Thursday, February 28, 2013

Brotherson Children

John and Raz Brotherson
from photo album found in our Relic Home attic

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

THE OVERLAP OF WINTER ~ by Pearle M. Olsen

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Have you ever seen anguish in blue eyes
That looked upon a mound of frozen lambs
To go without a touch of warm sunshine,
Delayed, as frigid storms howled in surprise?

Oh have you heard the sound of sleet in one

Giant blast that froze to ice upon a flock
Of helpless ewes, and stiffened newborn lambs
Who lost their right to gambol in the sun?

And have you known of courage mustered then

To gather strength, and face up to a task
When thaws arrived ~~and soil could be removed
To shape a hole for a mass grave again?

I learned to watch for blue eyes holding fear

As wind and sleet, and numbing cold could strike
After the allotted months of winter ~~
And into spring when lambing time was here.

Pearl and Bill are the parents of Billye Virginia ( Mrs. E.G.) Jenkins of Caldwell, Idaho, John K. Olsen (Susan) of Provo, Utah; Elizabeth Carlyle (Mrs. Robert P.) Morris of Salt Lake City.  There are sixteen adored grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  (at the time of printing  "Frame the Laced Moments", 1978)

Hilda and Friends

Hilda Madsen Longsdorf is the author of  "Mount Pleasant History".  She served as the Secretary of the Mount Pleasant Historical Association for over 40 years.   She had many friends and loved to entertain.  These photos come from her own photograph album which was passed down to Johannah Madsen Hafen then to JoAnn Hafen Granger, who has donated them to the Mt. Pleasant Historical Association.  If you recognize anyone within  and would like a larger copy, please let us know, and we will be happy to recopy them in a greater resolution for you.  

Friday, February 22, 2013

Joseph Bagnall Celebrates 100 years ~ October 23, 2000

Joseph Rodley Bagnall, 100, of Provo, died May 27, 2001 in Provo. He was born in a log cabin in Chester, Utah on October 23, 1900, to Joseph F. and Hannah Christensen Bagnall. He married Florence Noland of Mt. Pleasant, Utah on January 6, 1927 in the Manti LDS Temple. Joseph attended elementary school in Chester and high school at Snow Academy in Ephraim, Utah. In the late 1920's he received his Bachelor's Degree from the U of U and taught at the elementary school in Salem, Utah. Taught at the elementary school in Mt. Pleasant, Utah, and later at Moroni High School and studied part-time at the University of Utah to prepare for a career in school administration. Served as Superintendent of the North Sanpete School District in the 1940's.He Served as Representative from Sanpete County in the Utah State legislature. Served also served as manager of the Southern California Regional Welfare Ranch located in Perris, California. This splendid ranch was acquired from Louis B. Mayer and the Statler Hotel Interests, and he served all LDS as a welfare farm director for the stakes in Southern California. He earned a Master's Degree in Education from Claremont College in California. Served as Director of Adult Education for the Arcadia, California Unified School District. Served as the first principal of the Richard Henry Dana Middle School in Arcadia, California. He and his wife lived in retirement in Provo, Utah, where he opened his home to six of his grandchildren who attended BYU. Joseph served as bishop of Mt. Pleasant, Utah, North Ward, and as president of the North Sanpete Stake of the LDS Church. He also served as an ordinance worker in the Los Angeles Temple for eight years as well as the Provo Temple for an additional eight years. Survivors include his two children, Dr. Joseph Albert Bagnall of Oceanside, CA, Marilyn Rae Richards Purnell of Provo, eleven grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Florence nine years ago. Funeral services will be held Saturday, June 2, 2001, at 1 p.m. in the Cascade chapel. at the Sundberg-Olpin Funeral Home, 495 South State St. in Orem. Friends may call 11:15 a.m. prior to the services at the Funeral Home. Interment will be in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mt. Pleasant Relief Society at the Death of Brigham Young

Died: August 29, 1877, Salt Lake City

Mt. Pleasant, August 29th, 1877

Mrs. Mary Ann Young and others of the family

Beloved Sisters,

The painful intelligence has reached us this afternoon of the decease of your beloved husband and father and our much respected President Brother Brigham.

He has run his race and finished his course and gained for himself an inheritance among the Gods

Dear Sisters and children, we the sisters of Mt.Pleasant do most deeply sympathize with you all under this your most trying bereavement. and pray God our Heavenly Father that you may receive strength equal to the affliction you have been called upon to pass through.

Brother Brigham has closed his career with honor and dignity.  And like a stock of corn fully ripe has laid down to account a glorious resurrection.

May we who are here behind, try to adhere to his counsels and teachings and strive to emulate his example.  And may our whole future be spent in meekness and humility that when our turn comes to pass behind the veil it may be said to us, as to him "Well done good and faithful servants, enter then into the joy of thy Lord."

