Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lions Event - Torrey Utah - - - -July 9,1931

Bent R. Hansen, Ben Cameron----------------------Dr. P. L. Holman
and unknown others.
from Carrie's Photo Album

Friday, October 30, 2009

Carrot Cookies - - Alice Hafen

Alice frosts these with cream cheese frosting

Unknown Photo 33

This has got to be someone local.  Stringham and Stringham Photographers - - - Manti and Mt. Pleasant.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Unknown Photo 32

On the back of this photo it says "Anna Anderson". 
Doesn't look like an Anna to me !

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

THE GOOD OLD DAYS - Ellis Reynolds Shipp

To those of you who may not know the story of Ellis Reynolds Shipp, she came across the plains as a child with her father and mother.  Their first home was in Pleasant Grove. Her mother passed away, her father remarried.  They later moved to Mt. Pleasant. Everyone who knew her knew she had a great gift.  She learned fast, remembered everything.  She was obviously very intelligent.  When Brigham Young came to Mt. Pleasant for a conference, he asked to meet with this young girl.  After visiting with her a short while, he invited her to live in the Lion House with his family where she could get the best education possible here in the Utah Territory.  She prayed about it and worried some about leaving her father.  Her father encouraged her to go to Salt Lake and take advantage of Brigham Young's offer.  She was tutored with the children of Brigham Young.  One of her tutors was Karl Maeser.  She later married   Milford Shipp and ultimately gave birth to ten children.  Four of those children died in infancy.  Milford had entered into polygamy and married four more wives. Brigham Young announced that women would be sent east for training as doctors so that they could return to Utah and serve as physicians. Ellis left her children with her sister wives and went to Philadelphia to study medicine.  After three years, she returned home and set up her medical practice in Salt Lake.   During her career she delivered more than 5,000 babies.  She also served on the Relief Society General Board.  Amongst everything else she accomplished in her life, she wrote a book of poetry entitled "Life Lines".  As you read the poem below, she mentions the fort, the mill, school days, and dances with candle light.  Many of these memories I am sure were of our own dear Mt. Pleasant! The Daughters of Utah Pioneers honored her this month of October with a story.  We are proud to call her one of our own.  You can read more of her life here!

What blessed days! log cabin days!
Near sixty years ago,---
When by the firelight's ruddy haze,
Our cheeks were all aglow!
And youthful hearts were bounding high
With hope and guileless cheer,
For down fell snowflakes from the sky,
And holidays were near!

Fond memories so brightly come,
Like beams of radiant light---
Oh, there was some one coming
To greet me Christmas night;
Some one, who months and months ago,
had sailed across the sea,
Returning with his mission done,
Now coming home to me!

What pretty dreams of pleasant sport,
Of coasting down the hill,
Of sleigh-rides to the old town fort,
And skating by the mill;
Of spelling schools to show our might
In education's lore,
The dance at early candle light,
And payments at the door.

A tallow dip it was, perchance,
Or produce from the farm
Secured the ticket for the dance
Thus adding to its charm.
For very oft our lot had been
To dance by sage-brush blaze.
While feet kept time to violin,
In dear, old frontier days!

Thou good, old days! dear, youthful days!
of coarse and homely fare,
Pure, simple life-more simple ways
In joy finds no compare!
When Father tilled and mother sewed
And bravely met each fate,
Together bore lif's heavy load,
Through early hours and late!

For those they loved, 'twas joy to toil,
No struggle seemed too great,
They gained their substance from the soil,
and learned in faith to wait.
'Twas God sustained them day by day---
His light had led them there---
He was their strength, and staff, and stay,
Through every changing year!

Sweet, dear, old days! romantic days!
Of beauty, love and truth,
Now long since fitted from my gaze,
O dear, old days of youth!
When under fond and sheltering wing,
We knew but love's caress,
What sacred bliss those mem'ries bring---
Parental tenderness!

Parental wisdom, too, was brought
To guide each youthful mind,
Then truth and honesty were taught,
Life's choicest pearls to find;
O Guileless days!dear, good, old days!
They'll ne'er forgotten be!
They ever will attract the gaze
Of our fond memory!

