Sunday, July 31, 2016

RHODES VALLEY FORT AND DUP CABIN ~ Submitted by David R. Gunderson

  • Story of the early days of Kamas, Utah. In doing research on the Black Hawk war, I discovered that Kamas also builta fort during the Black Hawk war and I wanted to know where it had stood.During the three years we lived there, I don't think it was ever mentioned.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

JOURNEY OF FAITH CONTINUED......... By David R. Gunderson

With permission of David R. Gunderson, we include the following book to our blog.   I will do a few increments at a time, as I have done with the Andrew Madsen and James Monsen histories.  I will also paste the pages over to David's own blog page:
This book will be of interest to not only the Gunderson Family but also to the BrothersonEricksenPeel,   Madsen, Larsen and more.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Pioneer Day


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pioneer Day
Re-enactment of Mormon pioneers in the 1912 Pioneer Day Parade at Liberty Park, Salt Lake City, Utah
Observed byUtah, United States
Significancecommemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847
Celebrationsparades, fireworks, rodeos, and other festivities
DateJuly 24
Next timeJuly 24, 2016
Pioneer Day is an official holiday celebrated on July 24 in the U.S. state of Utah,[1] with some celebrations in regions of surrounding states originally settled by Mormon pioneers.[2][3] It commemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847,[4] where the Latter-day Saints settled after being forced from Nauvoo, Illinois,[5] and other locations in the eastern United States.[6] Paradesfireworks,rodeos, and other festivities help commemorate the event. Similar to July 4, most governmental offices[1] and many businesses are closed on Pioneer Day.[7]
In addition to being an official holiday in Utah, Pioneer Day is considered a special occasion by many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).[8][9] On Pioneer Day, some Latter-day Saints walk portions of the Mormon Trail or reenact entering the Salt Lake Valley by handcart.[10] Latter-day Saints throughout the United States[11][12] and around the world may celebrate July 24 in remembrance of the LDS Church's pioneer era, with songs, dances, potlucks, and pioneer related activities.[13][14]
While the holiday has strong links to the LDS Church, it is officially a celebration of everyone, regardless of faith and nationality, who emigrated to the Salt Lake Valley during the pioneer era, which is generally considered to have ended with the 1869 arrival of the transcontinental railroad.[15] Notable non-LDSAmerican pioneers from this period include Episcopal Bishop Daniel S. Tuttle, who was responsible for Utah's first non-Mormon schools (Rowland Hall-St. Mark's) and first public hospital (St. Mark's) in the late 1800s.[16] The Intertribal Powwow at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City honors the rich cultural heritage and contributions of the area's Native Americans, helping Utahns to gain a deeper understanding of the region's history.[17][18]


The interior of the Salt Lake Tabernacle as decorated for the Deseret Sunday School Union's July 1875 Pioneer Day celebration.
The earliest precursor to Pioneer Day celebrations in Utah occurred on July 24, 1849,[19] when the Nauvoo Brass Band led a commemoration of the second anniversary of the Latter-day Saints entering the Salt Lake Valley.[20]
The first celebration of Pioneer Day in 1857 was interrupted with news of the approach of Johnston's Army, heralding the beginning of the Utah War.[21]During the following occupation of the Utah Territory by federal troops, Pioneer Day was not celebrated.[22] Once President Abraham Lincoln initiated a hands-off policy on Utah in 1862 during the American Civil War[23] Pioneer Day was once again observed, and expanded into the surrounding areas as theMormon Corridor spread throughout the Intermountain West.[22] In 1880, Latter-day Saints commemorated the Golden Jubilee of the church's formal organization in 1830; tens of thousands of people in hundreds of communities participated in very enthusiastic festivities.[22]
In the years that followed, federal enforcement efforts of anti-polygamy laws (including the 1882 Edmunds Act) resulted in greatly subdued celebrations.[22] The 1886 commemoration was particularly notable for itsmourning theme, with the Salt Lake Tabernacle decorated in black instead of the usually colorful bunting, and the eulogizing of Latter-day Saints who were in hiding or imprisoned for polygamy offenses.[22] By 1897, the celebration included not only the 50th anniversary of the initial arrival in the Salt Lake Valley, but also the end of the polygamy issue, the completion of the Salt Lake Temple, and statehood for Utah.[22]
The centennial in 1947 and the sesquicentennial in 1997 were especially large celebrations in Utah. One writer indicated that the 1947 celebrations seemed to incorporate the entire year, with July 24 only being an apex to the events.[24]
Brigham Young by Charles William Carter.jpg
President Brigham Young

