Tuesday, June 30, 2009

PIONEER OF THE MONTH, July - - - C.N. Lund; His Wives: Petra and Anna

Obituary of Christian N. Lund printed in THE CALL, Mt. Pleasant, Utah May 7, 1921 no. 747.

Christian N. Lund was born in a little straw thatched dwelling lying by the roadside just out of Seest, Pr Kolding, Denmark, January 13th, 1846,of good honorable parents. He received a splendid common school education and was so proficient in his studies that the principal of the school offered to put him through college and give him opportunity to work for his board, but his parents having embraced the religion of the Latter-Day Saints, chose to ignore the offer. He was baptized into the church March 21st 1856. At the age of 19 he was called to labor in the ministry as a missionary in his native land, and did so well that he was soon appointed president of a branch.

Alone and without friends, at the age of 22, he took what was the same as steerage passage on the last sailing vessel to cross the Atlantic with Mormon immigrants. The voyage lasted fifty seven days. the weather was bad, disease was rampant of the vessel and forty one souls died on the voyage. He crossed the plains with the last ox team that carried Mormons to Utah, arriving at Salt Lake City, September 25, 1869. He worked some in Cottonwood and Echo canyons. On October 9 of the same year, he married Petra A. M. Neilsen, an immigrant girl from his native country. On the evening of their marriage they started for Sanpete with an ox team driven by Lars Neilsen of Ft. Green. Arriving there they started out to end their "honeymoon" trip by walking to Mt. Pleasant, carrying all their earthly possessions in their two hands. But they overtook Aaron G. Omen, with his ox team and rode with him to this city, arriving on the 18th day of October 1869, living for a time with his brother Neils, who was here. They moved to Moroni in the spring of 1870 and lived as did many others in a cellar, or dugout. He took up land in Wales, but fate or circumstance drove him back to Mt. Pleasant, where his mission seemed to lie and he has been prominent and well known for over fifty years. In 1876 he was set apart as one of the seven presidents of the 66th quorum of seventy. He clerked in the first Co-op store, worked in the canyons and at farming. He was a member of the United Order and did some work on the Manti Temple.

In 1879 he went on a two-year mission to Minnesota in company with Erick Ericksen, which mission was filled with honor. To know the circumstances under which he went and labored on this mission would apall the strongest elder of today. In 1882 he was elected a member of a constitutional convention which endeavored to procure statehood for Utah. On August 21st 1882, his wife died, leaving him with five small children.

On October 9th, 1884, he married Anna Neilsen, a lady who had lately arrived from his native land. To this union was born six children, five of whom survived. On December 5, 1907 she died leaving him with these five living children and one Toral, (Torval) deceased. Since her death, her daughter, Amanda Lund Christiansen died in 1910.

In 1884 he was elected Mayor of Mt. Pleasant, was re-elected in 1886 and re-elected in 1888, having previously served two terms as a city counselor and two terms as city recorder. In the fall of that year he toured all Southern Utah in company with Cyrus H. Wheelock and Wilford Woodruff for his church in the interest of the temples. In 1887 he was elected superintendent of the Co-op store which position he held for seven years. In 1888 he was elected a member of the legislature and upon his return home was twice elected Justice of the Peace.

He served as a ward counselor to Bishop William S. Seely. In 1890 the two Mt. Pleasant wards were united as one and he was chosen Bishop. This made the largest ward in the church at that time. He held this position and served with unswerving fidelity for twelve years. In the fall of 1893 he was again elected to the legislature from a district comprising of Sanpete, Juab and part of Utah Counties. He later served as U.S. Court commissioner for Sanpete and was judge in a number of cases. He also served as county U.S. Land Commissioner.

He was closely connected with the public schools and was one of the state's strongest champions of education in every phase. He served as a trustee and school board member for over thirty years with singular credit and ability. He supported every school house from the smallest to the two large and beautiful structures of today. His efforts in educational lines extended farther than this district for he was a board member of the Snow Normal------------at one time offered the presidency of the old Union Hall. Upon this occasion he delivered one of the most eloquent political addresses ever heard in this city.

