Sunday, April 29, 2012

An Educational, Historical Scavenger Hunt For Kids

Hope you enjoy this.  I have grand kids that will have fun with this scavenger hunt. A fun way to teach about history.  It can be adapted to your needs. Find more at the link below.

Where Would We Be?

Where would we be without these famous inventors?  Find 13 objects, one for each inventor, which you would not have without the inventor.  Be ready to defend your object.  For example, Ben Franklin discovered the lightning rod, which led to electricity.  So, you could build an argument for just about anything that can be plugged into a wall. 

1.     Ben Franklin

2.     Alexander Graham Bell

3.     Thomas Edison

4.     Henry Ford

5.     Eli Whitney  

6.     Charles Babbage

7.     Tim Bernes-Lee

8.     Clarence Frank Birdseye

9.     George Eastman

10.                        John Harvey Kellogg

11.                        James Naismith

12.                        Levi Strauss

13.                        Orville and Wilber Wright


 Where would we be answers

1.     Ben Franklin        electricity   

2.     Alexander Graham Bell                    the telephone

3.     Thomas Edison              the light bulb       

4.     Henry Ford          The automobile

5.     Eli Whitney          The cotton gin – spun cotton to make clothes

6.     Charles Babbage            The computer

7.     Tim Bernes-Lee              The internect

8.     Clarence Frank Birdseye                   Frozen food

9.     George Eastman            Roll film

10.                        John Harvey Kellogg     Dried cereal

11.                        James Naismith             the game of basketball

12.                        Levi Strauss                   Blue jeans

13.                        Orville and Wilber Wright       Airplane

Saturday, April 28, 2012

1948 Second Grade Hamilton Elementary ~ Claris Stevens, teacher

Back Row L to R:  Claris Stevens, teacher; James Burton, Jack Stulce, Leon Brotherson, Paul Edmunds, Jerry Barentsen

Second Row:  ????, Sandra Scow, Marlene Carlson, Marlene Porter, Tonga Seely, Anna Lee Hill

Front Row:  Karen Winterbottom, Pam Olsen, Carolyn Conlon, DeAnn Brotherson, Arlene Jensen, Elva Rosenlof, Patsy Seely

Shared by Joan Stevens McAllister daughter of Claris Stevens, the teacher.

Friday, April 27, 2012

1947 Hamilton Elementary Faculty

Back Row L to R:  Fawn Madsen, Ray I. Johansen, Delma Jorgensen, Marsden Allred, Louise Seely,

Front Row:  Pauline Rasmussen, ......., Roxey Nelson Washburn, Fern Jacobs, Claris Stevens, Helen Bohne

Thursday, April 26, 2012

1947 Hamilton Elementary Second Grade ~ Claris Stevens, Teacher

L to R Back row:  Claris Stevens,  Teacher; Jerry McArthur, Bert Olsen, Larry Taylor, Jay Carlson, ???, Roger Larsen.

3rd  Row: Joan Stevens, Karen Jacobs, LuAnne Richardson, Lea Faye Johansen, Patsy Barney, Caren Frandsen.

2nd Row:  A. Jay Winkleman, Larry Syndergaard, Morris Nay, LeRoy Daniels, Michael Cloward, Brooks Larsen, Ross Shelley, Glen Brewer.

Front Row:  Darrell Olson, Darlene Woolsey, Carolyn Christensen, Patsy Tidwell, ???, LaFaye Shepherd, Grace Olson, ?????

Shared by Joan Stevens McAllister, daughter of Claris Stevens, Teacher

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Orvel Hafen Made Everyone He Knew Smile

Managed Cemetery Record
Managed Cemetery Record:   Information managed and uploaded by the cemetery office.
Volunteer Cemetery Record:   Information collected and entered by NamesInStone volunteers.
Birth:5/9/1906PARK CITY, UT
Death:4/22/1963SALT LAKE CITY, UT


Father:Emil Henry Hafen
Mother:Mary Matilda Remund

Burial Information

Burial:Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, United States
Grave Location:A_180_3_6
Headstone Transcription:
Headstone Material:
Headstone Condition:
Date Inspected:
Stone Carver:

Military Information


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mt. Pleasant Elementary Faculty ~ 1967-68

The above photo was shared with us by Joan Stevens McAllister, daughter of Claris Stevens who is the one on the inserted photo bottom left.  If you can identify the teacher second from the left bottom row, please let us know. 

