Wednesday, July 30, 2014

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Givens Family Murdered by Indians ~ Brigham Young and Apostles Visit ~ Andrew Madsen's Journal

Andrew Madsen 

May 25th 1865
Trouble began on the north end of the County and the Indians began to raid the settlers.  Jens Larsen, a cattle herder was killed four miles north of Fairview.  The following day, John Given, his wife and four children were murdered and their bodies badly mutilated at Thistle Valley.  Many of the cattle from Mt. pleasant and Fairview were stolen and driven away.

The next day a company of men drove to Thistle Valley and brought down the bodies of the Given Family and routed the Indians.

On May 29th, the Indians made an attack upon the settlers three miles north of Fairview, killing David Handcock Jones, a member of the Mormon Battalion.
in the evening a company made up at Mt. Pleasant and Fairview visited the scene in search of Indians, but they made their escape to the mountains.

Early in July President Brigham Young visited Sanpete County to investigate the Indian trouble and to preach to the Saints.  He visited Mt. Pleasant July 13th.  President Brigham Young, the Apostles John Taylor, George A. Smith and Wilford Woodruff constituted the company.  They came by way of Nephi, accompanied by the Nephi Brass Band and were met at the outskirts of town by throngs of people who welcomed them. 

Elders Woodruff, Smith and Taylor spoke in the forenoon and in the afternoon, President Young occupied the time.  His remarks to us were brief and his advice good.  He said that he had seen many of the prophecies of Joseph Smith fulfilled when he (Brigham Young) was first sent to Europe.  "Go and my spirit shall be with you and my authority shall be invested in you."  I can fully testify that it was fulfilled to the very letter and is with me today.  If you want your children to be like yourself, if you want them to increase in wisdom, intelligence and good behavior, give them a pattern in yourself. Few have children more than I.  When traveling amongst the nations, I never saw a child destitute without relieving its distress, and I always felt to bless them.  Mothers, if you want your children to possess Christian meekness and lead a virtuous life, show them a pattern in your own life indications.  Fathers, if you want your wives and children to show you respect, respect yourself.  If you want them to be good, be good and righteous in all your actions.

Young men, I was sent out in the world when young.  I had to make my own way through it.  I made it a rule to withstand the temptations of gambling, drinking and swearing, and never deviated from it.  You do the same yourself.

You were born in the Kingdom and I want you to make your own way through the world.  Don't marry until you marry right.  Your children will then belong to the Kingdom. etc. etc. etc.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Discover Castle Valley, Utah, through an elaborate outdoor historical drama that portrays the settling of the frontier. And don't miss the Pioneer Village, where guests learn about the crafts necessary for a pioneer settlement to survive, such as blacksmithing, farming with horse-drawn implements, weaving, and spinning.

July 31 and August 1–2, 5–9, 2014

Pioneer Village activities begin
at 6:00 p.m.

Pageant performance starts
at 8:30 p.m.

The Castle Valley Pageant is performed every other year, on even-numbered years (2012, 2014, and so on):
More info:

Admission is free. No ticket is required, and no reservation is necessary.


4785 North Desbee Dove Rd.
Castle Dale, Utah 84513


Friday, July 25, 2014

Hilltop Falcons 1961 ~ Ninth Grade ~ North Sanpete Junior High

Paul Squire and Francis Robertson above, were not in the ninth grade.  They were in eighth grade.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pioneer Day (Utah)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pioneer Day
Re-enactment of Mormon pioneers in the 1912 Pioneer Day Parade at Liberty Park, Salt Lake City, Utah
Observed byUtah, United States
Significancecommemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847
Celebrationsparades, fireworks, rodeos, and other festivities
DateJuly 24
Next time24 July 2014
Pioneer Day is an official holiday celebrated on July 24 in the U.S. state of Utah,[1] with some celebrations in regions of surrounding states originally settled by Mormon pioneers.[2][3] It commemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847,[4] where the Latter-day Saints settled after being forced from Nauvoo, Illinois,[5] and other locations in the eastern United States.[6] Paradesfireworksrodeos, and other festivities help commemorate the event. Similar to July 4, most governmental offices[1] and many businesses are closed on Pioneer Day.[7]
In addition to being an official holiday in Utah, Pioneer Day is considered a special occasion by many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).[8][9] On Pioneer Day, some Latter-day Saints walk portions of the Mormon Trail or reenact entering the Salt Lake Valley by handcart.[10] Latter-day Saints throughout the United States[11][12] and around the world may celebrate July 24 in remembrance of the LDS Church's pioneer era, with songs, dances, potlucks, and pioneer related activities.[13][14]
While the holiday has strong links to the LDS Church, it is a celebration of everyone, regardless of faith and nationality, who emigrated to the Salt Lake Valley during the pioneer era, which is generally considered to have ended with the 1869 arrival of the transcontinental railroad.[15] Notable non-LDS American pioneers from this period include Episcopal Bishop Daniel S. Tuttle, who was responsible for Utah's first non-Mormon schools (Rowland Hall-St. Mark's) and first public hospital (St. Mark's) in the late 1800s.[16] The Intertribal Powwow at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City honors the rich cultural heritage and contributions of the area's Native Americans, helping Utahns to gain a deeper understanding of the region's history.[17][18]
The holiday generates a great deal of road traffic; Utah Department of Public Safety statistics demonstrate that Pioneer Day has the second highest holiday traffic fatality rate in Utah, with the earlier July 4 Independence Day having the highest rate.[19]


