Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nathan Staker Residence

J. Willard Mariott Digital Collection

This home stood on the property where the "old" Sanpete Valley L.D.S.Hospital was built (back in the lot) on State Street and about 365 North. It was torn down to build the then "new" hospital. It was surrounded by apple trees planted by Nathan Staker. Nathan was our Pioneer of the Month in
May of this year. You can find his biography here:

Theatre and Dance Hall Above the ZCMI Store

When the Mt. Pleasant ZCMI was discontinued in 1898, Madsen and Anderson continued to operate the theatre and dance hall on the second floor of the brick building, and here the public witnessed Shakespearean plays by John S. Lindsay and Company, also other high class companies, home dramatics, etc., as well as the C. C. A. Christensen's panoramas, minstrel shows, sleight of hand performances, hypnotism, etc., and many heated political rallies, setting forth free trade, tariff on wool, etc.
The scenery for the hall was painted by C. C. A. Christensen, a very popular artist. Music for the dances was mostly furnished by the Peter Almertz orchestra, consisting of John Waldermar, Rebecca Beckstrom, Bent Hansen, and others. Brigham Lee was floor manager and prompter. The east room of the building was used as the city council headquarters. On top of the building had been arranged seats, and at daybreak on holidays the Brass Band assembled; their music could be clearly heard in the distance, as the stars and stripes were unfurled. It had been common for the band, in their band wagon, to serenade the city, and they were usually treated with plenty of home-made beer and refreshments. taken from History of Mt. Pleasant by HML p. 173

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More labels for post below

Each post can only include 200 characters in the label list. We don't want to leave anyone (name) eligible for pensions in the Indian Wars. Here are more names for the label or surname list. See the post below for more details.


An act to pension the survivors of certain Indian Wars from
January 1, 1859, to 1891 was approved March 4, 1917. Coming at this late date the majority of those who had served in the early days had passed away. The following named are those who at that time proved up in Mt. Pleasant: Martin Aldrich, Claus An­derson, C. W. Anderson, Rasmus Anderson, Oscar Barton, Rudolph Bennett, Andrew Beckstrom, Martin Bohne, Martin Brother­son, Joseph Burton, John Carlson, James Christensen, Robert Elertson, Rasmus Frandsen, James Hendricksen, Neils Johansen, Andrew Jensen, Sophus Johnson, John Knudsen, Brigham Lee, Peter Monsen, Bennett Monk, James Olson, Ole Arlson, Olof Rosenlof, Conderset Rowe, Hyrum Seely, John H. Seely, William Seely, Olof Sorensen, John Waldermar, August Wall, Thomas Wrest, Hazzard Wilcox, Alma White, Joseph Wise, Oscar Ander­son, Wesley Bills, Joseph Coates, Henry Ericksen, Peter N. Jensen, Peter Rasmussen, Joseph N. Seely, Andrew Rolph, S. A. Barton, Edmond C. Johnson, William Olson. The last four named are living in Mt. Pleasant, in 1939, as are the widows of Martin Aldrich, Joseph Burton, Sophus Johnson, Oscar Barton, Hazzard Wilcox, John Carlson, Peter M. Jensen, Oscar Anderson and A. G. Omen. Taken from History of Mt. Pleasant p 139 by HML

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Isaac Allred -- -- --First Man Killed in Mt. Pleasant

He was killed by Thomas Ivie who assailed him over a trivial matter and beat him with a burning stick from the camp fire on May 11, 1859. He died the next day. The difficulty arose over some sheep which Brother Allred had in charge and which belonged to Thomas Ivie. His murderer was tried and condemned to death, but he managed to escape and went east. President Young prophesied that Thomas Ivie would apostatize from the Church and that buzzards would pick his bones. His prediction was literally fulfilled, as the remains of Mr. Ivie were subsequently found in a corn field nearly devoured by buzzards.

Earthquake - November 13, 1901 News Accounts

There Were Two Perceptible Shocks But No Damage

Mt. Pleasant, Nov. 14--This city was given a severe jolting last evening by the earthquake. No damage was done, but many citizens were badly scared as it is the first one to visit this section in many years. The tremor lasted fully ten seconds and was so severe that upper stories of buildings rocked and swayed very perceptibly. About ten minutes after the first shock a second one of a more lengthy, shivering nature, passed over the town, lasting for about twenty seconds. There was no distinct shock to this one, but the trembling was very plainly felt.

