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Friday, December 31, 2010
People Respond to Every Call During World War I
World War
When the United States entered the World War, the people of Mt. Pleasant loyally responded to every call, and made a record of which it may well be proud. One hundred and eighteen boys enlisted from Mt. Pleasant, and a number of Mt. Pleasant's sons enlisted from other communities. As the boys, one by one or in groups, boarded the train, great crowds, although sad at heart, cheered them as they left for the front. Three of the number died in service. Ralph Braby, while in California, was drowned, Jacob Hafen died of disease, and Henry Merville Zabriskie was killed in action, over seas. The Sanpete County Council of Defense was organized as follows: J. W. Cherry, chairman; Burke McArthur, secretary; Ed. Johnston, treasurer; Committee chairmen, Finance, N. S. Niel¬sen; Publicity, ,Burke McArthur; Legal, J. W. Cherry; Sanitation and Medicine, Ed. Johnston; Food supply and conservation, L. R. Anderson; Industrial survey, Orlando Bradley; Labor, Christian Willardsen; Military affairs, J. Morgan Johnson; State protection, H. R. Thomas; Survey of man power, L. P. Brady; Woman's work, Mrs. G. W. Martin. In June 1918, there were deposited in the Mt. Pleasant Com-mercial and Savings Bank, by Mr. N. S. Nielsen, county chairman of finance, to the credit of W. G. McAdoo, treasurer of the Nation¬al American Red Cross, seven thousand five hundred dollars. 200 The citizens went over the top in the various other drives conducted. Liberty bonds, postal savings, Soldier's Welfare Re¬lief, Christmas boxes, tobacco, conservation of food, etc. Local committees were organized, among them the local Red Cross. The officers of this organization visited the neighboring cities, Fairview, Fountain Green, Moroni, Wales, Chester and Spring City, and in cooperation with them, purchased material and sewed articles called for. There were checked out something over $3000, which had been obtained by weekly canvasses made by wo¬men and girls, and by other volunteer donations other than the National drives. Mt. Pleasant headquarters were established at about 122 West Main, where the women, some representing differ¬ent organizations, met and did sewing, etc., required. Many ship¬ments of goods were made. The officers at this time were: C. L. Johns, president; Mrs. Grace Madsen and Miss Irene Nielsen, vice presidents; Miss Hilda Madsen, secretary and treasurer. History of Mt. Pleasant HML pp 199-200
When the United States entered the World War, the people of Mt. Pleasant loyally responded to every call, and made a record of which it may well be proud. One hundred and eighteen boys enlisted from Mt. Pleasant, and a number of Mt. Pleasant's sons enlisted from other communities. As the boys, one by one or in groups, boarded the train, great crowds, although sad at heart, cheered them as they left for the front. Three of the number died in service. Ralph Braby, while in California, was drowned, Jacob Hafen died of disease, and Henry Merville Zabriskie was killed in action, over seas. The Sanpete County Council of Defense was organized as follows: J. W. Cherry, chairman; Burke McArthur, secretary; Ed. Johnston, treasurer; Committee chairmen, Finance, N. S. Niel¬sen; Publicity, ,Burke McArthur; Legal, J. W. Cherry; Sanitation and Medicine, Ed. Johnston; Food supply and conservation, L. R. Anderson; Industrial survey, Orlando Bradley; Labor, Christian Willardsen; Military affairs, J. Morgan Johnson; State protection, H. R. Thomas; Survey of man power, L. P. Brady; Woman's work, Mrs. G. W. Martin. In June 1918, there were deposited in the Mt. Pleasant Com-mercial and Savings Bank, by Mr. N. S. Nielsen, county chairman of finance, to the credit of W. G. McAdoo, treasurer of the Nation¬al American Red Cross, seven thousand five hundred dollars. 200 The citizens went over the top in the various other drives conducted. Liberty bonds, postal savings, Soldier's Welfare Re¬lief, Christmas boxes, tobacco, conservation of food, etc. Local committees were organized, among them the local Red Cross. The officers of this organization visited the neighboring cities, Fairview, Fountain Green, Moroni, Wales, Chester and Spring City, and in cooperation with them, purchased material and sewed articles called for. There were checked out something over $3000, which had been obtained by weekly canvasses made by wo¬men and girls, and by other volunteer donations other than the National drives. Mt. Pleasant headquarters were established at about 122 West Main, where the women, some representing differ¬ent organizations, met and did sewing, etc., required. Many ship¬ments of goods were made. The officers at this time were: C. L. Johns, president; Mrs. Grace Madsen and Miss Irene Nielsen, vice presidents; Miss Hilda Madsen, secretary and treasurer. History of Mt. Pleasant HML pp 199-200
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Martha Ann Tidwell Pritchett, her husband John William Pritchett and their youngest child, Maggie.
