Friday, April 29, 2016

Alma Zabriskie

 Alma Zabriskie

Alma Zabriskie was born on August 18 1835, in Eugene, Vermillion, Indiana, United States, to Henry Christian Zabriskie and Nancy Zabriskie (born Newgin).
Henry was born on August 11 1788, in Northampton, Monroe, Pennsylvania, United States.
Nancy was born on March 14 1800, in Dansville, Lincoln, Kentucky, USA.
Alma had 12 siblings: Susanna Barney (born Zabriskie)Zeno ZabriskieCharles ZabriskieNapoleon Bonaparte ZabriskieJerome ZabriskieLewis Curtis ZabriskieSarah Elizabeth Allred (born Zabriskie)Huldah Mitchel (born Zabriskie)Matilda Hamphier (born Zabriskie)Cynthia King (born Zabriskie) and Abraham Zabriskie.
Alma married Mamie Margaret Zabriskie (born Tidwell) on May 19 1860, at age 24 in Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, USA.
Mamie was born on June 9 1844, in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States.
Her occupation was Keeping House.
They had 13 children: Margaret Bristol (born Zabriskie)Martha Jane Jeffs (born Zabriskie)James Franklin ZabriskieRose Zabriskie,Jerome ZabriskieWilliam Alma ZabriskieMary Elizabeth Coates (born Zabriskie)John Henry ZabriskieAnna Eliza Halverson (born Zabriskie)George Albert ZabriskieCharles Abram ZabriskieNancy Elzina Romero (born Zabriskie) and Anna Eliza Halversen (Halverson) (born Zabriskie).
Alma married Mamie Margaret Zabriskie (born Tidwell) in May 1860, at age 24.
Mamie was born on June 19 1844, in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States.
Alma lived in 1850, in Utah county, Utah, Utah Territory, USA.
He lived in 1900, in Mt. Pleasant Precinct (excl. Mt. Pleasant), San Pete, Utah, USA.
Alma passed away of Dropsy on June 16 1913, at age 77 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, United States.
He was buried on June 19 1913, in Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, USA.


The following are snippets about Alma Zabriskie in "History of Mt. Pleasant' by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf: pp31-32
About the middle of February, Mads Madsen, Peter Madsen, Andrew Madsen, Niels Madsen, Christian Madsen, George Frandsen, Rasmus Frandsen, Christian Jensen 1st, Mortin Rasmussen, Peter Monsen, James Larsen Sr., Niels Johansen 1st, Alma Allred, Peter Johansen, Niels Widergren Anderson, Christian Widergren Anderson, Mickel Christensen, Soren Jacobsen, James C. Meiling, and Hans Y. Simpson moved north until they were just west of where the settlement was to be located.They pitched their camp in a ravine in the cedar hills on the west side of San pitch River and began cutting posts which were

to be used, as soon as spring opened, for fencing the farm land. The snow then being about two feet deep at the town site, they did not move over the river until later. They were joined by Alma Zabriskie, James Allred, and Sidney Allred, who had prior to this time come north with cattle and horses to winter. They were the first to move towards the new settlement. After remaining in camp a short time, they, with five yoke of oxen, their wagons and seed wheat, drove through the deep snow to the present site of Mount Pleasant. March 20th, the company broke camp and through snow and mud moved their wagons and tents to where the fort wall was to be built; many pitched their camps on the bank of the creek, now known as Pleasant Creek. Some of the party remained there while others made a trip to Ephraim, among whom were Hans Y. Simpson, Mortin Rasmussen, and Andrew Madsen.  

p 46
The following account copied from an old church record book which cannot now be located, shows the number of men, teams, and wagons employed, (a boy counted for one-half man) :
First ten, North Line Time Teams Wagons
John A. Allred, Captain 11 ½ 2
Jerome Zabriskie…………………...11 4 4
Sidney Allred……………..……. …..9 ½ 3 3
Reuben Allred 8 ½ 3 3
Isaac M. Allred 8 ½ 3 3
Wm. C. Billingsley 7 ½ 4 4
Alma Zabriskie 11 ½ 2 …
Warren P. Brady 7 ¼ 2 2
Benjamin Jones .12 2 2
David H. Jones .12 2 2
John Cox ………………………………..10 ½ 2 2
Issiah Cox ………………………………10 ½ 2 2

