Friday, September 30, 2022

Kaye Madsen Hoskins ~~~ Dear Friend and DUP Member


Kaye Madsen Hoskins

8/12/1944 ~ 9/13/2022

Marilyn Kaye Madsen Hoskins passed away peacefully September 13, 2022 at Canyon Breeze Senior Living in Orem, Utah. Kaye was born August 12, 1944 in Richfield, Utah to Vaughn D. and Dawn Gleave Madsen. She grew up in Fairview, Utah and spent most of her life living there among family and many friends. She loved the little community of Fairview and the wonderful people loved her. It was not uncommon to see her walking her little dog, going to the post office or walking to the elementary school where she worked as a teacher’s aid for 34 years.
Kaye had many hobbies. She enjoyed bowling, needlework, embroidery, puzzles, paint-by-number, and writing and receiving many letters from pen pals from all over the world. She also loved visiting with family and friends. She enjoyed being in the mountains. She loved the Fairview 24th of July celebration and was honored to be selected as Grand Marshal along with her father.
Kaye was a member of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. She was a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She enjoyed her callings as secretary in the Primary and secretary and compassionate service in the Relief Society.
She is survived by her daughter Annjannette Thayne; her grandchildren, Taylor, Bryce, and David; and four great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her beloved brother Kip (Sue) Madsen, her sisters Susan (Richard). Spencer, Julie (Kim) Norman, and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and her brother Curtis.
Our heartfelt gratitude to Jordan for all the kindness, compassion and extra service given to Kaye over the past year.
Funeral services will be held Saturday September 17, 2022 at the Fairview First ward at 11:00 a.m. A viewing will be prior to the funeral from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Interment will be in the Fairview Cemetery. Online condolence at

The recordings will be available for 60 day from 9/17/2022.

Click Here To Watch Recorded Funeral Services.  

Click Here to Watch Recorded Graveside Services.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Night On The Town

 It was a beautiful spring day - - - just right to begin housecleaning. Aunt Hilda always worked from the cellar up, so her first chore was to go through the fruit jars on the cellar shelves, selecting the good ones to dust and place on clean papered shelves. The fruit that hadn't been kept well, that was showing signs of fermentation or mold, was opened and the contents poured into buckets to be disposed of later.

With the cobwebs swept down, shelves washed and re-papered, floors swept, and stairs scrubbed clean, the room was finally finished, the day almost spent. Hilda looked on the room with satisfaction, and picked up the bucket of fruit, but just at that moment, her big Plymouth Rock rooster helped himself to a beak-full of fruit. Hilda changed her mind and immediately poured the contents of the bucket into the chicken trough. This taste of fruit might be a nice change from the handsful of wheat she fed her chickens morning and night.

Hilda didn't see her chickens again until the evening when she went to feed them. What she saw startled her almost beyond reason. There on the ground lay every one of her chicks; roosters, hens, and spring pullets. At first glance she thought a skunk or weasel had been in her flock. On closer inspection she saw them sprawled in every unlikely position possible: some lying with wings widespread; some lying on their sides, others cramped in strange, grotesque positions with their heads under their bodies; some on their backs with legs straight in the air, and some had fallen across another's the lifeless body.

Had she killed them? She knelt down and felt a body. It was warm. Then she realized she had a drunken flock of chickens. She knew just how it had happened - - - the fermented fruit, of course.

Since the bodies were still warm, her first thought was to cut their heads off and dress them, but she was too tired after her day of housecleaning. So she decided to leave them in the cool night air and finish the job in the morning.

Bright and early the next day she approached the yard and was startled to see the dead chickens up walking around - - - a little wobbly, to be sure, but up and walking. she gave them plenty of grain and fresh water, and by night they were chipper as ever. Who knows, maybe they enjoyed their


Monday, September 26, 2022

Ken Palmer


Kenneth Darell Palmer

9/21/1946 ~ 9/21/2022

Kenneth Darell Palmer died peacefully on September 21, 2022 at home surrounded by his family after valiantly enduring 35 years of health challenges. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, J.Duffy Palmer and Jocelyn Jensen Palmer.

Ken was born on September 21, 1946, in Winslow Arizona. He was born happy and would wake up with a big smile no matter the hour. Ken started his ranch work early, at five years old, he roped six of the neighbor’s dogs and tied them to the fence in his yard. Thankfully, his mother intervened before he could brand them. Ken has been known for his eternal optimism; as a small boy he was sure he could fly off the shed roof with a sheet for his wings.

