Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Submitted by JoAnn Hafen Granger
You will agree that this is goose-bump stuff.
Monday, December 30, 2013
What does RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT Have to do with Mt. Pleasant? JOSEPH SIMPSON
Ripley's Believe It or Not! is a franchise, founded by Robert Ripley, which deals in bizarre events and items so strange and unusual that readers might question the claims. The Believe It or Not panel proved popular and was later adapted into a wide variety of formats, including radio, television, comic books, a chain of museums and a book series.

You can find more articles about Joseph Simpson and "Ripley's Believe It Or Not"
in Utah Digital Newspapers, Mt. Pleasant Pyramid.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Photos From the Carrie Jensen Collection ~ submitted by Leslie Pack and Lynda Bench (Carrie's Granddaughters)
We appreciate Leslie Pack and Lynda Bench for sharing these photos. Can anyone identify the child or the four ladies? The Band Concert photo looks like it may have been on a postcard and is very interesting. We would like to know the year and occasion. Please help if you can.
Find more unknown photos at: http://mtpleasantunknown.blogspot.com/
Friday, December 27, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
PIONEER STORY OF MARY YOUNG WILCOX ~ taken from History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf.
By Annie Carlson Bills
Mary Young Wilcox was born June 6, 1831 , in Upper Canada , daughter of James and
Elizabeth Seely Young.
In the spring of 1846 they started from Kainsville , Iowa , on their westward journey
across the plains to Utah .
traveling about three hundred miles, the call carne from the government for
five hundred of their young men to go to Mexico . This was the choosing of the "Mormon
The Battalion was packed with their
packs, which weighed about thirty-five pounds.
scene which followed, Mrs. Wilcox says, she can never forget. Widowed mothers
parting with, sometimes, their only son, sweethearts, husbands and wives, a
scene which only the ones who witnessed can realize the sadness of.
the Battalion marched away, they resumed their journey, traveling as far as
Winter Quarters, where they camped for the winter.
built log cabins, with no windows, and taking their wagon boxes off the wagons,
placed them inside of the houses, replacing the bows and covers. These they
slept in. They had no stoves so a hole was dug in the center of the house and a
fire was made in it. A hole in the center of the roof served as a place for the
smoke to escape and light to enter. Thus they lived during the winter,
suffering with cold and hunger. Many died from disease, through being so poorly
nourished and clothed. Wherever a grove of timber and trees could be found, as
many as could made cabins and stayed there through the winter.
left Winter Quarters in May 1847. Traveling on the plains from Winter Quarters
to Salt Lake Valley , she yoked and unyoked her oxen and drove them every
step of the way, and was only sixteen years old. Suffering with the rest on the
journey, she reached the valley on September 29, 1847 . After resting a couple of weeks, they began making
preparations for winter. She went with her father to get logs for their cabin.
She also made the adobes that made the chimney for their cabin. She says,
"No kings could be happier than we, when we reached the valley and had
built our first log cabin."
houses were so built as to form a fort, it being two blocks long and one block
wide when completed. Two gates, one at the north and one at the south, were
made. It being located about where the Seventh ward is. About Christmas of 1847, their cabins were
ready to move into.
14, 1848 , she was married to
John Henry Wilcox. Spring came and they began to survey the land and let each
couple have a chance to draw for the land. They drew the land where the
Sugarhouse Ward is.
made a brush "shanty" and began to work on their land. Her husband
grubbed the brush and she piled and burned it, and prepared the land for
plowing. They sowed a nice piece of the land and had a nice garden planted,
having brought the seed across the plains with them. The seeds took root and
grew and looked very prosperous. But by this time the crickets had hatched out
and they soon consumed the whole crop. Then came the blessed "Sea
Gulls." They came in great Hocks and devoured the crickets. They would
stay a few hours at a time, then fly away
After the crickets had
destroyed their crops, the people went back to the fort for the rest of the
After the people of
the northern sections had harvested their crops, they allowed them to go and
glean. Her husband grubbed oak brush for a peck of corn a day and boarded
himself out of what little they had. In this way they saved a little for
winter. Later her husband went to the canyon and got a big load of poles. A man
offered him forty pounds of wheat and he sold the poles to him for the wheat.
