green, where they met the party. Coming back by way of Moroni, they led the procession and furnished the music. James Hansen leading the band, among others who were members were John Waldermar, Daniel Beckstrom, Andrew Beckstrom, Andrew Anderson, Bent Hansen and Mortin Rasmussen.
Andrew Madsen's Journal records: "When we reached Mount Pleasant, the band gave great stress to their music and the chords were clearly sounded. Many people were out to meet the party and were formed in lines extending over three blocks on both sides of Main Street, cheering our leader and his party as they passed between the throng of people. Large arches had been made for them to pass under, many large banners, and a number of smaller ones were displayed, all giving honor to the occasion.
As they neared the home of our Bishop, where the party was first escorted, they were met by the Sunday School children, lead by Superintendent H. P. Miller. They sang that favorite song of the Latter Day Saints, 'We Thank Thee 0 God for a Prophet,' and never before had we heard such beautiful singing. There was meeting in the bowery and almost every soul in the community attended. An enjoyable meeting was held, and the spirit of joy led our souls. The brethren who addressed us, pronounced blessings upon the people. President Young was not feeling very well, being worn out and tired from the trip, and spoke only a very short time. The other principal speakers were Elders Orson Hyde, D. H. Wells, George Q. Cannon, Joseph H. Young and Willford Woodruff. After this enjoyable meeting, they continued through the county, accompanied by our brass band and a mounted guard under George Farnsworth. This was the most interesting visit ever so far made us by the leaders of the Church, we at that time being prepared to meet them." History of Mt. Pleasant, HML pp 126-127
Thursday, August 27, 2009
When the building of the Deseret Telegraph Line was in progress, President Brigham Young called a number of young men to learn telegraphy. Anthon H. Lund was among those called; on his return to Mount Pleasant, he built a Telegraph office, and when the Deseret Telegraph Line was extended through the southern settlements, he took position as operator and also conducted a daguerreotype photograph gallery. This place became a popular gathering place for the young people of the community. The telegraph office and photograph gallery was built on the west side of State Street about one-fourth block south between Main and First South. This site was purchased from Andrew Beckstrom by Anthon H. Lund, who paid a large clock in part payment for same. About this time, John Knudsen Sr. also purchased his city lot, giving their choice feather bed in payment. During the past several years, a number of people had made and sold some furniture. Paul Dehlin at this time had installed a large water wheel in the stream on the north side of Main Street between Third and Fourth West, and here he made chairs, tables, cradles, and other necessary furniture. Furniture was also made and sold by James Olson, and perhaps others. p 115-116 History of Mt. Pleasant by HML
Peter Mogensen Monson and Dorothy Mogensen Monsen

Peter Mogensen (Monson)...........Dorothy Mogensen (Monson)
Peter was one of the first group of Pioneers to Mt. Pleasant in 1859.
PETER MOGENSEN, Son of Lars Mogensen and Christine Jensen, was born April 8. 1830, at Rudkjobing Mollemark, on the island of Lang-eland, Denmark; re- moved with his parents to Svendstrup, Sjaelland, where he and his wife and parents were baptized. March 9. 1853; ordained to the Priesthood and presided over the Svendstnip branch about one and one-half years: emigrated to Utah in 1855; participated in the Echo Canyon war; located in Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete Co., as a pioneer settler in 1858, where he took part in the Black Hawk war. Among many positions filled by him there may be mentioned that of watermaster, city councilor, Bishop's counselor, etc. He filled a mission to Scandinavia in 1897-98. laboring in the Copenhagen conference, most of the time as president of the Copenhagen branch.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Headstones, Sanpete County, Utah
Sebastian Zabriskie is photographing headstones at our Mt. Pleasant Cemetery for his Eagle Scout Award. What a great young man he is. And this endeavor is much appreciated. The task is not yet complete but I'm sure he will continue working on it until it is done. The link below will take you to the genweb site where this work can be found:
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Headstones, Sanpete County, Utah
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Headstones, Sanpete County, Utah
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Seymour Olsen in front of his Parents Home
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
BOBBED HAIR AND SHORT SKIRTS - - - - -a reading by Hilda

We, the old-fashioned long-haired, long skirted women of the modestly dressed school must confess there are times when we do admire and envy our beautifully marceled, well trimmed, brillianteened sisters of the bobbed hair and knee length skirt, and we do fight the temptation to "go and do likewise." And become one of the great masses. We assure you it does take a great deal of will power to say, "Get thou behind me Satan".