Ken had a tremendous love for all sports but particularly football. He loved to play, and his grit and passion always made up for his lack of size. Football pads and helmet made him feel invincible and he would get pummeled and get back up, pummeled, and jump back up, hit again and again by players twice his size but would always get back up all the more determined.

Ken served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Sydney, Australia. When getting ready to leave, his Dad asked if he was scared and Ken replied “I’m just very excited.” He served his mission with the same joyful passion and enthusiasm he displayed any time he was faced with a challenge. When he returned home he walked-on to the Weber State football team and became their starting corner.

Ken met his beautiful blue-eyed bride at a dance and with his signature enthusiasm asked her why the most beautiful girl in the room wasn’t dancing. She took his offered hand and he found her to be the woman of his dreams. Ken married Charlene Brothersen May 29th 1969 in the Salt Lake Temple. The two of them dreamed of having a big family. Ken wanted 11 kids, to make an entire football team, but they had 10, and he joked they were all boys, but eight. Nothing was too big for him to tackle and so he followed another dream to Mt. Pleasant Utah and bought a ranch, with very little understanding of how to make it work. Most people expected him to fail, but they didn’t know of his eternal optimism, shear grit and the power of his faith. He created a home and environment perfect for raising his best crop – children.

Ken lived a life of service. He served in church callings, in the community and spontaneously , often inviting family or even perfect strangers to the ranch to share his life, family and goodness. Once on the ranch, people became life-long friends – not being able to resist the clarion call of Ken’s love, enthusiasm or song. Ken would bring out the guitar and sing with gusto, but his songs were never designed to show-off, he would draw everyone in and teach them the harmonies and somehow with his help, all voices and personalities blended smoothly.

Although he suffered for 35 years with intense health challenges, he never cursed God, he never complained. He took whatever God gave him and bore it with faith. Physical pain was his cross to bear and he did so with trust, resilience, and an eternal optimism. Ken was cowboy to the core, he handled pain quietly, he rescued anyone and anything in danger, that saw what needed to be done and just did it. His cowboy sense of integrity and love of land was felt by all he knew. He loved his wife, his ranch and his horses with the same passion as everything else. He looked forward with perfect faith to the day he could run and ride again.

Ken is survived by his wife, Charlene Palmer and his children: Nathan (Katrina) Palmer, Heidi (Paul) Bouck, Matthew (Stacy) Palmer, Charity (Brian) Johns, Abigail (Spencer) Cox, Maggon (Travis) Osmond, Annalisa (Joe) Bailey, Hayley (Milo) Andrus, Lisle (Chad) Dewey, Brittany (Rustin) Walker, and 53 grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Monday September 26th at 12:00 p.m.., viewing from 10:30 am. to 11:30 am. An additional viewing on Sunday September 25th from 6-8. All in Mt Pleasant Stake Center (295 S. State St.) Interment in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Black Hawk Treaty Debate


There is an ongoing debate as to where the Blackhawk Treaty was signed or agreed to.  Even Hilda in the Mt. Pleasant History Book didn't make note of it. 

When I first joined the Mt. Pleasant Historical Association I made a call to the Utah Historical Society and asked if they had the treaty there.  They told me that there was nothing signed on paper and that it was just a word-of-mouth agreement.  

Virginia Neilson, of  Ephraim, said that the actual treaty was signed under a tree there in Ephraim.

John Alton Peterson in his book "Utah's Black Hawk War" states that "Black Hawk and his band of thirty warriors and their families totaling nearly a hundred individuals came to Mt. Pleasant to meet with Brigham Young near the end of June1868. The church president
appears to have been unavailable, but Orson Hyde met with the Indians in the settlement's social hall where they signed a treaty of peace.  Mounted on a new saddle, a gift from Young and head, Black Hawk left the conference committed again to try to get the other members of his confederacy to come to terms."

 In the footnotes of Peterson's book reference is made to Telegram of Orson Hyde to Brigham Young 31, June 1868.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Father Morley Tells How Sanpete County Was Established ~~~ taken from "Saga of the Sanpitch 1979 " On To Manti by Leah B. Lyman

 “I have much to tell,” said Father Morley, and they all settled down to listen.

“I will make it brief and to the point,” he said. 

