Monday, January 31, 2011

Female Relief Society July 11, 1876

Meeting held the 11th of July 1876.  Opened with the singing of "All praise to .......... .... Lord.  Prayer by Sister Peel.  Sing " O Jesus the Giver".  Sister Morrison addressed the sisters.  - She felt well and although the meeting with few attended, she hoped that the good spirit will be with us that we would have a good meeting .  Her remarks were reflective take of the last century and particularly of the great spirits that made themselves now ....... to the nation....showed all great things were completed in the past.  She reflected of the great spirits and the great work that in that past century came forward......the reason of thankfulness for us as a peopleand the corruption of the nation that ...... prophets, hoped that in this century this great work will come to its perfection and our children will praise the glorious work, even ......
She  made some remarks about the 4th of July happy the day past and ... pleasure we have to see our raising generations turn out so nice  and how they enjuoyed themselves in a good manner.  Then she spoke a good deal about the silk worm and prosperity and hoped that we would bring to a success .  After that she read some pieces from the "Women's Exponent" showing how good it would be to receive this paper and just ...... Sister to ....... to take the paper .....introducing in their families and to their children.  All her remarks were in earnest and expressive language.  Sister Madsen, Sister Peel, Sister Simpson and some of the other sisters spoke and bore their faithful testimoy to the gospels and to..... A good spririt prevailed.
MFC Morrison, President
Louise Hasler, Secretary

Sunday, January 30, 2011

One of our Most Popular Posts ~ Manti Settlers Are Overtaken By Rattlesnakes, But Not A Single Settler Is Bitten

Chief Walker and a band of Ute Indians appeared in Salt Lake City, June 14, 1849 and requested that BrighamYoung send settlers to the Sanpitch Valley to teach the natives how to build houses and til the soil.  On the following August 20th, Chief Walker and an exploring party reached the present site of Manti  and were well entertained by the natives.  Favorable conditions for settlement must have been evident, because on November 19, 1849,  some fifty families under the spiritual leadership of  Isaac  Morley and Captain Nelson Higgings, made their camp on the north side of the creek  bottom and began what was destined to become Manti City.

All was not so rosy as might at first seem possible.  The  following winter proved severe and the  settlers lost 127 head of their cattle from a band of 240.  The male population was forced to shovel snow into winrows to provide shelter for the cattle and to uncover the dry grass for them to eat.  even the horns of the cattle were sharpened to enable them to break the snow crust and also as a better protection against the wolves. 

The first warm days of spring brought a most unexpected and unwelcome party to the camp.  Just after sunset on this memorable occasion, a weird hissing and  rattling was evidently heard coming.  It seems from all points at once and the very earth appeared to be writhing with spotted backed rattlesnakes which, to the horror of the pioneers  were invading the quiet camp.  They took quarters in their beds, cupboards and in every accessible place in these outlying domiciles.  And among a less hardy band would have created a perfect chaos of confusion.  The whole male population with pine tordches casting a lurid light upohn the wierd scene, began an extermination campaign, which resulted in nearly 500 rattlesnakes being killed the first night.  Although the fight against the deadly serpents continued for several days, not a single person was bitten.
 Excerpts taken from an  article written by Gerald Henrie for the Salt Lake Trubune in about 1922.
 It is  taken from Hilda's Scrapbook.

Victorian Scrapbooking ~ One of our most popular posts

The tops of candy boxes, cigar boxes, calendars, etc. were collected and put in scrapbooks. These three are all embossed 3 dimensional designs. The scanned image does not do them justice. The colors are warm and beautifully added to the over-all effect. It is hoped you will use them in some of your scrapbooks, as I plan on doing. These particular pictures are taken from Maggie Peel Ericksen's Scrapbook.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stanton Seely Passes Away


Stanton was a good friend to all who knew him. We will miss his visits, his humor and his kindness.
Peter and Kathy Hafen

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lilacs and Roses Victorian in 3D

This comes from victorian scrapbook.  I wish I could fit the whole image on my scanner.  The roses actually fold out making it even more amazingly beautiful.  It is made of embossed cardboard and may have been a candybox lid or calendar. Simply a beautiful example of the Victorian Era marketing.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Photos From Our Archives ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ole Arilson

We will be sharing some of the photos from our vast archives at the Relic Home.  Some of these photos  don't accompany histories.  If you have a history or family information concerning some of these photos, please share them with us.   Any help you can give us will be much appreciated by the Relic Home and also family members.

GRANDMA ERICKSEN'S BUTTERMILK COOKIES ( Wilhemina Henrietta Morrison Ericksen)

1 cup sugar
1cup shortening
1 egg
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
Flour enough to make a soft dough  (about 4 1/2  cups)

Cream sugar and shortening.
Add beaten egg, buttermilk and vanilla
Sift dry ingredients and add to egg mixture to make soft dough
Roll out dough and cut.
Bake in 375 degree oven for 10 minuts.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Margaret Farquhar Cruickshank Morrison's Parents

A poem written by Margaret Morrison

May You Die Among Your Kindred

May you die among your kindred
May you rest your parting gaze
On the loved familiar faces
of your young and happy days

May the voices whose kind greeting
to your infancy was dear
pour lovingly, while life decays
their music on your ear.

