Sunday, February 28, 2010

Female Relief Society - - - July 12th, 1875

Meeting held July 12, 1875.  Opened by singing "Come all Ye Saints Who Dwell on  Earth."  Prayer by Sister Madsen.   Singing "Redeemer of Israel".  Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.  Sister Madsen thought we had all come here for one purpose and that was to do the will of God.  She was willing that everything should go for the upbuilding of His Kingdom.  Said Sister Morrison had sent money to Salt Lake for Silk Worms.  She spoke in behalf of a sister who is sick and in need of assistance.  Sister Peel felt glad to see so many of the sisters together and thought it showed that the sisters were more united and that the meetings were becoming more interesting and that the sisters would have better feelings toward each other when they came together and heard each other's feelings.  Several of the Danish sisters spoke in their own language, all feeling well.  Sister Morrison addressed the meeting and thanked the sisters for their kindness toward her and said it strengthens her to mingle her testimony with those of her sisters.  Katherine Jessen was admitted as a member of the society.  Clarissa Beckstead was appointed teacher in the third ward.  Singing "Oh My Father Thou That ....etc.  Prayer by Sister Peel,

Laura Olsen Livsey - Obituary

This lovely lady was one of the 85 widows that President Thomas S. Monsen cared for til she passed away.  She lived just across the street from his parents on eighth south and 2nd west, Salt Lake City Utah.  Her husband was a member of the U.S. Army Band.  He died while she was still raising their family.  She was one of the sweetest ladies I have ever known.  She became a substitute grandma for me when my own grandmother and her sister Trena Olsen Rodgers Bjelke passed away.  Their father and mother (Hans Peter and Anna Kirstena Madsen Olsen) along with the oldest children immigrated to Mt. Pleasant in the 1860s from Odense, Denmark.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Supt. A. E. Jones - North Sanpete High School

A.E. Jones was Superintendant of North Sanpete High School when Alice Hafen was there; about 1928.
taken from Alice Hafen's Photos from the Past

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


from Alice Hafen's Photo Collection

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Keeping the Brethren Clean Shaven

This photo is taken from the George Edward Anderson Collection, Lee Library, BYU.  The barber is James Walker, the patron, Parley Fullmer.  The photo itself was taken inside a tent used by George Edward Andersen where he could use different backdrops.  James Walker was apparently a barber here in Mt. Pleasant.  More of George Edward Anderson's Collection can be viewed  by following this link:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Photo of Lydia Hafen (front and back)

Lydia Hafen, a daughter of Jacob and Anna Catherine Naef Hafen, was born 6 August, 1874 in Mt. Pleasant, Utah.  She died 18 May 1953 in Mt. Pleasant, Utah. She married John H. Hansen 25 October 1898


Remember, Freedom isn't "Free" -- thousands have paid the price so you can enjoy what you have today!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sumner School Grade 4 B 1923 - 1924

I don't know if this will mean anything to anyone.  It was amongst Alice's memorabilia.  Hope it helps someone.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Very Old Photos from Carrie Nielsen Hafen Photo Book

Left to Right:    Unknown, Pauline Hafen, Eph Hanson

Left to Right, Caroline Rasmussen, Dutch Hafen, Arthelia McClennan

Hy Fletcher

Petersen and Hafen - - -Forever Friends

Ray and Pearl Petersen and Niel and Alice Hafen were the best of friends going fishing, visiting, celebrating, picnicing and raising their families.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Female Relief Society - - -Jun 28, 1875

Meeting in the Meeting House, June 28, 1875.
Opened with singing, "How Beauteous Are Their Feet". Prayer by Sister Peel

Sister Morrison addressed the meeting ; said it was impossible to accomplish anything without the assistance of God and each other.  Thought that to assist the poor in their bodily comforts was of less importance than to help them in their spiritual welfare.  Made some remarks in regard to some industry of raising silk, making straw hats, working up wool, etc.  The following petition was read and subsequently signed by ninety three sisters:

Mt. Pleasant June 28th, 1875
To Our Brethren of Mt. Pleasant City, We the Sisters of the Mt. Pleasant Relief Society present before you this memorial. Being much impressed with the propriety of raising up our children in the fear of the Lord, our God , those little ones whom God hath consigned to our care as the sons and daughters of  Zion and to whom we are accountable that they be instructed in the right way and that this important duty cannot be consigned to the care or instruction of any teacher of any other communion than that of the true and living God.
We most earnestly present before you this memorial as a token of our respect for the teachings of the Holy Priesthood which God has placed upon you his servants, requesting that you will keep your children away from the schools of any communion outside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, seeing that we have separated ourselves from the nations of the earth to establish ourselves in the ways of the God of Jacob.
We deem this step expedient and pray that you our brethren in the Holy Priesthood will do your utmost to assist us in this laudable undertaking.
Sister Madsen said she felt to go forward with renewed strength.  Spoke of the importance of teaching little children to pray.  Sister Peel hoped the sisters would all try to set a good example before their children.  Thought they should be more united in coming to meetings.  Had heard many persons say that the servants of the Lord had not so much power now as in former days, but thought it was the people who had not so much faith and confidence in them as formerly.
Sister Simpson bore her testimony to the truth of this work and said it was her desire to do right in all things.  Sister Scovil made a few remarks.  Emily Coats, Clarissa Beckstead, Hilda Dehlin, Ellen Olsen, Elizabeth Fowles, Annie Jensen, Julia Dehlin, Hedvig Hansen, Maria Elizabeth Lovgren, Dorthea Christensen, Annie Rasmussen, Margretta Rasmussen, Christine Larsen, Annie Oman, Carin Johnson, Mary Ann Miller, Mary Hendricksen, Mary Christine Anderson and Cora Christensen were admitted members of the Society.
MF Morrison, Pres.
Hilda Dehlin, Secretary