On May 1st 1896, he departed for Europe to take charge of the Scandinavian mission, embracing the countries of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. He filled his position with great credit and even made some history while there, as the people he represented had some controversy with the government and he made an able written defense throught the U.S. Minister for his people to the King of Denmark. He traveled over much of the European Continent and saw many of the most noted historic places. Upon his return home in 1898 he took up his home duties again. In December of that year he was honorably released from being bishop of Mt. Pleasant and at a meeting presided over by Anthon H. Lund he was chosen and set apart as the first president of the North Sanpete stake, which office he filled to the satisfaction of everyone, until honorably released because of failing health fourteen years later. At the time of his release he was set apart as Patriarch which position he held and ministered in up to the time of his last illness.

Before passing away he called each of his children to his bedside and gave them such a blessing and such advice and counsel as his feeble condition would permit. His last days and nights, when he could talk, were, to his family, the most inspiring of his life, and not one of them can ever forget the magnificent nobleness of his mind and spirit, when the poor broken body was slowly going into dissolution.

He has, in his life-time preached more funeral sermons than any other man in this section. As a funeral orator he was unsurpassed and was generally at his best in that capacity. As an expounder of the faith and a defender thereof he was second to none in ability and knowledge. The people mourn him as a father who has served them unselfishly and left with them the noble example of his pure and stainless life.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hamilton Elementary History (excerpts taken from a history by Janice Nielsen, Kindergarten Teacher, 1980's

