Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve 1912

Mt. Pleasant Pyramid   ~  January 12, 1912

Mt. Pleasant Pyramid January 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Scandinavian Choirs

One third of the means for the 567 emigrants leaving Scandinavia in 1869 was sent from Utah. Work on the approaching railroad proved a boon because it was the one type of labor for which cash was paid, cash that could be sent to waiting relatives in the old country. Scandinavians in Utah contributed twenty-five cents a month to a missionary fund, and they organized local emigrant aid societies whose contributions showed up on the emigration ledgers in Copenhagen as the Moroni Fund, the Ephraim Fund, the Provo Fund. The renowned Scandinavian Choir in Salt Lake City held benefit concerts. In Ephraim, Sarah Ann Peterson of the Women's Relief Society urged her sisters to donate all Sunday eggs to the fund, and other settlements followed. In 1872, to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the arrival of the Mormons in the Great Salt Lake Valley, friends and relatives in Utah sent $10,000 to Scandinavia. In 1883 they sent $30,000 more to Sweden alone, enabling so many to emigrate that the mission could hardly function.

Monday, December 29, 2014

1868 -1869 ~ Andrew Madsen's Journal ~ Men Were Called To Go East For Emigrants ~ More Grasshoppers ~ Mt. Pleasant City Organized

In the Spring of 1868 the following men were called from amongst us to go east after poor emigrants.

Bishop W.S. Seely, Capt.; Philip Hurst, Assistant; Christian Madsen; Moroni Seely; Andrew Syndergaard; Conderset Rowe; Joseph Caldwell; Thomas Fuller; Hyrum Seely...

See more on the drownings and the song:  "We The Boys of Sanpete"  :

1868 -1869 ~ Andrew Madsen's Journal ~ Men Were Called To Go East For Emigrants ~ More Grasshoppers ~ Mt. Pleasant City Organized

In the Spring of 1868 the following men were called from amongst us to go east after poor emigrants.

Bishop W.S. Seely, Capt.; Philip Hurst, Assistant; Christian Madsen; Moroni Seely; Andrew Syndergaard; Conderset Rowe; Joseph Caldwell; Thomas Fuller; Hyrum Seely...

See more on the drownings and the song:  "We The Boys of Sanpete"  :

Emma Smith

1920 ~ 2014
Emma Arzella Smith, our beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother, friend, and One Classy Lady, returned peacefully to our Father in Heaven on Christmas morning. What a beautiful day for Mom to pass. She had suffered from cancer for many years, which she never
complained of.
Emma was born March 17, 1920 in Fairview, Utah to Charles Martin Rigby and Sarah Pritchett. She attended school in Fairview, Utah through the 11th grade. She later married Maurice (Joe) Smith in 1937 at the Manti, Utah courthouse. Emma and Joe lived on his family farm for a short time, moving to Carbon County for Joe to work in the coal mines.
They were blessed with 2 boys and later moved to Orem, Utah where they were blessed with a baby girl. Mom worked for 30 years, 40 hour work weeks, while raising 3 children and her husband. Mom may have not gone to church much, but she taught and instilled by example strong moral values, which her children have been greatly blessed by.

Emma was preceded in death by her husband Maurice (Joe) in 1980. Mom was the last living child in her family of 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Moms 3 children, Barry (Lenis) Smith, Clyde Pete (Shirley) Smith and Lynne Arzella (Steven) Sargent, brought great joy to her along with 10
grandchildren who blessed her with any great grandchildren. Mom loved to sew. She worked in a Barbizon (garment factory) for 30 years. She also sewed for her children, being very proficient in making her daughter, Lynnes clothes. She could quilt, crochet and knit which she taught to us all. We will be forever grateful for that. When we would come to visit, she was always be ready and willing to play all kinds of games with us. She loved to play Canasta, which she
usually always would win, eating peanuts and drinking coke. She loved the outdoors. Her last camping trip was when she was 92 years old, and she loved every minute of it. She loved to see the deer, cows and all the creatures of the woods. Mom lived in Kanab, Utah for her last 11 years. She lived for her family. She will be greatly missed by all of us. Memorial and Graveside services will begin at Sundberg/Olpin Mortuary 11:00 am on Tuesday, December 29, 2014, in Orem, Utah and conclude at East Lawn Memorial Hills, in Provo, Utah. Mosdell Mortuary, of Kanab, Utah, will be handling all of the arrangements.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Fun and Appreciative Comments On Various Posts During 2014