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Castle Valley Pageant

Join us July 28-30 and August 2-6, 2016. Sign Language Interpreters are available on August 5 and 6!

Remember to visit the Pioneer Village the begins at 6:30 p.m. nightly and runs up until the performance begins at 9 p.m.! We look forward to seeing you there!

Discover Castle Valley, Utah, through an elaborate outdoor historical drama that portrays the settling of the frontier. And don't miss the Pioneer Village, where guests learn about the crafts necessary for a pioneer settlement to survive, such as blacksmithing, farming with horse-drawn implements, weaving, and spinning.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mt. Pleasant's First "Lockup"

1873 In the council chambers, liquor dealers asked that on account of the dull times their license be reduced. . . . Motion prevailed to have them dropped to $25.00 for each three months. . . . Motion also prevailed to accept for taxes, where no money was available. wheat at 1 and1/4 cents. . . . Taxes ranging from 30 cents to $2.05 were remitted for several persons. . . . Resolved, that any councilor not attending Council meeting, without a lawful excuse, after being notified, be fined $5.00. . . . Voted to build a Lock Up. . . . The committee appointed to locate same.

The story is told that prior to this, a policeman, and by the way there were many, after locking up a prisoner, when turning a corner on Main Street, came face to face with the prisoner.
1878 The marshal said by representation of a prisoner to sickness at night, he wished council concerning allowing one of the police to sleep with said prisoner, also to labor of said prisoner, and as to where he should take his meals. Council sanctioned that some one sleep with the prisoner. There being no ordinance as to labor of pris­oners, this cannot be enforced. That the prisoner take his meals in jail." . . . . . "Question of granting license for the sale of liquor, the council unanimously expressed themselves not in favor of li­censing the sale, if it could possibly be avoided, but it seemed impossible to stop sale, and thought under present circumstances they had better license than do worse." . . . . . "On motion of Peter Monsen, agreed to fence the lockup with lumber twelve feet high."
A twelve foot high lumber fence was placed around the lockup. The lockup referred to was the one built the year previous, and was a rock building, built on the north public square or north fort. Few claim they ever saw the inside of this lockup, but many do remember a prisoner, who in the early hours of the morning, would sit upon the roof of the building and sing the popular songs of the day. This, however, was after the high board fence had been placed around it.
Another story of later date is told, of a prisoner who started a fire on the floor in the center of the room, and but for the timely arrival of Marshal Joseph Monsen would surely have suffocated.
From the records of 1879 is quoted: "Council agreed, along with city recorder to attend all meetings without charge to the city." . . . . . "A petition from Peter Johansen and 349 others, praying that an ordinance may be passed prohibiting the sale of spirituous, vinous, and fermented liquors in our city was read by the recorder." pp 155,156 "History of Mt. Pleasant" by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf.

Monday, July 18, 2016

"Bottoms School"

There are many references in the Mt. Pleasant History by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf of another community between Mt. Pleasant and Moroni called "the Bottoms", sometimes called "Meadow".Many years later the school was taken off its foundation and drug west to use as a chicken coop, or so as we have been told.

On Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Day in March, my brother-in-law, Donald Hafen said he could lead us to the area where the old "Bottoms  School" had sat.  Supposedly when Peter, Donald and their dad would go hunting pheasants 50 to 75 years ago, Neil, their dad, showed them the old foundation where the school had sat. 

Peter and I had looked for it 18 months ago, and never could find the place.  We were relying on Donald to show us just exactly where it stood.  But just like 18 months ago, the illusive foundation was not to be found.  