The settlement of Mt. Pleasant began like the settlement of most colonies in Sanpete. Although the first settlers labored diligently, their efforts were often demolished. But with much determination a group of sixty from Fort Ephraim surveyed a Fort site and planned a colony on Pleasant Creek and finally succeeded. The Fort was very well planned and organized. Because these sturdy pioneers had been schooled in crafts and many professions in their native lands, a log one-roomed schoolhouse was included in the fort. A.B. Strickland, (it has been said he was also very strict) and Mrs. Oscar Winters served as the first school teachers in the fort. The schoolhouse was also used as a chapel, theater, dance hall, and meeting place. At one end was a huge fireplace which provided heat, and light. Even though the floor was dirt, young and old liked to dance to the music of violins; the bishop's stand was often converted to a stage for a Shakespearean drama. The school was a center of community activity. Because they had been taught well the fundamentals of living and survival, they used the environment to work at their command. Regardless of Indian aggression, homes sprang up and schools soon dotted the town site in various homes. "Aunty Hyde"s school was the first built outside of the fort. "Aunty Hyde" was a very interesting person who was most often attired in a dark-colored bonnet and smoked a pipe. She did not use a bell but brought her children to school by calling "to books, to books, to books." She often prepared her evening meal at school in the fireplace, making it very difficult to study with all the aroma. The schoolroom was situated one half block west of the present High School. (This was in 1980, the present high school is 500 East and 700 South.) There became other classes held throughout the town and tuitions were paid by the parents. the few books that were available were also paid for by the parents. At this time classes were not graded as they are now but went by readers first; the primer reader, next; first primer reader, second, third, fourth and fifth. (If one completed the fifth reader, he was considered educated as the material was very hard.) Practice writing was done on slates. Children rarely got to school before Christmas as school was a secondary consideration. It was the same in the springtime as soon as the ground was bare, work on the farm began and had preference over school. So most school seasons did not exceed four months. Methods and practices started changing as teachers were getting degrees from college and universities. During this time Sister Margaret F.C. Morrison was able to place an organ in her school and music became to be an important part of the curriculum. Schools and ward houses were still used in conjunction with one another. Educational advancement was always in the uppermost mind of the people of Mt. Pleasant. The old houses used as school buildings located in different districts of the town were abandoned and a central school was established in 1896. It was a beautiful three story school building, erected on the corner of Main and First East Street at a cost of about $20,000. The new school was called Hamilton Elementary, probably getting it's name from one of the first attempted settlements led by Madison D. Hambleton. (This name was later changed to Hamilton.) It was indeed a happy day for the settlers to have such a fine, large modern building in their city. This school sometimes housed grades up to the 8th grade and had anywhere from 350 to 600 students at one time. (This building was not used as a church either.) The outside walls were made of blocks of rock and red brick with four regular classrooms and a few smaller rooms on each floor. One of the smaller rooms on the 3rd floor was used as the library and housed the ladder to get up to the belfry. One of the walls seperating the library from one of the other rooms could be rolled up like a roll top desk to make an assembly room. Later, this wall was nailed down. It seemed the 3rd floor was a poor place for an assembly room. This new school had blackboards which were easy to write on and easily cleaned. Until about 1942 the restrooms were out in a separate building to the south of the main building. Later the supply room on the 2nd floor was converted into the restrooms. At that time they were called "toiletrooms." In this same separate building, the meals were prepared and brought to the school on a big cart pulled by the cooks. School lunch program was introduced during the 1930's. One hot dish of soup or chowder was served for a penny a bowl. Every student donated a bowl and spoon to the school for this purpose. Students usually brought a sandwich or something else to go with it. When in Kindergarten each child brought his own milk. The belfry housed the bell which was heard all over town because of it's remarkable tone. People often set their watches or clocks to the sound of the bell from the elementary school. It was used as 9:00 p.m. curfew, warning of fire, flood, other special occasions because it could even be heard beyond the city limits. It rang with much force. In fact, if you were on the 3rd floor when fire drill was called, the building actually swayed. It was rung on a pull on a big rope that hung from it to the teacher's entrance on the first floor. A smal gong attached to the side of the stairs was rung by a little jerk on a small chain. Sixth grade students felt it an honor and an important position to be assigned to answer the telephone in the Principal's office and to ring the gong for class change and to ring it other scheduled times. The little bell became used for the fire drills. Fortunately there was never a fire in the school building even though the students loved the fire drill especially if they were on the third floor because they had the privilege of sliding down the three story high fire escape with it's spiraling curves. Often in the summer or after school hours a favorite pastime was climbing up the slide and going down. It was worn very shiny and the metal was actually worn thin. It would appear that a million students had escaped fires in the Hamilton School. This bell has been preserved by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers and put on display on the top of the Pioneer marker on the north side of the Pioneer Relic Hall in Mt. Pleasant. A piano was placed on the 2nd floor. With a gong from the bell, the students were called from their play on the school ground and lined up by their assigned door. Each class lined up in threes and to the rhythm of the piano marched to their classrooms. If anyone got off step or goofed up they were to put in time after school in the awkward squad. Thus it was necessary for everyone to learn how to march left, right, and how to keep time. All were expected to do this. Again, when every one was marching to the beat, the sway of the building could be felt. Children were excused with about the same procedure. Those who lived on farms outside of Mt. Pleasant, would wak to the county road where they would be picked up by a canvas covered wagon. The wagon was pulled by two beautiful big, well mannered horses owned and driven by Lawrence Barton who guided them with love, not whips. About twenty students rode in the school wagon and were among the first to be at school. Later, school buses replaced the horses. Another incident which most of the senior citizens remember about their days in school was the double tragedy of death of the Principal and Janitor. On the morning of March 24, 1922, Principle Elmer Johansen and Janitor Kanute Terkelson were both accidentally electrocuted on the landing at the top of the steps to the furnace room. (more details in a future post.) Through Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, our nation was plunged into a bitter struggle that lasted until 1943. The teachers and students loyally supported drives to buy thrift stamps and war bonds were purchased by the teachers and students. Tons of scrap metal were hauled to a spot out by the furnace room. In one of the rooms that was a restroo, was piled up end to end with bundles of old newspapers and other papers in the paper drive to help the war effort. Many special events can be remembered such as the annual "May Day" held outside so the May Pole could be braided and all grades danced a special dance. A spring dance festival is still held where all children participate. Hamilton had a well groomed band which often played for some of the town special events and were often invited to march in various parades through the state. After serving as the public schoolhouse for Mt. Pleasant for over sixty years, it became necessary to get a new schoolhouse for Mt. Pleasant. It was built on the same block as the Hamilton School on the south side; so the old one could be used until completion of the new one. This new building was completed in 1962. (Each era has its own memories of Hamilton Elementary School. Those memories listed in the above history are not the same as mine. However, we thank Janis Nielsen and others for preserving this history. We would like to hear your memories. Please share with us your thoughts and remembrances.)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Early School Teachers

