Sunday, January 31, 2010

Alice Hafen Would Have Been 98 Years Old Today.

Left to Right:  Winona Zabriskie, Deniece Madsen, Alice Hafen and Berniece Coates.
Alice in the middle and these other ladies quilted every Monday for many many years for the purpose of raising money for the Senior Citizen Center in Mt. Pleasant. 
Alice would have been 98 years old today.  She has given of her time and talents to many people and organizations over the years.  Born with a beautiful voice, she has sang at many funerals as well as other occasions.  She was also a wonderful cook.  And I am proud to call her my mother-in-law. 
Kathy Hafen

Friday, January 29, 2010

John K. Madsen Sheep Company

taken from "These Our Fathers" published in 1947  page 240

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cousins At Play

Names are attached.  However, I question Sharilyn Berti on top of the ladder. Could be Jed Ericksen or another Beck Child

Monday, January 25, 2010

Peter Azel Peel and Family

                                          Dressed for Pioneer Day

L to R:  Lois and Alice Peel

A Horseride With Friends

L to R:  Johnie Becker, Ches Madsen, Alice Peel, Neil Hafen, Ada Wright, Louise Hutchinson

Friday, January 22, 2010

Here's A Treasure - - 1925 N.S.H. Junior Basketball Team

I just  discovered the 1925-26 Enn Ess Aich Yearbook with a lot of wonderful pictures inside.  Does anyone have a request from that era? 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Female Relief Society - - - Dec 7, 1874

Opened with prayer by Sister Peel.
Minutes of a former meeting were read and accepted.
Sister Morrison expressed herself with satisfaction.  She spoke about having the meeting house cleaned,said it devolved upon us sisters to do it.  Sister Peel made some remarks in her own language.  Sister Peterson reminded us of the New Year and hoped we should all meet again with as many more.
Sister Morrison made a few remarks concerning the "U.O." Said that President Young is the mouthpiece of God unto us in these the Last Days and that it is essential to us as baptism for the remission of sins.  Do not condemn anyone that cannot see into it.  Also, she wished the sisters to visit Andrew Christensen's wife and sit up nights with her.  Trina Synegore was appointed teacher in the 3rd ward to accompany Sister Strem. 
Closed with prayer by Mother Madsen.
MF Morrison Pres.
E. Wallace Secy

Barton, Mills, Ivie

L to R:  Clarence Barton, Arthur Mills, Jess Ivie

taken from Alice Hafen's Photos from the Past

Female Relief Society - - - Oct 5, 1874

Meeting held in Social Hall Oct. 5, 1874.  Opened by singing "Let Us Renew".  Prayer by Sister Simpson, minutes of a former meeting were read and accepted.
Sister Morrison remarked that the society was at a standstill this month.  She wishes the Sisters who visit the people at their homes to exhort to teach them the necessity of attending meetings.
Mother Walker needs a supply of clothing for winter and also reminded us of the good teachings the Brethren gave in the last week. Hope we may put them in practice.  All the sisters spoke and felt good.
Sister Simpson felt well and hoped the poor will be supplied.  Sister Tregore needs some things.  said if we trust in the Lord and do right, not forgetting that our children in the way they should.  sister Morrison exhorted all to have their trust in God, for He will not forsake His own.  Closed by Singing and prayer by Sister Morrison.
MF. Morrison, Pres.
E. Wallace, Sec

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Emma Lund, An Early Teacher and Class 1908-1909

These  two pictures come from the Hamilton school. Emma Lund was a

teacher there after she graduated from high school. You have posted a
picture called Hamilton teachers that was taken on the same day as
these two. I believe these were taken around 1908/1909. The first
photograph is of the teachers, the second is Emma Lund with her class.
I would love it if anyone could name any of the students.

Chris Boat

Alice Whittling Whistles (approximately 1980)

In the Spring of the year when the sap is up in the willows, it is easy to make a whistle. Cut a length of willow, from between two branches so it has no knots (1).

Carve a notch halfway through the stem. Cut just through the bark and then slide the bark sleeve off the stem (2).

Be careful not to squeeze the bark sleeve too hard or it will crack. The bark slips off real easy after tapping it gently with the handle of a pocket knife. When the bark is removed, carve the inner soft wood as shown in the picture (3).

After the wood is carved, wet the carved end of the whistle in your mouth, and
slip the bark sleeve back on (4).

You have just made yourself a Willow Whistle.

More Recently:.....Two years ago we hosted both the Spring City Elementary and the Mt. Pleasant Elementary Schools. Out on the back lawn, we had 95 year old Alice Hafen demonstrating how to make this willow whistle. It was a delight for the children.