Weather Director L. H. Murdoch Tells Of Phenomena Witnessed During The Recent Earthquake In Southern Utah--
Rocks On Mountains Shattered By Electricity Or Seismic Disturbance

Weather Director L. H. Murdoch of the local weather office returned Saturday afternoon, from his trip to Manti where he inspected the local voluntary observation station. He brought back with him news of features connected with the late earthquake in Piute and Sevier counties, particularly, which are highly sensational and out of the usual run of seismic disturbances in this section. Mr. Murdoch learned that during the occurrence of the earthquake there were electrical displays all along the ridges and crests of the mountains, in the shape of flashes of light suggestive of aurora borealis displays, the phenomenon continuing while the terrestrial disturbances were in operation. The electricity shot up into the air in great sheets, which though not very vivid, were bright enough to attract attention.
Moreover Mr. Murdoch learned that rocks along the tops of the ridges and crests of the mountains had been not only dislodged, but torn and shattered either by the force of the earthquake, or by electricity, or both. He found the people of Sanpete, Sevier and Piute counties still very much frightened over the recent occurrence and scarcely knowing what was to come next.
[Deseret Evening News; November 18, 1901]


Tremors Made Bottle Dance and Terrified Citizens

Ephraim, Nov. 14--A very severe earthquake shock was felt in this city last night. The shock commenced at just 9:40, and lasted about thirty seconds, but some of the scared citizens thought it lasted that many minutes. At H. P. Larsen's drug store and at the saloons it made the bottles on the shelves dance a jig. People in the drug store were afraid the house was coming down and ran for the street for safety. No damage resulted from the shock.
Earthquake In Southern Utah Scared Them
Threw Hands Into the Deck and Sent Up Earnest Supplication--Then Resumed the Game

James Long, superintendent of the June Bug group of mining properties in the Gold mountain country, is in Salt Lake. Mr. Long was at Kimberley a few days ago when the earthquake occurred. "That was the real center of the disturbance," said he yesterday, and it was no laughing matter, either. The first and severest shock was at 9:30 in the evening, and there were a number of smaller ones during the night. It was a regular upheaval, and had the houses been of brick they could not have stood. I was playing hearts with two others in the back room of a saloon at the time. The game was adjourned and we all ran out. I admit I ran, and I ran hard. I would have run farther, but I did not know where to run to. I am told on good authority that four men were engaged in a poker game at the time at Monroe, and that the meeting was at once resolved into the most enthusiastic prayer meeting ever held in southern Utah. Later they resumed the game."
[Salt Lake Tribune; November 18, 1901]

To read all accounts:

Bent Hansen Lumber

In 1883, Bent Hansen & Sons opened a planing mill on the north side of Main Street between Second and Third West. At about the same time, J. B. Staker and Ephraim Hansen also operated a similar mill west on Second North between State and First West. George and Joseph Frandsen were later among the prominent lumber dealers.
P.161 History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf

Friday, September 25, 2009

Unknown 29

She could be a young Hilda ???

Scrapbooking in the Early 1900s

One of the favorite pastimes of young ladies in the early 1900s must have been to collect fancy artwork from cigar and candy boxes or calendars and put them in a scrapbook. Here are three darling examples from the scrapbook of Maggie Ericksen Peel. Carrie Nielsen also collected postcards and valentines. We have already shown some of her collection. We'll show more of hers at a later time.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our RELIC HOME Owes a Big "Thank You" to Tudy Standlee

Tudy Standlee has put in hundreds of hours organizing and displaying the thousands of photos at the Mt. Pleasant Relic Home. She has a natural talent for recognizing and identifying photos, as well as organizing them in a sensible, understandable way, where patrons can find their ancestors, within minutes of arriving. She has also put together a manual for all hosts and hostesses, that makes everyone aware of where things are stored and exhibited. The many histories the Relic Home has to offer have also been organized by Tudy.

Tudy is a native of Mt. Pleasant. She grew up here and graduated from Wasatch Academy. She is married to Wayne Standlee and they now live in Tudy's family home on Main Street. The home has been in her family for 6 generations. Her parents are the late Hugh and Ruth Barentsen. She loves history and is an avid genealogist. She also loves helping other families with their histories. Wayne has also helped with the picture project as well. He is a retired building contractor and native of Idaho.

We encourage everyone researching lines that originate or have lived here in Mt. Pleasant to come visit our Relic Home and see what we have to offer.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Waldemar Story

John and Eliza Waldemar

During the seventies John Waldermar had a butcher shop in a log building opposite the Sanpete County Co-op, where Henry Ericksen and A. B. Waldermar were the clerks. Among the meat dealers a little later were Mike Jorgensen and Taylor Armentrout. A joke well remembered was a wager a young man made at that time that he could, blind-folded, hit a mark with cleaver on a chopping block in Armentrout's Shop. He was blindfolded and as he raised his arm to strike, M. G. Rolph slipped the young man's hat on the mark; the man struck and cut his own brand new derby right in two. This caused quite an excitement at the time, but Rolph had to furnish a new hat. p. 328 Mt. Pleasant History by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf


By L. P. Nelson, 1927

On account of the natural thrift of the nationalities which settled in Mt. Pleasant, they were in a position to proceed with industrial activities. They were people who were more or less accustomed to labor, people who knew how to work, people who were not ashamed to work; they were naturally thrifty and industrious.

An industry of importance was that of leather tanning. An establishment for this purpose was put up and run by Jim Porter. John Wallis was employed as a currier, preparing the hides for the vats.

Soon after this, the people saw fit to build a larger tannery. A stock company was organized and certificates of stock were issued and a very up-to-date tannery was built. This tannery was operated and run by Emanuel Christensen. Black Balsom and Red Pine Bark was then to be had in abundance in the mouth of our canyons just above the city, and this was used exclusively for tanning purposes. It was ground up and put into large vats, where the hides were placed while in course of preparation. From the finished leathers, a number of shoemakers were busily engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes, and soon a company shoe shop was established.