These folks are early school teachers.
One of these people will by July's Pioneer of the Month.

Dr. P. L. Holman & Carrie Hafen Nurse and Midwife

Doctor P. L. Holman

Carrie N. Hafen - Nurse for Dr. P. L. Holman

Carrie N. Hafen - - - Nurse to Dr. Sundwall

From the Journal of John Roberts - - - purported to be a prophecy of Joseph Smith uttered at the Nauvoo Mansion before his death.

and recorded in the journal of C.N. Lund in 1904

"I want to tell you something of the future, I will speak in parables like John the Revelator. You will go to the Rocky Mountains and you will there be a great and mighty people, that people I will call the "White Horse". I shall never go there. Your enemies will continue to follow you with persecutions and will enact obnoxious laws against you to destroy you, but you will have a few friends to defend you, and the laws will not hurt you much. You must continue to petition Congress all the time, but they will treat you as strangers and aliens. They will govern you with Stranger & Commission. You will see the Constitution of the U.S. almost destroyed. I love the Constitution, it was inspired of God and it will be preserved and saved by the Latter Day Saints and the Lamanites will combine in it's defence. The Latter Day Saints will rise an Ensign in the tops of the Mts. to which people of all nations will flow for peace and safety. The Latter Day Saints will become very rich, the silver will be piled up in the streets and the gold shoveled up like sand and will be but of little value. The Banks of every nation will fail. Two places only will be left with out a supreme Government, and wickedness will be rampant. Father will be arrayed against Son and son against Father, Mother against daughter and Daughter against Mother, and the most terrible scenes of Murder and bloodshed and rapine will be enacted. Peace will be taken from the Earth and there will be no peace only in the Rocky Mountains. This will cause many hundreds and thousands of honest in heart of the World to gather there. Not because they would be Saints, but for safety and that they may not have to take up sword against their neighbors. You will be so much more numerous that you will be in danger of famine, not for want of seed time, but because of the multitude that will have to be fed. Many will come with bundles under their arms to escape the Calamities, and there will be escape only by fleeing to Zion."