He sowed one and one-fourth acres of ground where the crickets had eaten his
crop the spring before. The next summer they threshed seventy bushels of wheat
from the forty pounds of seed.
The first potatoes
were brought from California on pack animals and sold to the people for twenty
five cents a piece and only four being allowed to each man.
In the spring of 1849 they planted a peck
of potatoes; when they dug them they got
thirty bushels.
In the fall of 1850 they were called to
settle Manti. They stayed there three years.
Built homes and raised a crop.
In the spring of 1853
her husband went to Hambleton. The Indians killed all his cattle and oxen and
burned the wagons, saw. mill. and all the lumber, and they were left once more
without anything. They moved to the fort at Manti.
In 1853 they gave all
they had for one yoke of oxen and wagon, and moved to Pleasant Grove. In 1860
they moved to Mt. Pleasant . They lived in Mt. Pleasant ever after.
There are five living
generations. Her mother also lived to see five generations. Mrs. Wilcox died May 16, 1929 .
The following additional information comes from:
Birth: Jun. 6, 1832
Ontario, Canada
Ontario, Canada
Death: May 16, 1929
Mount Pleasant
Sanpete County
Utah, USA
Parents: James Young and Elizabeth Seely
Married John Henry Wilcox
COD: Myocarditis, chronic
Death certificate State of Utah
Records may also be found under Wilcox
Family links:
James Young (1804 - 1894)
Elizabeth Seely Young (1807 - 1900)
John Henry Owen Willcox (1824 - 1909)
Hazzard Wilcox (1849 - 1925)*
Sarah Wilcox Bills (1853 - 1936)*
James Henery Wilcox (1855 - 1939)*
John Carlos Wilcox (1858 - 1938)*
Mary H Wilcox Day (1860 - 1946)*
Clarissa Jane Wilcox Meiling (1863 - 1951)*
Sabra Ellen Willcox Oliver (1865 - 1914)*
Hannah Wilcox Carlston (1868 - 1943)*
Martha Anna Wilcox Westwood Foy (1871 - 1962)*
Justus Azel Wilcox (1874 - 1945)*
*Calculated relationship
Mount Pleasant City Cemetery
Mount Pleasant
Sanpete County
Utah, USA
Plot: A_128_2_7
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Maintained by: Penne Magnusson Cartrigh...
Originally Created by: Utah State Historical So...
Record added: Feb 02, 2000
Find A Grave Memorial# 139581
Mount Pleasant
Sanpete County
Utah, USA
Parents: James Young and Elizabeth Seely
Married John Henry Wilcox
COD: Myocarditis, chronic
Death certificate State of Utah
Records may also be found under Wilcox
Family links:
James Young (1804 - 1894)
Elizabeth Seely Young (1807 - 1900)
John Henry Owen Willcox (1824 - 1909)
Hazzard Wilcox (1849 - 1925)*
Sarah Wilcox Bills (1853 - 1936)*
James Henery Wilcox (1855 - 1939)*
John Carlos Wilcox (1858 - 1938)*
Mary H Wilcox Day (1860 - 1946)*
Clarissa Jane Wilcox Meiling (1863 - 1951)*
Sabra Ellen Willcox Oliver (1865 - 1914)*
Hannah Wilcox Carlston (1868 - 1943)*
Martha Anna Wilcox Westwood Foy (1871 - 1962)*
Justus Azel Wilcox (1874 - 1945)*
*Calculated relationship
Mount Pleasant City Cemetery
Mount Pleasant
Sanpete County
Utah, USA
Plot: A_128_2_7
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Maintained by: Penne Magnusson Cartrigh...
Originally Created by: Utah State Historical So...
Record added: Feb 02, 2000
Find A Grave Memorial# 139581
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Excerpts From Andrew Madsen Sr. Journal
This segment tells of Delegates sent to the Utah Convention, the prevention and punishment of polygamy. Andrew tells of the building of his own home, the simple entertainments of the day, the simple fashion and humility of the Saints. He also tells of those who were volunteers to go help incoming emigrants cross the plains and mountains.