You will acknowledge it takes a more than ordinary strength to come before so many bobbed heads to tell you of your mistake and sins and to defend our long hair and skirts. But thanks to the teachings of our early innocent childhood when we were taught in school and in Sunday School a verse something like this, "Sin is a monster to be hated, needs to be seen, but seen too often, we first endure, then pity, then embrace.
Friends, we may well compare that sin, to the sins of the world, to the sins of the short skirt and the bobbed hair today, and are we not advised from the pulpit to "keep ourselves unspotted from the sins of the world?"
We have often heard the bobbed hairdo epidemic defended with the illusion that it makes one look younger. are we not taught to honor and respect old age? Is it honest to look like something you are not? Is it honest to deliberately act out a lie?
Only a short time ago, a certain Mt. Pleasant man; (you all know to whom I refer, but we shall call him Bob) was taken to a hospital in Salt Lake City, all on account of something that wasn't. He saw at a distance what he thought was a young chicken. He hopped into his automobile and when he overtook the object, he found that it was an old hen and that she was his mother-in-law at that. The result of the meeting was his trip to the hospital. One day while there, there was a knock at the door.
The lady sitting by his bedside, who by the way had her hair, bobbed the day before, stepped into the hall and there she saw a sweet young creature with a boyish bob and a short pantilooned skirt that asked to see Bob. Said the first lady to the younger, "May I ask who you are as we do not allow all visitors." "I am his sister." "Oh, said the other, I am glad to know you, I am his mother." Think of that, mother and daughter not knowing each other, not knowing the members of their own family, all on account of looking like what you are not, with bobbed hair and short skirts.
The bobbed hair is robbing the women of today of motherly love, of that sacrificing spirit that has made motherhood so hallowed. Compare the long hairdo mother of yesterday with the short hairdo mother of today, for instance. A few days ago a schoolboy asked his patient, red faced, perspiring father, who was busy preparing the midday meal, for some money with which to buy a belt. The poor father sadly replied: "Son, never before have I refused you any of the necessities of life, but since Ma bobbed her hair, it is all I can do to keep her on speaking terms with the barber and the marcellor and attend to the housework. And friends, that poor boy, that son and heir, that representative of the future generation, say perhaps the future mayor of Mt. Pleasant, was forced to go without a belt. And we all know how necessary a belt is to a pair of trousers. Think what might have happened.
Now there is an example of following the styles. There was a time when men were blessed with gallowses,then fashion said suspenders. Soon they discarded them and left only a belt. And, Oh what agony the men's belt has caused.
We ladies used to have petticoats, underwear and hose supporters. Gone are the petticoats, fast going is the underwear and we roll our hose. We used to wear sweeping long skirts, sometimes with a graceful train. Then they gave us the ankle length, then the eight inch from the ground, then knees and above. Ah, can you not see the inmodesty, the brazenness, and the trickery of it. i warn you. Stop your sinful style-following ways, or yhou, like the men, will only have a belt left.
Already a man who often occupies the pulpit, and whose wife is a Relief Society worker has written this verse: Mary had a little skirt, 'twas the latest styles no doubt. But every time Mary got outside, she was more than halfway out."
Recently I noticed an ad in a journal to the effect that with the short skirts now in vogue, the hose must match the complexion of the jewelry. And after reading that I stepped into J.C. Penney to see the effect it had had. And there, my friends, I saw old women, young women, grandmothers and stepmothers if you please, clambering to be waited on. One dear old lady was in tears, because they had told her the freckled hose had not arrived. A grandmother rushed in to match some purple beads. Had their skirts been long andmodest, like mine, they could have worn any kind of hose, and avoided that grief and worry.
A few days ago, I saw a North Ward Relief Society Teacher in tears. I asked her the cause and she replied, "Lost,yesterday, somewhere between Bart's and Slim's Barber Shops, two golden braids, each set with sixty golden hairs, now reward is offered for they are gone forever." She like so many poor bobbed hairdo women here today, was forced to wear her hat or stay at home. Oh, could they only have had a 10-day free trial, could they only have seen the effects of before and after.
The bible tells us, that in bible days, men wore long hair and flowing beards. What have they done? They have cut it off. They have shaved them off, until what do we have now? In Mt. Pleasant alone there are so many bald or almost bald headed men.
Oh, what is the world coming to when women, who's doting mothers gave them saint-like names will brazenly parade the streets with bobbed hair and short skirts and unblushingly show their shapely or unshapely calves, I mean limbs?
