Friday, September 30, 2011

Glass Plate Negatives ~ Restored by Tudy Barentsen Standlee

This home is located at about 650 West Main.  It was the home of Peter's grandparents  Hafen and great grandparents Nielsen.  Dutch and Johanna Hafen lived and raised their family there.  It was purchased by Stanton Seely from Joanne Hafen Granger and Stanton's widow, Janet now lives there.

 We do not know where this home is or was located.  Any information would be appreciated.

The Gunderson Confectionary still stands but is now the property of Central Utah Mental Health at about 245  West Main.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

William S. Seely Gets Kidnapped

The Following is an excerpt from the official (LDS)  History of the Church, volume 3:

“This day about noon, Captain Bogart, with some thirty or forty men called on Brother Thoret Parsons, at the head of the east branch of Log creek, where he was living, and warned him to be gone before next day at ten in the morning, declaring also that he would give Far West thunder and lightning before next day at noon, if he had good luck in meeting Neil Gillum, (Cornelius Gilliam) who would camp about six miles west of Far West that night, and that he should camp on Crooked creek. He then departed towards Crooked creek.

“Brother Parsons dispatched a messenger with this news to Far West, and followed after Bogart to watch his movements. Brothers Joseph Holbrook and David Juda, who went out this morning to watch the movements of the enemy, saw eight armed mobbers call at the house of Brother Pinkham, where they took three prisoners, Nathan Pinkham, Brothers William Seely and Addison Green, and four horses, arms, etc. When departing they threatened Father Pinkham that if he did not leave the state immediately they "would have his damned old scalp." Having learned of Bogart's movements the brethren returned to Far West near midnight, and reported their proceedings and those of the mob.

“On hearing the report, Judge Elias Higbee, the first judge of the county, ordered Lieutenant Colonel Hinkle, the highest officer in command in Far West, to send out a company to disperse the mob and retake their prisoners, whom, it was reported, they intended to murder that night. The trumpet sounded, and the brethren were assembled on the public square about midnight, when the facts were stated, and about seventy-five volunteered to obey the judge's order, under command of Captain David W. Patten, who immediately commenced their march on horseback, hoping without the loss of blood to surprise and scatter the camp, retake the prisoners and prevent the attack threatening Far West.

“Thursday, 25.--Fifteen of the company were detached from the main body while sixty continued their march till they arrived near the ford of Crooked river, (or creek) where they dismounted, tied their horses, and leaving four or five men to guard them, proceeded towards the ford, not knowing the location of the encampment. It was just at the dawning of light in the east, when they were marching quietly along the road, and near the top of the hill which descends to the river that the report of a gun was heard, and young Patrick O'Banion reeled out of the ranks and fell mortally wounded. Thus the work of death commenced, when Captain Patten ordered a charge and rushed down the hill on a fast trot, and when within about fifty yards of the camp formed a line. The mob formed a line under the bank of the river, below their tents. It was yet so dark that little could be seen by looking at the west, while the mob looking towards the dawning light, could see Patten and his men, when they fired a broadside, and three or four of the brethren fell. Captain Patten ordered the fire returned, which was instantly obeyed, to great disadvantage in the darkness which yet continued. The fire was repeated by the mob, and returned by Captain Patten's company, who gave the watchword "God and Liberty." Captain Patten then ordered a charge, which was instantly obeyed. The parties immediately came in contact, with their swords, and the mob were soon put to flight, crossing the river at the ford and such places as they could get a chance. In the pursuit, one of the mob fled from behind a tree, wheeled, and shot Captain Patten, who instantly fell, mortally wounded, having received a large ball in his bowels.

“The ground was soon cleared, and the brethren gathered up a wagon or two, and making beds therein of tents, etc, took their wounded and retreated towards Far West. Three brethren were wounded in the bowels, one in the neck, one in the shoulder, one through the hips, one through both thighs, one in the arms, all by musket shot. One had his arm broken by a sword. Brother Gideon Carter was shot in the head, and left dead on the ground so defaced that the brethren did not know him. Bogart reported that he had lost one man. The three prisoners were released and returned with the brethren to Far West. Captain Patten was carried some of the way in a litter, but it caused so much distress that he begged to be left by the way side. He was carried into Brother Winchester's, three miles from the city of Far West, where he died that night. Patrick O'Banion died soon after, and Brother Carter's body was also brought from Crooked river, when it was discovered who he was.”

- History of the Church, Vol. 3

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



Family History Tip
Depression Era Tip
My father-in-law explained to me that he had work identification that reversed his given and middle names because during the Depression men applied for work under their true name and also under variations to increase their chances of securing work in those tough times. He worked in the Portland (OR) shipyards under the name of James Clifton LaRue rather than Clifton James LaRue. This was before Social Security, so it was not difficult to change a name when seeking employment.

Loretta LaRue
COMMENT Operations Inc.
360 West 4800 North
Provo, UT 84604
Attn: Customer Service

Copyright © 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pioneer Texting at the Relic Home

Few people realize that our Relic Home served as a telegraph office in the early days of Mt. Pleasant.