“On June 14, 1849, there rode into Salt Lake City a delegation of Ute Indians led by Chief Walker. At their request they were conducted to the office of President Young. With many grunts and motions the Mormon leader was made to understand that the Indians wanted some Mormons to come to Sanpitch Valley to teach the Indians how to build homes and till the soil. In August and exploration party of four men, with Chief Walker as guide, set forth. They found a beautiful valley through ran a creek of good water. They found the soil good and the surrounding mountains gave promise of plenty of timber both for fuel and for building. Within a few day they returned reporting that everything was favorable for the building of a community.”

 For a moment the speaker hesitated. So far he had only told of things in general, but when he spoke again it was in a reminiscent mood, for he was recounting experiences in which he had played a major part.

 “A company of some fifty families,” he continued, “was organized as soon as possible, with Seth Taft, Charles Shumway, and myself as commanders. We three were set apart to govern in Church Affairs, keep law and order, and advise in the things pertaining to the building of a new town. It was late in the fall when we left Salt Lake. We had to clear roads and build bridges as we went. We reached the chosen valley November 22, 1849, too late to make much preparation for the winter that was upon us. We camped near the creek in our wagon boxes and in a few days it began to snow. Soon it was more than three feet deep and still coming down. We were forced to seek the shelter of the south side of the hill that projected out into the valley. Some of the saints made dugouts in the hillside, while others used tents and wagon boxes for shelter.” 

The recounting of these events was painful, his voice choked and tears flowed down his cheeks.

 “I hope I never see another winter such as that,” he went on. “The men and boys shoveled snow daily, piling it into win rows to provide shelter for our horses and cattle, and also to uncover the dry grass for our starving animals. We even sharpened the horns of our cattle to make it possible for them to break through the crusted snow and find feed for themselves and also to help them to protect themselves from wild animals. “We lost many of our horses and cattle that winter, but it was not a total loss. We gave them to the starving Indians camping nearby and they greedily devoured them to ward off starvation. Even they had never seen snow so deep. It was as if the almighty God was testing our faith in every possible way. 

“Spring of 1850 arrived. With the warm weather came a new terror. Myriads of rattlesnakes came from crevices in the hill. Hissing their way into the homes of the saints, they wriggled and writhed about in their boxes, beds, cupboards, or anywhere they could get. With the aid of pine knot torches, we killed nearly five hundred of the reptiles in one night and soon had the country rid of this latest menace. The remarkable thing was that not a soul was bitten. In spite of everything we had endured we all came through the winter in good health.” 

There was a sigh of relief but no one made a comment. When the narrative was resumed it was in a lighter vein as if the crisis was past.

 “In August of that year President Young visited us and christened our town Manti, in honor of one of the notable cities told of in the book of Mormon. He also named the county, changing the name of Sanpitch to Sanpete. To make sure that we did not neglect the education of our children, he furnished part of the money for the erection of a school house. Jesse W. Fox was our first teacher. Our only method of making flour was with a huge coffee grinder which was passed from home to home. So President Young helped me to make possible the erection of a small grist mill in the canyon east of town.

“On the 9th day of September 1850, by an Act of Congress, Utah Territory was organized and Brigham Young was appointed Governor. Charles Shumway and myself represented Sanpete County in the

First Legislative Assembly in Salt Lake City. On the 5th of February 1851, an Act was passed incorporating the three towns now existing outside of Salt Lake City. Brownsville on the Weber River was incorporated under the name of Ogden. The town here in Utah Valley known as Fort Utah was incorporated under the name of Provo. Third was our own town of Manti. We were proud when we returned home. Soon the city of Manti was laid off, ten miles square, and divided into city lots. The settlers soon chose their lots and moved from the hillside to start homemaking in earnest.”

 Father Morley looked about as if trying to read their thoughts. “Well, that is about all there is to tell, only that there are plenty of city lots left. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

Jacob Hafen Jr.