Perry McArthur owned the first horse threshing machine. This was where the horses kept on walking about and never got anywhere, and was a stationary machine where wheat was hauled for the threshing. A little later on a threshing machine of superior quality, owned by the late Charles Washington Averett, was brought to the city from Springville. This machine was also run by horse-power.

(excerpts from History of Mt. Pleasant, by Hilda Madsen Longdorf)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do They Miss Me At Home?

This is one of Mary Margaret Farquhar Cruickshank Morrison Poems. She joined the LDS Church in Scotland and came to the United States with her husband, William; knowing she would never be able to return to her homeland and parents again.

Do they miss me at home, do they miss me?
It would be an assurance most dear
To know at this moment, some loved ones
Were saying, "I wish she were here."
To know that the group at the fireside
Were thinking of me as I roam.
Oh Yes t'would be a joy beyond measure
To know that they miss me at home.

When the twilight approaches the season
That ever is sacred to song
Does someone repeat my name over
And say that I tarry too long.
Or is there a chord in the music
That is missed when my voice away.

1874 Relief Society Minutes

Thanks to Beverly Anderson Olsen, we now can share with you the Minutes of the Female Relief Society of 1874 and beyond.  Beverly told us that these were in her mother's things.  Her mother was Leota Anderson. 

The picture of this original 1923 South Ward Sunday School Class also came from Beverley's parents, Lewis and Leota Anderson. 

The Relief Society President was Mary Margaret Forquhar Cruickshank Morrison.  Her Counselor was Christiana Folkman Peel.  There were several Secretaries during this time period beginning with  an E. Wallis.  Later, Hilda Dehlin becomes the Secretary. 

The meetings back then, were held at Social Hall.
Female Relief Society
Minute Book
Mount Pleasant

Meeting held in  Social Hall February 9th 1874.  Opened with singing and prayer by Sister Hemmet.
Sister Morrison exhorted the sisters to be diligent and especially them that have young girls to try and teach them to be virtuous and wise; said a little amusement is good, too much is dangerous, instill into their minds true principles, let them dress becomingly.  The Visiting Committee that went around gave satisfactory reports.

Several of the Danish Sisters bore their testimony in thier own tongue, good spirit prevailed.  Sister Morrison made some lengthey (sp) remarks on different subjects to cooperation and polygamy.  She hoped the sisters will teach these principles as they visit the houses, but don't cram it as it is were; treat everybody kind.  Have the spirit of God with you and that will teach you what to do and say.

Wants that the old and feeble should be taken care of.  It was moved and carried that Sister Poulson's children should have some schooling.  Pay Flowers.  Sister Merrick should have a petticoat and Mother Walker have what we can get for her. 

Sisters Peel and Johnson, (Albine) were received as teacher of the Visiting Committee, also Sophia Stanfill as a member of the same.

Sister Tregore wants to have her child, 12 years of age, to this place through the assistance of the F.R. Society.

Sister Peel explained to the Danish Sisters what had been said by Sister Morrison.  Sister Simpson bore her testimony.  She feels thankful for the privelege we have and said we ought to treasure up all the good things we hear from time to time and let us be wise mothers in Israel. 

Closed by singing and prayer by Sister C. Jensen.
M.F. Morrison, President
E. Wallis,  Secretary

The english used is sometimes broken and misspelled.  Sometimes I correct it and sometimes I don't.  I need to be consistant and will come up with a solution later.  Sometimes my own english is not too good.  Kathy

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lars Larsen - 1849

On the back: Lars Halson Larson
Aug 1849- 1864
Mt. Pleasant 1864


By Calvin Christensen, 1934

Sweets and other necessities in early days could not be purchased in Mt. Pleasant, therefore they had to be produced.

A molasses mill was imported by Abraham Day in 1863. This mill was first operated on the Day lot. Later it was moved to what was known as the old Peel lot, southwest corner, Fourth West and Third South. Later Niels Widergren Anderson imported a later, up-to-date model which was placed in the old Tannery lot, Sixth South and Third West. For some time it was run by Weaver Niels Johansen and Andrew Christensen, who later purchased it.

In 1878 a mill was bought by Jacob Christensen, and was located at Sixth South and First West.

In 1914, Peter Y. Jensen, Joseph Christensen, my brother, and I raised some sorghum cane and the old mill was set up on our farm south of Mt. Pleasant, and we produced some 200 gallons of fine molasses.

The changes in the seasons, and the early frosts finally closed the molasses mill. The cookers on the mill were Weaver Niels Johansen, John Knudsen, John Romero, Ed Dalley, Rasmus Rasmussen, Teacher Niels Johansen, Andrew Christensen Sr., Andrew Christensen Jr., and Niels Trogoon Syndergaard. The last years the mill was operated the cookers were Teacher Niels Johansen and Nephi Christensen, and possibly others.