120 ¼ 31 27

pp: 94-95 
Black Hawk War

During the past years, the Indians had committed many 

unfriendly acts; they had stolen the settlers' horses and had killed and stolen their cattle. The Indians camped south of Manti, when in the presence of the colonists, were quarrelsome, insulting, and threatening, indicating a desire for some excuse for war. During the winter of 1863 and 1864, a small band of Indians camping near Gunnison, had contracted the Smallpox and a number of them had died. The Indians, being naturally superstitious, and having many traditions, seemingly thought the white people were the cause of their misfortune and many threats to kill the settlers and steal their cattle were made by them. The Indians had killed some cattle belonging to John Lowry. After trying to get this affair settled, a meeting was set for April 9th, and a council, consisting of a number of the prominent colonists and Indians, was held at Jerome Kempton's place in Manti. For awhile it seemed all would be settled peacefully, but a young Indian Chief, Yene-wood, also known as Jake Arropine, whose father had died during the winter, could not be quieted and kept agitating the other Indians. Lowry demanded that he should keep quiet. During the argument someone called out to Lowry to look out as Yene-wontl was getting his arrows. Lowry then went to the Indian, and in the skirmish that followed, pulled him off his horse. When Yene-wood struck Lowry, others interfered. With the evident desire or the Indians for open hostilities, this was all that was needed, and whether or not this was the real and only cause of the Black Hawk Hawk War, as many conflicting stories have been told, is not known. However, Indian Joe, at once mounted his horse and swiftly rude to an Indian camp at Shumway Springs near Moroni and evidently told the Indians camped there what had happened, for there was much excitement. Runners were at once sent to the distant Indian camps, and almost all the Indian camps were moved to the mountains. The Indian Chief, Black Hawk, gathered his warriors for a conflict. The day after the Lowry affair, a small party of men from Manti were sent out to gather the cattle, as they had been told that the Indians were going to take them. Near Twelve Mile Creek (Mayfield), the party was fired upon by Chief Black Hawk and other Indians, and young Peter Ludvigson was killed. The Indians continued to move towards the south. That same evening, Elijah B. Ward, a prominent mountaineer, who had greatly assisted President Brigham Young in interpreting the Indian language, and James Anderson were killed by the Indians in Salina Canyon. They had both been shot with bullets and arrows, and the condition of their bodies suggested they had been tortured; they had been scalped and most of their clothing had been taken. Word was received in Mount Pleasant that the Indians were committing depredations on the Sevier River by killing people and driving away stock belonging to the settlers. A call was made for Mount Pleasant to send twenty-three men to the defense of the inhabitants of Sevier Valley. A few days later, a group of well-armed men responded to the call, according to Andrew Madsen's Journal, "A party of about twenty men, John Ivie, Dolph Bennett (R. N.), Orange Seeley, George Frandsen, Christian Jensen, Alma Zabriskie, Peter Fredricksen, N. Peter Madsen. Mortin Rasmussen, myself and others, with three baggage wagons driven by Rasmus Frandsen, Jacob Christensen and Peter Y. Jensen, started out at daybreak. At our arrival at Manti, we were told what had transpired at Salina Canyon and of the killing of Ward and Anderson. We were ordered to hurry on at once. We arrived in Salina early in the evening where we were joined by a number of men from other settlements. Preparations were made during the night, and early the following morning, Colonel Reddick Allred with eighty-four armed men started up Salina Canyon in pursuit of the Indians.  

p 181:About 1899, Floyd, two-year old son of Will and Annie Omenn, was drowned in Twin Creek channel. At about this same time, Rose, three-year old daughter of Al Zabriskie and Margaret Zabriskie. was drowned in the same channel.

p 186:
Left Plate of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Monument 
Jefferson Tidwell
Paul Dehlin
Mortin Rasmussen
Hans C. H. Beck
Peter M. Peel
Erick Gunderson
Alma Zabriskie
Soren Jacob Hansen
John F. Fechser
Andrew P. Jensen



Sunday, April 24, 2016

William Hazard and Charlotte Lenorah Seely History and Photos (and a letter from their son, Frank)

Seely, William Hazzard family

Seely, William Hazzard family home
William Hazard Seely Home

Seely, William Hazzard on Old Spot
William Hazard Seely on "Old Spot"


Saturday, April 23, 2016


With permission of David R. Gunderson, we include the following book to our blog.   I will do a few increments at a time, as I have done with the Andrew Madsen and James Monsen histories.  I will also paste the pages over to David's own blog page:
When there are attachments noted, I will provide a link.  I have also included the index, as it will show what is coming up down the road.  This book will be of interest to not only the Gunderson Family but also to the Brotherson, Ericksen, Peel,   Madsen, Larsen and more.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Robert J. Simpson 1934 - 2016

1 / 1
Robert J. Simpson

Robert J. Simpson 1934 - 2016

CAMERON - Robert J. Simpson, 81, Cameron, Missouri passed away Thursday, January 21, 2016 at Cameron Regional Medical Center. 
He was born February 17, 1934 in Mt. Pleasant, Utah.
Jay married Kathleen Truscott on September 30, 1960.
He was a Battalion Chief with the Salt Lake City Fire Department and he proudly served in the United States Air Force.
Jay loved to travel and was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
He was preceded in death by his son, Cory T. Simpson; and parents, Harry and Edith (Madson) Simpson.
Survivors include wife; sons, Ben Jay Simpson (Mindy), Kingston, Missouri and Bradley Steven Simpson, Cameron, Missouri; daughter-in-law, Kristine Simpson; grandchildren, Erin Galbraith (Caleb), Jamie Patterson (Dusty), Brent Simpson (Kristie), Scott Simpson (Justina), Heidi Cunningham (Chance), Sarai, Apoima, Craig (Whitney), Mailey, Colton, Liana and Hailey Simpson; seventeen great-grandchildren; brothers, Harry David and Peter M. Simpson; sister, Paula Louise Matthews (Dene); and numerous nieces and nephews.
Natural Farewell under the direction of Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory. The family suggests memorial donations to Wounded Warriors Project. Online guest book and obituary at

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mormon Battalion

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Mormon Battalion Monument" by Edward J. FraughtonPresidio Park,San Diego, California
The Mormon Battalion, the only religiously based unit in United Statesmilitary history,[1] served from July 1846 to July 1847 during the Mexican–American War of 1846–1848. The battalion was a volunteer unit of between 534[2][3] and 559[4] Latter-day Saints men led by Mormon company officers, commanded by regular U.S. Army officers. During its service, the battalion made a grueling march of nearly 2,000 miles from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to San Diego.
The battalion’s march and service supported the eventual cession of much of the American Southwest from Mexico to the United States, especially theGadsden Purchase of 1853 of southern Arizona and New Mexico. The march also opened a southern wagon route to California. Veterans of the battalion played significant roles in America's westward expansion in California, Utah, Arizona and other parts of the West.