Ellis Reynolds Shipp 

Thomas Braby Home ------ Orson Braby Standing in Front

This home is still standing but in very poor condition at approximately 550 West Main.
Orson Braby and his Sister Annie Syndergaard lived there until they passed away. 
Thomas Braby was a former Mt. Pleasant Mayor.
He was assistant postmaster for three terms, prior to serving 16 years as Postmaster from 1899 to 1915, and later served two terms as Mayor of Mt. Pleasant. Previously, he had been on the city council commitee of three which supervised construction of the municipal water system. He also served four years as city marshal.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

FEMALE RELIEF SOCIETY - - - April 6, 1874

Meeting Held in Social Hall
April 6th, 1874

Opened by singing and prayer by Sister Simpson.  Minutes of a former meeting were read and approved of.

Sister  Morrison expressed her gratitude to all present for assembling together with such a good influence.  Then she called for the Visiting Teachers to give in their reports, and let us hear how the people feel.

The teachers accordingly gave favourable reports; few wants among the poor.  Sister Tregore is in need of assistance.  Brother C. Anderson to pay the  Dr. 3.50 but not able to do so.  The Society agreed to pay it in Flower (flour).

Several of the sisters made a few remarks and espressed themselves freely.  Sister Morrison spoke to the mothers to teach their little ones to pray.  Let them grow up in the fear of the Lord and pure and holy before Him; for God will in a measure hold us responsible for them.  And in regard to the U. O (United Order), let us be faithful and true to our calling.  For God requireth nothing more than we can perform.  Also, spoke about our Meeting House being in such a dirty and filthy condition and grieved to think that a place of worship should be kept in such a way.  A vote was called for; that we should clean it.  It was responded to. 

Closed by singing , prayer by Sister Peterson.

M F. Morrison, President
E. Wallis, Secretary

Seymour Hansen

No other information available.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Anne Johansen (Little Annie) at Her Home Visiting With a Friend

"Little Annie" as so many people affectionately called her was the little lady who operated the first telephone office  here in Mt. Pleasant.  This home was located on the same block as our Relic Home at approximately 195 South and 100 West.  It was later removed and there is an empty lot there now. (2009)  Can anyone identify her friend who she is visiting with?  (see related post here)


This is a print that we had hanging over our children's beds when they were pre-school age. Our daughter, Laura loved it and asked if she could have it. later I copied it on my handy dandy computer and inserted her own two (miracle) babies in the lower right hand corner. I say miracle babies because they were twins, born three months early and weighed (Duncan) 2 1/2 pounds and (Dawson) 1 1/2 pounds. They spent the first three months of their lives in LDS Hospital, Salt Lake, Primary Children's Hospital, and McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden. Before they were born, Laura spent one month flat on her back in LDS, just serving as an incubator for them as she had lost her water and was life flighted from Logan to Salt Lake a month before they were born.

Today, they are bright handsom 11 year old boys. The only disability they have is in their eyesight. Because of all the oxygen they received as preemies, it hampered their vision. So they wear glasses most of the time, and now have contacts. This proud grandmother (and grandfather) thank the Good Lord every day for all our grandchildren. We now have 9. Laura, herself is the mother of four of them, all boys.

Laura is married to Dean Johansen, son of George W. and Barbara Ann Johansen He is the grandson of the late Dean and Evelyn Johansen, all Mt. Pleasant. Laura and her family live in Providence, Utah.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Victorian Scrapbooking

The tops of candy boxes, cigar boxes, calendars, etc. were collected and put in scrapbooks. These three are all embossed 3 dimensional designs. The scanned image does not do them justice. The colors are warm and beautifully added to the over-all effect. It is hoped you will use them in some of your scrapbooks, as I plan on doing. These particular pictures are taken from Maggie Peel Ericksen's Scrapbook.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Well, said the chick with a funny little squirm. 
I wish I could find a nice little worm.
Said another little chick, with a queer little shrug,
I wish I could find a nice fat bug.
Said a third little chick, with a shrill little squeel,
I wish I could find a nice yellow meal.
Look here, said the mother from a nice green garden patch,
If you want any breakfast, get busy and scratch !

So it is with city beautification, or any other project.  If we want results we must get busy and SCRATCH !!!