This past Saturday, we kicked off our newest exhibit at the Relic Home entitled "Pioneer Texting".  The following comes from a  tri-fold pamphlet that goes along with the exhibit.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

CCC Camp, Mt. Pleasant

Darrel Brady, Mount Pleasant Camp

Civilian Conservation Corps Collection  The CCC left behind a tremendous legacy. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), a New Deal program, operated from 1933 until 1942. The CCC provided jobs and training to young men (primarily between the ages of 18 and 25) and made improvements on public land. Each of the 116 CCC camps established in Utah employed about 200 men. The CCC built campgrounds, worked on erosion control, fought forest fires, planted trees, and did many more projects. Many of these projects still benefit Americans today.

The CCC camp south side of the city ball park was built late summer early fall 1934. We were building our house at the time and Charley Jacobson and Ferry Peterson our builders took 4 -6 weeks off to work on the camp. Delayed our moving into our new home until Thanksgiving. In addition to the many public works they did they also were a big plus to the cities economy. And lets remember that as many as a dozen north Sanpete young ladies found a husband. 6 -8 of them joined the National Guard and went into Federal service with the unit. All of them from the deep South.   Lee R. Christensen

Friday, September 23, 2011

More Friends of Hazel Anderson Lundberg

Lucille Seely and Hazel Anderson  

Roy Paulson

 Carrie Nielsen (Hafen), Hazel Anderson   and James Syndergaard 
taken in 1907 by Tedd E. Madsen

Hazel Anderson, Ray Paulson and Lucille Seely

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Glass Plate Negatives ~ Restored by Tudy Barentsen Standlee

These Glass-Plate Negatives were found in the attic of the Relic Home.  We believe the photos were taken here in Mt. Pleasant.  These three are not recognizable to us.  If you can identify them, please let us know.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mountainville History (part two)


More Mountainville History Yet to Come !

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gunderson Confectionary ~ Building Still Exists ~ Glass Plate Negative Restored by Tudy Standlee

This is one of those Glass Plate Negatives restored by Tudy Standlee. The plates were discovered in the attic of the Relic Home. The Gunderson Confectionary was located at about 245 West Main.  The building still exists and is now owned by Central Utah Mental Health.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Glass Plate Negatives ~ Restored by Tudy Barentsen Standlee

Several years ago we found a candy box full of glass plate negatives in the attic of the Relic Home.  Some have been restored by Chas Hathaway.  Tudy Standlee decided to take some home to try a hand at it.  She was quite successful as you can see from the following slides.  If you can recognize any of these homes or the people pictured, please let us know.  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ed Johnston ~ Mayor of the Month ~ September 2011 ~ 1834-35

Once again we have a former mayor  with no formal biography readily available.  No descendants locally available to glean information from.  It anyone out there can fill in the blanks, a very large one ________,please do.  So we have collected tidbits of information from Hilda's History of Mt. Pleasant and also from Utah Digital Newspapers, which is a wonderful resource.Family Search has a number of Ed Johnstons so we cannot be sure whose his parents were and where he came from.  We do know he was the Mayor of Mt. Pleasant.  We know that he went on to be a Utah State Senator.  We know that he owned and operated Johnston's Drug Store. And we know that he was once President of the Utah Pharmaceutical Association.  He joined the Royal Arch Masons of Mt. Pleasant, and was scribe, as well as Worshipful Master. He was also a veteran of the Spanish American War. He must have been a very influential and well liked gentleman. 

The following are the news clippings we have found on Ed Johnston:

The above article appeared in the Manti Messenger on 
September 9, 1938.

The above was found in the Manti Messanger February 14, 1941

Items about Ed Johnston in History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf
P. 13:
Mount Pleasant is pleasantly located in the northern part of Sanpete County, Utah, about one hundred miles southeast of Salt Lake City. It is situated on Pleasant Creek, one of the tributaries to the Sevier River, and about midway between the Wasatch plateau on the east and the Sanpitch River on the west. Its ele­vation, as registered on a standard disk, set in the northwest corner of the west wall of Johnston's drug store, S. W. corner of the intersection of State and Main, is 5,923.97 feet, and as registered in standard disk, set in stone head wall of irrigation ditch, ninety feet southwest of D. & R. G. Depot and thirty feet west of center of railroad track is 5,843.67, showing a gentle slope which gives excellent drainage. The United States census of 1930 shows its population as being at that time 2628, with Manti 2240 and Ephraim 2076.

 P. 199:
The Sanpete County Council of Defense was organized as follows: J. W. Cherry, chairman; Burke McArthur, secretary; Ed. Johnston, treasurer; Committee chairmen, Finance, N. S. Niel­sen; Publicity, ,Burke McArthur; Legal, J. W. Cherry; Sanitation and Medicine, Ed. Johnston; Food supply and conservation, L. R. Anderson; Industrial survey, Orlando Bradley; Labor, Christian Willardsen; Military affairs, J. Morgan Johnson; State protection, H. R. Thomas; Survey of man power, L. P. Brady; Woman's work, Mrs. G. W. Martin.