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ericksen Children

L to R:  Margaret Ericksen, Harry Geo Ericksen, Florence Ericksen

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Female Relief Society - - - Jan 11, 1875

Opened with singing and Prayer by Sister Peel.
Minutes of a former meeting were accepted and approved of.
Sister Peel expressed herself with pleasure; was glad to meet with the sisters.  She exhorted all to double their diligence and wished all a Happy New Year.
She explained that our president is sick and not able to attend.  Sister Seely reported the 4th ward to feel all right and felt well herself. It was hoped that President Young will still live until he is satisfied with life and see the temple built at St. George.
Sister Branstead, Bertlesen, and Strem bore their testimony.  Sister Johnson reported two dreams.
Miss C. Morrison brought in a letter from St. George from C.C. Rowe, C. Jensen, and Sena Monroe which were read with interest;Also the Temple Song.
All present felt well and cheering news from St. George.  Sister Tidwell bore her testimony, feels to go on and to do all she can.  Also, Sisters Peterson, Erickson, Olsen and S.M. Christison.  Sister Simpson wished all a Happy New Year, feels well to meet once more and hope to live near to the Lord and to have His spirit to enlighten the minds of all that wished to do right, comfort one another and remember the poor.
It was moved and seconded that sister Caroline Larsen would be received as a member in the Relief Society.  Sister Branstead related two dreams that will be recorded at another time.  Sister Peel thanked the few assembled for coming and hoped all  would pray for President Young.  Closed with singing and prayer by Sister Seely.
Sister Peel Presided
Sister Wallace, Secretary

Wilson's Blacksmith Shop

This appear to me to be located on State Street and Main, where Skyline Pharmacy is now located.  What do you think?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Proctor Family - 1925

This is in Alice Hafen's Photo Collection.  It is a picture sent to her grandparents, Henry Ericksen and Wilhemina Morrison Ericksen in 1925.  Perhaps someone will appreciate this photo from the Proctor Family.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Usher Morgan Winters

This photo was in Alice Hafen's memorabilia.  I went to Family Search to get the following information:
He was the son of Morgan Arthur Winters and Lydia Ellen Tebbs.  He was born 23 June 1892.  He married
Lucretia Vern Seely who is a distant cousin of Alice.  He died 30 December 1918.

Caroline Lovegreen, wife of Olaf Lovegreen

A very thoughtful lady (Peggy) from Michigan sent in this photograph on February 2nd.  She had found it in an old photo album.  She sent it on, hoping that someone from Mt. Pleasant would recognize this person's photo or the name. 
Caroline Lovegreen was born in 1833 in Sweden and died in 1870 in Mt. Pleasant.  She was the wife of Olaf Lovegreen who was also born in Sweden in the year 1820.  He died sometime between 1880 and 1900.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Female Relief Society - - -Nov 8, 1874

Meeting held in Social Hall, November 8, 1874.
Opened with singing and prayer by Sister Peel.
Minutes of a former meeting were read and approved.  Sister Morrison expressed herself with pleasure at having the opportunity afforded us of assembling together to bear our testimony and to talk of the principles of the gospel received in these the last days.  Also, talked a little on the "United Order" and said that the Lord will have a tried people.  If we would remember  our prayers in private and public, he would give us his spirit to enlighten our minds and give us wisdom, knowledge and understanding if we were faithful to the whisperings of the good spirit.
Sister Peel also spoke in her own language.  Many of the sisters bore a faithful testimony.
Sister Peterson read a singular dream she had which certainly was very instructive. 
It was proposed, seconded and carried that sisters Synegore, Johnson, Mina Madsen, Charlotte Yenson were admitted teachers of the Visiting Committee. 
Meeting closed and prayer by Sister Peterson
MF Morrison, Pres.
E. Wallace, Secy

M.I.A. Chorus

From Back to Front:  Alice Hafen, Louella Hansen, Eva Beck, Hazel McCarrah, Clea Staker, Margaret Lund, Lizetta Seely, Esther Madsen, Dora Christensen, ?, Iva Staker, Esther Rasmussen

Saturday, February 6, 2010

North Sanpete Football Team 1929-30

(Comment by Lee R. Christensen): The North Sanpete football team of 1929 was the first football team I saw in action. Neil Hafen, on a "sleeper" play ,my first play. I don't know who was expected to throw him the ball, Granny Peterson ,the quarterback, or Vernon Christensen, halfback, but I doubt either of them could have thrown the ball across the field to Neil. The ball in those days was much fatter than today's ball. The field was dirt, the tumble weed stickers many , and the times simpler. I was a 2nd grader, on my own, wandering over from Hamilton to see the game. And like everyone else roaming up and down the sidelines following the team. Go Rams!!!  
Lee R. Christensen

Elmer Niels Fillis Passes Away

A long-time member of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association passed away in Mission Viejo, California.  Elmer Fillis,  son of James and Verda Christensen Fillis was 85 years old and passed away on January 26th.  He and his wife, Reva would live here during the spring and summer months and then go to sunny California during the fall and winter months.  They were always home (Mt. Pleasant) in time for our Annual Pioneer Day Celebration which is held the last Saturday in March. 

They have been long-time supporters of the Pioneer Association,  recently contributing both items of historic value and also monetarily.  We appreciate our association with them and extend our sympathies to Reva and her family.  Read Deseret News Obituary