1918-12-20 Salt Lake Tribute Reports Jacob Hafen, Jr. Death  

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

World War One


People Respond to Every Call During World War I

World War

When the United States entered the World War, the people of Mt. Pleasant loyally responded to every call, and made a record of which it may well be proud. One hundred and eighteen boys enlisted from Mt. Pleasant, and a number of Mt. Pleasant's sons enlisted from other communities. As the boys, one by one or in groups, boarded the train, great crowds, although sad at heart, cheered them as they left for the front. Three of the number died in service. Ralph Braby, while in California, was drowned, Jacob Hafen died of disease, and Henry Merville Zabriskie was killed in action, over seas. The Sanpete County Council of Defense was organized as follows: J. W. Cherry, chairman; Burke McArthur, secretary; Ed. Johnston, treasurer; Committee chairmen, Finance, N. S. Nielsen; Publicity, ,Burke McArthur; Legal, J. W. Cherry; Sanitation and Medicine, Ed. Johnston; Food supply and conservation, L. R. Anderson; Industrial survey, Orlando Bradley; Labor, Christian Willardsen; Military affairs, J. Morgan Johnson; State protection, H. R. Thomas; Survey of manpower, L. P. Brady; Woman's work, Mrs. G. W. Martin. In June 1918, there were deposited in the Mt. Pleasant Commercial and Savings Bank, by Mr. N. S. Nielsen, county chairman of finance, to the credit of W. G. McAdoo, treasurer of the Nation¬al American Red Cross, seven thousand five hundred dollars. 200 The citizens went over the top in the various other drives conducted. Liberty bonds, postal savings, Soldier's Welfare Re¬lief, Christmas boxes, tobacco, conservation of food, etc. Local committees were organized, among them the local Red Cross. The officers of this organization visited the neighboring cities, Fairview, Fountain Green, Moroni, Wales, Chester, and Spring City, and in cooperation with them, purchased material and sewed articles called for. There were checked out something over $3000, which had been obtained by weekly canvasses made by women and girls, and by other volunteer donations other than the National drives. Mt. Pleasant headquarters were established at about 122 West Main, where the women, some representing different organizations, met and did sewing, etc., as required. Many ship¬ments of goods were made. The officers at this time were: C. L. Johns, president; Mrs. Grace Madsen and Miss Irene Nielsen, vice president; Miss Hilda Madsen, secretary, and treasurer. History of Mt. Pleasant HML pp 199-200

Monday, September 12, 2022

Boyd Reid Beck ~~~ PhD Chemistry ~~~ Snow College Professor

Boyd Reid Beck died peacefully on August 31, 2022, at his home in Spring City after a well-fought, life-long battle with kidney and heart disease.

He was preceded in death by his parents Osmer Hayes and Sarah Phyllis Sorensen; by his son Robert Dennis; his brothers Richard and DeVon; his sisters, Phyllis and Lois; and his prized pet sheep Billy. He is survived by his wife Sandra Aiken; his children, Sherene (Kerry) VanDyke, Anna (Jeff) Adams, Amy (Chad) Thompson, and Russell (Kacy) Beck; his sisters Neva, and ReNee; and no less than fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Boyd was born on July 22, 1945, in his parents’ home in Spring City. He had a good childhood—filled with picnics, microscopes, and pets—but after getting sick at a young age, Boyd realized he wouldn’t be able to carry on the family profession of raising sheep. So, he dedicated himself to studying instead. In his own words he “decided to live like [he] was going to die next year, but learn like [he] was going to live forever.”

Under doctor’s orders, he was asked to rest for half of seventh grade. His mother said that he had to always keep one foot in bed, and he did—technically. Whether or not he actually got much rest is up for debate. Boyd learned to develop film under his covers that year, and managed to play with his nieces and nephews despite bed rest. His illness flared up again at fourteen, and he was again asked to stay in bed. This time he found a tutor. His uncle Boyd Blain took it upon himself to educate his nephew. Boyd Beck often credited Boyd Blain, an English teacher, for instilling in him a hunger for learning that simply never waned.

Boyd served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in California, Arizona, and Nevada, which was the first time he left Utah. He adored his mission—especially because he had thought his health would prevent him from being able to serve. Later in life he would go on to hold various church callings including service in the Manti Temple and some stake callings at Snow College. Boyd graduated four times—from North Sanpete High School, Snow College, Brigham Young University, and finally the University of Utah, with a PhD in Chemistry—and it seems that he didn’t know how to graduate from somewhere without being at the top of his class. During the summers, to help pay for school, Boyd was a sheep herder up on the mountain. He filled his sheep camp with mutton, textbooks, and sourdough.

He was equally accomplished at work. As a chemist Boyd worked for 3M, Albion Labs, sBioMed and Harris Research (among other places). He held several U.S. and foreign patents, including such useful products as carpet cleaners that can lift stubborn red Kool-Aid and anti-fog solutions that can be rubbed on glasses or mirrors. But his real vocational pride was the work he did as a teacher.

For over 31 years Dr. Beck taught chemistry to thousands of students at Snow College. He had a goal to learn all his student’s names by the third day of class—which, by all accounts, he achieved. He personally helped hundreds of students go onto successful careers, including many pharmacists, doctors, and scientists. Dr. Beck loved his students; he often had a line out his office door that never seemed to diminish. He would individually tutor any student who asked for it, no matter how long it took. He was an exceptionally gifted teacher and mentor. His family has long forgiven him for setting such an excessive precedent for personal and professional success.