Patriotism as religion and charity begins at home.  And it is the duty of every American Citizen, man and woman to join hand in hand in the making of all America a Beauty Spot.  The beauty of a community depends upon the individuals of that community.  Each common individual is personally responsible for their own as well as rented property, and should in any way possible help to create a sentiment for improvements on public grounds, as well as an interest in the needs of that town in general.

It has been said that a man is the head of the house, but woman is the head of the home.  Attractive home surroundings have a great influence upon the young folks, in creating a love of beauty and love for their hometown.  Home is more than four square walls, even more than a mansion of costly stone.  The most costly mansion would be barren and cold without suitable surroundings.  There is a certain comparison between the interior of a home and the grounds.  When a carpenter finishes a room it is only four bare walls, and does not become a place to live in and enjoy until there are some furnishings, rugs, tables and chairs.

The yard is very much a part of the home life and environment.  When the ground is graded, it is only a barren spot, uninviting and uninteresting. As the room, it requires furnishing.  First a carpet of green, then trees and shrubs; later as in the room other details are worked out.

The home is life's greatest school.  Respect for private as well as public property should be taught by example in the homes.  It is surprising how destructive children and some grown people can be.  I have seen flourishing trees deliberately broken off or marred, supposedly by children.  I have also seen prominent citizens, probably wishing to fill a vase or probably for no reason at all, deliberately break large limbs of shrubs on public grounds.  Thereby, stunting the growth and marring their beauty.  I know these persons would resent the passerby, breaking limbs from plants on their own grounds.

It is not always a mansion that is the most attractive.  And it does not take a great deal of means to make a home an inviting place.  One can make a most beautiful place out of the most humble home with a little careful planting of trees and shrubs for permanent beauty and a few flowers for variety.  Of course, if we are to build a new home, and plan our grounds anew, we have a better chance to get things as we like them.  And yet, even then, later on there are improvements to make.

Every yard and community would benefit with a little careful constructive criticism, backed up with co-operation and ambition.  Sometimes there are things about our yards and community, we have become so used to, we do not notice them and thus take them for granted as a necessary evil.  Yet, they may be outstandingly ugly spots in our neighborhood or community.

Some of the worst conditions in our smaller towns are there because we take them for granted and are unwilling to change.  OUR TOWN IS AS WE MAKE IT !!!

taken from Hilda's Scrapbook

Rakie Brotherson Hansen Home

Now (2009) the Blake Rigby Home.  Located at approx. 110 South 200 West.

Friday, October 23, 2009

BILL K. PETERSON as Remembered by Lee R. (Buddy) Christensen

A couple of weeks ago, we posted W. K. Peterson's obituary.  Our friend Lee R. Christensen had written a piece in his own book, "They Knew Me as Buddy and Other Tales" about Bill K. We would like to share with all of you now.

.............As you know Bill K. was the town marshall in our day. One of his routines was to patrol downtown area during the night. His duty station when not roaming the street was in the garage back of the post office - - First West and Main. One night he was surprised by some would-be robbers (he was probably snoozing), ordered to open one of the business houses; tied up and made to watch while they stripped the place bare.

I don't know that they were ever caught. L'Amour would have had a posse catching them as they galloped down Salt Creek Canyon with Bill K. out front waving a white hat. I don't remember any bank holdups so either there was no money in them or Bill K's reputation as a lawman was well known at least during daylight hours.

Odd Fellows Lodge About 1910

Mt. Pleasant boasted a number of lodges. The Masonic, the I. O. O. F., the A. O. U. W., and a number of others, all with good membership and composed of prominent citizens. History of Mt. Pleasant, HML p. 176

Main Street Fire of 1898 did damage to The Odd Fellows, Masonic, Workman and Woodmen lodges, their hall and furniture. Some were partly insured. The fire being checked by an adobe wall in the Lundberg building. p. 180

The upstairs rooms of the old Z.C.M.I. were also used by many of the lodges.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Anderson, Hannah J.- - - Obituary

Birthplace in Sweden is Kyrkheddinge, Malmöhus LänFather: Nils HanssonMother: Elsa Jönsdotter - - Claes Moren

Unknown Group of Ladies in Front of Pioneer Monument

We can name a few of these ladies, however some we can't.  Help us if you can.
To whom it may concern,
I believe it is a picture of ladies in the Mount Pleasant DUP camp. The sixth lady from the left on the top row is Sarah Spens Wilcox Christensen Sorensen. She is my grandmother.