Part II

The Turkish Empire will be one of the first powers that will be disrupted, as power for freedom must be given for the Gospel to be preached in the holy land. The Lord took of the best blood of the nations and planted them on the islands now called England or Great Britain, and has given them great power in the Nations for a thousand years, and their power will continue with them, that they may keep Russia from sweeping the world. England and France are now bitter enemies, but they will be allied together and be united. The protestants do not know how much they are indebted to Henry VIII of England for throwing off the Papal yoke and establishing the Protestant religion. He was the only monarc who could do so at that time, and the people of England sustained him. The Coat of Arms of England is the Lion and the Unicorn. (also emblems of Judah and Ephraim) indicating that there is much of the blood of Israel in the nation. While the terrible things here mentioned are going on, England will be a neutral, until it becomes so inhuman that she will interfere to stop the shedding of blood. England and France will then unite to help make peace, not to subdue the nations. They will find so many claiming Government, and it will appear to the other nations that England has taken possession of the country, the black race will join them and armed with british bayonets, their deeds will be terrible. Here the Prophet asked the Lord to close the vision from his view as he could not endure to behold it. He continued by saying: During this time Zion will have gained in strength, and will send out Elders to gather together the honest and honorable among the people of the U. S. to stand by the Constitution as it was given. In these days God will set up his Kingdom never to be over thrown. And those Kingdoms, who will not let the Gospel be preached will be humbled. England, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland and Belgium have much of the blood of Israel among their people which must be gathered. These Nations will submit to the Kingdom of God. England will be the last of these kingdoms to surrender, but when she does it, she will do it like she did when she threw off the Catholic power. The nobility, many of them, know the gospel is true, but it has not enough pomp and grandeour for them to embrace it, they will not come until they see the power of God. Peace and Safety in the Rocky Mountains will be maintained by U.S. Soldiers. The coming of the Messiah among this people will be natural and only those who see him will know that He is here, but He will come and give His laws to Zion and minister unto His people. This will not be His coming in the clouds of Heaven to take vengeance on the ungodly. The Temple in Jackson County will be built in this generation, with all the great help you will receive you can put up a temple in a very short time. You will have plenty of gold and silver and precious stones, and these things will be used for the beautifying of the temple. All the skilled mechanics and the Lamanites will help you build it. When you see this land bound with iron, you may look toward Jackson County. There is a land beyond the Rocky Mountains that will be invaded by the heathen Chinese unless great care and protection is given. -- Speaking further he said: -- Power will be given to the U.S. to rebuke nations afar off, and when the laws go forth from Zion they will obey. The last great struggle Zion will have will be when the whole land of America will be made the Zion of our God. Those opposing will be called "Gog & Magog" and they will be great, but all opposition will be overcome and this land will be the Zion of our God. --end

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Relic Home Textile Sampling

This is a photo of our Relic Home bedroom closet full of women's ( and some men's ) clothing. Everything in earlier times was embellished with lace of some sort - - - handmade lace. We have samples of tatting, netting, bobbin lace, redwork, embroidery, knitted lace, and much more. Beautiful pillowcases from the old Overland Hotel are precious reminders of times gone by. We have a wide variety of wonderful period clothing. Everything from corsets to fine silk hankies. We also have clothing from the "Roaring 20s" era. A World War I uniform represent's the men's clothing as well as two tuxedoes from the Seymour Jensen era (1920 to 1950).
Also, the curtains that hang in the windows are original both to the Relic Home itself, but also from older homes around town. Many were donated by Lois Tucker from her home.
We have put UV protection film on all the windows to cut out the harmful rays from the sun to protect our collection. In the east and south windows we have muslin curtains in addition to the film. We have been trained every step of the way by good conservators such as Brook Bowman, now retired from Utah Museum Services. For this guidance we are truly grateful as should those in generations to come.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ALICE'S PHOTO'S FROM THE PAST - Peter N. Nielsen, Ray Ericksen, Amasa Ericksen

These men are inside the Power Plant East of Mt. Pleasant.
Peter N. Nielsen, Ray Ericksen and Amasa Ericksen
Early 1900s ?
This is actually from the Carrie N. Hafen Collection.

ALICE'S PHOTO'S FROM THE PAST - Carlson, Zabriskie, Anderson, Lund, Monson & Waldemar, Nielsen

Hopefully, someone may recognize their ancestor here.
Mrs. N.P. Nielsen (Maria) is second from the right.
From the Carrie N. Hafen Collection

North Sanpete Class Officers - about 1929

Front L to R: Reese Anderson, Louise Fowles, Alfred Larsen
Back L to R: Ida Allred, Lizetta Seely, Dean Peterson, Louise Matson, Alice Peel

ALICE'S PHOTO'S FROM THE PAST - Neil Hafen at Basketball

Is that Odell Christiansen as the referee?

Neil, obviously, much older than High School age!

