Thursday, June 30, 2016

Attachment 3

With permission of David R. Gunderson, we include the following book to our blog.   I will do a few increments at a time, as I have done with the Andrew Madsen and James Monsen histories.  I will also paste the pages over to David's own blog page:

When there are attachments noted, I will provide a link.  I have also included the index, as it will show what is coming up down the road.  This book will be of interest to not only the Gunderson Family but also to the BrothersonEricksenPeel,   Madsen, Larsen and more.

Attachment 3 below:

The passenger list  that was presented to the New Orleans Customs Office  shows that they arrived safely, except for Anne Torine who had died on the 20th of January 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016

History of Carl Frederick Wall and Katherine Larsdotter

The following history of the Wall Family is of interest to all members of our community because it tells not only Frederick and Katherine's life story, but also why they separated from the LDS faith and the history of some of our Main Street businesses and buildings.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Calling All Pritchetts.......Descendents of Samuel Napolean Bonapart Pritchett,

If all my Pritchett Cousins research their genealogy back to the 1600s you will find that James (Prichard) Pritchett married Elizabeth Durbin.  The Durbin family were among the colonists who settled the Baltimore Maryland area. William Durbin and his seven sons built a stone house and all their families lived there. It was a well built house and still stands today.  It is located on what is now the Wakefield Valley Golfclub in Westminster, Maryland.  The story of the home, its surroundings and the Durbin family is full of numerous legends and surprises.  As a descendant of the Durbins, we all could have inherited the very ground on which Baltimore Maryland  now sits.

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