Many Thanks to Rawlin Shelley:  The teacher front row far left is Rose Schofield

Mt. Pleasant Elementary First Grade ~ 1967-68

For Mt. Pleasant's Pioneer Day and Homecoming one month ago, we had fun collecting old school photos to put on the tables for all to enjoy.  During the next few weeks, I will share these photos on this blog.  The following photo came from 1967-68, Mrs. Claris Stevens 1st grade class, shared by her daughter, Joan Stevens McAllister.  If we have any names wrong, please advise.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Early Mt. Pleasant Politics As Seen by Lee R. Christensen

The following is taken from Lee R. Christensen's Book: "You Knew Me As Buddy"; a collection of letters he wrote to friends who grew up in Mt. Pleasant.

March 19, 1997
Dear Beth,
Joe Lund was probably elected to the City Council fall of 1929 to sit through 1930-31. He
either did not run again or was defeated. It was probably conversation around your dinner
The mayor was Bent Hansen. Ben with a “t”. Recorder CalvinChristensen. I don’t know
if this was elected or appointed. Treasurer Annie B. Syndergaad; E.W. Wall four year counselor;
Paul Monsen, O.M. Oldrich, Joseph Lund, and Ches Seeley two year counselors.
These people were all Republicans.
By the next election the Democrats behind Roosevelt were in charge. Doc Winters was
mayor; Dan Rasmussen was recorder; Ed (drugstore) Johnston four year councilman.
Roosevelt made the Democrats so popular that Mt. Pleasant’s Republican Party died.
They changed their name to Citizens Party. Their first elected mayor was Justus Seeley.
Justus, I think, was mayor from 1936 to 1942 when John Gunderson was elected - after my
father had gone into service.  

1931 was the year both our banks failed. E.W. Wall continues to get elected, but I don’t see
Calvin Christensen again. Both were bank officials. E.W. with the Commercial Bank, Calvin
with the North Sanpete Bank. Wayne’s father, I think, was CEO - as we call them now
- of the North Sanpete Bank. W.D. Candland was the biggest shareholder. I had $71.00 in
the bank when it went broke. Have since kept my money in my mattress.
Tom Jensen, Dan Rasmussen, Doc Winters, and the editor of the Pyramid were all Democrats.
W.D. Candland, most of the Seeley’s, Ross Christensen, and H.C. Jacobs were all Republicans

Tom Jensen’s business was politics. I do not know what else he did. He was our state
senator, but was also a professional lobbyist. He should not have been doing both while
a senator, so I don’t know how he fed his very populous family.
Evelyn Jensen’s maternal grandfather, was he C.W. Sorensen, was a Democrat. I can
remember arguing Hoover vs Al Smith 1928 campaign with her. We were first grade. In
those days, I was a Republican. Inherited from my father.
Was Evelyn related to Elaine and Andra?
I’m just back from taking the winter’s pile of horse droppings and moving them to the
south end of Barbara’s property - downwind. Just as I did at Joe Lund’s. Tracy and I, over
the winter, have been mucking out the horse stalls and piling the muck just outside the
stalls. At Joe’s it was the cow stall. Now with the snow gone, the dandelions due next
week, I’m moving the piles. My question for you - what happened to the piles I had every
spring at Joe’s? Who hauled it? Where? I remember how big the pile was by spring. And
how some wintery days I could hardly get the mucky stuff out of the stable, it was so frozen.
But where did it go. Agusta’s garden! May explain the brilliant color of her flowers.
Speaking of banks - as I was - I was in your backyard playing with polliwogs in the watering
trough when Murry told me the North Sanpete Bank and my $71.00 was gone. I’ve
had nothing to do with polliwogs or banks since.