Location: Old Armory State Street and Main

Alice told me the story behind this picture today. The merchant's of Mt. Pleasant were sponsoring this game for some occasion. Neil didn't have any basketball shorts, so Alice cut off a pair of her "bloomers" (that's what she called them) and gave them to Neil to wear. When Neil came out on the basketball floor, there were whoops and whistles all over the building.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

BLACKSMITHING - THE KING OF THE CRAFTS - makes his/her own tools

Camelot had been finished for a month curing to perfection. King Arthur decided to throw a feast to honor all the craftsmen that had helped construct the palace.

As the craftsman entered the great hall, they were instructed to seat themselves in a manner where those that had most to do with the construction sit nearest the king and those that had least to do with it, sit furthest away. In that way honor could be given in an equitable fashion.

Arthur was renown for his wisdom and council throughout the kingdom. Part way through the main course, Arthur looked about the room. He stood after the main meal and walked about the tables.

He approached the craftsman nearest him and asked what was his occupation?
the man replied, "Why sire, I am your tailor!"
Arthur asked what had he constructed. The tailor replied
"Those fine robes that your're wearing sire, the tapestry that hangs on the wall. I made those." Arthur congratulated him on his fine workmanship and moved to the next person.

He asked the same questions. The man replied:
"I am the goldsmith sire. That platter that you eat from,the goblet that you drink from, I made both of those. I even made the fine gold thread in the tapestry."
Arthur again offered his congratulations and moved on.

The next in line was the silversmith.
His reply to Arthur's question was to point out the cutlery at the king's table and the fine candle sticks adorning the king's table.

And so Arthur made his way down the table. Stone mason, Carpenter, and so on until he reached the blacksmith sitting at the far end of the room.

He asked the blacksmith what he had contributed to the palace.
The blacksmith replied that he had made the hinges for the door, but not a lot else.
Seeming satisfied with his meetings, Arthur returned to his seat.

After the fine dessert. Arthur again stood and walked around the table.

He approached the tailor.
Arthur asked "Tell me, your scissors, your needles, where do you get those from?"
The tailor replied "Sire, I go to the blacksmith!"

Arthur asked the question of the goldsmith "Your hammer and stakes, where do you get those from?"
The tailor replied "Sire, I have the blacksmith make them."

Arthur got the same response all the way along the table until he reached the blacksmith. Arthur asked the question of the blacksmith and the smith replied

"Sire, I make my own tools, and those of others. That is my trade."

Arthur exclaimed.
"Smith! By your hammer and hand all crafts do stand! You should be seated at the top of the table".

Arthur bade the blacksmith to move to the top of the table. H asked the tailor to swap seats as he thought the smith had been done an injustice. The smith was very embarrassed as he had just come from the forge and was still wearing his apron. The tailor was livid.

So intent was the tailor to exact some sort of revenge that he snuck beneathe the table with his scissors and when he reached the Blacksmit, he cut a fringe on the blacsmith's apron.

After the meal the smith noticed his apron and understood what had happened.
He continued to wear the apron for work at the forge and always exclaimed delight when someone would ask him the story behind the fringe.

"Why" he would say "The tailor gave me this as recognition of my services to the crafts". That is why, to this day, a blacksmith should have fringe cut on the bottom of his/her apron. And make his/her own tools.

taken from SKILLS OF A BLACKSMITH VOLUME I by Mark Aspery

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eli A. Day Autobiography

Late last night I googled the name "Hilda Dehlin" just because I had her picture from the Relic Home. And boy oh boy, did I find a treasure. Not everyone would be as interested as I am, but if you want to know how it was to grow up in the Mt. Pleasant Fort in the 1859- 186?, here is an autobiography for you to download and read. The autobiography is of Eli Day and not Hilda Dehlin. Eli only mentions her in his autobiography. She was a teacher at the early Mt. Pleasant "normal schools". So if you are at all interested go to : http://www.eliday.com/histories/DAY,%20Eli%20A,%20long%20autobiography.htm.
(or just click the title above)

He tells not only about the fort and living there but also farming with his dad, his education, "Aunty Hyde" school, mischief amongst the boys, fights, swimming holes, "dobe holes" and much much more.