Your Sisters in the Gospel

MFC Morrison, Pres.
Helena Madsen, Counc.
Christina Peel, Counc.
Louisa Hasler, Secty.

Biographical Sketch: 
Brigham Young was born June 1, 1801, in Whitingham, Vermont. In 1835, three years after he joined the Church, he was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. As successor to Joseph Smith, he led the migration west in 1846–47 to the Rocky Mountains and founded Salt Lake City. He was sustained as President of the Church on December 27, 1847. As Church President and Territorial Governor of Utah, he established Latter–day Saint settlements in Utah and throughout the American West. Under his direction, construction commenced on the Salt Lake, St. George, and Logan temples. He brought the telegraph and the railroad to Utah and encouraged cooperative industry among Latter-day Saints, and he encouraged excellence and refinement in every aspect of life. He died August 29, 1877 in Salt Lake City after nearly 30 years as Church President.
courtesy of:

Mary Ann Angell
Mary Ann Angell Young was the second woman married to Latter Day Saint leader Brigham Young. They were married on March 31, 1834. Young's first wife, Miriam Angeline Works, had died on September 8, 1832.Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


At a Sunday School class one Sunday morning, we arranged to have a dinner and social.  Plenty of sheep men in the class.  Mutton and Sourdough was to be the menu.  It just so happened that no one wanted to cook and in order to keep things going, I volunteered. Never having done it before, it didn't turn out too good. I decided to keep trying, and after three years of effort, I finally learned how.  From then on, I could do a pretty good meal.  With some help to get over the volume, I done several dinners, and for about twelve years I cooked a mutton and sourdough dinner for the ward in the fall.  Serving about 300 people each time.

There are several ways to serve mutton.  The sheep herder likes his fried in deep fat and served with a hot drink, usually lamb is his choice.

The older sheep need to have more effort and care to make it tender.  Sliced pieces of meat dipped in eggs and rolled in cracker crumbs, then browned to a golden brown and placed in a steamer for five hours; this will make it very tender without any grease. Anybody will just love it.

Sourdough:  Some claim to have a sourdough start that grandfather brought with him across the plain, but I prefer to start mine fresh each time I'm going to use it for a while. It is easy done; just takes a little time.  

Using a crockery jar that will hold about one gallon.
Mix one cup of white flour
1/2 tsp dry yeast
1/2 tsp sugar
Enough water to make a paste

Stir well, then let set in a warm place for a day, stir again.
Add a  cup of water and enough flour to keep it a soft paste
Then let it set for another day.

It should be ready to use by the third day.
If you want more, just increase the flour and water until you have the volume you need.  Just remember it takes a day or two to be ripe enough to use.

When your start is ready to use, put it into a large mixing pan and mix with flour and water, and a little yeast and work it just like you would a batch of bread.  After it is d well (kneaded) place in  pan, cover with a cloth and let it rise until it doubles in size. Don't hurry.
Knead it again and roll it out on a board, cut into roll sized pieces and place them on a baking pan.  Brush them with grease, cover and let rise until double in size.  Place in the oven (350 degrees) 
and bake for about 35 minutes.  When golden brown, take from the oven, brush with grease again and place them on a cooling rack.  They are ready to serve.  Have butter and honey or jam ready.

Sometimes it takes several tries to get everything to turn out alright.
You should be a lot faster than I was.  Good Luck !!!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Dr. Benjamin R. Johnson, C. B. Johnson and Frank F. Pyott practiced in Mt. Pleasant and Sanpete County

The history of chiropractic in Utah  is closely related with legal procedure.  As soon as the first chiropractors came to the state and commenced the practice of their profession, they received letters stating the following, "Dear Doctor, You are hereby notified to cease Chiropractic Adjustments or treatments until you have complied with the law." Signed by R. W. Fisher, Secretary, Board of Medical Examiners of the State of Utah, Salt Lake City, September 16, 1908.

Some of the chiropractors, after receiving such a letter, rather than be placed in an unfavorable light before the public and made to fight the case in the courts, decided to leave the state and let the rough pioneering fall on other practitioners.  There were many, however, who took but little or no notice of these letters and continued their practices. 

