Sunday, February 26, 2023

Hamilton School 1948 ~~~ Corrected by Patsy



Back Row L to R:
Claris Stevens, Jerry Sorensen, ElRay Simons, Leon Brotherson, Paul Edmondson, Jerry Barentsen
Second Row: 
 ??? ,  Sandra Scow, Malene Carlson, Marlene Porter, Tonga Seely, Anna Lee Hill,
Front Row:
Karen Winterbottom, Pam Olsen, Carolyn Conlon, Deanna Brotherson, Arlene Jensen, Elva Rosenlof, Patsy Seely


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Random Photos From Mt. Pleasant Pyramid

When the Mt. Pleasant Pyramid Office was moved
to Springville these photos were given to us to
share at the Relic Home.  Some do not have names 
or descriptions.  Let us know if you can add
any details. 

FFA SweetHearts
no names given

No Names Given 


No Names Given

No Names Given

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Palatine Insurance Company ?????

While cleaning our closets and storage I came across this.
We have no recollection of a J.B. Porter or of Palatine Insurance.
Can someone help us out?



List of Black Hawk War Veterans Made for the Years 1866 and 1867 ~ submitted by David R. Gunderson

List of Black Hawk War Veterans Made for the Years 1866 and 1867

For the most part, the Indians and the settlers got along well during the first two decades after the arrival of the settlers. But, it is impossible for two peoples, with such different cultures, to come together without difficulties.
In early 1865, when Congress, belatedly[1] decided to normalize land titles in Utah, the differences came to a head, and from April 1865 to September 1872, Utah's Black Hawk War, the longest and most serious Indian-White conflict in Utah’s history, was carried out. The first three years were the most intense. The Records show that during the War, 72 settlers and at least 122 Indians were killed and that the War caused the destruction of thousands of dollars of property and cost the territory at least $1,121,037. 

Mt. Pleasant Relic Home

The final peace treaty was signed in Mt. Pleasant in 1872, at the home of Bishop W. H. Seely (currently, the Mt. Pleasant Relic Home.)
In an attempt to obtain some recompense for members of the Nauvoo Legion from the U. S. government, George A. Smith  had a list made of the men who had served during the years of 1866 and 1867. It was ignored by Congress. However, it preserved a record of the names of those who served.

Medal for Black Hawk War Service
Awarded to Andrew Beckstrom[6]of Mt. Pleasant in 1905

Medals[1] of Honor for service during the “Indian Wars” were authorized by the State of

Utah on 9 March 1905[2], The Utah Legislature
also approved pensions for this service in 1909.
On 4 March 1917, Congress also approved a Pension Plan[3], for veterans or their survivors[4]
of “Certain Indian Wars”.
The following sections[5] give the name, rank, pay grade and assignment of the men of Mt. Pleasant who served during the Black Hawk War during 1866 and 1867.

[1] Gottfredson, 345
[2] This was 40 years after the start of the Black Hawk War and after most of its veterans had passed away.
[3] Longsdorf, 139
[4] Gottfredson, 350, Indicates that Sen. Reed Smoot got the bill amended so that it covered the services of Nauvoo Legion Troops
who were technically in Church service.
[5] L. Tom Perry Special Collections at BYU on line at
[6] Andrew Beckstrom was a veteran of the Black Hawk War and is the great-grandfather of Betty G. Woodbury

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

CARROT PUDDING and LEMON SAUCE~~~~ Rigby Family Recipes


Carrot Pudding

1/2 Cup of butter

1Cup Sugar  (creamed with above butter)

1 Cup of grated carrots

1 Cup of grated potato

1 1/2 cups of flour sifted

1 tsp soda (dissolved in hot water)

pinch of salt

1 Cup of raisins minced

1 Cup of dates and figs minced

1/2 Cup walnuts chopped

1 tsp vanilla 

Cream butter and sugar 

Blend all ingredients in the order given

Pour into a well buttered mold

Place oiled waxed paper over the pudding then a lid

Steam for 3 hours

Serve with Lemon Sauce (below)

Lemon Sauce 

1 pint of boiling water

1 Cup of Sugar

1/2  butter

2 tbs of flour

Grated rind of 1 lemon

Juice of 2 lemons and 1 orange

dash of nutmeg

Melt butter, blend in flour, then sugar, and add boiling water slowly

then the lemon.