However, you may enjoy the following pictures that were taken just last month in search of the old "Bottoms School House".

The lowly thistle

We know many young men who have been put through college by working this river bottoms area during their summers, trying to eradicate this "lowly thistle"

Friday, July 15, 2016

One of our Most Popular Posts

Many thanks goes to  Beverly McIntosh Brown for sending in the histories of Annie Christine and Dorthea Marie Nielsen (Christensen).  These were the two wives of Peter Mogensen (Monsen).  Peter was Pioneer of the Month in January 2010.  We will link all these histories together for research purposes.

Annie Christine Christensen Monsen

Wife of Peter Mogensen (Monsen)  You can find his history here:

Originally compiled and typed by F. Fern McIntosh Jacobs

Retyped by Belva Jones McIntosh June 2000

Most parenthetical comments and highlighting done by Beverly McIntosh Brown

Annie Christine Christensen Monsen was born October 8, l848 in Copenhagen, Denmark, the daughter of Catherine Amalie (Trine) Rasmussen Borresen Christensen Fecher (her story typed separately) and Peder Henrick Christensen. (Annie was the second wife of Peter Mogenson.)

Her Mother, “Trina” as she was called, was born October 18, 1826 in Denmark, and her father was born January 15, 1823 in Sanby, Lolland, Denmark. The Christensen’s became the parents of two daughters, who were born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Annie Christine Christensen was born October 8, 1848 and Jensine Sophia, born December 30, 1850.

They became converts to the Restored Church and soon after, in company with the Borresen families, set sail for Zion in America. The day happened to be Christmas Day.

After a time, they landed at New Orleans, Louisiana, and soon the Saints were sailing up the Mississippi River. There they saw burly Negroes loading barrels of molasses and huge bales of cotton onto ships for transportation. Also they saw alligators sunning themselves on the riverbanks. These were strange and interesting sights for these immigrants from afar.

Soon after landing at Winter Quarters, these families joined a pioneer company bound for Utah. There was much sickness in the camps of these saints. Now it was the father who became ill and passed away on April 5, 1854. So, sadly, Trine had her beloved husband, Peder Henrick Christensen laid to rest enroute to the Salt Lake Valley. Cholera took its toll, and death occurred among many of their friends.

Annie’s mother became acquainted with a very fine man, a German immigrant, John Frederick Fechser. He was kind to her and while they were in Salt Lake she became his wife on January 14, 1855.

In March 1859, Fechser’s family, with others from Salt Lake Valley and Utah County, came to Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete County. They helped to build the fort in Mt. Pleasant, and in the summer of 1859 it was completed.

After the Manti Temple was completed, it was a great joy to Trine Christensen Fechser when she, accompanied by her daughter could go to the temple and be sealed for eternity to her dear former husband, Peder Christensen, who died enroute to Utah.

Annie Christine went to work at the home of Peter Monsen when they moved to Mt. Pleasant. He and his good wife Dorthea Nielsen were the parents of five children. Christian who was buried at sea at the age of 16 months while they were on their way to America, and Anne Christina, Peter L., Joseph Moroni and Sena M. It was the order of the Mormon Church at that time for the worthy members to enter into plural marriage. Since Dorthea was not well, and Annie needed a good home of her own, it was decided that Annie should become his second wife in plural marriage. Annie was very fond of both Peter Monsen and his wonderful wife, so their marriage was solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple the 2nd of January 1864. Dorthea was like a real mother to her, and whenever she was troubled or needed help, she was the one who gave her love and consolation and encouragement. Dorthea had three more children – James, Dorthea M. and Carolena.

Annie gave birth to thirteen children. Annie lived in a little house one block west of Dorothea, and they enjoyed a very pleasant relationship at all times. Annie helped Peter Monsen down at the farm, and many times the babies slept in the shade of the bushes of a wheat stack while she worked hand in hand with her husband. Dorthea, who was not well enough to work in the fields, often assumed the responsibility of all the children while Annie worked. Annie wore her husband’s old shoes tied to her feet, and didn’t know what it was to have a beautiful new pair of her own.