The interior of the Salt Lake Tabernacle as decorated for theDeseret Sunday School Union's July 1875 Pioneer Day celebration.
The earliest precursor to Pioneer Day celebrations in Utah occurred on July 24, 1849,[20] when the Nauvoo Brass Band led a commemoration of the second anniversary of the Latter-day Saints entering the Salt Lake Valley.[21]
The first celebration of Pioneer Day in 1857 was interrupted with news of the approach of Johnson's Army, heralding the beginning of the Utah War.[22] During the following occupation of the Utah Territory by federal troops, Pioneer Day was not celebrated.[23] Once President Abraham Lincoln initiated a hands-off policy on Utah in 1862 during the American Civil War[24]Pioneer Day was once again observed, and expanded into the surrounding areas as the Mormon Corridor spread throughout the Intermountain West.[23] In 1880, Latter-day Saints commemorated the Golden Jubilee of the church's formal organizationin 1830; tens of thousands of people in hundreds of communities participated in very enthusiastic festivities.[23]
In the years that followed, federal enforcement efforts of anti-polygamy laws (including the 1882 Edmunds Act) resulted in greatly subdued celebrations.[23] The 1886 commemoration was particularly notable for its mourning theme, with the Salt Lake Tabernacle decorated in black instead of the usually colorful bunting, and the eulogizing of Latter-day Saints who were in hiding or imprisoned for polygamy offenses.[23] By 1897, the celebration included not only the 50th anniversary of the initial arrival in the Salt Lake Valley, but also the end of the polygamy issue, the completion of the Salt Lake Temple, and statehood for Utah.[23]
The centennial in 1947 and the sesquicentennial in 1997 were especially large celebrations in Utah. One writer indicated that the 1947 celebrations seemed to incorporate the entire year, with July 24 only being an apex to the events.[25]

Related events[edit]

Stirling Settler Days parade float commemorating the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. As well the arrival of Mormons into Canada. Stirling'ssecond LDS meetinghouse in background.

See also[edit]


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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wasatch Academy Football Wins 9 Games over North Sanpete's 1 ~ 1924-1933 ~ Submitted by Lee R. Christensen


Lee R. Christensen's  Photos and Stories From Mt. Pleasant

In the ten years 1924 thru 1933 the North Sanpete  Rams beat the Wasatch Tigers just once – 1929.  That year a  team quarterbacked by Eugene (Ganny) Peterson and starring Neil Hafen, end and Vernon Christensen, fullback,  out scored Wasatch  for the first time in coach Brunger’s tenure.  They were not to do  it again for another five years. 

 The Wasatch team was quarterbacked by Johnny Becker though not from Mt Pleasant he did marry a Mt Pleasanter. The Wasatch line was anchored by two local boys, Dee Keusseff and Dick Candland and I would guess sitting on the bench, Glen Williams and Fremont Draper.     
   Both quarterbacks returned to their  high schools as teachers, Ganny to coach and Johnny to teach social studies;   where he made freshmen girls giggle with his risqué stories. 

The football game between the Wasatch Tigers and the North Sanpete Rams, played in early November, was among the five top events of the year in the  Mt Pleasant ‘30s, ranking just behind the Junior Prom and just ahead of the opening of deer hunting.  The climatic event preceding the game was a torch light parade that started on the North Sanpete campus. There nearly 200 students would  each pick up a flaming torch and in unison all march down Main street and on   to the corner of 1st West and 2nd South where they would throw their torch onto a flaming bon fire mid street. . Wasatch students would be circled around their fire.   For the next 30 – 40 minutes students from both schools sang, shouted, rang bells, tooted horns and banged drums hoping to make enough noise to carry thru to  next day’s game.      All the games were memorable but the game played 11 November 1938 unforgettable.  There was not even a threat of snow during the torch light festivities but during the night 10 inches of snow fell.   The game was to be played at North Sanpete so they called on the hiway graders to scrape the field.  Coach Brunger sensing Wasatch players had to stay warm bought long johns for the team... .... .... .... (Cleaned out J C Penny’s)

.      Wasatch scored first just before the half with a play that brought smiles to the rooters of both teams.    Wasatch had driven from mid field to the 3 yard line.  From there Dewey Fills, a running back, was given the ball to charge into and thru the line for the score.  Five yards into the end zone he was met head on and tackled by his younger brother, Elmer, North Sanpete’s safety.  The referee whistled loud and long and charged Elmer with a penalty only to be told by Dewey “don’t penalize him Ref, I’ll take care of the kid tonight at home’”.  Final score: Wasatch Academy 19 -   North Sanpete  0,    Fillis Family  tied. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Relief Society ~ Donations of Wheat 1876

Beloved Sisters and Friends !
 We make this appeal to you in all sincerity, after most serious thought on storing away grain while it is within our reach.  We wish is where possible the subject might be agitated in private until every Mother and Daughter should feel the necessity of immediate action.

Donations by the bushel:

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Emma and Will Morrison

William's Parents:



They were married:
22 December 1843
Saint Nicholas, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom

14 February 1859
Manti, Sanpete, Utah, United States
22 June 1929
Monroe, Sevier, Utah, United States