In 1999 Boyd received a kidney from his son Russell. He often credited that generous donation for tacking on twenty extra years to his life. His children attribute his longevity to the tireless, loving support of his wife of 53 years, Sandra. The fact that Boyd lived to 77 years is because he and Sandra were simply too stubborn to let him die. He would always thank the medical professionals who offered him care over the years, many of whom commented on his positive attitude despite his awful health.

Looking back at his life, Boyd was a man filled with contradictions. He was chronically ill from a young age, but optimistic almost to a fault. He nearly failed out of elementary school only to go on to be the valedictorian of every school he graduated from. He was a sheep herder and a chemist. He was consistently kind, even when life wasn’t kind to him. He was the smartest person in every room he entered, but he would never let anyone know that. All the people who got to know Boyd will miss him—whether they met him clad in a white lab coat in a classroom, or on the mountain smelling of campfire smoke, or dressed in a suit behind a lectern.

The family would like to thank our friends, Anita Johansen, the dedicated hospice team, and the many doctors who helped Boyd during these last years of his life. If you would honor Boyd’s memory, we ask that you reflect on how many lives he managed to change for the better—through service, through teaching, through chemistry—despite so many odds stacked against him. Boyd’s life reminds us that we should never despair, that despite our burdens we, too, can persevere.

There will be a funeral service held on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at 11am in the Spring City 2nd Ward Chapel (150 South Main). Viewings will be held Friday, September 9, 2022, at Rasmussen Mortuary (96 N 100 W, Mt. Pleasant) from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. prior to services at the church. Interment will be held in the Spring City Cemetery. In lieu of a donation, consider learning something new, taking a drive up the canyon, holding a baby, or petting a dog.

The recordings will be available for 60 days from 9/10/2022

Click Here to watch recorded Funeral Service.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Magdalene Leimomi Miller Nordmark ~~~ Camp Hambleton


 Sept. 15, 1924 — Oct. 18, 2018

On Oct. 18, 2018, Magdalene Leimomi Nordmark passed away at the age of 94. Magdalene was born on Sept. 15, 1924, in Salina, Utah. She was the oldest of five children born to Janus Wayne Miller and Ila Ruby (Casto) Miller. She grew up in many small Utah towns before her family moved to Pico Rivera, California, in 1937.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Peter and Kathy Rigby Hafen ~~~ Fifty Sixth Anniversary

Peter and Kathy

We were married on September 9, 1966, and our marriage was later sealed in the
 Manti Temple on August 9, 1979.  

We have two sons, Michael and Jonathan, and one daughter, Laura. 
Michael is a wizard at mechanical things and very precise in the things he does,  For example, his garden, not a weed in it.  Christmas lights, even the cords have to intertwine with the brick joints He is the purchasing agent for the Moroni Processing Plant.   Jon Hafen is the guy who you see on KSL as a popular photographer. He is a counselor for North Sanpete High School.  Laura is an artist and mother of four.  Her first two babies weighed less than four pounds total weight when they were born.  We have ten grandchildren; 
Zachary, Mariah, Malorie, Duncan, Dawson, Roman, Becham, Ady, Alice, and Korver.  
Peter and I are now retired and volunteer at the Relic Home;  Peter is a blacksmith and I do the Blog. 
I couldn't have chosen a better husband.  His a reputation for being a "jack of all trades" and is a very caring father and grandfather.  

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Bingham Copper Mine 1915

This photo comes from the book Utah Facts and Figures Pertaining to Utah 

Compiled by the State Board of Immigration, Labor

and Statistics 1913-1914.

Boyd "Dutch" Hafen, Francis Carlson, and Bud Carlson as well as others from Sanpete all worked at the mine. They worked during the '60s thru the '80s.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Martin Christian Kroll and The Fire on Main Street 1898


 Main Street Fire    (History of Mt. Pleasant) p 180

About one a.m., on the morning of the 24th of July, 1898, a fire was discovered on Main Street, about one. half block west of State Street. The alarm was sounded and along with the fire engine, volunteers formed a bucket brigade. Most of the buildings were frame, and the flames could not be checked, in spite of their efforts, until all on the block between the Equitable build­ing and Consolidated Furniture Store had been destroyed.