Martha Ann was the daughter of James Harvey Tidwell and granddaughter of John Tidwell, two of the original pioneers to Mt. Pleasant. She married John William Pritchett, son of Samuel Napoleon Bonaparte Pritchett and Mary Jane Gillespie, original pioneers to Fairvew. These were the great grandparents of myself, Kathy Rigby Hafen. My grandmother, Sarah was their second daughter.
Martha Ann was the daughter of James Harvey Tidwell and granddaughter of John Tidwell, two of the original pioneers to Mt. Pleasant. She married John William Pritchett, son of Samuel Napoleon Bonaparte Pritchett and Mary Jane Gillespie, original pioneers to Fairvew. These were the great grandparents of myself, Kathy Rigby Hafen. My grandmother, Sarah was their second daughter.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A Scene from Oak Creek R.R. March 3rd, 1902
We don't know the story behind this photo, but it shows the amount of snow, the railroad track, and a buggy with a horse down in the snow in Oak Creek 1902
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Debate: That Short Men Make Better Husbands ~ Artopic Club 1935
Honorable Judges, Worthy Opponents, and fellow Club Members
1. That Short Men make better husbands because:
a. They are more even-tempered than tall men.
b. They are more economically dressed.
c. You have a better chance of happiness with a small man.
d. You will keep your youth and beauty longer.
e. Your own work is more easily and quickly done.
These points I have just given may now sound irrelevant and preposterous just now. However, I shall prove every single word I have said to your satisfaction.
Let us look at the small man stature to be outstanding in the world because of his inherited size. But they have been all the mightier for it. Let us look at Napoleon Bonaparte. Never did there exist a greater general than he. He was defeated you say-- of course he had indigestion. Look at Confucius the greatest mind in Chinese history. We know that he was described as being "as slight as a small woman". Yet his words are as a religion in the world today. It has been written that a man's greatness cannot be judged by his stature. And so I say that I will prove to you on the above points that even as in history the small man triumphs in the matter of fitness as a husband. Surely this fact matters more to us, the women of this generation, more than does his capacity for pulling trees, throwing bulls, or rubbing the paint off the ceiling with his hair.
I shall not prove my points with any stories from my own experience. The fact that I am married to a man who could not be called tall, does not color my faith in the cause for which I argue. Moreover, I feel that to bring personal experience and opinion into this debate would be to give my worthy opponents an unjust advantage. You see, good friends, both my opponents are married--and my worthy colleagues is not. So that to count experience as proof of argument would leave us in the dust. And most unworthily. However, it would not go too easily with our worthy opponents if I were so minded to speak from experience. There is not one woman in our club who has more experience living with a tall man than I. I have lived with a taller man than is any other man in town. So were I to produce as evidence my experience with him, the result would be so shattering as to preclude any necessity for further debate.
But Now To My Argument:
Small men are more economically dressed. This statement almost goes without argument. But just supposing for instance, that you were contemplating a pair of pajamas. We all know that inexpensive ready-made pajamas are made in conservative sizes and that for a very tall man, they will hit him at the ridiculous point, just above the wrists and ankles. And when they are washed and shrunk, you will begin to wish that you had ordered one of those hideous monstrosities--a nightshirt. However a small man may be fitted perfectly--and if they are a little long, you can cut the sleeves and legs off and provide yourself with some lovely quilt blocks, dishrags, or any such little items they may suggest, of course you perceive the argument. Supposing you decide to make your husbands pajamas. The same argument holds good here also, a small man will sleep comfortably in a pair made most lavish from four and one half yards of material but your lengthy better half will require at least five yards or maybe six. Since I said I would not stoop to speak from my own experience I could not do so. But if I should speak I could tell of buying nearly seven yards of cloth for one pair of pajamas--but I will not speak from experience. Contemplate, that I have only mentioned one item of clothing. Everything else may be considered in the like manner. Then there is the matter of shirt tails, Did you ever see the shirttail of a tall man waving in the wind? Of Course you did. Lots of times--he is most always too long between shoulders and waist to allow more than a half an inch to tuck in--therefore it flies out every time to he exerts himself--much to the embarrassment of his wife--or every woman in the vicinity. But a small man always has inches to spare and tucks his shirt tails snugly about his knees so that he does not catch cold--and thereby saves on cough remedy and aspirin. He needs feel no draft about his middle to keep you awake all night by his coughing.