The juice was pressed out of the cane between the rollers and was taken to the boilers. The new juice was a sea green color. The boilers were about three feet by fourteen feet and about a foot deep, and divided into four sections. They had a sheet metal bottom. A good fire was kept under the boilers. The hottest fire was under the larger or first boiler. Here the juice was cooked down. It was then transferred to the next boiler, where it received more cooking.

When the molasses was cooked, it would drop from the ladle in white drops. The mill owner would receive one-third for his work. The community would raise about 1000 gallons or more each year. The price was then $1.00 a gallon.

Sorghum cane grows like corn, in bunches of two to six stalks When ripe, the leaves are knocked off with sticks. Then the top cut off with a knife, and the stalks cut and hauled to the mill Here it is piled like cord wood.

Most families had their own cane patch. The cane raised in town, where it was watered every week, had lots of juice, but required more cooking and did not make as good molasses as the cane raised on the East Bench, along Twin Creek, where it did not get watered very often.

The cane is sweet, and when the boys and girl came to the mill they would take the cane and twist a joint and suck out the sweet juice. Others would peel the outside skin off and chew the pulp. The cane, after it had gone through the press, was called pumy. Cattle liked the pumy and were a nuisance, as they hung around so much. In the winter they would be there as long as there was any pumy left.

The juice was skimmed over and over. The skimmings from the first two boilers was poured out on one side of the boiler. The boys would make a small trench and run this skimmings into a pit. When the pit was full they would cover the top with pumy. Then they would get some new boy or girl and lead them around the pit till they went in. The pit was then carefully covered again for the next victim.

The skimmings from the last boiler was used for candy mak¬ing. Scores of boys and girls would be there every night and build a fire to cook skimmings on. Some of the boys would feed the mill for hours to get skimmings. Others would bring a little corn for the horse or do some other favor. Many a rick of tanning bark was used to make candy.

The boys would lie on the ground around the boilers till the cooker could hardly feed the fire. Often the boys would stay all night. When they were sleepy they would burrow into the pumy pile, which was a warm place in which to sleep.

When John Jorgensen was about twelve years old, he let his hand follow the cane into the mill. He screamed for help. My great grandfather stopped the horse and turned the mill back-wards till young Jorgensen could get his hand out. Jorgensen lost three fingers and part of the fourth finger.

When Niels Christensen was a boy feeding the press, he put too much cane in and the horse kept on going and pulled the press off the posts. Niels jumped just in time. The mill fell on his heels. The press weighs over nine hundred pounds.

Grandfather Christensen told me on cold morning he put a pan under the spout of the barrel and went to do his chores while the pan was filling. After the chores were done he hitched his horses and went to Fairview. He then remembered his molasses barrel, and went with all speed possible. Imagine his amazement when he found the pan was just filled up, and none wasted.

Taken from History of Mt. Pleasant - Hilda Madsen Longsdorf  pp:287-289

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rasmus Rasmussen

On the back: Uncle of L.C. Rasmussen. Wife is Stena

History of Wasatch Academy

written by W. K. Throndson in 1939
and taken from "History of Mt. Pleasant" by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf

"In the spring of 1875, a young minister, Duncan J. McMillan. came to Mt. "Pleasant in search of health and with a longing to be of some service to his fellows. Learning from some of the local citizens that they desired educational advantages for their children, and having had several years experience in the teaching field, he entered into an agreement with them to purchase what was known as the Liberal Dance Hall, a building which still is standing on Main Street and which is now occupied by the Masonic Order. The first session was held on April 19th of that year, and before the term ended that spring, the attendance had reached well over the hundred mark. The Academy went through the usual vicissitudes of the "growing up" process. At one time it appeared that the school was doomed to cease operations because of lack of funds, but through a providential gift from a missionary society in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the work was enabled to go on.

In 1880, the school was taken over by the Board of Home Missions .of the Presbyterian church and has been under the control of that body since that date.
Of course in the beginning years, the scholastic offerings were restricted to the lower grades. The first high school class was graduated in 1887 and consisted of two members. There were no further graduates until 1895, when one student was graduated. Classes have been graduated each succeeding year, with the exception of 1900 and 1919. It was in this latter year that the local influenza epidemic made it impossible to continue after the first few weeks in the fall.

In 1888, the building on Main Street proved to be too small for efficient work, so a group of Mt. Pleasant business men subscribed the sum of $2,000.00 to help complete a new structure which was located on the site of the present Administration Hall. The old Sanpete County Co-op was the largest single subscriber to this fund.
Popular demand soon brought about the establishment of the boarding department and by 1896, we find that there were twenty four boarding pupils enrolled. The boys lived in the school building and the girls resided in a home a block distant, their home occupying the corner where the Conoco service station is now located southeast corner Main and First West.
In 1901, the music department was added to the curriculum and has continued to be one of the most popular departments up to the present time.