From some date prior to April 1933 the Madsens (from down Moroni way) operated the candy store corner State and Main. After Congress ruled 3.2 beer no longer acholic and as soon as Utah agreed the Madsen Bros buildt and opened a beer hall just north of the candy store. They were still there when I left Mt Pleasant with the National Guard April 1941. As an 18 year old in uniform I had no trouble getting a pint of suds. lee on Anyone Know the Details? When did Madsen and Madsen operate a Beer Hall? Discovered by Tudy Barentsen Standlee.
Hard cider in the morning you say...hmmmmmm....might get us through these last remaining grey days in Western Washington before we jet off to Arizona. It's an idea. on Apple Picking Round Up In Yakima
I have all of the details on the home of George Farnworth in Mount Pleasant including pictures. Richard Jackson on George Farnworth Family Photos ~ shared by Deena Lynn Sutton
Talula Nelson was my grandmother's older sister. Thanks for posting. Great story!! on A 1910 Comet ~ by Talula Nelson
I have a copy of the handwritten account from my Grandma Bess. It was a fun find and so much detail. Thank you for posting. My grandmother Bess Olson's grandparents were William and Sarah Jane Olson. So very cool to see this photo of them! Salli, that means we are what--second cousins? I'm in the SL area. My e-mail is on William and Sarah Olson
Lee, I appreciate your service, and echo the sentiments of those school girls 20 years ago in the letter they wrote you. It is true, you may not have been here with us today had you been there when the curtain rose. That day is a day to never forget. My Grandpa has a hard time even thinking about what he saw there on D+1. I am glad I better understand what he was doing there in building those ramps for the late landers. Unbelievable the sacrifices made that so many take for granted today. Thanks for posting. Eric V. -Grandson of Ken on D-Day Remembered by Lee
Thank you so much for posting the Annie Frandsen death notice. She was my g-g-grandmother. I've never seen that newspaper notice before. Wonderful to have. on Clemensen, Frandsen, Hafen Ladies' Obituaries ~ 1912-1913
Reed Russell
I love this article. Thank you so much for posting it. This is my Great-great grandfather. My Grandfather is Grant Beck. Is it possible for me to post a copy of this article to my personal blog, or could I link my blog to this article? I know my family would love to read this. My blog is on A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF HANS CHRISTIAN BECK ~ Pioneer of the Month ~ December 2013
Photo taken near the SE corner of East Main and First East. I don't see the big populars of the 30's so probable taken early 20's or earlier. on Hamilton Elementary As Seen From the East Side
Thanks for sharing! These are my 2nd gr-grandparents and I have never seen the photo of their home! on Mads Christian Anderson Sr. and wife Carolina Peterson Home ~ researched and compiled by Tudy Barentsen Standlee
I have this same picture in my genealogy records but the names are Hans Nadrian Chlarson and his wife, Johanna Charlotte Scherlin. I wonder if my source has posted an incorrect picture to our records. on Seymour Hansen

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Two Postcards I Found In My Grandmother's Scrapbook

 My dad went to the Utah State Agricultural College to learn how to be a carpenter.  The postcard was dated 1941.
 In 1942, he found work at Consolidated Aircraft, building airplanes for the war.  I wonder which car is his.

I (Kathy) wasn't born until 1947.  I heard my parents talk of San Diego, where they lived during the war, so the year after my mother passed away, we flew down to San Diego and found the place where they had lived in a area named Linda Vista.  I had the address from an old Christmas Card sent to them many years earlier. We wandered up and down the sidewalk of the neighborhood.  Soon, a gal asked if she could help us find someone.  When I told her we were looking for the home where my parents had lived, she said "Oh you'll want to talk to my grandmother."

Low and behold it was a neighbor that had been good friends with my mother.  Her name was Mrs. Epps.  I remember mom talking about the good times she had withe "Epsi".  I felt my mother was present for that short time as we talked with her.  And yes, she pointed out the home where my parents had lived.  It is a special memory for me.

Annie and Willie's Prayer

Twas the eve before Christmas. "Good night," had been said,
And Annie and Willie had crept into bed;
There were tears on their pillows and tears in their eyes,
And each little bosom was heaving with sighs,
For tonight their stern father's command had been given
That they should retire precisely at seven
Instead of at eight - for they troubled him more
With questions unheard of than ever before:

He had told them he thought this delusion a sin,
No such creature as "Santa Claus" ever had been.
And he hoped after this, he should never more hear
How he scrambled down chimneys with presents each year.
And this was the reason the two little heads

So restlessly tossed on their soft, downy beds.
Eight, nine, and the clock on the steeple tolled ten,
Not a word has been spoken by either till then,
When Willie's sad face from the blanket did peep,
And whispered, "Dear Annie, is 'ou fast as'eep?"

"Why, no, brother Willie," A sweet voice replies,
"I've long tried in vain, but I can't shut my eyes,
For somehow it makes me so sorry because
Dear papa has said there is no 'Santa Claus.'
Now we know there is, and it can't be denied,
For he came every year before mamma died;

But, then, I've been thinking that she used to pray,
And God would hear everything mamma would say,
And maybe she asked him to send Santa Claus here
With that sackful of presents he brought every year."

"Well, why tan't we p'ay dest as mamma did den,
And ask Dod to send him with p'esents aden?"
Four little bare feet bounded out on the floor,
And four little knees the soft carpet pressed,
And two tiny hands were clasped close to each breast.

"Now, Willie, you know we must firmly believe
That the presents we ask for we're sure to receive;
You must wait very still till I say the "Amen,"
And by that you will know that your turn has come then."

"Dear Jesus, look down on my brother and me,
And grant us the favor we are asking of thee.
I want a wax dolly, a teaset, and ring,
And an ebony workbox that shuts with a spring.
Bless papa, dear Jesus, and cause him to see
That Santa Claus loves us as much as does he;
Don't let him get fretful and angry again
At dear brother Willie and Annie. Amen."