He also tells how Orson Hyde was given his white buggy by President Brigham Young, which was quite interesting. Also, a blessing given him by Cyrus Wheelock.

I hope to have a picture to add within a few days.

He tells about interaction with the indians, good and bad. What a treasure!!! Kathy

Saturday, June 13, 2009

North Sanpete High School 1916

(click to enlarge)

1. Beulah Anderson Neal

2. Melba Aldrich

3. Mildred Allred

4. Claire Anderson

5. Odessa Allred

6. Myra Anderson

7. Opal Allen

8. Ursel Aiken

9. Carel Stewart



12. Wyroa Bennel

13. Lola Brady

14. Reese Bench

15. Erwin Bohne

16. Merl Beckstrom

17. James Bills

18. Elmira Barton

19. Virband Beck


21. Berl Bramstead

22. Frank Brady

23. Pat Barney


25. Warner Christensen

26. Clifford Christensen

27. Marie Christensen

28. Gertrude ?


30. Arthur Clark

31. George Cluff

32. Verona Cox

33. Alfred Cherry

34. Er Christiansen

35. Anna Clemenson

36. Evan Cox

37. Harold Cox (died Oct. 1918)

38. Harold Christensen

39. Stanley Cox

40. Roscoe Cox

41. Conda Carlston

42. Georgia Christensen

43. Dott Christensen

44. Calvin Christensen

45. Mae Clemenson

46. Blanche Dage

47. Idella Dahl


49. Gladys Ericksen

50. Ethel Ericksen

51. Eva Ericksen

52. Kate Ericksen

53. Ina Ericksen

54. Lavern Frantsen

55. Eva Farnsworth Garlic

56. Maggie Frandsen

57. Austin Frandsen

58. Ruby Graham

59. Lutora Gunderson


61. Clifton Graham


63. Rachel Gunderson

64. Alta Gunderson Monson

65. Douglas Gunderson

66. Laban Gunderson


68. Retella Gunderson

69. Ada Gunderson

70. Vera Hasler

71. Clarence Hansen

72. Leon Howell

73. Orlando Hansen

74. Hortense Hurst

75. Coquella Jones

76. Seymour Jensen

77. Pearl Johansen

78. Eula Jorgensen

79. Rhoda Jorgensen


81. Margaret Johnson

82. Cloy Justensen

83. Morris Jensen

84. Arthur Jorgensen (died Oct 1918)

85. Alta Justensen

86. Tarza Justensen

87. Marilda Jones Riggs

88. Mervilla Jones

89. Goldie Jensen

90. Vida Knudsen

91. Russell Larsen

92. Thelma Larsen

93. Ferl Larsen

94. Helen Larsen

95. Opal Larsen Scovil

96. Merl Lee

97. Petra Larsen

98. Croft Larsen

99. Tressa Lindquist

100. Glen Miner

101. Glen Matsen

102. Nellie Madsen

103. Fanny Monsen

104. Paul Monsen

105. Edith Madsen Mower

106. Harold Mower

107. Laurel Miner

108. Elva Madsen

109. Bert Madsen

110. Bruce Madsen

111. Ruth Monsen

112. Vanza Nielsen

113. Nathaniel Nielsen

114. Helen Nelsen

115. Emil Nielsen

116. Goldie Nielsen


118. Ed Olsen

119. Rhoda Olsen

120. Loren Petersen


122. Leslie Porter

123. Lenard Petersen

124. Stanley Petersen

125. Alden Petersen


127. Vesta Rasmussen Murphy

128. Verda Rasmussen


130. Francis Rasmussen

131. Erla Rasmussen

132. Alice Rowe

133. Chesley Seely

134. Elva Sorensen


136. Eva Simpson

137. Glen Scovil

138. Vao Scofield

139. Claren Scofield






145. Golden Sanderson

146. Ernest Staker

147. Winfred Stewart

148. Dessa Spencer

149. Delma Spencer

150. Ruel Seely

151. Ivan Sanderson

152. Holly Scofield

153. Everett Strait

154. Della Seely






160. Hilden Tucker

161. Kenneth Thayne

162. Willis Tidwell

163. Emma Watson

164. Aurel Winkler

165. Martel Winkler

166. Owen Winkler

167. Martie Whitbeck

168. Claude Wheelock

(top left-hand corner is Loyal Graham, who was the first male from Milburn)

Faculty: Principal, P. M. Nielsen; G.L. Baron; J.M. Boyden; M.N. Thurman

