Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Unknown Photo 36

Taken from Alice Hafen's Collection -  Maggie Peel's Scrapbook

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Female Relief Society - July 1874

Meeting held in Social Hall July 6th, 1874.  Opened by singing and prayer by Sister Madsen.
Minutes of a former meeting were read and accepted.  Sister Madsen exhorted the sisters to speak their feelings freely as our Presidentess is not able to attend owing to Business.  Sister Jensen made some remarks in Danish touching on the disobedience of the people.  Said it will be like the persecution in Nauvoo the way they indulge in tea and coffee and God will scourge us if we don't repent and do better.  Sister Peterson felt glad she is one with the rest; hope to continue faithful .  God will help them that will do right.  When we have a little trouble it will draw us nearer to God.  Sister Borg and Tidwell visited the folks in the 1st ward, nearly all felt well.  Most all of the Danish sisters spoke in their own language.  Sister E. Seely bore her testimony to the truth of the work.  She was engaged in hope to go on to the end, always feels glad to visit the saints.  Said she believes this U. O. (United Order) is just as right as baptism for the remission of sins.  Sister Peel said if this Order is the thing that will seperate the bark from the wood, its alright. Lets be kind to one another, keep good company, do right as far as in power.  Sister Simpson made some scattering and edifying remarks and hop to be faithful to the end. 
Closed by singing, and prayer by Sister Peel.
L. Madsen, Presided
E. Wallis, Secretary

Unknown Photo 35

Taken from Alice Hafen's Collection  - Maggie Peel's Scrapbook

Two Unknown Women

 Taken from Alice Hafen's Collection  - Maggie Peel's Scrapbook

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gathering of Ladies (2)

Carrie N. Hafen, Anna W. Madsen, Laura Madsen, Vinnie Draper, ????(far right) Marie Johansen

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gathering of Ladies

double click to enlarg

double click to enlarge
on back: 1st Row: Anna W. Madsen, Laura Madsen, Schrelda Stansfield, Emma Anderson, Nellie Madsen, Marie Johansen.
2nd Row:  Carrie N. Hafen, Mina Stansfield, Vinnie Draper

found in Alice Hafen's Photo Collection
found in Alice Hafen's Photo Collection

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

WWII Military Men

Local Military Men WW11
Our friend Lee writes: Peter and Kathy: Trooper on left unknown and by name and face the next four, Charles Wright, Bennett Madsen, Bert Hafen and Burt Ruesch>. Looks like they are just going on or coming off guard duty>. Late Spring 1941,,San Luis Obispo, Calif>. There are three old troopers there in Mt Pleasant, Burt Ruesch, Lynn Poulsen or Dean Staker that have better eyes for faces than I do>. You'll find all three at the "pool hall " keeping their eyes sharp and their hands steady>.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Steamed Carrot Pudding

Cream 1/2 cup of butter with 1 cup sugar


2 eggs beaten well
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup chopped dates
3/4 cup raisins

Sift together and add:
1 cup sifted flour
1 tsp soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cloves
1 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs, added last

This is a heavy batter. No liquids. Grease inside of 2 wide mouth quart jars. Fill 2/3 to 3/4 full. Put new lids on. They will seal and will keep up to 6 months. Steam in pan with rack on bottom. Water needs to be 3/4 up on bottles. Bring to boil and keep at simmer for 2 1/2 hours. Add water, if needed, to keep at 3/4 level.

Spicy Sauce

1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 Tbsp cornstarch
1 cup boiling water

Cook and stir until thick and clear.


2 tbs butter
1 tsp vanilla

Serve over the pudding

Sunday, December 20, 2009

BETSY ROSS GIRLS - Exchanging Spoons

taken from the Saga of the Sanpitch ....

(Correction): Hilda Madsen Longsdorf is actually the last lady on the right.  Georgie Borg, is probably the second lady from the right.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

UNPOPULAR PETS - - a "Bottoms Story" by Esther Christensen

Ki and Ote, the boys called them, were two little pups which Joe and Frank Jorgensen found in a coyote den on the bank of Cedar Creek near their farm home four miles out of Mt. Pleasant, Utah.

The little coyotes thrived on the diet of dog's milk furnished by a female dog  at the farm.  They became most interesting pets, but  lost their favor with Mrs. Jorgensen when they began devouring her little chickens.  So the pets must be disposed of.  The Ericksen boys who lived in town brought some rabbits to the farm and exchanged for the coyotes.  When the trade was made, Joe  and Frank accompanied the coyotes and the new owners to town where the coyotes were established in their new home.  When the Jorgensen boys returned to their home in "the bottoms", they found no rabbits--only scattered fur, but Ki and Ote were comfortably housed in the rabbit pen.