"Please, Desus, 'et Santa Taus tum down tonight,
And b'ing us some p'esents before it is light;
I want he should div' me a nice 'ittle s'ed,
With bright shinin' 'unners, and all painted red;
A box full of tandy, a book, and a toy.
Amen, and then, Desus, I'll be a dood boy."

Their prayers being ended, they raised up their heads,
With hearts light and cheerful, again sought their beds.
They were lost soon in slumber, both peaceful and deep,
And with fairies in dreamland were roaming in sleep.

Eight, nine, and the little French clock had struck ten,
Ere the father had thought of his children again:
He seems now to hear Annie's half-suppressed sighs,
And to see the big tears stand in Willie's blue eyes.

"I was harsh with my darlings," he mentally said,
"And should not have sent them so early to bed;
But then I was troubled, my feelings found vent,
For bankstock today has gone down ten percent.
But of course they've forgotten their troubles ere this,
And that I denied then their thrice-asked-for kiss:

But, just to make sure, I'll go up to their door,
For I never spoke harsh to my darlings before."
So saying, he softly ascended the stairs,
And arrived at the door to hear both of their prayers;

His Annie's "Bless papa" drew forth the big tears,
And Willie's grave promise fell sweet on his ears.
"Strange - strange - I'd forgotten," said he with a sigh,
"How I longed when a child to have Christmas draw nigh."

"I'll atone for my harshness," he inwardly said,
"By answering their prayers ere I sleep in my bed."
Then he turned to the stairs and softly went down,
Threw off velvet slippers and silk dressing gown,
Donned hat, coat, and boots, and was out in the street,
A millionaire facing the cold, driving sleet!

Nor stopped he until he had bought everything
From the box full of candy to the tiny gold ring;
Indeed, he kept adding so much to his store,
That the various presents outnumbered a score.
Then homeward he turned. With his holiday load,
With Aunt Mary's help, in the nursery was stowed.

Miss Dolly was seated beneath a pine tree,
By the side of a table spread out for her tea;
A workbox well fitted in the center was laid,
And on it the ring for which Annie had prayed,

A soldier in uniform stood by a sled,
"With bright shining runners, and all painted red."
There were balls, dogs, and horses, books pleasing to see,
And birds of all colors were perched in the tree!
While Santa Claus, laughing, stood up in the top,
As if getting ready more presents to drop.

And as the fond father the picture surveyed,
He thought for his trouble he had amply been paid,
And he said to himself, as he brushed off a tear,
"I'm happier tonight than I've been for a year;
I've enjoyed more pure pleasure than every before;
What care I if bank stock falls ten percent more!
Hereafter I'll make it a rule, I believe,
To have Santa Claus visit us each Christmas Eve."
So thinking, he gently extinguished the light,
And, tripping down stairs, retired for the night.

As soon as the beams of the bright morning sun
put the darkness to flight, and the stars one by one,
Four little blue eyes out of sleep opened wide,
And at the same moment the presents espied;
Then out of their beds they sprang with a bound,
And the very gifts prayed for were all of them found.

They laughed and they cried, in their innocent glee,
And shouted for papa to come quickly see
What presents old Santa Claus brought in the night
(Just the things that they wanted,) and left before light:

"And now," added Annie, in a voice soft and low,
"You'll believe there's a 'Santa Claus', papa, I know";
While dear little Willie climbed up on his knee,
Determined no secret between them should be,
And told him in soft whispers how Annie had said
That their dear, blessed mamma, so long ago dead,
Used to kneel down by the side of her chair,
And that God up in heaven had answered her prayer.

"Den we dot up and prayed dust as well as we tould,
And Dod answered our prayers: now wasn't He dood?"
"I should say that He was, if He sent you all these,
And knew just what presents my children would please.
(Well, well, let him think so, the dear little elf,
'Twould be cruel to tell him I did it myself.")

-Sophia P. Snow

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

For A Happy Victorian Christmas

Here's a Greeting, warm and hearty
To yourself and all your party,
Fun and Frolic, both in season
Be your lot this Festive Season

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Awake,  I have worried,  fussed,  fumed and planned.     

Asleep I have sought over sea and land.

Wherever I went, when I told them the price,

Clerks would smile - show sympathy - and try to be nice.



I have been to the Wasatch, the Progress and Squires.

I have looked at all things a human admires.  

At Gunderson's  ~ at Biddles  ~ and over at Pete's too.

I asked to see their goods, both old and new.


 I went to Penney's, and then to the Sanpete.  

I am quite sure I visited all places on Main Street.

I roamed  North and South, up and down.

I almost decided to go to some other town.

At last discouraged and in despair, I searched 

mail order catalogues from everywhere.

 But whenever I saw an article I thought would be nice,

Uncle Sam’s postage would just add to the price.


I have seen radios, automobiles, blankets and mitts,

but darned if I could find anything for only two bits.

Today I decided on this present so plain and queer.

Here is wishing you a 


Hilda and Showman Longsdorf