In last week's Pyramid there was the followning verse; Henry Snmith is dead, we loved him so, just what caused it, we did not know, until they cut him open, and there they found, short marcelled hairs, floating round and round. Reason tells us, had they been long hairs, they never would have gotten there, for Henry would have seen them, and taken them out of his gravy, pudding, or pie and saved his life before he died.
A short time ago, as I was walking through the cemetery, I saw a mound all heaped up with Job's Tears, Love in the mists, Bleeding hearts, and For-get-me-knots. And I thought there has been a great loss. I stepped nearer and read the inscription. "Here lies Randy Lee, the wife of Gus. She bobbed her hair and it ended thus." now think of it. She might have lived forever had she listened to the dictates or that still small voice and the advice of her husband. On a little father in the same cemetery, I heard a man weeping. I went near him to console him, he turned to me with a knowing light in his eye and said, and "Here lies the body of my bobbed-haired wife. Tears cannot bring her back to life. Therefore, I weep."
I was told that a husband, who had not kissed his wife for more than twenty years, did so, after she was bobbed. The examiners for mental trouble, pronounced him incurable.
One could go on and on and tell of the sins and sorrows that bobbed hair and the short skirs have caused on the earth. Hee the warning, we are all preparing to be angels bye and bye. Have you ever seen an angel or the picture of an agel with bobbed hair and short skirts? No, they all have flowing robes. Let me plead with you as you are as you shall be. As you sow, so shall you reap. With all the proofs we have offered, with all the sadness that has been caused and all the calamities now existing, how can you unblushingly accept the bobbed hair and the economical short skirt?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
When You Come to Visit, don't forget to tie up your horse to our "hitchin' post".
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Anderson, C. W. Obituary (from Hilda's Scrapbook)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
PRESERVING THE PAST (author unknown)

Who is this little girl?
What happened on this day?
Did she grow up to be a mom?
No one can truly say.
How proud and glad I'm sure she'd be
To see herself this way.
But through neglected and lack of care,
Her joy is lost today.
Stored in a box and put away,
Forgotten there so long ago - -
Along with letters, flowers and cards,
And other faces we don't know.
Such a pretty little picture,
And its condition is quite good - -
But no one ever kept it in
The place they really should.
So when I found her photo there,
It made me sad to see,
For all her youthful days on earth
Were lost to history.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Historic Letter Found at the Relic Home

A letter written by Mrs. L. Ransam to Hilda,
Mrs. Hilda Madsen, sec. Mt. Pleasant H. S.
Dear Madam, in answer to yours of Mar the 11, I will say the chest I have in my posession is at Thatcher Idaho. It was owned by my parents, Seth and Lovina Dodge. The boards was sawed from one of the first logs at the mill owned by Dove Potter and Matt Hamilton at Mt Pleasant in the year 1853. The size is about 3 feet in length and 18 or 20 inches deep. It is dovetailed together, has a till at one end. It has been in use ever since it was made and is in fairly good condition. The hinges are worn and one broke. My parents lived at the place at that time.(Hambleton). But the Indians drove them off that summer taking all their stock and came back that night and burned their houses and out buildings with their pigs and chickens in them. O.M. Allen was the man that was sent from Manti together with a guard to bring them settlers to Manti, taking them down in th night.
I was born in Manti, May the 20th, 1853. My mother went from Mt. Pleasant saw mill to Manti to my father's brothers, Augusty Dodge for her encouchment and had returned but a short time before the Indians made the raide and took every hoof of stock they owned.
I left the chest with my niece at Thatcher, Ida when I moved to Oregon and if the society wishes it, they can get it. We have several other articles in the family made from the same tree; one a bread board which my mother used all her life, which I prize very highly.
I think my father's brother Zenos Dodge is alive yet, whose horse was shot from under him while trying to save the stock at the time the Indians made the raid. I think he could give you more information than I could about a good many things if he still lives. I will get his address. Hoping you will get what information you desire.
Yours truly,
Mrs. L. Ransom
P.S. any other information I can give you, I will be pleased to do so. MLR
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Remember When - - -There Were Pheasants In the Valley?
Left to Right: Alvin Christensen, Bert Hafen, ?,?, Tommy Syndergaard, Floyd Syndergaard, Mont Olsen, John Maxwell, Neil Hafen (cut off)
Alice Hafen's Photos From the Past
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Identity Found - - - Thank You Anonymous !
Magnus Gustavus Rolph, Harvy Tidwell, Chas Mills, Alan Mills, Henry Mills, James Jesson
Now can you tell us the order; left to right, front and back?