Tuesday, April 27, 2021

THE BROAD AX ~~~ Contraversial Newspaper of Early Utah ~~~ Edited by Julius F. Taylor~~~ "He Himself A Colored Man "

 The Broad Ax (1895-1931) was a weekly newspaper that began publication on Aug. 31, 1895, originally in Salt Lake City, Utah, by Julius F. Taylor. After a series of conflicts with the Latter Day Saints, Taylor relocated the newspaper to Chicago, Illinois in 1899.

The owner (s): Julius F. Taylor      Founded: 1895

The Broad Ax (taken from wikipedia)

Throughout its history, the Broad Ax (Salt Lake City and Chicago) was issued weekly by its founder, publisher, and editor, Julius F. Taylor (1853-1934).  Born into slavery near New Market, Virginia, Julius Taylor was the 13th of 14 children of Gilbert and Mary Ann Taylor.  Taylor’s parents and older siblings had earlier been sold to different owners but remained in relatively close proximity in the Shenandoah Valley. In the mid-1860s Taylor made his way to Philadelphia and settled successively in St. Paul, Minnesota; Fargo, North Dakota; and Chicago, before arriving in Salt Lake City in 1895. There Taylor founded the Broad Ax, which joined two other black newspapers published in Salt Lake City at a time when there were fewer than 1,000 African Americans in the state. 

The first issue, published on August 31, 1895, carries the motto that remained with the paper until it ceased in 1931: “Hew to the line.”  Taylor announced that his paper would be “Democratic in politics, advocating the immortal principles of Jefferson and Jackson.”   He advocated racial equality, religious tolerance, and support for Free Silver (and, later William Jennings Bryan).  As one scholar observed, “a sharp-tongued, Democratic, atheistic, African American editor in Utah in the 1890s stood out as an anomaly” (Michael  S. Sweeney, “Julius F. Taylor and the Broad Ax of Salt Lake City, Utah Historical Quarterly 77, no. 3: 205). 

With tensions rising between the Broad Ax and the leaders of the Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Taylor relocated to Chicago in 1899.  The last issue of the Broad Ax published in Salt Lake City was vol. 4, no. 41, dated June 6, 1899.  Taylor relaunched the paper in Chicago, continuing the same numbering, with the July 15 issue.   Along with a description of his editorial platform (roughly identical to the description in the first issue in 1895), the Chicago debut issue carried an endorsement signed by the mayor of Chicago, Carter Henry Harrison II. 

Described by one historian as “the most controversial black newspaper in Chicago in the late nineteenth century” (Juliet E. K. Walker, “The Promised Land:  The Chicago Defender and the Black Press in Illinois: 1862-1970,” in The Black Press in the Middle West, 1865-1985, ed. by Henry Lewis Suggs, Greenwood Press, 1996, 21), the Broad Ax was noted for its caustic, inflammatory language and criticism of Booker T. Washington.  During World War I, Taylor provided extensive coverage of lynchings that took place on American soil while black soldiers fought for the United States in Europe.  

In 1912, Taylor joined with the publishers of three other black Chicago newspapers to form the Colored Press Association of Chicago (not to be confused with the Associated Negro Press founded by Claude Barnett in Chicago in 1919). Taylor was joined in this venture by Robert S. Abbott, founder, editor, and publisher of the Chicago Defender; Sheadrick Bond Turner, state legislator and editor and publisher of the Chicago Illinois Idea; and William D. Neighbors, Chicago real estate developer and editor and publisher of the Illinois Chronicle. The purpose of the organization was to strengthen the mission of the black press in Chicago by establishing a local news gathering bureau, highlighting issues of particular interest to African Americans, and, more specifically, to endorse an African American candidate for county commissioner. 

Apparently, no issues of the Broad Ax published after 1927 survived, but the obituary for Taylor published in the Defender (May 19, 1934, p. 18) notes that he published the Broad Ax until 1931 when his health no longer permitted it.  Taylor’s paper has sometimes been confused with another African American newspaper, the Broad Axe published in St. Paul, Minnesota (1891-1903), edited by Albert L. Graves and Harley O. Doolittle, but these were separate enterprises. 

Provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

The people of Mt. Pleasant welcomed Taylor and he had good words for them.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

So Much History Preserved ~~~ Now Shared

John Hafen (left) and Walter Stringham c. 1888. Taken by George Edward Anderson

  John Hafen Born:  1856 - Scherzingen, Turgan, Switzerland

Died:   1910 - Peaceful Valley, Indiana
Known for:  Landscape, portrait, figure, and religious subject painting

George Edward Anderson 
George Edward Anderson was born in Salt Lake CityUtah, and apprenticed as a teenager under photographer Charles Roscoe Savage.[1] At Savage's Art Bazar Studio, Anderson became friends with fellow apprentices John Hafen and John F. Bennett

Hafen later becomes an accomplished artist and Bennett was instrumental in preserving Anderson's glass plate negatives.[2]:11[1][3]

Joseph Smith Family Farm, Manchester New York.
The  photograph was taken by George Edward Anderson 
By George Edward Anderson's Studio - Harold B. Lee Library Special Collections, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=62430723

Ralph Snelson, Sr. (foreground) with George Edward Anderson in Anderson’s Springville studio. Circa 1906. 

Snelson Photo Color Lab 


John F. Bennett 


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Pioneer Ladies 1955


The last one on the right is Sadie Mower.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

 Dear Friend of Utah History,

In 2019, Utah Poet Laureate Paisley Rekdal was 
commissioned to write a poem commemorating
 the 150th anniversary of the transcontinental railroad's completion. 

The result is "West: A Translation,"
 a linked collection of poems that respond to a Chinese elegy 
carved into the walls of the Angel Island Immigration Station 
where Chinese migrants to the United States were detained.
 "West" translates this elegy character by character through 
the lens of Chinese and other transcontinental 
railroad workers' histories
 and through the railroad's cultural impact on America.
Here's a link to the website: https://westtrain.org/

Thank you for your interest in Utah's history.  

Take care,

Kevin Fayles
Acting Director
Utah Division of State History

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Maggie Peel's Lye Soap 


 Jack Peel's White Fruitcake 

Emma Fowles Grahm Bread 


Mary Margaret Peel's Gooseberry Jam 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Historical Background of Ane Marie Sophie Clausen

 This History is taken from the book "The Family History of William Bristol, Ane Marie Sophie Clausen, Joseph Cambron, and their Descendants ...... Written by Pat L. Sagers. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021


These family group sheets are known to be original source documents because they were filled out by the pioneers themselves or by their children.  Also, microfilm records can be found at: https://www.familysearch.org/records/images/image-details?page=1&place=5349557&rmsId=TH-909-58591-80970-28&imageIndex=0 as well as Cemetery Records 


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Day 2011

Left to Right:  Brandi Brotherson Shelley, Maren Peel, Elizabeth Peel

Left to Right:  Mr. McArthur (a son of Evan McArthur), Steve Monsen, 
Lois  Phillips Monsen, Mrs. McArthur

Center Front:  Mary Louise Seamons,  to her left, her daughter Debra.  The others are children and grandchildren.

L to R:  Peter Hafen and Francis Carlson
(Peter wears his grandfather Azel Peel's Buckskin suit every year)
L to R:  Darlene Frandsen Blackham greeting Doug Olsen

L to R:  Catherine Hawkins, Kathy Hafen, Roxie Washburn