Cook in a double boiler, and stir until the mixture thickens.


Easier Lemon Sauce:

1 Cup of sugar

1 Cup of boiling water

1 tbs of cornstarch

1 tsp lemon extract

1 egg

Dissolve cornstarch in a little cold water

Add sugar to the beaten egg

add the cornstarch, 

stir in the boiling water

Add the flavoring.

Cook in a double boiler to right consistency and stir the mixture

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

History of Valentine Day

The following comes from Wikipedia ...

Folk traditions

While the European folk traditions connected with Saint Valentine and St. Valentine's Day have become marginalized by modern customs connecting the day with romantic love, there are still some connections with the advent of spring.

While the custom of sending cards, flowers, chocolates and other gifts originated in the UK, Valentine's Day still remains connected with various regional customs in England. In Norfolk, a character called 'Jack' Valentine knocks on the rear door of houses leaving sweets and presents for children. Although he was leaving treats, many children were scared of this mystical person.[44][45]

In Slovenia, Saint Valentine or Zdravko was one of the saints of spring, the saint of good health and the patron of beekeepers and pilgrims.[46] A proverb says that "Saint Valentine brings the keys of roots". Plants and flowers start to grow on this day. It has been celebrated as the day when the first work in the vineyards and in the fields commences. It is also said that birds propose to each other or marry on that day. Another proverb says "Valentin – prvi spomladin" ("Valentine – the first spring saint"), as in some places (especially White Carniola), Saint Valentine marks the beginning of spring.[47]

Valentine's Day has only recently been celebrated as the day of love. The day of love was traditionally March 12, the Saint Gregory's day, or February 22, Saint Vincent's Day. The patron of love was Saint Anthony, whose day has been celebrated on June 13.[46]
Connection with romantic love
Possible ancient origins

The "Feast" (Latin: "in natali", lit.: on the birthday) of Saint Valentine originated in Christendom and has been marked by the Western Church of Christendom in honour of one of the Christian martyrs named Valentine, as recorded in the 8th century Gelasian Sacramentary.[21][10] In Ancient Rome, Lupercalia was observed February 13–15 on behalf of Pan & Juno, pagan gods of love, marriage & fertility. It was a rite connected to purification and health, and had only slight connection to fertility (as a part of health) and none to love. The celebration of Saint Valentine is not known to have had any romantic connotations until Chaucer's poetry about "Valentine's Day" in the 14th century, some seven hundred years after the celebration of Lupercalia is believed to have ceased.[29]

Valentine's Day With Mathilda Lund>>>  Written by Eleanore Madsen 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Valentine's Day With Mathilda Lund>>> Written by Eleanore Peterson Madsen

Mathilda Lund 

Eleanor Peterson Kjar Madsen
A Daughter of Mathilda
and author of the following story.

1891 is a long time ago. Schools at that time were much different from the schools of today. Methods
of teaching the three R’s varied as much as the characteristics of the students being taught.
Looking through family history I found that my mother, Mathilda Lund, started school in Mt. Pleasant,
Utah some eighty-four years ago. Picture a little girl in a pretty, ruffley calico pinafore, with long black
stockings and shoes that buttoned tight around her ankles, her black braids ties with colorful ribbons, skipping
happily to the First Ward School House, where she commenced her first year of school. This school was a
brick building, also used as a church. It was built in 1875 and stood on the corner of Third South and State
Street until 1908, when it was torn down to make way for the new South Ward Church.
Education was very important to Mathilda’s parents and the other pioneers of that time. They couldn’t
wait for large, spacious class rooms to be built, so the children were scattered all over town with one or two
grades in each building.

The second year Mathilda went to Simpson School on the southwest corner of the Wasatch Academy
block. The school was named for Hans Y. Simpson because of his generosity in providing funds for its
construction. It is probably the best-known of the early school buildings.