1862 -

Delegates were sent to Salt Lake City to attend a Convention held on Monday, January 20th, for the purpose of establishing a State Government.
The Convention of Delegates chosen by the people adopted a State Constitution for Utah and a Memorial Congress, praying the first time for the admission of Utah into the Union, as a state, with the name of Deseret. George Q. Cannon and William H. Hooper were elected Delegates to present them to Congress.
April 8th, Mr. Morrill of Vermont, introduced a bill in the United States House of Representatives at Washington D.C. to punish and prevent the practice of Polygamy in the territories of the United States. It was read twice and referred to the Committee of Territories.
This Bill also made it unlawful for any religious or charitable association in any of the United States Territories to own real estate worth more than $50,000.00.
The Anti-Polygamy Bill was approved by President Abraham Lincoln on the 8th day of July and signed. Lincoln at the time of the signing the bill, stated that it reminded him of a large stump which stood in the middle of his father's farm that they could plow around.
The principle of Celestial or Plural Marriage had been revealed many years ago by the Prophets of old and practiced by Abraham, the friend of God and revealed by the Prophet, Joseph Smith, of the latter days, The Saints who had taken unto them more than one wife did it by mutual consent and in accordance with the teachings. There was no law prohibiting it up to this time and they felt that they had broken no laws and were in now way interfering with the rights of others and that they had the right to obey that principle in worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience.
Early in the Spring I and my brother, Mads, began to build me an adobe house. Material was very scarce and hard to obtain. The house was built after the pattern of my brother's and was one and one half story high, with a dirt roof. It has since been remodeled considerably. The roof has been taken off and rebuilt with an addition to the back and porches in front, adding much to the appearance. It is now one of the most modern up-to-date dwelling houses in the city. It consists of nine large comfortable rooms, bathrooms and closets fitted with water and lights throughout. It is overshadowed with large pine trees, which were planted at about the time the house was first built, extending into the air fully forty feet, intermingling with the poplar and locus shade trees and beautiful lawn borders on the south and west side.
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Andrew Madsen Sr. Home located 300 North State East side of the road. |
Andrew Madsen Sr. Home
as it looks today (2013)
At the time I was erecting the house, I made a trip to Payson, where there was a nail factory. They manufactured nails from scraps of iron picked up and gathered together from broken down wagons and carts found along the emigrant's road across the plains and mountains. The nails were very clumsy and brittle, but answered our purpose. I secured what I needed at a cost of twenty five cents per pound.
These goods were occasionally brought in by peddlers and emigrants who brought with them occasionally a small surplus.
It is surprising to reflect upon how well and satisfied we felt under these trying circumstances. One reason was that we looked to the future and had faith that better times were coming. We were united in performing all public work and improvements.
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fashion of 1901 |
In these days there were no fashion books for the ladies to be guided by and no choice in cloth. Sewing was all done by hand and consequently everything was made up in the simplest styles, guided only in the economizing of cloth. There was no class distinction and we were all considered equal as brothers and sisters.
The people would often gather together in one of their humble little dwellings to feast and dance and enjoy themselves. Oft times singing the good old song of "Hard Times Come Again No More," feeling that God had blessed the Saints who had come here to worship him giving them health and strength to endure the hardships which they were daily combating with. The feeling and spirit which existed at this time will never be fully realized by the reader as it was by those of us here, who have passed through the ordeal.
President Brigham Young fully realized the conditions of the Saints, their great need of clothing. Therefore he called many of them to go and settle the St. George Country in order to grow and produce cotton. There were but few sheep within the territory and consequently we did not raise much wool.
President Brigham Young at once ordered a cotton mill built at Salt Lake City in order that the cotton could be spun into yarn. The wool the women spun into yarn by the use of spinning wheels, which was mixed with cotton and woven into cloth, but not of a fancy type, the same being commonly known as the "Hard Times Cloth".
President Young also advised the people to organize co-operative canneries throughout the territory and requested the shoemakers to remain at their trade in order to provide men, women and children with shoes.
April 20th, there was a call from President Brigham Young for men to go to Missouri to assist the poor emigrants in crossing the plains to Utah, and in May, 262 wagons, 293 men 2,880 oxen with 143,315 pounds of flour at once started across the mountains and plains for the emigrants.