Mr. Ernest Patterson, formerly principal of the Henry Kendall CoIlege of Muskogee, Oklahoma, became principal in 1905, and remained in that position until 1908, when he was succeeded by Walter McKirahan, who later became Dean of Westminster CoIlege in Salt Lake City. During the latter's administration, the Academy Administration Hall was enlarged and remodeled.
Charles Lee Johns was appointed to the principal-ship in 1911. During his tenure, much of the present property was secured, a number of new buildings were erected, and the Administration Hall was again enlarged. The brick schoolhouse and grounds, east of Simpson's, the Albert Peterson residence, and. "Lincoln Hall" were purchased during this period, making the school pro¬perty equivalent to almost a city block.
In 1912, a similar school in Springville, Utah, known as "Hungerford Academy" was closed and consolidated with Wasatch. Much of the equipment from that institution was brought to the Mt. Pleasant plant.
The first important dormitory, "Finks Memorial Hall" for girls, was erected in 1913 by volunteer gifts from all parts of the nation. During the same year, the commercial and home economics departments were added. The next year, the manual training courses were offered for the first time.
Mrs. Charles F. Darlington, of New York City, long a friend of the school, gave funds in 1916, for the first boys' dormitory. The building was named "Charles F. Darlington, Jr. Dormitory" in honor of her young grandson. In 1917, the gymnasium corner was purchased, as well as a small cottage from a Mr. Johansen. By these purchases, the holdings now included one and one-half city blocks of valuable property in the heart of the city.
The "Frances Thompson Memorial Infirmary" was built in 1921, by church friends of Passaic, New Jersey. A year later, the "Johns Gymnasium" was erected, being named for the principal who was so active in its construction. The following year, the "Olivia Sage Memorial Hall" was built, funds being provided from the estate of the wife of the internationally famous philanthropist.
Mr. Johns resigned in 1924, and his position was assumed by W. K. Throndson, who is still superintendent at the time of this writing.

In 1929, the "Duncan J. McMillan Memorial Hall" was built to house a number of the teachers and to serve as a home for the superintendent.
On April 4, 1933, the Administration Hall was destroyed by fire. Classes were housed temporarily for the remainder of the year, and as no building funds were available at the time, the enrollment was restricted during the following year, and Darlington Hall was converted into temporary classrooms. During that period of financial depression, it was even thought in some quar¬ters that it might be necessary to close the Academy, but in the spring of 1934, it was learned that building funds had been made available through the estate of Miss Alice Craighead, of Washington, D. C. Miss Craighead's father was a friend of Dr. McMillan and she had listened as a girl to his tales of his work in Utah. Her will therefore listed the Academy as one of the schools where the Board of National Missions might spend the gift which she left to it. During the summer of 1934, the Craighead Industrial Hall was built to house the manual arts and homemaking de¬partments, and late that summer, excavation was begun on the Craighead Administration Hall. The Industrial Hall was occupied at the opening of school in 1934, and the Administration Hall in February of 1935.
In the spring of 1934, the Board decided to close its boarding and day school for girls at Logan, Utah, and consolidated that institution with Wasatch. Technically, the local school is now called Wasatch-Logan. Miss Margery E. Frink, for many years principal of Logan Academy, was brought to Mt. Pleasant as Dean of Girls, a position which she still holds.

Seeing the need of additional space, the school purchased the Clemensen home, north of the Administration Hall, in 1928, and the Barnett home in 1935. During the summer of 1938, both of these buildings were razed to make possible the erection of a fine new dormitory for girls. Funds for this building were also pro¬vided from the Craighead estate.
The last addition to the Academy property was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Seely, which was purchased in 1938 to serve as a residence for the principal. The Academy now owns approximately two city blocks in the heart of Mt. Pleasant. (1939)
The Administration building of the Wasatch Academy was destroyed by fire in April 1933.

At the present time, the school has a staff of twenty-four members and a student body gathered from ten of the intermountain states. There are accommodations in the boarding department for slightly over 160 pupils equally divided as to boys and girls. The day enrollment exceeds eighty students, making a total enrol¬ment of approximately 250. In line with the policy of the Boar; controlling the Academy, the enrollment will be held at that level unless the Board sees fit to make a special ruling and provide for an increased capacity."

In the Year 2009, Wasatch Academy now owns 43 private residences and has acquired much more property.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Another of Alice's Class Reunions

This is another of Alice Hafen's Class Reunion pictures. This one was taken with the spouses, and it was held at Snow College. I am not going to try to identify these people by name as there are too many. Alice's eyes are going bad and it is hard for her to recognize everyone. If you are familiar with anyone and can help identify them, please do.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mt. Pleasant Relic Home As A Family Research Center!!!

Mr. and Mrs John Waldemar

For many years the Mt. Pleasant Rellic Home has been  seen as a  place where relics from pioneer times are housed.  This is correct.  However,  most recently, the public has shown more and more interest in the Relic Home as a family research facility.   This was one of the main goals of the original board members of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Society; to preserve history as well as artifacts.  Within our collection we have hundreds of family group sheets which were begun by the first descendants of the original pioneers.  These family group sheets were entered into a giant ledger which is approx. 18'' by 36'' . 
                                                See image  below (just one half page)

The first recordings were started in the year 1909, which is  the same year the Pioneer Monument was erected in front of the Carnegie Library and the original Pioneer Historical Society was formed. This was all a part of the 50 year celebration of the pioneer settlement in Mt. Pleasant.