In 1915 Benjamin R. Johnson, C. B. Johnson and Frank F. Pyott began their chiropractic services in Sanpete County and built up successful practices in Mount Pleasant, Ephraim, and Manti.  In September of 1915 they were arrested.  Their trials terminated unsuccessfully in September of 1916, with a sentene of $100. or 100 days in jail.  Doctor Pyott paid his fine and Doctor Johnson decided rather than pay a fine he preferred to go to jail.  He commenced serving his sentence on September 26, 1916, in the Sanpete County jail at Manti. His friends were highly wrought up over this affair and practically every taxpayer in the county signed a petition to the board of pardons asking for his release.  The Mount Pleasant Pyramid published on December 2, 1916 

 "About fifty of Dr. B. R. Johnson's patients from nearly every town in Sanpete County called at the County Courthouse in Manti, Wednesday, November 29th and unknown to him, paid the unexpired portion of his fine in pennies, obtained his release and stormed his cell.  The release was presented to Doctor Johnson by little Arba Sanders of Fairview, upon whose case he was convicted of  'practicing medicine' some two months ago.  Doctor Johnson received a pardon by the State Board of Pardons recently conditioned upon his refraining from giving his services to the public until he secured a medical license.  This condition was impossible to comply with because the state medical examiners refuse to consider his application for a license because he is not a graduate of a medical college.  The medical examiners do not recognize a chiropractic college, of which Doctor Johnson is a graduate.  Therefore he refused to accept the pardon because his duty to the sick would not permit it.  Doctor Johnson's friends and patients were not satisfied with the action of the board of pardons, so they decided to take matters in their own hands with the result of Doctor Johnson was released and spent Thanksgiving with his wife and family in Mount Pleasant."

It can be said to the credit of the chiropractic profession in Utah that its upholders are men and women of integrity, ability and devotion to duty.  They are a people who will sacrifice much for the principle and rather than flee from the state to safety they prefer to be classed as lawbreakers, subject to arrest, criminal prosecution, fine and imprisonment, for the high regard for duty which they feel they owe the people of this state.

Practically every reputable chiropractor in the state has been subjected to one or two arrests, and some of them have had false serious charges preferred against them which have had a tendency to cast reflection on their ability, integrity and patriotism, but notwithstanding this they are still giving their services to the public.  They maintain that it is far better to jeopardize their personal welfare in serving the people of this state than to elect a path of least resistance by going to a state where the science of chiropractic has legal recognition and regulation.

To remedy the controversies in the courts, each legislative session since 1911 has been asked by those interested in chiropractic to give adequate consideration to this matter.  At first the request was practically ignored, but in later sessions the legislators were so flooded with requests from the people by petitions and personal letters to regulate the science of chiropractic that much support was given the subject by the legislators.  A bill to regulate chiropractic and drugless healing was introduced in the senate of the 1913 session and passed with but two opposing votes.  This bill was sifted out by the house sifting committee.  In 1915 there was introduced into the house a bill to recognize chiropractic.  This bill passed with only one vote against it.  The senate adjourned before a vote was taken on the measure.  In each of these sessions a great deal  of opposition from medical sources was manifest and the legislators were at a loss to know just what to do.  But, apparently, the fact that medical ideas have been given credence for so long led them to believe that such opposition could not be mistaken and therefore the chiropractic position must be wrong. 

The 1917 session was characterized by a stormy fight in the house of representatives, the chiropractic bill losing by a vote of twenty to twenty three.  The session of 1919 was even more stormy.  The chiropractic measure was introduced early in the house of representatives and it was fought strenuously at every angle, but finally passed with but a few votes in opposition.  The opponents of the measure, realizing that an overwhelming majority of the legislators were in favor of chiropractic, resorted to new tactics.  It consisted in assuming a willingness to have chiropractic regulated, but insisted that the science and practitioners of chiropractic be placed under the control of the regular medical board.  This appealed to many senators as being the proper solution of the problem, consequently a bill which had been introduced by the medical interests passed.  The chiropractic bill was laid on the table in the senate and was never recalled, although several ineffectual attempts were made to resurrect it.  The medical substitute bill was killed in the house by a big majority.  At this writing the law stands as it was eight years ago. (1919)

The chiropractors of the state have organized themselves into state and county organizations and through this means have been able to protect and conserve the interests of chiropractic and chiropractors.  The officeship of the Utah Chiropractors Association for 1919 is:  N. L. Cottam, president; Mrs F. M. Colson, vice presicent; Frank F.Pyott, secretary treasurer; and M. G. Hansen and J. M. Grant, directors.  The Salt Lake County Chiropractors Association is presided over by W. H. Pyot, B. R. Johnson, vice president, and P. E. Erickson, secretary-treasurer.  Through these organizations the services of chiropractors have been offered free of charge to the city, state and national government during the progress of the war.  It is with regret by the chiropractors that such offers were not accepted.  As the the final triumph of the science of the chiropractic in Utah, no member of the profession will be a theme for eulogy by the coming generations. 

(taken from "UTAH SINCE STATEHOOD 1919,  Volume I, pages 715-720

The above newspaper article  and advertisement were found by Judy Malkiewicz.  Thankyou Judy


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Biography of Caratat Conderset Rowe ~ taken from History of Mountainville compiled by Melba Shelley Hill

   Caratat Conderset Rowe                                   Mary Napier Rowe

Home of Conderset and Mary Rowe
photos courtesy of Mt. Pleasant Relic Home