They traveled in six companies under Captain Horton D. Haight, Henry W. Miller, Homer Duncan, Joseph Horn, John R. Murdock and Hansel P. Harmon.
Mt. Pleasant was always willing to shoulder its share of burdens, so it sent the following men who braved the journey with their other comrades: Joseph Page, Orange Seely, Neils Waldemar, Wm. Barton, Magnus Ferando and Peter Adolph Fredericksen went along and acted as Night Guard.
Some of the Saints furnished one ox, others a yoke of oxen, and others would furnish the only yoke of oxen they had, while some of the people remaining at home would volunteer to do their work on their farms for them during their absence. By this method they were fitted out for the journey. This afforded the poor emigrants better acomodations in crossing the plains and mountains than was afforded those who were compelled to work their way over the deserts and plains during the previous years, drawing their hand-carts with them, which contained their rations and ofttimes their little children and clothing.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Holiday Greetings from David and Kathryn Gunderson
Christmas 2013
Kathryn & I hope this Christmas will
be a special time of year for each of you and your families.
As I think back over the many Christmases
my life, many of them are especially memorable. Mostly, memorable because we spent them with you our treasured family and friends.
my life, many of them are especially memorable. Mostly, memorable because we spent them with you our treasured family and friends.
I can remember some details of most of my
early Christmases, there was a windup tractor, a glass washing machine (there is a story about that but I’ll save it
for another time), my tricycle, the tinker toys, etc. But the Christmas of
1942 stands out as one of the most memorable, and I owe much of that to my “teasie”
Uncle Bruce. who never missed an opportunity to make things “interesting” for his
nieces & nephews.
December of 1942 found our family staying with Aunt Hilda and
her nephew, my mother’s brother, Uncle Bruce in Mt. Pleasant . A fire at the site of the Duchesne Tunnel[1],
where my father was working as an engineer, had destroyed the generator and
compressor plant. Because of WWII, the damaged equipment couldn’t be replaced and
work on the tunnel had to be postponed.

As Christmas approached, Uncle Bruce
repeatedly cautioned me that since we had moved so late in the year, I
shouldn’t be prepared to have Santa miss me at our new address.
On about the 15th of December,
Dad asked me if I wanted to go with him and Uncle Bruce to the Mountains east
of Mt. Pleasant to find a Christmas tree and I readily
agreed. But as I remember it, I just stood,
cold to the bone, at the bottom of a steep hillside in mud not quite deep
enough to cover my boots, listening to Dad and Uncle Bruce argue the virtues of
various tree. (I really don’t know why
Dad worried about the shape of our trees. He always remade them when we were decorating
them anyway, adding branches or taking them out as he felt necessary.) I
did, however, take the opportunity to learn some of the great sounding new expletives
I was hearing.
When I got home, I was anxious to show off
my new vocabulary and got my mouth washed out with soap for my efforts. Dad and Uncle Bruce got scolded but they
didn’t get the soap treatment. I remember of thinking that maybe Mom and Aunt
Hilda had just given up on them.
A few days before Christmas, Uncle Bruce
really started to give me the business, he explained that I had probably waited
too long to let Santa know that we had moved so he could re-arrange his pack to
deliver my presents in Mt. Pleasant, and that my presents would probably be
left in our old snowbound house and worse yet, before we could get there in the
spring to pick them up, skiers or snowshoe hikers would get there and find my
presents. Thinking them abandoned, they would naturally take them home for
their own children, who, unlike the children for whom they were intended, would
appreciate them.
Well that really got my attention. Uncle Bruce promised to do
what he could to “help” me in my desperate situation and he did. Mom and Aunt
Hilda didn’t say much but they did assure me that Santa would find me as he had
found other children through the centuries.

In those early years of my life I didn’t know about the cutter
or the sleigh bells, but Uncle Bruce did.
Early on Christmas Eve day, Uncle Bruce
came back home with great news. He had seen Santa and explained my situation.