The second point tells us that you have a better chance of happiness with a small man. Just supposing that you were married to a burly six footer and the doors to your house measured exactly five feet and one half inches. Your husband must concentrate each time he entered his house, else he will bump his head which would put him in an ill humor. His brow will become wrinkled and corrugated with thought because of his intense efforts to concentrate. He will no doubt become hunchbacked from going in and out doors too small for him--what will be the result--away will fly romance and love--who could love a cross, wrinkled faced man with a hunched back?
Our third point proves that you will keep your youth and beauty more easily married to a small man- think my good friends of the long legs and arms of your burly big bruiser. Think of the long cold nights when time after time you will waken to find yourself uncovered because he has moved an arm or a leg. You will not get your rest, your beauty sleep that is so vital to your youth and beauty.
My last point proves conclusively that your work will be easier if your mate is small. Your washings will be smaller--A small man cannot dirty as large a piece of clothing. Your darning will be easier, his socks will not have such big holes because the socks are not as large. His appetite is not so large and his smaller feet cannot drag in so much dirt. His trousers are more quickly pressed--his legs are not so long. I have not spoken from experience.
Finally I shall prove to you that WHO of the greatest men in history and in modern times would not make suitable husbands for you nor me--nor any other woman in this town.
In history let us take Abraham Lincoln. He was a great man, I grant you that there is probably not a greater man in history. He was a tall thin man well over six feet--just the type our worthy opponent would have you believe makes the best husband--and yet why would not you or I want Abraham Lincoln for a husband? Because he is dead.
Now let us take a man of modern times. Who better could I choose than Franklin D. Roosevelt, our President. He is a large active man, with a charming personality, and not, I say Not one of you could bring yourself to marry him, charming and tall as he is-- Why? My dear friends-he is already married. Thank You!
1. That Short Men make better husbands because:
a. They are more even-tempered than tall men.
b. They are more economically dressed.
c. You have a better chance of happiness with a small man.
d. You will keep your youth and beauty longer.
e. Your own work is more easily and quickly done.
These points I have just given may now sound irrelevant and preposterous just now. However, I shall prove every single word I have said to your satisfaction.
Let us look at the small man stature to be outstanding in the world because of his inherited size. But they have been all the mightier for it. Let us look at Napoleon Bonaparte. Never did there exist a greater general than he. He was defeated you say-- of course he had indigestion. Look at Confucius the greatest mind in Chinese history. We know that he was described as being "as slight as a small woman". Yet his words are as a religion in the world today. It has been written that a man's greatness cannot be judged by his stature. And so I say that I will prove to you on the above points that even as in history the small man triumphs in the matter of fitness as a husband. Surely this fact matters more to us, the women of this generation, more than does his capacity for pulling trees, throwing bulls, or rubbing the paint off the ceiling with his hair.
I shall not prove my points with any stories from my own experience. The fact that I am married to a man who could not be called tall, does not color my faith in the cause for which I argue. Moreover, I feel that to bring personal experience and opinion into this debate would be to give my worthy opponents an unjust advantage. You see, good friends, both my opponents are married--and my worthy colleagues is not. So that to count experience as proof of argument would leave us in the dust. And most unworthily. However, it would not go too easily with our worthy opponents if I were so minded to speak from experience. There is not one woman in our club who has more experience living with a tall man than I. I have lived with a taller man than is any other man in town. So were I to produce as evidence my experience with him, the result would be so shattering as to preclude any necessity for further debate.