Donated by Betty and Lois Gunderson

Thursday, June 11, 2009


This home was located on Ffth West and Main Street across from the Railroad Depot where the transmission shop is located today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Early photo of the William S. Seely Home (Relic Home)

(click to enlarge)
Take notice of the hitchin' post on the bottom left and the steps on the bottom right behind the fence. This photo could have been taken when Rasmus Anderson owned the home (second owner).

Monday, June 8, 2009

FIRE: February 10, 1990 - Photos by Alice Hafen

On this Saturday, I was working at the Spring City Post Office. I had left Mt. Pleasant about 6:30 a.m. I drove right past these buildings on my way to Spring City. Peter called me about 8:00 a.m. and asked if I had noticed anything unusual. And then he told me there had been this fire. We were all so very sad to see these buildings go. The Kinema Theatre had meant so much to all of us over the years. "Kinema" the name was taken from the question we would ask our mothers, "Kin i Ma, go to the movie show?"
Les Lund had operated the movie theater for many years and also a little radio shop next door. Later, his daughter Judy, and her husband, Rod Andersen came back to Mt. Pleasant to take over the theater. The sewing plant had employed many people for many years.
Also, Dr. Dean C. Rigby had his docotor's office in this complex for a short time. I remember having to go there to get my stitches taken out after an emergency appendectomy in about 1957.

This building was once the Mt. Pleasant Armory and also the Queen City Ballroom

Notice our Relic Home to the far left.
Just right of the Relic Home is Jacob's Mortuary which had served the people of Mt. Pleasant for two generations. Bent Hansen built the building and sold it to H. C. Jacobs. It was a beautiful building with a lot of filigree work on its exterior. It also housed an apartment in the rear.
Thanks to Alice Hafen, my mother in law, we have these pictures to share. Even though it was a sad occasion, we appreciate her efforts and desire to record the history of each event both happy and sad. . . . . .Kathy Hafen

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ammonia Cookies

Use Baker's Ammonia or Ammonia bicarbonate.

Mix all ingredients together. After making the dough, roll it out flat and cut with cookie cutter, place on cookie sheet and bake in 350 degree oven for about 12 minutes.

There are many who remember these cookies as being a lot like the ones you can buy at Christmastime - the Danish Sugar Cookies sold in the big tin. There is a little problem in acquiring the(baking) ammonia, however. If you go to the druggist to get the ammonia, it will cost you a pretty penny. We went to the local baker and he ordered a tin of it about the same size of the danish cookie tin above. It cost us about $15. That's enough to last a lifetime. And be careful when you open the tin. The ammonia fumes can knock you out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Volunteer Fire Department 1950's - From Alice's Photo Collection -----A treasure trove of history

Left: Jim Fillis; Right: Pat Willcox

Left to Right: Jim Fillis, Lou Hansen, Alvin Christensen, Lorraine Beck, Pat Wilcox, Neil Hafen

Neil Hafen, Fire Chief

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mayor Christensen Laid to Rest

Click on Title to see Provo Herald Obituary