Female Relief Society February 19, 1877

                     Meeting held February 19, 1877.
Opened with singing:  Praise Thee The Lord
Prayer by Sister Jensen
The minutes from the former meeting were read and accepted.
Sister Madsen addressed the sisters and said that Sister Morrison could not be present for an accident that happened to poor Sister the Fort, who broke her leg this morning.  Sister Morrison assisted her.  When the Doctor fixed her leg, and not been well before, so she is not able to attend meeting.  Sister Madsen brought in mind of the Sister to remember this  poor sister that was low spirited before and now felt very l....; to go visit her and comfort her both temporally and spiritually.  She said that it was our duty to try to get somebody to stay with her at least in the night time.  Then she talked about the Book of Mormon,....... as some misunderstanding was among the sisters about it.  She corrected the meaning of .... certainly was not the meaning of the danish and told them that would certain that Book would be a good work.

She encouraged the sisters to remember our President, Sister Morrison with their faith and prayers and said that we not realize the callings she has to come up to, as her constitution is so much tried, that she is not as well as she could be.  Then she gave place for the sisters to bear their testimony and feel free .  Many of the sisters bore their testimony and most in their own language and talked a good deal about polygamy.  A good spirit prevailed and the meeting was closed with singing "Come to My ......To the Saints.  And prayer by Sister Jensen.
M.C. Morrison, Pres.
Louise Hasler, Sec

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mrs. Niels Pihl (Peel) Jensen Celebrates Her 80th Birthday ~ 1952

Note:  The middle name should be Pihl, the Danish rendition for Peel.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lauretta Young Monsen Passes Away

Lauretta Young Monsen our Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great-grandmother passed away unexpectedly April 8, 2012 in Provo, Utah. She was surrounded by loving family, including all her children, as she passed from this life. She will be missed, but she faced death the same way she faced life, with courage and faith.
Lauretta was born October 3, 1938 in Longview, Washington to Ronald and Hilma Eugenia Johnstun Young, the third of five daughters. She spent her early years across the river in Rainier, Oregon, graduating from Rainier High School in 1956. Throughout high school, Lauretta was actively involved in gymnastics and basketball, and her mother and sisters were some of the original members of the Rainier Branch of the LDS Church. After graduation, Lauretta’s Branch President encouraged her to attend Brigham Young University in Provo. While at BYU, she met her eternal companion, Jay Sheldon Monsen. Recently discharged from the army, Jay was immediately smitten with her beauty and grace. They were married March 9, 1957 for time and eternity in the Manti Temple. In March, they celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary.

Lauretta served faithfully all her life in the Church. She had a tender heart for children, and she loved serving in the Primary, including as the Primary President in three different wards. She also served as a Relief Society President and teacher. Lauretta and Jay served faithfully together in the Manti Temple.

Family has always been the focus of her life. Every child and grandchild felt they were her favorite. She had a special gift with children, animals, and flowers. Lauretta’s great love for her family prevailed, as she stayed conscious until her last child arrived from New York, and she bid everyone a personal good-bye before passing through the veil.

Lauretta leaves behind her husband, Jay of Mt. Pleasant, Utah. She is survived by her children: Sheldon Ronald and Debbie Miller Monsen of Richfield Utah; Jaye Lynn and Mark Robison of Provo, Utah; David Evans and Shellie Moore Monsen of Orem , Utah; Lauri Ann and Ken Grier of Macedon, New York; James William and Karen Cresswell Monsen of Payson, Utah; Joseph Paul and Luciana Rodrigues Monsen of Orem, Utah; and Jeanne and Ramon Elias Tejada of Mt. Pleasant, Utah. She is also survived by 36 Grandchildren and 14 Great Grandchildren, and all four of her sisters , including Jean Nelson of Clark Fork, Idaho, Margaret (Don) Stewart of Kanab Utah, Rosemary (Bryan) Wade of Clark Fork, Idaho, and Hazel (John) Sanders of Rainier, Oregon.