Mathilda’s third-grade venture was in a brick building on First North and First West which was later
used as the City Hall. This was an exciting place for school since Pleasant Creek ran past the building. In the
fall and spring months when the windows were open, the children could hear the ripple of the water as it
splashed over the pebbles along its way toward the Sanpitch River.

The children were always anxious for recess time, when they could play along the banks of the creek,
making houses in the willow-covered nooks, using willow branches to sweep their playhouse floors. Playing
house was fun for both boys and girls. Sandwiches were brought from home for the recess period, and
sometimes the children exchanged their “graham” bread for cornbread and other kinds of jam sandwiches.
In 1897, the new three-story, red brick Public School building was completed, and for the first time, all
eight grades were housed in one building. With the bringing together of so many children, it seemed
there was a need for more regimentation and stricter discipline.
The school day began at about 8:00 a.m. with the ringing of a large bell in the tower of the school building
that could be heard all over town. It was a signal to be up and moving.

About five minutes to nine, the school Principal appeared outside the entrance of the building and rang
a smaller bell. This one had a wooden handle which allowed him to swing it in many directions. This was the
signal for the children to line up on the wide wooden walks on the east and west ends of the school building.
The children stood four abreast in rigid rows, the first grades first and consecutively up to the eighth
grade. Part of the classes marched through the west doors, and the others through the east double doors.
A child who was late getting in line had to stand aside until all had marched in. Then he or she reported
to the Principal’s office, where he was given a permit to enter class. The next day he had to bring an excuse
from home, giving the reason why he was late. Needless to say, there was not much tardiness.

The children hung their wraps on the long rows of hooks just outside of each classroom. They sat by
flat-topped desks made of wood with a long groove across the top to hold pencils and pens. There was an
inkwell on the right side. Three or four desks were fastened together with long runners. Underneath the
desktop was a place for books and papers. A cast iron piece on either side held the paper and bookshelf in

The inkwells were a source of some unpleasantness in the class room. Mathilda had to be careful to
keep her long, black braids in front of her, as quite often the freckled-faced boy who sat behind her would put
the end of the braid down the ink bottle.
On a number of occasions Mathilda felt like leaving the room when an ink bottle went flying past her
toward the front of the room, aimed at the teacher, who somehow had learned to duck at just the right time,
leaving the ink to splatter over the blackboard behind him. Many times the whole class would be punished
because the culprit couldn’t be found.
School always commenced with prayer by one of the students, followed by the singing of favorite
songs: America, Columbus, the Gem of the Ocean, I’ll Paddle My Own Canoe, and Old Mother Hubbard is
Plucking Her Geese.

One of Mathilda’s best linked classes was Geography because she liked making the relief maps with
clay. She made maps of South America, the European countries, Asia, and Africa. Another class she liked was
writing. She was a good penman, and it was a delight for her to make the push-pulls and the O’s that went
round and round between the ruled lines across the page in such even rows.
Mathilda was a good speller and looked forward to each Friday afternoon, when spelling matches were
held. Prizes were given to the last ones who “stayed up.” Sometimes a five cent rubber eraser was given.
Along with the spelling matches there were arithmetic and geography drills and diagramming of words.
A great deal of memorizing went on in the early schools. Mathilda learned readings from Whittier, Walt
Whitman and Longfellow’s “Hiawatha.” One of the classes had a rule that if anyone whispered five times he
had to write “whisper” a thousand times and also memorize and recite for the class, “Skeleton in Armor.”

Recess was waited for eagerly. If the weather permitted, the children played hopscotch, jump the
rope, ball, crack the whip, Ginnie, Duck and marbles. When it was stormy the girls spread the capes or shawls
they wore on their desks or on the floor and played “Jacks,” which were agate marbles.
When the Principal rang the bell there was scurrying to the lines and all marched back to the school
rooms and lessons. The teachers were very strict disciplinarians, and some carried a rawhide whip, which was
used to bring the unruly into line.
Holidays were looked forward to with great anticipation. On Saint Valentine’s Day a red and white
crepe paper-covered box stood in a corner to receive all the Valentine hearts the children had made.
At Christmas time the older boys would go into the mountains to get Pine or Juniper trees, which
would be decorated with circles of paper chains, popcorn and cranberry strings.