Grandma Alice knows so many of the pioneer craft that she was taught by her pioneer grandparents. She is a wonderful resource for both our blog and the Relic Home.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mayors of Mt. Pleasant

A few years back two of the Mt. Pleasant Daughter of Utah Pioneer Camps took on the project of finding biographies to accompany the photos that were earlier collected of Mt. Pleasant City Mayors.
This will become a new feature of our blog.  Thankyou to Mae Thompson and Andrea Lloyd for heading up this project.  The full album can be viewed at the Mt. Pleasant Relic Home.  We plan the feature "Mayor of the Month" in the middle of each month beginning in February

Al Raymond and Emil Hafen

taken from Alice Hafen's Photos from the Past
most likely Carrie Hafen's Scrapbook

Monday, January 18, 2010

Marie Nielsen and Sister Mariah - Bert and Neil Hafen

Marie Nielsen and Mariah Nielsen with Bert Hafen and Neil Hafen.  Marie was their grandmother.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Alice Peel Hafen passed away this morning (Friday, January 15) at 5:00 a.m. with her son, Peter at her bedside.  She has been on hospice since Monday, January 11th.  She has been such a great example to her family and all those who have known her throughout her life.  She would have been 98 years old on January 31st.

Alice had seen so many changes and technical advancements in her lifetime.  She had a myriad of stories to share with her grandchildren and great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Stories such as riding in the back of the wagon to go pick fruit over at Huntington, taking a lunch and bedrolls and camping out in the canyon, picking fruit the next day and then the long journey back home.  Another great remembrance was how Neil would wait for her after her work at Eatingers' Cafe and walk  her home.
She also vividly remembered being a nanny in Los Angeles when there was a 6.2 earthquake.  Just the mention of an earthquake frightened her for the rest of her life.

Alice was one of four girls born to Peter Azel and Margaret Ericksen Peel.  All three of her sisters, Lois, Margaret and Barbara, passed away due to cancer.  Each sister had young families at their time of death.  Alice lovingly took on the roll of substitute mother for them.  These nieces and nephews adore her and have many happy memories of spending time with "Aunt Alice" and "Uncle Neil". 

She was born with a beautiful voice and sang at hundreds of funerals.  Once asked, "What are they paying you to sing at this funeral?"  She replied, "Well why should I get paid when it was God that gave me this talent to share."

An historian since her teens.  She kept a journal and loved to take pictures of historical events and special occasions.  She loved being a daughter of this Mt. Pleasant Community.  She was a faithful member of the Latter Day Saint Faith and had a firm testimony.  She served in many church organizations as well as board member of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Society.  She also served on the Senior Citizens Board as the one to rustle the talent for their Senior Citizen Dinners.  She loved quilting at the Senior Center on Mondays and formed wonderful friendships there.  She was a longtime member of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. She was also a charter member of the Artopic Club.

Alice is the mother of two boys, Donald Hafen and  Peter Hafen, both of whom showed her great love and respect and cared for her in her declining years.

She put together a cookbook at the age of 92 with favorite family recipes coupled with family pictures and stories.  A loving nephew, Marc Smith, helped her with this project, a great accomplishment that the whole family will treasure for years to come.

Her favorite pastime these past few years has been to organize and share her picture collection.  When we asked her if we could share them on a blog, she was excited for the opportunity.  She was amazed with the wonders of  internet communication.  So many people have written in and expressed their appreciation for these pictures of their family members.

She was respected, loved and adored by all who knew her.  So many have said, "When I grow up, I want to be just like Alice Hafen."   

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuttle and Childs (cousins)

Tyler Tuttle, Ralph Childs, Kay Childs
from Alice's Photos from the Past

Hans Lund Home

This picture shows the Hans Lund
home. Hans was C.N. Lund's brother. This was taken in Mt. Pleasant, but
I'm not sure where. If anyone has any idea where this house was located
I would be forever grateful.

From left to right: Margrethe (Katrina) Marie Juul (Peterson) Lund
(wife of Hans), Mary Lund, Cleo Lund. The two children in front are

Chris Boat

Once again, Thankyou Chris !

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mt. Pleasant's Btry A 204th FA Bn - - -Two photos sent in by Lee R. Christensen

Here are two photos of a howitzer section from Mt. Pleasant's Btry A 204th FA Bn taken on or motoring to the Yakima Firing Center March/April 1942>.

North Sanpete service men are: 1st photo: DelRay Sorenson left of truck, front left John Seeley, Leo Truscott behind John, Clay Bagley sitting on tailgate and Lee Christensen hand on hip>. 2nd photo: John center front,, Lee to the right and Leo scratching a woodtick bite>. Clay is 2nd from left, back row>. Both Clay and DelRay from Moroni.