Preceded in death by her parents, and one grandson Sheldon Richard Monsen.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. in Mt. Pleasant, Utah under the direction of Bishop Stallings of the Mt. Pleasant 3rd Ward (295 South State, Mt. Pleasant, Utah). There will be a viewing at the Church one hour before the funeral, as well as Tuesday night, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Rasmussen Funeral Home at (96 N 100W, Mt. Pleasant Utah). Interment will be in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1916 Muster Roll ~ Troup E of the 2nd Squadron Cavalry

This is in our personal collection.  (Peter and Kathy Hafen). Florence Nielsen, a daughter of Soren M. Nielsen passed it on to Alice Hafen, Peter's mother in 1984.  Soren M. Nielsen was the Captain. I will post the names listed and you can contact us if you want additional information.  If you have seen muster rolls before, you will know that the pages are very long.  Additional information may include age, rank, height, eye color, hair color, residence, occupation, married or single, spouse name, date of registration, and additional remarks.  You may note from the picture above that it was noted as "Utah County Militia" which may be the reason there are so many names not known from Sanpete County.

Date:  July 9, 1916
Commanded by Major W. B. Wallace
Soren M. Nielsen, Capt.
Albert E. Wilfong
Ben E. Reynolds
Henry L. Neilson
Alexander J. McIff
Sterling M. Ericksen
Seymour Jensen
James G. Jensen
Reid Burns
Lyman Seely
Shirley Poulsen
Ray Tanner
Joseph J. Nichols
Ruel M. Rogers
Joseph Costello
Francis Fogelberg
Frank Crookston
Wells Bradley
Leonard A. Adams
Alma Allred
Carl Anderson
Urban Anderson
Thomas Everett
Elmer F. Bryant
Ralph R. Braby
Lawrence Carlson
Boone Carson
Manuel Christensen
Elmer F. Bezzant
John Conway
Sheridan Davis
Eben S. Dibble
Laurence Doull
George Dunham
Cyril Fowles
Raleigh Graham
Ralph Handley
Alfred W. Hanson
Ray Hays
Ferd Hoops
David C. Hunter
Thomas H. Houston
Julian Ivans
Cannon Jensen
Edward Jensen
Hugh Jensen
Dazel Jones
David Larson
George A. Legatt
Otto Lindsay
Veggo P. Maggen
Earl Matthews
Howard S. Mills
Clarence Mower
Joseph M. Nelson
Leonard Peterson
Clinton Poulsen
George Poulsen
John B. Pryor
Otto Rasmussen
Francis Rigby
Henry W. Schrader
Walter H. Shea
Leonard Sorensen
Jess V. Spencer
Albert Textorius
Alonzo Truscott
Don C. Vinson
William White
Peter T. Wolsey
Clayton Zabriskie
Shirley Zabriskie

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pioneer Day Photos

Joann Carlson Winward, (behind), Francis Carlson, and Oleah Carlson Mower are all loyal supporters of Pioneer Day here in Mt. Pleasant.  Their brother Bud Carlson was also present but not in this picture.

Lynn Poulsen and John K. Olsen enjoyed visiting with one another at Mt. Pleasant Pioneer 
and Homecoming Day.

Noel Clark and his wife, Carol both worked for KSL before retiring.  They  
are very much involved in family and local history.

Donald Hafen visiting with two of his long-time friends. 
Les Seely and his sister, Norma. (married name unknown)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Oldest Lady and Oldest Man on Pioneer Day 2012

One of the traditions of Mt. Pleasant Pioneer and Homecoming Day is identifying and honoring the oldest lady  present  as well as the oldest man present.  
This year, Verla Marx was the oldest lady present at the age of 98 and Dean Staker the oldest man at the age of 97 won the honors.  Roxey Washburn pinned a flower on each.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Ward School

Special thanks to Judy Malkiewicz for putting the names on the photo !!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

New Orleans Molasses Taffy ~ From History of Mountainville ~ by Melba Hill

Boil together a pint of New Orleans Molasses and a cup of beet sugar until they reach the soft ball stage when tried in cold water; Add 1/4 pound of butter, remove from the fire until the butter melts.  Let it boil up again.  Pour onto  buttered platters.  Pull rapidly, as soon as it is cool enough to handle, until it is almost white .