Source:  This incident took place in the 1880's as Frank was born in 1877 Joe in 1880. An older sister of the two Jorgensen boys told the story.

Friday, December 18, 2009


The photo of this barn first showed up twice  in a little leaflet financed by the Smithsonian and entitled "Barn Again".  The photographer was Larry Nielsen of Ephraim.  All photos had been done in black and white.I (Kathy Hafen) was working at the Ephraim Post Office as a clerk.  When Larry came in one day I asked him why my dad's barn was shown twice in the leaflet. He asked me what the location was.  I told him 789 East 1st South in Mt Pleasant.  He came back a few days later with the photo below as a gift to me.  This is a colorized version of the same photo.  It  was the way the apple trees and apples framed the picture that made it one of his favorites.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christian Fredrick Peel and Miranda Seely Peel Family

Back Row:  Miranda Seely Peel, son Peter Azel Peel, Christian F. Peel,
Front Row:  Sarah Seely Peel, John H. Peel, Orange Fredrick Peel

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pioneer Day Ladies 1955

The last one on the right is Sadie Mower.

Female Relief Society - - - June 1874

Meeting held in Social Hall June 8th 1874. 
Opened by singin and prayer by Sister Peel.
Minutes of a former meeting were read and accepted.

Sister Morrison made a few  remarks concerning some questions (that) were asked her about the "U.O.". (United Order).  Whether the Sisters that had not joined should be debarred from any priveleges.   She said, "by no means, let everybody be treated with respect. After while we'll have to organize.  If we believe President Young being the mouthpiece of God, we will endeavor to do the best we can."  Sister Madsen spoke her feelings; that it would be our own advancement if we would unite and manufacture our own clothing.  Sister Peel felt well in well doing; said if we can't do good, let us not do evil.  Sister Simpson bore her testimony, feels glad to mingle her voice with the rest.

Sister Tidwell and Borg were out visiting and brought in good reports of the 1st Ward.  Also, Sisters Monrow and Branstead of the same Ward.  Sister Bransted exhorted the Sisters to be clean, both in and outside.

Most of the Danish Sisters bore their testimony in their own language.  Sisters C. Jensen and Strem visited the 3rd Ward; said their were peculiar feelings among the people.  Said, "if we would put our trust in God, more, we  would get along better. Sister Fetcher felt glad to be at the meeting, to listen to the instructions given and partake of the same spirit. She  said we can manufacture a variety of nice things for our own use instead of paying so much means out of the place.

Sister M. Rasmussen felt well and said "all should do right.  This U.O. is the best thing that ever came along.  One thing is to commence a thing and another to carry it out satisfactorily."  Sister Olsen felt glad to be present, for shad not been able to come before today because of sickness.  She hoped that the people will more united.

Sister Morrison encouraged all to go on and do the best they can, teach true principles to the young, attend our meetings and bring your neighbors along.
Meeting closed by singing and prayer by Sister Branstead.

M.F. Morrison, Presidentess
E.W. Secretarry


When relatives depart this life, our love for them we find
Is Stored in hearts as memories, in all they leave behind.

It's known as genealogy to young ones when they've grown;
It tells them of our earthly love for those we might have known.
We think of those who lived before while traveling down life's lane,
A drop of blood from each of them flowing in our veins.

They fought so gallantly in war and settled new frontiers,
To make our lands a better place to live in later years.
And as we know they made mistakes and acted humanly
When they were young and temptable just like you and me.

The day we enter Paradise and angels show us in,
When they turn to us and say "Please meet your early kin",
Will we hide our eyes and drop our heads and say in shame,
"I'm sorry but in mortal life I never heard your names".

But no! We'll raise our heads up high to meet their loving gaze,
and say "Oh Yes! I know you and your earthly days.
Someone wrote the story of how you lived your life;
of times of joy and happiness, and yes, of pain and strife".

And if my work is handed down, I will not be surprised
When descendants come to Paradise and I am recognize.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

"Our Night Out" Girls Host a Japanese Ball


Chris Boat a descendant and member of the Lund Family sent in this fun picture of his ancestor, Emma Lund (far left) and her group of ladies who called themselves the "O.N.O. Girls"  (Our Night Out).   Hilda Madsen (Author of the History of Mt. Pleasant) is located in front of her on the middle row.  Also, above is the dance card for the event....Thankyou Chris !!!

Can anyone name the other ladies?