Graduation from the eighth grade was a big event with a fine program given by the students. The girls
carried little baskets of lilacs and bachelor buttons. Mathilda was lovely in her long, white ruffled dress,
adorned with ribbons and lace and starched petticoat underneath. The boys were handsome in their
knickerbockers pants and white shirts with wide, stiff collars and large bowties.

The first graduating class from the eighth grade of the Mt. Pleasant Public School was in 1898. There
was no High School there until 1908, so it was a big step for the graduates to go to Ephraim to Snow Academy
after eighth grade graduation.

1891 is a long time ago. School day memories are precious, whether they are made in 1891 or in 1975.
The early schools prepared our parents and grandparents to cope with the society in which they lived as the
educational methods of today prepare their grandchildren for a new and different society. Each one worked
toward the same goal of building strong character and teaching students to get along well with people. This is
the foundation of educational practices, whether in Mathilda’s day or in our day.

Source: History of Mathilda Lund from Family Records, Diary of Christian N. Lund in Church Historian’s Office, These Our Father

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Nielsen Hafen Snake Springs Ranch

We received this award several years ago.  It was suggested that we hang it on the gate to our farm.

Peter said "No, we are not going to put it where  the hunters will shoot it with their shotguns". 

A Century Farm or Centennial Farm is a farm or ranch in the United States or Canada that has been officially recognized by a regional program documenting the farm has been continuously owned by a single family for 100 years or more. Some regions also have Sesquicentennial Farm (150 years) and Bicentennial Farm (200 years) programs.

In most states and provinces, the essential requirement for the award is that the property must have remained in the same family continuously for 100 years or more and currently be a working farm or ranch.[1] Some states stipulate a minimum number of acres or annual agricultural sales.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Brigham Young Monument Sculpted by Cyrus Edwin Dallin (Cyrus Dallin, a nephew of Cyrus Wheelock}


Brigham Young Monument


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not to be confused with Statue of Brigham Young (U.S. Capitol).
Brigham Young Monument

Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap
Type Statue
Material Bronze sculpture
Dedicated date Brigham Young

The Brigham Young Monument (or Pioneer Monument) is a bronzed historical monument located on the north sidewalk of the intersection at Main and South Temple Streets of Salt Lake City, Utah.[1] It was erected in honour of pioneer-colonizer, Utah governor, and LDS Church president Brigham Young who led the Mormon pioneers into the Utah Territory in 1847. The base of the twenty-five-foot monument has the bronze figure of an Indian facing east and that of a bearded fur trapper facing west, both of which preceded the Mormon settlers. On the south side is a bronze bas-relief of a pioneer man, woman, and child, while another bronze plaque has a list of the pioneers who arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847, and their equipment.[2]

The Brigham Young Monument was first displayed at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. It stood briefly afterwards on Temple Square and was then transferred centering the intersection of Main and South Temple streets in 1897, where it stood until 1993, when it was moved a few yards north to its present location.[3]

The monument is the work of Cyrus Edwin Dallin.[4]

Cyrus, a nephew of Cyrus Wheelock a Mt. Pleasant Pioneer.
Cyrus Dallin also took part in early Mt. Pleasant Pioneer plays.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Valentines From The Past


Oh how I wish I could scan these in 3D.  I love old Valentines

 This little girl with a guitar has movable parts.  If you
pull downward on her extended red bow, she strums
the guitar.
On the back it says "To Alice from Louise".  


This 3 D Valentine was given to JoAnn Hafen  (Granger) from
Mary Louise Madsen (Seamons)
It pulls from the bottom revealing a mirror on the inside of the trunk 
that says "My Valentine, I Love You Best"
On each side are honeycomb hearts.
Just lovely.

You can see on this one the white envelope pulls open the message inside "Be My Valentine".
When the envelope pushes back, it reveals a little guy that says " Say You'll be Mine Won't You Please".

You Probably guessed.  The fan moves up and down on this cute little Kitty.

This one is so beautiful.  
It opens up in many layers.
On the back 
"To Alice Peel from Chariton"