P. 201:
In January of 1922, Ed. Johnston moved his drug stock into his new building, corner of State and Main, and during the year, the Wasatch Academy completed their two buildings, the gymnasi­um and the Infirmary.

P. 204:
February 12, 1936, Ray K. Bohne was appointed postmaster. and after a short time, the office was moved to the Ed. Johnston building.

P. 206:
The new city hall was dedicated August 23rd. Following  parade, a program was held on the steps of the building. Senator Ed Johnston presided. Invocation was offered by Daniel  Rasmussen and the dedicatory prayer by C. W. Sorensen, and an historical sketch was given by Mrs. S. D. Longsdorf.

P. 238:
1932-33. Mayor, W. P. Winters; Recorder, Daniel Rasmussen;
      Treasurer, Pearl Larsen; Councilors, H. P. Olsen, four years;
      Ed. Johnston, John Fowles, Willis N. Madsen, E. W. Wall.
1934-35. Mayor, Ed. Johnston; Recorder, E. W. Wall; Treasurer,
      Pearl Larsen; Councilors, Willis N. Madsen, four years; Henry
      P. Olsen, John Fowles, Parley Hansen, Daniel Rasmussen,
      (21) Lawrence Winters.

P. 324:
(1935) A portion of the old fort wall was still standing. James Wilson had a blacksmith shop on the corner where Mayor Ed Johnston now has a drug store. Peter Matson had a shoe store and Lydia T. Winters ran a millinery store. The Presbyterian Church was where the Mason Lodge Hall is now. James Borg and Ole Clemen­sen had a harness shop near the Beaumann home, and Abner Crane had a blacksmith shop near where the Crane home is now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Honey Candy Recipe

This recipe for Honey Candy is by far our most popular recipe.  We are happy to present it to you again.

2 cups of honey 
1 cup of sugar 
1 cup of cream 

 Cook to hard ball. Pour on a buttered platter. Cool. Cut into 1 inch pieces. Note: Do not make candy in stormy weather, as it may not set up like it should. From Alice Hafen's Cookbook

Friday, September 9, 2011

Judy Malkiewicz Shared Photos of Mt. Pleasant Main Street

 More Recent Photo 
 Shows Dr. A Lundberg Dentist Office

 Consolidated Wagon and Buggies    ~    Pass Time Pool Hall

 Full - length view of  Main Street buildings on North Side

 Shows the Alley Way

Aldrich General Merchandise    ~    Post Office     ~      Consolidated Wagon and Buggy

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Building of St. George Temple ...... (with new pictures attached ~~~ submitted by David R. Gunderson)

Building of St. George Temple

 Work was commenced on the St. George Temple, March II. 1873; as in the past, the citizens of Mt. Pleasant readily responded to the call. Those at home donated liberally and on December 2nd. the following men and boys left their homes to perform labor on the temple: Lars Rasmussen, Christian Christensen, Hans Hansen, Soren Jacobsen, Chris Peel, August Nelson, William Olson, Jacob Jensen, Hans Davidson, Olaf Rosenlof, Thomas Coates, Christian Madsen, Thomas Fuller, Andrew Rolph, Abraham Day, Ezra Day, James C. Christensen, Joseph Burton, Fred Mauritz Petersen, Nels Syndergaard, Frank Keller, with Andrew Madsen (Harbro), Jake Bohne, Bennett Monk and Peter Rasmussen as teamsters. The four last named soon returned to Mt. Pleasant, while the others remained until during the spring of 1874. At the present writing, 1939. the only two of the entire party now living are Andrew Rolph and William Olson. At the time the party left Mt. Pleasant, they were instructed by the bishop to apply to the bishops of the Wards for shelter and supplies while camping; however, at Indian Creek or Pine Dug Way they encountered a very severe blizzard, and after vainly endeavoring to travel on, were compelled to camp in the open without any shelter whatsoever, and for a time feared they would all perish. Finally, December 14th, after having traveled in a heavy, blinding snowstorm most of the way, they reached St. George safely. January 4th, four loads of sup plies were taken to them by James Larsen, Sylvester Barton, Soren Hansen Jacobsen, and Christopher Johnson. taken from History of Mt Pleasant by Hilda Madsen 

Mountainville History

We are so delighted to include selections from "Mountainville History" compiled by Melba Shelley Hill.    It is filled with the histories of the people who settled out in the "round hills" east and north of Mt. Pleasant.  Many of these families originated in Mt. Pleasant and moved outward for various reasons.  Many fought in many skirmishes during the Black Hawk War.  Many had homes both in Mt. Pleasant and also in Mountainville.  We will also be forming a "Mountainville History" blog site with references that include some of the material we have already posted.   Please keep in mind that this volume was compiled in 1995 and names and property ownership may have changed since that time.

We thank Melba for permitting us to include her research on our site. 

Please keep in mind that this history was compiled in 1995.
Names of owners may have changed since that time.

photo provided by Mt. Pleasant Relic Home
Photo provided by Mt. Pleasant Relic Home

(More Mountainville History yet to Come!)