But Now To My Argument:
Small men are more economically dressed. This statement almost goes without argument. But just supposing for instance, that you were contemplating a pair of pajamas. We all know that inexpensive ready-made pajamas are made in conservative sizes and that for a very tall man, they will hit him at the ridiculous point, just above the wrists and ankles. And when they are washed and shrunk, you will begin to wish that you had ordered one of those hideous monstrosities--a nightshirt. However a small man may be fitted perfectly--and if they are a little long, you can cut the sleeves and legs off and provide yourself with some lovely quilt blocks, dishrags, or any such little items they may suggest, of course you perceive the argument. Supposing you decide to make your husbands pajamas. The same argument holds good here also, a small man will sleep comfortably in a pair made most lavish from four and one half yards of material but your lengthy better half will require at least five yards or maybe six. Since I said I would not stoop to speak from my own experience I could not do so. But if I should speak I could tell of buying nearly seven yards of cloth for one pair of pajamas--but I will not speak from experience. Contemplate, that I have only mentioned one item of clothing. Everything else may be considered in the like manner. Then there is the matter of shirt tails, Did you ever see the shirttail of a tall man waving in the wind? Of Course you did. Lots of times--he is most always too long between shoulders and waist to allow more than a half an inch to tuck in--therefore it flies out every time to he exerts himself--much to the embarrassment of his wife--or every woman in the vicinity. But a small man always has inches to spare and tucks his shirt tails snugly about his knees so that he does not catch cold--and thereby saves on cough remedy and aspirin. He needs feel no draft about his middle to keep you awake all night by his coughing.
The second point tells us that you have a better chance of happiness with a small man. Just supposing that you were married to a burly six footer and the doors to your house measured exactly five feet and one half inches. Your husband must concentrate each time he entered his house, else he will bump his head which would put him in an ill humor. His brow will become wrinkled and corrugated with thought because of his intense efforts to concentrate. He will no doubt become hunchbacked from going in and out doors too small for him--what will be the result--away will fly romance and love--who could love a cross, wrinkled faced man with a hunched back?
Our third point proves that you will keep your youth and beauty more easily married to a small man- think my good friends of the long legs and arms of your burly big bruiser. Think of the long cold nights when time after time you will waken to find yourself uncovered because he has moved an arm or a leg. You will not get your rest, your beauty sleep that is so vital to your youth and beauty.
My last point proves conclusively that your work will be easier if your mate is small. Your washings will be smaller--A small man cannot dirty as large a piece of clothing. Your darning will be easier, his socks will not have such big holes because the socks are not as large. His appetite is not so large and his smaller feet cannot drag in so much dirt. His trousers are more quickly pressed--his legs are not so long. I have not spoken from experience.
Finally I shall prove to you that WHO of the greatest men in history and in modern times would not make suitable husbands for you nor me--nor any other woman in this town.
In history let us take Abraham Lincoln. He was a great man, I grant you that there is probably not a greater man in history. He was a tall thin man well over six feet--just the type our worthy opponent would have you believe makes the best husband--and yet why would not you or I want Abraham Lincoln for a husband? Because he is dead.
Now let us take a man of modern times. Who better could I choose than Franklin D. Roosevelt, our President. He is a large active man, with a charming personality, and not, I say Not one of you could bring yourself to marry him, charming and tall as he is-- Why? My dear friends-he is already married. Thank You!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Female Relief Society May 29, 1876
Meeting held May 29, 1876
Opened with singing: "Come Let Us Renew Our Journey Pursue"
Prayer by Sister Peel
Singing: " O the Mountains High"
It was reported from the meeting of Sisters as following:
(donations at this time were usually made by flour, eggs or soap. Flour was spelled Flower. The donations were used to help the poor or help with the emigration of saints from the old country. There are many names on the list; so look through and find your ancestor.)
Sleuth and Ye Shall Find Tri-Stake Family History Workshop ~ January 15th
Our Relic Home and Blacksmith Shop will be represented here. We will have a nice display as well as many helps to share with you.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sanpete Bank Robber ~ shared by "Boyd - Bonehead _ _ _ _ _ _)
A hooded robber burst into a Sanpete bank and forced the tellers to load a sack full of cash. On his way out the door, a brave Sanpete customer grabbed the hood and pulled it off revealing the robber's face. The robber shot the customer without a moment's hesitation.
He then looked around the bank and noticed one of the tellers looking straight at him. The robber instantly shot him also. Everyone else, by now very scared, looked intently down at the floor in silence.
The robber yelled, 'Well, did anyone else see my face?'
There are a few moments of utter silence in which everyone was plainly afraid to speak. Then, one old cowboy tentatively raised his hand, and while keeping his head down said, 'My wife got a pretty good look at you.'