The picture above is just one half of a family group sheet. Family histories are also abundant within the walls of the Relic Home.    These histories are in the form of family books as well as  individual histories in folders.  Photos of those original pioneers as well as  following generations also adorn the walls of the Relic Home.
We have a photo copy machine on site so that anyone wanting copies can get them.

 It is a delight for many who come to visit and find, very unexpectedly, histories and photos that they never knew existed before. 

Because we are a small home and space is limited, we have been encouraging the donation of histories rather than artifacts. However, we still accept artifacts that are truly unique; something that we don't already have.
Simpson Family 

With modern technology via the internet, we can share histories and photos with others around the world.  We have developed this blog with more specialized links such as Hamilton School Photos and Mt. Pleasant Tombstones.  There are also links to the David R. Gunderson Collection, Lee R. Christensen Collection, Alice Hafen's Photos From the Past and Hilda's Scrapbook. The links to these specialzed pages can be found listed under our header above.  We encourage everyone to check in daily to find something new.  We keep our content diverse so that there will be something for everyone.  Even scrapbookers will find some of our victorian pictures and postcards a treasure that they can use in their own scrapbooking.  We encourage the sharing of these materials in their original form as we believe our Pioneers would have us do.  Anyone wanting to donate to our cause can do so at the Relic Home or contacting us at .

We would love to hear your comments and also help you share  or discover YOUR FAMILY HISTORY !!!!



The tag on this basket says: Basket made by Mrs. Crane's Father, out of native willows and owned by Mrs. Crane.

Basket weaving became quite an art in pioneer days. The following types were made: market baskets, clothes baskets, sewing baskets, hay and chaff baskets. No yard was considered complete without a basket.
These were made from willow saplings gathered in early spring and worked up while they were tough and still pliable If gathered later in the season, soaking in water for several days would be necessary. Yard baskets were made from willows in the rustic or unpeeled state. While the finer baskets, used for marketing or home use, were made from peeled willows, and for fancy light baskets and trimmings the willows were split in two.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

CURRENT !!! Lightning Storm - Burns Down Top Flight Academy

Lightning burns Mt. Pleasant school
By Bruce Mehew

Published on September 15, 2009 at 07:05AM
Mid-Utah Radio

(MT. PLEASANT) – A lightning strike burned down a small Mt. Pleasant school Monday afternoon. Reports say that at about 1pm, the lightning hit and tore through the roof of the Top Flight Academy, a school for troubled boys. A dozen staff and boys were in the building at the time of the incident when the two-story structure caught fire during a heavy downpour on Monday. Everyone in the building were able to get out before the structure burned to the ground. The owner of the building, Cindi Sainsbury, said the lightning shook the whole building and exploded a four-square foot cavity in the roof, which collapsed the roof and gutted the entire building. About a dozen firefighters from two agencies battled the blaze. The staff and boys will be staying temporarily in a nearby building until more permanent arrangements can be made. The academy is a licensed therapeutic residential treatment center for boys 12 to 17.

N.S. Nielsen - Builder and Financier, Honored On His Anniversary

click to enlarge
Taken from Hilda's Scrapbook

The first few paragraphs are a little hard to read. Give it a try. We will have more on him another day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Early Schools of Mt. Pleasant


From-Andrew Madsen's Journal

"The first school in Mount Pleasant opened January 13, 1860, with A. B. Strickland as the teacher. Strickland was later assisted by Mrs. Oscar Winters, they taught for two and a half months, in a humbly constructed log building within the fort. "
"During the summer months, Mr. A. J. Forsythe conducted a summer school. Later, Charlotte Hyde taught the smaller child¬ren. A year or so later, outside the fort, Mr. William Morrison began teaching, and advantages to the children were given as fast as the financial condition of the people would permit. "
"About 1862, David Candland took up the educational work, and for a time there were three teachers, Candland, Morrison, and H. P. Miller, each occupying a school building in different parts of the settlement. The community continued to grow, and the school constantly during the sixties, continued to improve and became more up-to-date. Among others who did good work at about that time were William -Ball, Samuel Whiting, and C. H. Wheelock. Mrs. Margaret Morrison opened a private school, teaching sewing and fancy work. This had its good effects and did considerable good. In the early seventies, Joseph Page, John T. Henniger, Christina Bertelson, John Carter, and John J. Schultz also became active in the educational line. Some taught for many years with much credit to themselves and benefit to the children. "
"In 1875, Mr. Duncan McMillan arrived in Mount Pleasant, and after making benches, etc., began a school and Sunday School in the Liberal Hall. The enrollment, although small at first, steadi¬ly increased. "
"At about this time, the Utah Legislature made a small ap-propriation for the maintenance of public schools, this with a tuition fee, financed them. There were not many books. Slates were used to write on. Eli A. Day, a graduate of the Class of 76, of the University of Deseret, began teaching school in Mount Pleasant that year, and continued until 1883. During this time, there were a number of young people from Mount Pleasant who attended the University of Deseret and who later became promi¬nent in the schools, among these were Hilda Dehlin, H. P. Jensen, Samuel H. Allen, Amasa Aldrich, Ada Dehlin, William Tidwell, and Hans Madsen. They were a great help, and new vigor was assumed in the educational work, more schoolhouses were built, and better results obtained. "
"Later, the Brigham Young University at Provo was erected, and many of the young people were sent there for higher learning, some, after returning home, also became teachers, among them were Abram Johnson, Ferdinand Ericksen, Soren X. Christensen, Joseph Madsen, George Christensen, C. W. Sorensen and Olaf C. Anderson. George Christensen, who was also principal, taught the Latter-day Saint Seminary during 1891, 92, 93. During part time, Miss Augusta Dehlin was assistant teacher. This school was first held in the Social Hall, which was soon found to be too small, it was then held up stairs in the co-op or Madsen's store building, northeast corner of intersection of Main and State Street. This school met with great success and many pupils from other towns attended it. "
"In 1891, C. W. Sorensen became principal of the District Schools, the free school system was adopted, improvements con-tinued and the children advanced much faster. There had been many drawbacks on account of many of the parents being too poor to purchase the books and supplies needed to meet the needs of the children. "
"More attention was given to education and a great many continued to seek higher learning. Some attended the University of Utah and others the Brigham Young University at Provo. "
"In 1895, there was a new set of teachers consisting of Caro¬line Lovegren, Lydia Hastier, Mary Johansen, John Lovegren, Mary Larsen, Andrew L. Larsen, C. N. Lund Jr., Daniel Rasmus¬sen, and perhaps a few others. "
"By this time there had been built a number of modern school buildings throughout the city, but the people clamored for a Central School building, and a new modern twelve room building, at a cost of fully $20,000.00, was erected on the southwest corner, intersection of Main and First East. D. C. Jensen became princi¬pal, he having served for three years previous. Mr. Jensen was assisted by the following well trained teachers: Lydia Hastier, Mary Johansen, Caroline Lovegren, John Lovegren, C. N. Lund Jr., Olaf C. Anderson, Jennie Jorgensen, R. W. Livingston, and C. J. Jensen. "