May you die among your kindred
May the friends you love the best
list to your failing accents
and receive your last request

Read your muttered wishes
on your changeful features dwell
and mingle sighs of sorrow
With your faltering faint Farewell

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hans Brotherson

This picture of Hans Brotherson was requested by a descendant of his.  Perhaps someone else would like his photo as well.  We hope someone will send us his history.  Thanks in advance.  Kathy

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Neldon Rigby Honored August 1988

My Dad  ~  A True Country Gentleman ~  I'm So Proud of Him !

Saturday, January 15, 2011

James W. Anderson ~ Mayor of the Month ~ January 2011 ~ He served 1912 thru 1913

A big Thankyou to Lee R. Christensen and Kaye Watson for adding more information of James W. Anderson.

 James W. Anderson was born in Fairview, Sanpete County Februrary 28, 1875, the son of Archibald and Caroline Johnson Anderson. He married Amelia Allred April 2, 1897 in the Manti LDS Temple. His wife Amelia was the daughter of James A Allred and Mary Ann Pollard. That same year he left for a two year mission to the southern states.

A teacher in Utah elementary and high schools for more than 46 years Mr. Anderson received his early teaching experience in Spring City, Sanpete County and later went to Mt. Pleasant to be Supt. of Sanpete County Schools. He served as principal of Salt Lake City summer school for 8 years. He had charge of West High Night School for 8 years.

He taught school in Spring City when the large elementary opened.  In 1900 he was also a teacher of Spring City Religion Classes which was the forerunner of Seminary.  He was the ward clerk of Spring City 1907-1908.

Mr. Anderson also served as juvenile judge of Sanpete and Sevier Counties for two terms and had been first counselor in North Sanpete L.D.S. Stake Presidency. A resident of Salt Lake from 1923. He was active in Grant L.D.S. Stake High Council and later in 11th L.D.S. Ward activities.

His children:

Beulah Amelia    born 13 Jan    198?      died 1971
James Clair        born      May  1900 
Vernon H.          born               1903     died 1964
Allen Boyd         born  17 July  1905      died 1964
Alma Owen        born               1909     died 1987
Eva Maurine       born               1913
Mary Marjorie    born               1918

James and his wife, Amelia are buried in the City Cemetery, Salt Lake City, Utah

The above information was researched and shared by Kaye Watson of Spring City.

"1912-13. Mayor, James W. Anderson; Recorder, Daniel Rasmus­sen; Treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Larsen; Councilors, H. Leroy Neilson, A. E. Mcintosh, Justus B. Seely, George C. Sorensen, A. Merz, Lauritz Larsen"


"While James W. Anderson was mayor, the electric light plant became an accomplished fact. A bond of $38,000.00, was voted"
We hope that someone can give us more information.

Comment from Lee R. Christensen:
Kathy: Some clues for others to build on so that Mayor Anderson is better known:

From the Mt Pleasant census record 1920 and LDS Ancestral File

James William Anderson, born Fairview 1875, married Amelia Allred (Sp Cty), died 1945. children Vernon, Boyd, Owen Maurine and Mary and Beulah (from 1910 census) is shown as teacher both census.

Is shown as Sup of Schools in the news clip of the Hamilton school tragedy . Beulan is one of the poets shown. I do not find the family 1930 census Mt Pleasant. I"ll keep looking,  lee

photo courtesy of BYU ~ George Edward Anderson Collection

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hamilton Poets ~ Betty Gunderson Woodbury and David R. Gunderson Collection

This is a re post with added insight from Lee R. Christensen added below in blue

 Comment from Lee R. Christensen Re: Poetry of Students, David Gunderson’s Collection: As usual, I may be stretching it, but: PM Nielsen shown as District Supervisor had a daughter, Margaret, who returned to North Sanpete High School about 1937 to teach English and girl’s PE.. PM, about then, living in Salt Lake City and a widower married Etta Rolph Peterson, a widow and originally from Mt Pleasant featured on theses pages as a young girl. Margaret I think was the producer, director and chorographer of the NS High dance revues. One number featured Joe Matson and a partner and could have made Broadway. Another one starring Lynn Paulson and buddies was unintentionally pure burlesque. Lee

Kathy: In an earlier comment I mentioned Margaret Nielsen who joined the North Sanpete High School staff for the school year 36-37. That was a sparkling year for new faculty at the school, most of it home grown. Eugene (Granny) Peterson, quarterback on the team in 1928, returned as coach. Grant Johansen returned as history/civic teacher and later was elected mayor. Harry Sundwall, from Fairview, was the typing/ short hand teacher and later a nationally recognized professor at Arizona State Univ. Margaret moved on to become the third or forth highest ranking WAC in WW2. lee

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Carrie Hafen's 1925 Model T ~ Bill of Sale

 Carrie as a young woman


Carrie, the Sportswoman, with Dr. P. L. Holman.  She was Dr. Holman, Dr. Sundwall and Dr. Winters' nurse; as well as a midwife after the death of her husband Wilford.