Santa had agreed that my situation was desperate and that he would try to work
me in to his busy schedule, but that I should remember that he might have to
come by a bit early and that the strict roles could not be changed. Before he
could come I must be in bed and asleep.
In the late afternoon of Christmas Eve,
thing really started to happen. Just before dinner, I suddenly heard the sound
of sleigh bells, but running to the window, I saw nothing. Soon afterward, Uncle
Bruce came into the Kitchen and asked if we had heard the bells. We told him we
had and he warned that I should probably have been in bed and asleep because
Santa may not be able to make another run.
During dinner, Uncle Bruce suddenly
remembered some important chore and needed to be excused for a few minutes.
While he was out we again heard sleigh bells.
After coming back, Uncle Bruce asked if we
had the bells and again warned that I should have been in bed and asleep,
because Santa had already made two tries and may not be able to make another
run for me. Aunt Hilda reassuringly said that I should just leave it to Santa. We
heard sleigh bells again several times that afternoon and each time Uncle Bruce
(after coming back into the house) would warn me that I should already have
been in bed and asleep, because Santa could not just keep trying.
After Dinner, we held a family Christmas Eve Devotional in the
parlor, where the Christmas tree was located and where I was to sleep. I was
just frantic, but Aunt Hilda casually read from the Gospel of St. Luke and set
out a tray of goodies for Santa. We all heard bells once or twice more during
the evening, but soon, excited as I was, I became so sleepy that I just
couldn’t keep my eyes open.
When I awoke on Christmas morning, I found
that Santa had been right there in our parlor where I had slept, eaten the
snack we had left him and just as Uncle Bruce had arranged, built a “Toyland
Town all around our Christmas tree”.
It wasn’t until many years later that I
realized that every time the sleigh bells rang, Uncle Bruce was away on some
important errand.
Uncle Bruce went to great of effort to make
sure that we had a great Christmas that year and I love him for it. But, I
think he had just as much fun as I did.
I don’t remember what Santa brought that
Christmas, but I do remember that he made the effort to find me. Over the years
I have come to see the symbolism in this and recognize how grateful I am that
the Prince of Peace has made the effort to come to find each of us, regardless
of race, religion or status just as Santa found me
With Much Love, We Wish Each of You a Very Merry
David & Kathryn Gunderson
[1] The Duchesne Tunnel is part of an irrigation
project. It is located 18 mi east of Kamas , Utah .
We returned to it in 1949
Benind Time ~ an 1890 Essay by Neil Madsen ~ from the Johanna Madsen Hafen Collection
Time is one of the most important things. It is with time that man does his work. If we begin to think that we haven't time to do a certain thing and put it off til another time, then it brings us to neglect till we haven't time to do anything. But if we take time and do it quick as possible then we begin to always have time for our work (and) are always up to time at our ......at the appointed hour.
One of the most important lessons to be learned in life is the art of economizing time. There is an instinct that tells us that the man who does much is most likely to do more, and to do i in the best manner. It is much easier for one who is always exerting himself to exert himself a little more than for him who does nothing to raise himself to action. Give a busy man ten minutes to write a letter andhe will dash it off at once. Give an idle man a day, and he will postpone it til tomorrow or next week.
A little done this hour and a little done the next hour, day by day and year by year brings much to pass.
Even the largest houses are built by laying one stone upon another It is said that the mine sweepings of the floor of the gold workroom are melted and coined. Learn from this the nobler economy of time; glean up its golden dust; economize with the utmost car those days and bits of hours.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Lost Cousins
These are cousins of my mother (Helen Olsen Rodgers Rigby)
Charles and Bonnie were children of Charles and Elvina Olsen Peterson
Ernest may have been a son of Sena Olsen Neeka (not sure)
Irene ???
These children were grandchildren of Hans Peder and Anna Maria Kjerstina Madsen Olsen who came to Mt. Pleasant in the 1860s from Denmark.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Christmas history...shared by Dave Harris
Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.
When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drunk all the cider and hidden the liquor.. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and an irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree.
The angel said very cheerfully, 'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?'
And thus began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013

You may wonder how the entire funeral was recorded. Annie's daughter Alice Panier was a court reporter and took the entire funeral down in shorthand.