"In 1898, George Christensen became principal, and in 1899, he was succeeded by C. J. Jensen, who served successfully for two years. In 1902, Daniel Rasmussen became principal, serving for two years. "
"Joseph Hughes was chosen principal in 1904, serving until 1907, when he was succeeded by P. M. Nielsen, who served for several years, also giving entire satisfaction. Twenty-four large and beautiful pictures were purchased for interior decoration at the school. The pictures made the halls most attractive. They were intended to create in the pupils a desire for fine art, that the homes might also be decorated with the proper kind of pictures.
"The trustees of the school at this time were F. C. Jensen, C.N. Lund, and Abner Crane. "
"The following, copied from an exchange, has all transpired within my recollection, and that of many who will see this item. "
"'As nations live it has been no great time since thoughtful statesman declared that all the country lying west of the Mississippi was a hopeless desert, designed to hold the scenery together. Then the Mormons went to Utah and for the first time in the history of the Anglo Saxon race, turned water upon the land for the purpose of crop production. In a little while the wilderness was wiped away, and the productive domain of the nation was pushed westward to the Pacific Ocean. The desert places bloomed in beauty; men saw with amazement an Empire in the building, and where before there had been no sound in the land, save the while beasts and the wild birds crying in the desolate night, there were heard the voices of men and women praising God, and the happy laughter of children on their way to school.' "

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pioneer Day Ladies

Reading from left to right back row: Bertie Etinger, Ruth Josie, Thelma B. Madsen, M? Jensen Stansfield, Mable R. Seely - - - -front row: Annie ?, Sybal Hansen, Verda Jensen Young, ?, Crystal Olsen Rosenlof, Mina Simpson Bjelke
( If anyone can fill in the blanks or correct our mistakes, please do so.)

Unknown Photo 27

From Carrie Hafen's Photo Collection

Harry and Wilhemina Ericksen Home

The Harry Ericksen home is still standing. It is located on the Wasatch Academy block at approximately 276 S. 100 West. Harry Ericksen is seen on the porch with an unknown child. Harry was co owner of Ericksen Meat and Grocery.
Bon Accord Cottage sat behind this house and behind the Ferdinand Ericksen house to the south.

Wilford Hafen Home

Front: Boyd Hafen, Theo Hansen, Arthur Hansen

Second Row: Carrie Hafen, Neil Hafen, Wilford Hafen, John Carlson

Located at approx. 650 West Main. Where Stanton Seely lives today (2009).
Johanna and Dutch Hafen raised their family here.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Saleratus, Milling of Wheat, Breadmaking as well as Saleratus as a Laundry Agent

With their ox teams, the settlers would go to Manti to gather saleratus. That to be used for bread-making was carefully gathered with a spoon and that to be used for the washing was gathered with a shovel. In the making of bread, water was poured on about a cupful of saleratus, and when settled and clear, the top would be poured off and combined with buttermilk, then used for leavening bread. They also at this time made Salt Rising Bread and later the yeast from the home-made beer was used for the leavening. A beverage known as Brigham Tea, made from a brush called Mountain Rush, was widely used with or without milk or sweeten­ing. This tea was also used for medical purposes. Mt. Pleasant History by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf p56.