 Carrie with Friends as a child
Back Row L to R: Hazel Anderson, Lucile Rolph, Etta Rolph and Carrie Nielsen

Front Row L to R: Ada Jensen, Cloe Swenson, Elouise Poulson and Pauline Monson
This picture was taken on Charley Renborg's porch.
on second west and third south; southeast corner of intersection

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Female Relief Society June 24, 1876

Meeting held Jun 24, 1876. Opened with Singing. Prayer by Sister Peel

Donations made as follows:  (Flour  - Eggs-  Soap)

Female Relief Society May , 1876

Meeting held May 18,1876.  Opened with singing "Oh God the Spring of All my Joys".  Prayer by Sister Peel.  Singing: "Come Dearest Lord".  Sister Morrison addressed the Sisters and showed them things going to the fair in Salt Lake City for all the Sisters could see it.  It was all well received and it was moved and seconded that the flower bouquet after it was showed at the expedition should be sent to sister Eliza S. Snow to be accepted as a present from the Sisters of the Female Relief Society of Mount Pleasant which was unanimous.  Then Sister Morrison rose and felt well and thankful to meet again and brought in remembering the greatnes of the Lord, how he shows himself in everything like it was said in the scripture that when we would see all those things coming to pass, we would which time over life, not only in our town all the territory; we hear with ...... , but after all ...look at all things, the Lord was merciful to us.  .. is still some left that will grow up for our good.  She said that we gain much reason for thankfullness.  Also she made remarks about the .. Lady's Society that were not attended as well as it .... she wants the sisters to remember and uses all their influence upon their children and send them to that meeting and sustain Sis Fechser that was willing to teach them, and it was just all well their duty to go to meeting as it were for the older sisters.  Sister Simpson said that she felt well and pleased for all she have seen worked up from our Sisters and felt  to sustain the ...Lady Soc.  Sister Peel felt well and thankful to meet with the sisters.  she said that ever since she joned in this church she felt to sustain everyting good that she felt all the time her life with the Latter day Saints and keep the commandments of the Lord.  Sister.... felt greatly pleased she have a desire to come again and said that she like the life with this people and......Prayer by Sister Petersen.  Closed iwth singing.

MFC Morrison
Louise Hasler

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

News From Camp Luis Obispo ~ July 1941

double click, then click with the plus (+) sign to enlarge

Lee R. Christensen Recently Comments:
  Reading your posted news clip “Camp San Luis Obispo” where a dozen or so artillerymen from Mt Pleasants Btry “D” are mentioned recalled, for me, that pre war summer of 1941.

. Mt Pleasants National Guard unit, Btry D, was called up for Federal service 3 March 1941 with the rest of the California/Utah 40th Division under the 1940 Draft Act.. National Guard units were called up for “one year” and men 21 to 35 drafted for one year.

National Guard units prior to call up were at about ½ strength – when we went to summer camp we hired cooks – only two of our four howitzers were manned. So on call up we had many vacancies. Locals and near locals joined to get their year of military service over with in a home town unit. Prior to call up I do not recall anyone from Spring City, Fountain Green and certainly no one from Indianola in the unit. Jacob Houtz joined from Indianola, Vernal Christensen along with a half dozen others from Spring City and Cliff Anderson form Fountain Green. Some out of County students from Snow College, Walt Goodwin from Wayne County, joined Btry D rather than the Ephraim Band or the light artillery Manti unit. Some long range thinkers may have seen a war in our future but most of us just wanted our year of military service out of the way so we could get on with our lives.

Another big recruitment plus for Btry D was the local CCC camp. At least half a dozen men from there joined and in the case of Jones Belcher from Alabama we got an experienced military cook. Two others from the news clip, Clyde Tucker and John Milner were CCC transfers, both southern, Georgia and Tennessee.

The extension of The Draft Act, by one vote, late summer of 1941 meant the national political leadership was getting serious about the possibility of war. The extension meant National Guard units and draftees could be sent overseas. In October, prior to Pearl Harbor, Mt Pleasants Btry D along with the rest of 2nd Bn 222 FA, Richfield and Cedar City, was alerted for assignment to the Philippine Islands, code name “Plum” to sail from San Francisco, 10 Dec 1941. The attack on Pearl Harbor intervened and the Unit had a totally different history as Btry “A” 204th FA.