On the Mount Pleasant DUP picture...3rd row, 1st on the left is Carrie Tuft Jensen, My grandmother.
Carol Corcoran

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mayor George Christensen

The Result of the election, Tuesday was a surprise to us. The city normally about 300 Republicans, and the most............Democratic workers did not expect that the mayor, upon whom .........their greatest efforts, would receive any such majority as he did; with the balance of the ticket, excepting the treasurer, running about ............ The treasurer received a majority over the Republican nominee.
George Christensen, the Democratic mayor-elect is a young man most favorably known throughout the state and especially in the county. He has been one of the state's foremost workers in the education field for several years, and is at present county superintendend of schools in the county. He is also a member of the Stake Presidency of the North Sanpete Stake and also a member of the local city council, having been elected on the ................ticket of two years ago.

Hamilton School - Trena Olsen - Fifth Grade

It's sad when you can't pick out your own grandmother. But I have studied this photo and cannot find Trena Olsen. I know she was a blonde of medium height. I would guess this picture was taken around 1898. (I had originally said 1893 -94, before Hamilton was built.  OOPS!!!) 
Comment from Lee R. Christensen: This picture taken on east side of Hamilton.  Thanks Lee. 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rolfson, Bent - - - Obituary 3 Apr 1922

Utah Burials Results
Burial Information: ROLFSON, BENT

Birth: 1/16/1855
Death: 4/3/1922
Burial: 0/0/0
Place of Birth: RISER, NORWAY
Place of Death: PROVO, UT
Cause of Death:
Grave Location: Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery , A_MS_39_2

Richfield Printing Press-Woodring

Louis Woodring and John Woodring
John Woodring, owner
Richfield Printing Press
Carrie Nielsen Hafen Worked here for a while.
Carrie's Sister, Bertha married Lou Woodring.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ericksen Kids

Will Ericksen, Flossie Ericksen, Bea Ericksen, Stirling Ericksen, Harry Ericksen

If you look real close, you might see Hamilton School where the horses tail should be. Or it might be the "old" Wasatch Administration Building.

Hamilton Elementary (approx. 1922)

If you double click the picture it will enlarge itself. However, to read the names, you will have to stay in the smaller window.

Alice has helped me identify these children as it is her class. They are numbered in red in the enlarged view. Some were not identifiable but here is what we have:
1.Vern Seely
2. ? Rasmussen
3. Alice Hafen
4. Sylvia Hutchison
5. Nellie Wilcox
6. Phyllis Matson
7. Fern Olsen
8. Vida Allred
9. Birdella Peterson
10. Ruth Christensen
11. Grace Simpson
12. Ada Wright
13. Mary Trontwine
14. Eleanore Peterson
15. Wanda Matson
16. Iris Rasmussen
17. Wanda Nelson
18. Esther Madsen
19. Arvina Monsen
20. Lizetta Seely
21. Ina Rowe
22. Goldie Coates
23. Brooks Madsen
24. Ray Christensen
25. Harold Beckstrom
26. Warren Nolan
27. Elmer Syndergaard
28. Rex Anderson
29. Morris ?
30. Margaret Jensen
31. Cleo Staker
32. ? ?
33. Margaret Stansfield
34. Louise Fowles
35. Margaret Peterson
36. Ina Seely
37. Eva Monroe
38. Dale Nelson
39. Eva Beck
40. Ila Draper
41. Ila Allred
42. Wanda Smith
43. Rowe Olson
44. Grant Brotherson
45. Ivan Gunderson
46. Ralph Brotherson
47. ? ?
48. Roy Weech
49. Armond Wright
50. LeRoy Moss
51. Ivan Christensen
52. Dick Candland
53. Alan Smith
54. Cheratin Jacobs
55. Morris Olsen
56. ? Allerton
57. ? ?
58. ? ?
59. Asa Reynolds
60. Clarence Anderson
61. ?
62. Grant Larsen
63. ? ?
64. blank
65. Dean Peterson
66. Royal Sorensen
67. Roy Romero
68. ? Marx
69. ? ?
70. ? ?
71. ? ?
Please let us know if you have any corrections or questions.


