Friday, April 29, 2011

My GGGG Grandfather: Moses Martin Sanders

Last year at this time we visited the grave site of Amanda Armstrong Fausett in Arizona.
This past month while on a weekend visit to St. George we visited the grave site of her husband
Moses Martin Sanders.  
I don't know what it is with me that I have to find these markers, but I feel that
a trip isn't worth the trip unless its a genealogical hunt of some kind.
I am proud of my heritage and love these people for
all they represent as Strong Stalwart Pioneers to
Utah and the Inter-mountain west.
Mormon Pioneers Who gave so much so that I could have the blessings that I have now.

Moses Martin came to St. George to help build the St. George Temple.

My GGG Grandmother was Emma

You can find more of the history of Moses Martin and Amanda here

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ardeth Madsen ~ Shared by Ardith Madsen Renning Milner

First photo is Ardith holding flowers for the Roosevelt wedding.  This was probably in 1936 in San Francisco. 

 (United Airlines DC 3)

(United Airlines DC 3) which took Ardeth from Salt Lake City to Oaklyn, Calif.

Ardeth As a Stewardess

Endowment House LDS (Mormon) Temple

Site Dedication:  April 1854 
Construction Commencement:  Summer of 1854 
Dedication:  5 May 1855 by Heber C. Kimball
Rededication:  2 October 1856 (baptistry only) 
Endowment House Locale
Once located on the northwest corner of the temple block in Salt Lake City, the Endowment House served as a temporary temple for Church members in Utah Territory from 1855–1889 during construction of the Salt Lake Temple. The two-story adobe structure was razed in 1889, four years prior to the completion of the Salt Lake Temple.

Prior to the construction of the Endowment House, temple ordinances were being given on a regular basis in Salt Lake beginning in February 1851. This was done in a variety of locations including Brigham Young's office, the Council House, and the top of Ensign Peak.
Recognizing the need for a separate dedicated structure for the administration of the endowment, the Endowment House was built on the northwest corner of Temple Square to function during the construction of the Salt Lake Temple.
At the time of its dedication, President Brigham Young declared that the Endowment House was "The House of the Lord."
A year after the Endowment House was constructed, it was enlarged to include a baptistry, which was dedicated on October 2, 1856.
Baptisms for the dead were administered in the Endowment House until 1876, the year before theSt. George Utah Temple (1877) was dedicated. Endowments for the living were performed there until 1884, the year the Logan Utah Temple (1884) was dedicated. And sealings of living couples were performed there until 1889, the year after the Manti Utah Temple (1888) was dedicated.
Endowments for the dead were not performed in the Endowment House, which were reserved for the temple only.
In 1889, President Wilford Woodruff had the Endowment House razed. The Church had three operating temples by then, and the Salt Lake Temple (1893) was nearing completion.

Spring City Endowment House
The so-called Spring City Endowment House, built by Orson Hyde in 1867, is a lovely and curious building—built with Federal and Greek Revival elements—that stands in Spring City, Utah. Though its actual use remains largely a mystery, some evidence suggests that the building may have been used for a short time to administer temple ordinances. Temple-related symbols were once attached to the exterior of the building and an official Church list of nontemple locations for receiving ordinances includes "O. Hyde's Office" in Spring City.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ladies In Lovely Bonnets

Names on back (but no order given)  
Hannah Madsen,  Carrie Swensen, Sarah Swensen, Mina Jacobsen, Millie Christensen Tolman, Elzina  Clark  Madsen, Ella Johansen Harrison, Cloe Barton

Orson Braby and Annie Braby Syndergaard (Brother and Sister)

Orson and Annie were children of Thomas  Braby (Mayor of the Month of March)  and Eliza Keddington Braby.  Orson and Annie lived in the Braby home on West Main Street in their later years.

Braby Home  (Orson Braby standing in front)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Indians Warned Mt. Pleasant: "Heap Big Waters". The Following Photos of the 1918 flood show why. Shared by Judy Malkiewicz

June 18, 1918, during W. D. Candland's term as mayor, Mt. Pleasant was visited by a number of floods, one being the biggest in the history of the city. Great boulders and rocks were carried with the stream of mud, damaging bridges and fences, sweeping down the streets and through city lots, covering gardens and filling basements, and completely filling the channels with debris, rocks, etc. One life was lost, that of Louis Oldham, who, near his home east of the city, slipped and fell into the stream. Some days later, his body was found in the debris west of the city. A few days after the flood, a group of convicts were sent from the state penitentiary to assist in clearing out Pleasant Creek channel. Many local men volunteered their assistance. p 200 "History of Mt. Pleasant" by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf

Emma Elizabeth Johnson Anderson

Emma Elizabeth Johnson was born 4 Jan 1889 in Marsminholm Malmohus Sweden, the daughter of Lars Johnson and Lovisa (Louise) Larsson.  She died  4 July 1964 in Mt. Pleasant and is buried in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.  She was married to Nelson W. Anderson on 7 Oct 1909.  Their children were:
Hulda Elizabeth
Henning Wilhelm
Gordon Nelson
Olive Emma

The above information from New Family Search.  The photo was from Johanna Madsen Hafen Collection

Friday, April 22, 2011


The following sources are available at the Mt. Pleasant Relic Home and Blacksmith Shop to help you gain information about your family history:

A directory of surnames that lists photos, histories and relics donated to the Relic Home
Cemetery listings provided to us by the city offices (updated 2009)
Obituary Collection
Photographs of early pioneers to Mt. Pleasant  
Family photographs of early residents
Historical photographs of Main Street, Floods, Fires, etc.
Hamilton School Class Photos as well as some from Wasatch Academy and
North Sanpete High School.
A family history ledger which was begun in 1909 by the pioneers themselves and their first generation
Over a hundred biographies of pioneers and more recent residents of Mt. Pleasant
Mt.  Pleasant Pyramid, bound by year that go back to 1953
Family History Books that have been donated to the Relic Home by individual families
Annual Daughters of Utah Pioneers Publications
Saga of the Sanpitch
Pioneer Journals
Early plot map of the city
Directory of older homes and their residents
History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf

We are located at 150 South State Street, Mt. Pleasant, Utah
We are open Monday thru Saturday from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m.
and some days earlier.

Your donations are very much appreciated and can be sent to the Mt Pleasant Relic Home, 150 South State Street, Mt. Pleasant, Utah   84647.

Female Relief Society October 14, 1876

Opened with singing.
Prayer by Sister Peel

Sister Morrison addressed the sisters and felt glad to meet again and  bear testimony of the true gospel.  She said there was one thing that presses on her mind; it was the principle of Polygamy.  She always felt proud to be a wife of a polygamist.  The principle is true and holy and we should express to our children and make them understand that it is our honor to be a wife of a good man that has more wives. ......then to marry a man that believes not in the principle. Although there was trouble and strife enough with it, it was the surest way to gain exaltation in the world to come.  She also spoke of the great privilege  that was given to us to build temples to the Lord and encouraged the Sisters to use all the power and opportunity to help and sustain them to build it.
After this good instruction, she gave pause for the sisters to talk.  Sister Fechser gave report from the conference and about Sister Eliza Snow about the articles from here to the Fair.

Then Sister Peel bore her testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, felt well and had a desire to do all the good she can and sustain the poor and keep the commandments of God.  Sister Simpson also expressed the privileges to meet with the sisters.  She spoke about the "Women's Exponent"; what a good paper it was and said it ought to be read in every house and family.  She thought it was about the best literature that a woman could care for and we will never fail to have some good by reading it.

Several of the other sisters spoke in a good spirit.    The meeting was dismissed after singing the hymn "Come Let Us Rejoice".

Closing Prayer by Sister Peel

MFMC  Morrison, Pres
Louise Hasler, Sec

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brandi Shelley ~ Our Youngest and Cutest Board Member

The picture I had taken of Brandi on Pioneer Day did not do her justice.  So, I share with you her photo from her own blogsite:

I am on the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Assoc Board, so I get to help with this every year.  It turned out very nice this year.  Usually all of the board member dress up as pioneers with clothes of the past.  This year I was given my
Grandma Brotherson's hat.  It was so fun to wear it and participate with the others.  I also wore her earrings, but you can't see them in this picture.  I am so proud to have such an awesome heritage.  I love my family with all my heart,  including those who have passed on.  I love family history and finding things out about my ancestors.  Some think I'm weird, but.....I always knew that ~~ LOL

CHAUTAUQUA IN MT. PLEASANT ~ from Nickles From A Sheep's Back by Pearle Madsen Olsen

photo courtesy of roots web;

When Chautauqua ~~~ a popular lyceum and amusement enterprise of the late 19th and early 20th centuries  ~~ came to town each summer for a number of years, the residents flocked to the big tent and willingly paid admission to hear the wonderful talents on the fascinating programs.  Stimulating lecturers told of world travels and experiences that gave many people their first real taste of world cultures  ~~  and the musical entertainment was some of the best in that period of time. See Chautauqua

Sunday, April 17, 2011

J. Morgan Johnson Pyramid Article1939

This is a very informative historical article written to the readers of the Pyramid in 1939.  Within it we find the names and sometimes the locations of businesses of Mt. Pleasant for that era.