Both women were excellent dressmakers, and did all of their own sewing. The last pat of Annie’s life was very hard because the practice of plural marriage or polygamy was abolished and she had to hide from the officers for fear of being arrested. She slept in many different places at night and exposed herself to all kinds of weather. She died in 1888 at Mt. Pleasant at the age of 40 of childbed fever, a couple of weeks after the birth of her 13th child, Esther. When she died, Peter Monsen was in Indianola preaching to the Indians, and John, 13 years of age, rode to there on a horse to get him.

It was a real tragedy, and much sorrow filled the hearts of these children when their dear mother was taken from them so young. Dorthea tenderly took care of her children until she died, November 10, 1912. Esther said that if ever there was an angel on earth, it was this wonderful stepmother. She said,”All I knew about my stepmother was beautiful. She was so kind and patient and helpful to all of her children and stepchildren, even though she had not known a well day for the last 40 years of her life. She need not be afraid to meet Annie and give a good report on the care of her wonderful children.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

SCHEDULE OF TEACHERS ~ Salary, 1927,28, 29

This might be interesting to many of you.
A listing of teachers in Mt. Pleasant during the years 1927-29
and their salaries

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sophia Maria Olson ~ Wife of John Olson ~ Born Dec. 25, 1819 ~ Died April 25, 1882

While wandering around the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery on Memorial Day I looked for the oldest tombstones there.  Sophia Maria died in 1882.  Let's research her a little more:

Sophia Maria Skrevelius

All the information following comes from 

Born in Haljarum, Jamsjo, Blkng, Sweden on 25 Dec 1819. Sophia Maria married John Olson and had 6 children. Sophia Maria married Ola Peterson and had 3 children. Sophia Maria married Olof Pettersson. She passed away on 25 Apr 1882 in Mt Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, USA.

Her Husbands:

John Olson


Born in Jamjo Torhamn Hallarum Blekinge, Sweden on 27 Oct 1818 to Olaf Mansson and Karin Pehrsdotter. John married Sophia Maria Skrevelius and had 6 children. John married Ane Rasmussenand had 3 children. He passed away on 17 Nov 1902 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, USA.

John Olsson and Sophia Maria Schrewelius originally came from Blekinge the small Swedish County East of Skåne. Both of them were born in the parish of Jämjö, north of Karlskrona. They left Sweden for Bornholm in 1848 and stayed there as farmers until 1866, when the family; parents and five children, followed the Mormons across the Atlantic Ocean and the American continent to Utah. Hanna Maria was at that moment seven years old.

Ola Peterson

Found 10 Records, 4 Photos and 1,663,426 Family Trees

Born in Jamsjo, Jamsjo, Blkng, Sweden on 20 Jul 1808 to Petter Frostersson and Karin Pehrsson. Ola married Engeborg Christensen. Ola married Sophia Maria Skrevelius and had 3 children. He passed away on 1846.

 The Schrewelius family originally came from a village close to Malmö, Östra (East) Skrevlinge, and the first known in the family was Knut Jönsson (1656-1723). He was a farmer. His son Jöns (1699-1757) adopted the name Schrewelius from his home-village, which was common for people who left the farmland for a scolary occupation. Jöns became a perish clerk in Perstorp and Oderljunga in the north of Skåne. Jöns' son Jeppe (1738-1811) inherited his father's mission as a parish clerk, and he got several children. Some of them stayed in Perstorp and worked for the glass factory, others were spread all over Skåne and Blekinge.

 Already in 1852 Sophia Maria was baptised as a Mormon, one of the first Scandinavians. Some time later also her husband converted. The Mormon missionary was very intensive and successful on Bornholm, and the Mormon Church had its high quarter in Copenhagen. In 1866 Truls sold his farm and staked the capital on the journey to Utah with his big family, wife and seven children; Ingri Catarina, William, Andreas, Hanna Maria and James. He also finansed the emigration of sixteen brothers and sisters in faith.