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Moses Martin Sanders and Amanda Armstrong Faucett Sanders (one of our most popular posts)
Moses Martin Sanders was born on the 17th of August 1803, the son of David Sanders and Mary Allred in Georgia. He had two brothers and two sisters; William Hamilton, David James, Sarah and Nancy Sanders. Two of the children were born in Tennessee, where his parents moved sometime after they married in about 1802. Moses Martin married Amanda Armstrong Faucett on the 12th of January 1826. They were the parents of twelve children:
William Carl ------------4 Dec 1826 ------------Died 18 Aug 1827
Richard Twiggs--------31 May 1828
John Franklin----------- 5 Mar 1830
Rebecca Ann ---------- 5 Mar 1832
Martha Brown-------- 25 May 1834
David Walker-------- 1 Sep 1835
Joseph Moroni ------- 25 Dec 1836
Sidney Rigdon--------- 10 Mar 1839
Emma------------------ 23 Jan 1841
Eliza Jane-------------- 4 Jun 1843 -------------Died in 1847
Hyrum Smith---------- 10 Jun 1845-------------Died in 1845
Moses Martin Jr.------ 21 Feb 1853
Moses Martin and Amanda were members of the L.D.S. Church in its early infancy and suffered inhuman treatment at the hands of mobs in Missouri along with the rest of the early Latter Day Saints. During the Nauvoo Period, the Sanders family lived neighbors to the Prophet Joseph Smith and his family. Moses received his patriarchal blessing in Nauvoo, given to him by Isaac Morley.
When the Prophet Joseph Smith called for members of the Church to bring in their deeds to their property in Missouri, Moses Martin Sanders was among the first to come. The Prophet said to him, "Brother Sanders, you have done this day that which will entitle you and your posterity to an everlasting inheritance in Jackson Co., Missouri."
Moses Martin Sanders received his endowments in the Nauvoo Temple on January 1, 1846. while in Nauvoo, Moses Martin married a second wife before they were driven from there. Her name was Mary Jane Sanderson.
In 1859, Moses Martin Sanders and some of his married children were called to Sanpete County. They helped to build the fort in Mt. Pleasant, and then moved north to North Bend (Fairview). While the men were busy building a fort and church in Fairview, the women resided in Mt. Pleasant.
In 1865, Moses Martin and his married sons were called to the Dixie Cotton Mission in Southern Utah. Here again they shared the trials, hardships and toil that went into the conquering of a new frontier, as well as a new industry ----cotton. They also worked on the building of the temple in St. George. Moses Martin had quite a lot of land and cattle there. Moses Martin Sanders died at St. George on November 8, 1878.
William Carl ------------4 Dec 1826 ------------Died 18 Aug 1827
Richard Twiggs--------31 May 1828
John Franklin----------- 5 Mar 1830
Rebecca Ann ---------- 5 Mar 1832
Martha Brown-------- 25 May 1834
David Walker-------- 1 Sep 1835
Joseph Moroni ------- 25 Dec 1836
Sidney Rigdon--------- 10 Mar 1839
Emma------------------ 23 Jan 1841
Eliza Jane-------------- 4 Jun 1843 -------------Died in 1847
Hyrum Smith---------- 10 Jun 1845-------------Died in 1845
Moses Martin Jr.------ 21 Feb 1853
Moses Martin and Amanda were members of the L.D.S. Church in its early infancy and suffered inhuman treatment at the hands of mobs in Missouri along with the rest of the early Latter Day Saints. During the Nauvoo Period, the Sanders family lived neighbors to the Prophet Joseph Smith and his family. Moses received his patriarchal blessing in Nauvoo, given to him by Isaac Morley.
When the Prophet Joseph Smith called for members of the Church to bring in their deeds to their property in Missouri, Moses Martin Sanders was among the first to come. The Prophet said to him, "Brother Sanders, you have done this day that which will entitle you and your posterity to an everlasting inheritance in Jackson Co., Missouri."
Moses Martin Sanders received his endowments in the Nauvoo Temple on January 1, 1846. while in Nauvoo, Moses Martin married a second wife before they were driven from there. Her name was Mary Jane Sanderson.
In 1859, Moses Martin Sanders and some of his married children were called to Sanpete County. They helped to build the fort in Mt. Pleasant, and then moved north to North Bend (Fairview). While the men were busy building a fort and church in Fairview, the women resided in Mt. Pleasant.
In 1865, Moses Martin and his married sons were called to the Dixie Cotton Mission in Southern Utah. Here again they shared the trials, hardships and toil that went into the conquering of a new frontier, as well as a new industry ----cotton. They also worked on the building of the temple in St. George. Moses Martin had quite a lot of land and cattle there. Moses Martin Sanders died at St. George on November 8, 1878.
the above is taken from the "Sanders Saga" family newsletter
Filmore records show that Moses Martin Sanders and Amanda Faucett Sanders also helped to establish that area as well.