2 cups of honey
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of cream

Cook to hard ball. Pour on a buttered platter.
Cool. Cut into 1 inch pieces.

Note: Do not make candy in stormy weather,
as it may not set up like it should.

From Alice Hafen's Cookbook

Monday, October 12, 2009

James Hansen and John Waldemar - - - Short Story by Hanna Neiborg, St. Anthony, Idaho - 1965

James Hansen, my grandfather, a Danish convert to Mormonism, emigrated from Denmark to Utah.  Following church authorities decisions, he and his family were sent to help colonize Sanpete County.  They arrived in Mt. Pleasant in 1859.  James Hansen was a well-educated musician.  He played all the instruments including the organ.  The violin was his favorite. He taught music and dancing, but according to Brigham Young, he and his sons must till the soil.

It was the year 1880, Mt. Pleasant saints were having the greatest 24th of July celebrathion they had ever had.  It was to be held in the bowery with songs, recitation and orations.  But the crowning glory and most exciting part of the program was a contest between Mt. Pleasant's two musicians playing violins.  John Waldemar and James Hansen were the contestants.  John was also a well-trained and outstanding violinist.

John lived with his family on his farm several miles north of Mt. Pleasant city limits. James lived with his family in the large home on Main Street.  He was a very serious man, but he could be jolly.  This mood came to him only when he did the thing he loved best and which he could do best--his music, more especially his violin.  John made his brags to James.  He had new music that he was perfecting for the contest.  This was depressing to James.  New music for this frontier country was unheard of.  He had used all the music and melodies that he had brought with him from the old country.

Then an idea struck this Danish musician.  It was a long way to the Waldemar farm, but that would not stop him.  On the evening when James felt that John's farm work was finished and he would be practicing, he rode his horse to the Waldemar farm.  He crawled close to the open window where he could hear the beautiful violin music filling the air.  Intently he listened until he heard John close his violin case.

Upon returning to his own home, his remarkable ear and memory let him play John's beautiful new tune.

To make himself sure, he returned several nights.  Soon he knew he could play the melody better than John could.  He then went to work on John's music.  He used his Danish training until his piece was presentable.

With much excitement the great day arrived. Everyone in the hamlet attended.  Everyone was excited about the contest.  The audience's applause would declare the winner.  The violinist's drew cuts who should be first.  It was John.  Before the tense crowd, standing erect, John Waldemar began to play.  His beautiful new music filled the bowery.  Women used their handkerchiefs as the melody flowed on.  How could any music excel John's!

James Hansen stepped to the platform.  Silence filled the bowery.  He lifted the instrument to his shoulder.  With his right arm outstretched, he clutched the bow with his beautiful white hand.  deftly he let it slide over the strings while the long fingers of his left hand precisely pressed them.  What music! It was John's melody only in a haunting minor key enhanced by the vibrato of James' left hand.  Then the mood changed.  It was John's melody in a vivacious Danish polka, so rhythmical it was hard for the saints to keep their feet from stamping.  After retruning to John's theme, James turned the music into a scherzo, a waltz with a brilliant pizzicato, finishing with a Danish mazurka.

The bowery rang with applause. There were whoops and hollers, with hats flying in the air, to the very hills.  James had won the day!  His innate ability, coupled with the training acquired in Denmark, won for him the coveted prize- - - - the esteem of his fellow saints.

The friendship of the two musicians was not changed, but never again did John Waldemar make brags before James Hansen.
Sent in by Evelyn Ireland

Laundry and Cigar Store on North Side of Main Street

This is a store that was once located on the North side of Main Street, somewhere between State Street and 100 West. The sign on the left reads ? Laundry. the Sign on the right reads Rolph Cigar Manufacturer

Taken from Alice Hafen's Photos From the Past

Jim Fillis Barbershop 1920 - 1930.

click to enlarge

Does anyone remember getting haircuts at Jim's Barbershop?  How about when Alt Brotherson was his apprentice?  Who might have gone to Verda's Beauty Salon in the rear?  Verda's electric curling machine can now be viewed at the Relic Home thanks to Jim Fillis' son Elmer.  We'll display it right next to the straight edge razor collection.  Thank You Elmer !