Those who sustained losses were: Dr. S. H. Allen, store build­ing; M. G. Rolph, building and cigar factory; Dr. A. Lundberg, building, household furniture, dentist and jewelry tools; M. C. Kroll, store and bakery; Maiben & Aldrich, drug store; New York Cash store, merchandise; Equitable Co-op Store, building; Victor Nielson and Olaf Olson, Shoe Company; Kofford & Johnson, building and stock. The Post office, owned by John N. Ericksen; C. E. Hampshire, barber shop; Dr. C. McGoughan, office furniture; Dr. H. P. Morrey, office fixtures; J. C. Barton, barber shop and fixtures; Carl Kroll and Hyrum Hansen, each shoemaker fixtures. The Odd Fellows, Masonic, Workman and Woodmen lodges, their hall and furniture. Some were partly insured. The fire being checked by an adobe wall in the Lundberg building, saved the Con­solidated Furniture Company, W. O. Ash & Company, and a frame building built by Nils Rosenlof, later owned by Rasmus Anderson. A year later, this frame building was also destroyed by fire.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

New Definition of "Museum"

 The following is taken from The New York Observer:

After Nearly a Decade of Debate, There’s a New Definition of ‘Museum’

An international committee overseeing the museum industry has put forward a new definition for 'museum,' after a previous suggestion was shot down for being too progressive.

The Louvre Museum in Paris, France. (Photo by BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images)

After seven years of at times fractious debate, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) finally has a new definition of “museum.”

Throughout the process, ICOM painstakingly analyzed each word in the definition, ensuring it was applicable across languages and cultural differences. The methodology was changed after members complained about being excluded from discussions about the new definition, which will be utilized by UNESCO, academics, and journals and even incorporated into some nation’s legislations.

ICOM, which consists of national and international coalitions and works with over 20,000 institutions worldwide to oversee the museum industry, announced the definition passed with 92 percent of members voting in favor Aug. 24 at a conference in Prague. Containing many of the sentiments from the last ICOM definition, which was last updated in 2007, the new statement emphasizes concepts like diversity, inclusivity, sustainability, and accessibility.

The definition is as follows:

A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.

The organization’s journey towards this definition began in 2015 and has been fraught with internal disagreement. A proposed definition was initially suggested at a 2019 conference in Kyoto, where 24 national coalitions objected and a vote was postponed, causing a fracture within the museum community.

The organization’s journey towards this definition began in 2015 and has been fraught with internal disagreement. A proposed definition was initially suggested at a 2019 conference in Kyoto, where 24 national coalitions objected and a vote was postponed, causing a fracture within the museum community.

“Many museum officials felt it was too progressive and too long and wordy,” said Lauran Bonilla-Merchav, co-chair of the ICOM committee leading the definition revision process. “It caused a lot of polemic among the organization and museum professionals.”

Disagreements and debates continue to surround the definition 

Going forward, ICOM added several more people to the definition committee. “It was obviously very difficult to work with. There were members who had very opposite views on the matter,” said Bonilla-Merchav, who is the former chair of ICOM’s Costa Rica chapter.  ICOM also changed its methodology, embarking on an 18-month process of consultations and revisions with its members.

While Bonilla-Merchav said she is delighted a definition has finally been approved, some ICOM members believe there some issues still need to be addressed. “To be honest, it’s not progressive enough for me,” said Inkyung Chang, founder of Seoul’s Iron Museum, during a panel discussing the definition, while ICOM’s international committee spokesperson Muthoni Thangwa argued that the concept of repatriation should be included, as reported by The Art Newspaper.

“It’s very controversial to talk about repatriation right now, and to insert it into the definition,” Bonilla-Merchav said. “We had to come to a certain degree of consensus.” However, she pointed to the definition’s emphasis on ethical communication, which she believes enables ICOM to further the discussion towards repatriation.

“As the generations change and younger people come into more leadership positions, the issues are going to evolve,” Bonilla-Merchav said, adding she wouldn’t be surprised if another new definition is discussed in 10 or so years.

Dexter the Walking Dog ~~~ Submitted by Larry Staker

 f you didn't catch this on

>> CBS, here's an item, which includes a short video clip, on Dexter, the
>> walking dog. Enjoy. 

And Euray, Colorado is one of my favorite places.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

George Christensen, Dorthea Mogensen Christensen, and Francis Ellison Christensen~~~ Pioneers of the Month ~~~ September 2022

George Christensen 

Dorthea Mogensen Christensen
George's First Wife
Died in 1899

Francis Ellison Christensen
George's second wife