Filmore records show that Moses Martin Sanders and Amanda Faucett Sanders also helped to establish that area as well.
Lieutenant General, Joseph Smith on his horse "Joe Duncan"
given to him by Moses Martin Sanders.
While living in Nauvoo, Moses Martin Sanders and his wife Amanda Armstrong Faucett Sanders lived as neighbors to the Prophet, Joseph Smith, and they cherished their association with the Smith Family. Moses owned a very beautiful, but unruly horse. As Moses was often away from home, performing church duties, it fell to the lot of Amanda to lead this horse to water and she was really afraid of him. He was very high spirited.
One day the Prophet Joseph said to his neighbor, Moses, "Brother Sanders, give the horse to me and I'll promise that you will never lose by it." Moses Martin replied, "I would, but I am afraid that he may hurt you." Then the Prophet said, "No, he would never hurt me." So Moses tossed him the rope and said, "He is yours." The horse was called "JOE DUNCAN", a very beautiful, intelligent animal.
The picture above shows the Prophet Joseph Smith dressed in his Lieutenant General uniform. The Prophet rode this horse in maneuvers of the Nauvoo Legion and many other occasions.
Amanda Armstrong Faucett was born May 6th 1810, the fifth child of Richard Faucett and Mary McKee. Before she was sixteen years old, she married Moses Martin Sanders who was then twenty three.
She and Moses lived neighbors to the Prophet Joseph Smith and family in Nauvoo.
Her life was one move after another and always to new frontiers where it was very difficult and often dangerous. she was a helpmate and companion to her husband. She gave birth to 12 children.
She was given a patriarchal blessing by the Patriarch, John Smith. Her blessing told her that she not only shared in the priesthood of her husband but in the absence of Elders, she should have power to heal her children by the laying on of hands.
Amanda helped pioneer Mt. Pleasant and also Fairview in 1859, then in 1865 they were called to the Dixie Mission near St. George. There they built a sawmill and furnished lumber for the St. George Temple. While living in St. George, she lost her husband and moved back to Fairview.
In 1881, she and some of her sons answered the call to help colonize Arizona. They moved to Tonto Basin. this move was about the twelfth move for Amanda. She passed away on April 24, 1885.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thalman and Farnworth Photos ~ shared by Deena Lynn Sutton
The Farnworth Family came from England.
The Thalman Family came from Switzerland.
If anyone can identify which Farnworth family these two children are, please let us know. Or if anyone can give us more history on the Farnworth Family, please contact
The history of George Farnworth can be found here:
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Ada Hokensen and Vernon Farnworth Wedding 1917 |
The Farnworth Family came from England.
The Thalman Family came from Switzerland.
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Robert Thalman and Jennie Christensen Wedding 1903 |
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Moroni Farnworth Family ~ Hannah, Francis, Moroni, Eliza May, Susan, Rosette, Thomas and Moroni L. |
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Alice Thalman Farnworth |
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Baby Girl Farnworth ~ Family unknown |
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Baby girl Farnworth 2 ~ Family unknown |
If anyone can identify which Farnworth family these two children are, please let us know. Or if anyone can give us more history on the Farnworth Family, please contact
The history of George Farnworth can be found here:
Florence Susannah Farnworth Marshall ~ Shared by Deena Sutton
Florence Farnworth was born on 25th of January 1890 in Mt Pleasant, Utah
to James Albert Farnworth and Alice Thalman
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Hamilton School Teachers 1941 (One of our most popular posts)
These photos are sent in to us by Tonga Seely Titcomb, a niece of Lizetta Seely.
Help us Identify the Unknowns Please !
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
James Monsen ~ Mayor of the Month ~ December 2010 ~ He Served from 1905 to 1909
The Sanpete Stake of Zion, which included Sanpete County, was in 1900 divided into two sections, the North and the South, all north of Ephraim to belong to the North Sanpete Stake, and all south, including Ephraim, to the South Sanpete Stake. C. N. Lund, of Mount Pleasant, was appointed president of the north section. On the same date, December 9, 1900, Mt. Pleasant was divided into two wards, the North and the South. Lars P. Madsen was made Bishop, with Thomas West and Joseph Seeley as counselors of the North ward, and James Larsen, Bishop, with Christian Johansen and James Monsen as counselors of the South ward. The first ward schoolhouse, which was built in 1875, was then razed to give way for the South ward chapel. The new building, which was begun at once, was dedicated in 1908. Mt. Pleasant History Hilda Madsen Longsdorf p 181
In 1901, the Mt. Pleasant Commercial Bank erected their building on the north side of Main Street between Second and Third West.