In the milling of the wheat, the grinding apparatus consisted of two circular stones fitted together. They were smooth on one side, and were called the upper and lower or nether millstone. which were held together with a perpendicular shaft. The upper stone was turned round and round upon the under one by means of the crank. The lower stone was stationary. A round hole in the upper one admitted a quart or two of grain at a time. As the stone revolved this would gravitate down and out from between the stones and during the slow movement it would be ground into more or less fineness. This then was bolted or sieved through a thin cloth, separating the flour from the coarse particles and bran.

This flour was made into dough and leavened with beer yeast, sour dough kept from the last baking, salt rising made from shorts and salt water set to rise, or saleratus. This last preparation was made by putting a certain amount of saleratus in a vessel and a quantity of water, according to the amount being made, stirring well. and allowing to settle until perfectly clear. This liquid was used to leaven biscuit dough and could be kept on hand some time. About the only saleratus beds to be found in this part of the state or nearest here, were down a little south of Manti.

Wool was washed in two or three warm waters, softened with saleratus, and made white, fluffy and beautiful. Much was also washed and cleaned in the warm springs known as Crystal Springs, south of Manti, which is a soft, warm water, where it was made soft, clean and lovely. p283, p285

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nephi City Jail

left to right: Tom Ericksen, Frank Lee Pritchett, Peter Hafen, Richard Dixon

John L. Ivie

Excerpts taken from "“Indians Depredation in Utah” By Peter Gottfredson.

Col. John Levi Ivie of Mt. Pleasant, Utah was the son of James Russell Ivie. He fought in seven battles with Indians and lead three of them. Under General Warren S. Snow who took command of the Sanpete Militia July 15. With a hundred men under him he was after the Indians responsible for a double murder of two men. They wanted to head off the hostile Indians in the mountains of Fish Lake. They founds many Indians hiding in the cedars. Col. Ivie’s company were on outskirts of the Grove and did not see many Indians that after the fight some of his men wanted to go back and look for dead Indians and guns but the Col. said, “No, let the squaws go and hunt up their papooses.” The Ivie’s company drew off.

INDIAN GRATITUDE: The following is an incident as related by Col. John L. Ivie, to his son James Oscar Ivie. During the Indian troubles in the 60's the Indians had stolen some cattle and drove them up North Creek Canyon, between Fairview and Mount Pleasant. Father John L. Ivie and his company of minute men were in pursuit, and going up the mountain they gathered up several head of cattle which had been left along the trail, on account of not keeping up with the herd, and up among the timber was discovered an Indian covered with leaves, he was sick, and not able to travel with the rest. Some of the boys wanted to kill him, but father said, “No, we will not shed blood unless it is necessary.” So they left him and went in pursuit of the Indians and the stock until nearly night, when it was decided to give up the chase and return home, taking back what stock they had. On their return they came across the sick Indian up against a tree smoking a pipe. The men still wanted to kill him, but father wouldn’t let them.

Some time after that father and two other men were standing guard over some stock in the North Fort of Mt. Pleasant, they would frequently meet and report to each other during the night. They had got together at the north side of the fort, when they saw and heard the cattle getting up from their bed ground and moving away from what they thought might be a Indian crawling among them. The cattle kept getting nearer and nearer to where the men stood. When father spoke up to the other and said that they must be close by. After that the cattle started moving as if some thing among them was going away from them. When morning came nothing had been molested.

In the beginning of the 70's, after peace had been restored, an old Indian and his family came to our house and spent a day or two. He told father of the accurance at the fort explaining that he and five Indians were there that occasion and had their guns lying across a cow ready to shoot the three men, when they heard father speak and say, “They must be close by.” He knew father’s voice and would not let the other shoot at father. Father had saved his life on the mountain when he was sick. In appreciation he had now saved father’s life.

By James Oscar Ivie

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Younger William S. Seely

This Photo is from the Relic Home.

It is William S. Seely, and taken when he was a little younger than those that we most normally see.


BON ACCORD COTTAGE was the name William and Margaret Morrison named their home. Bon Accord meaning "unity or good feelings". Later, Wilhelmina, their daughter ran a telegraph office here. Those in the picture are Mary Margaret Ericksen, Margaret Farquahar Cruickshank Morrison, Sterling Ericksen, Florence Ericksen, Gladys Ericksen, Mother Wilhemina Ericksen.

Bon Accord Cottage was located back in the lot at about 150 West 300 South behind the Henry Ericksen Home and Ferdinand Ericksen home. Both the wives of Henry and Ferdinand were daughters of William and Margaret Morrison. This block is now owned by Wasatch Academy and Bon Accord was east of the "Old Gymn" at Wasatch Academy.

Kirsine Karoline Hansen

Does anyone know this lovely lady's story?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bent Hansen Family

Back Row l to r: Josephine Hansen, Hannah Hansen, John H. Hansen, Mrs. Bent Hansen,

Mr. Bent Hansen

Front Row l to r: Lydia Hansen, Parly Hansen, Leonard Hansen, Bent R. Hansen

Old Presbyterian Home - - -1900

This home stood on the corner across the street, east of the current city hall (2009)