The mountains east of the city had in the past produced a great deal of lumber, and about this time and later, a number of mills were operated, among these later lumber dealers from time to time were: E. L. Durphy, Lauritz and Peter A. Larsen, John H. Seeley and James Monsen. Large forest fires were often seen in the mountains. HML p 182
During the year (1908), the Progress Mercantile Company, which became very prominent in the business world, was incorporated with James Larsen, president; F. C. Jensen, vice president; H. C. Jacobs, secretary-treasurer; S. E. Jensen, James Monsen, Andrew Larsen, John Strom and Andrew Swenson, directors. Their place of business was established in the Equitable building, formerly occupied by the Aldrich Brothers. Mt. Pleasant History Hilda Madsen Longsdorf p 183.
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrated
Early in February 1909, there was called a mass meeting by Mayor James Monsen, for the purpose of deciding the advisability of a celebration sometime during the year, honoring the fiftieth anniversary of the settling of Mt. Pleasant.
It was decided at this meeting to hold a three day celebration beginning on the 5th day of July.
At this time, Andrew Madsen stated he thought it would be appropriate if steps could be taken towards the erection of a suitable monument in honor of the Pioneers. The city officials felt that owing to financial conditions they were not able to officially take any steps in that direction. Madsen then began to take the matter up personally, having full confidence that if proper steps were taken, the descendants would join in a movement whereby something could be erected, giving honor and credit, not only to the pioneers, but to the descendants as well, and to all of the people of our city. He then called upon Bishops Daniel Rasmussen, James Larsen and Mayor Monsen.
A conference was held, after a few minutes discussion, they were united and agreed upon calling a mass meeting on the 17th day of February, 1909. At this meeting, Daniel Rasmussen was elected chairman and Joseph Seely secretary. The plan was pre¬sented to erect in some suitable place, a large monument in honor of the Pioneers. After a few minutes discussion, this was unanimously agreed upon.
Two committees were appointed. One, Ferdinand Ericksen. E. C. Johnson, James Larsen, James Monsen, and Andrew Madsen, to select the character of monument to be erected, and a like com-mittee, consisting of five members, Daniel Rasmussen, Joseph Seely, James Borg, C. W. Anderson and Joseph Monsen, were to devise ways and means by which to raise the necessary funds for the erection of a suitable memorial.
February 27th, another meeting was called and the two com-mittees were consolidated. The committees worked earnestly and it was only by stick-to-it-tive-ness and constant efforts with renewed vigor that they were able to make such rapid advancement.
The census of the descendants were taken and an assessment of $35.00 to the family was made. Any male in Mt. Pleasant over ten years of age in 1859, was eligible to have his name on the monument. Some responded promptly, while some were lax. Madsen made a trip to Carbon County, meeting with a number of the descendents at Price and Wellington, who, after receiving full explanation of the progress and intentions of the committee, did not hesitate and at once contributed their portion. In March, a mass meeting was held to prepare for the celebration. The city appointed the following committee chairmen: James Monsen
general chairman; C. N. Lund, program; Daniel Rasmussen, decoration; W. D. Candland, finance; Ferdinand Ericksen, amusement; Joseph Seely, entertainment; and also made an appropriation of $200.00.
The work was completed in due time and a beautiful monument, which is composed of white bronze metal was erected on the northwest corner of the Church Block, intersecting Main and State Streets. It stands upon a cement foundation, ten feet square, and is surmounted by six foot figure representing "Faith" typifying the devotion and confidence of the Pioneers. The total height of the monument is twenty-seven feet, six inches. The estimated cost about $2,500.00. Mt. Pleasant History Hilda Madsen Longsdorf p 183-185
In 1909, during the time James Monsen was mayor, three cement side walk districts were created. District number one, on the north side of Main Street from State Street to Fifth West. District number two, east side of State Street from Main Street to the cemetery, and the west side of State Street from Main Street to Fifth South. District number three, west side of Fifth West from Main Street to Fifth South. Mt. Pleasant History Hilda Madsen Longsdorf p 195