"I want to tell you something of the future, I will speak in parables like John the Revelator. You will go to the Rocky Mountains and you will there be a great and mighty people, that people I will call the "White Horse". I shall never go there. Your enemies will continue to follow you with persecutions and will enact obnoxious laws against you to destroy you, but you will have a few friends to defend you, and the laws will not hurt you much. You must continue to petition Congress all the time, but they will treat you as strangers and aliens. They will govern you with Stranger & Commission. You will see the Constitution of the U.S. almost destroyed. I love the Constitution, it was inspired of God and it will be preserved and saved by the Latter Day Saints and the Lamanites will combine in it's defence. The Latter Day Saints will rise an Ensign in the tops of the Mts. to which people of all nations will flow for peace and safety. The Latter Day Saints will become very rich, the silver will be piled up in the streets and the gold shoveled up like sand and will be but of little value. The Banks of every nation will fail. Two places only will be left with out a supreme Government, and wickedness will be rampant. Father will be arrayed against Son and son against Father, Mother against daughter and Daughter against Mother, and the most terrible scenes of Murder and bloodshed and rapine will be enacted. Peace will be taken from the Earth and there will be no peace only in the Rocky Mountains. This will cause many hundreds and thousands of honest in heart of the World to gather there. Not because they would be Saints, but for safety and that they may not have to take up sword against their neighbors. You will be so much more numerous that you will be in danger of famine, not for want of seed time, but because of the multitude that will have to be fed. Many will come with bundles under their arms to escape the Calamities, and there will be escape only by fleeing to Zion."
Part II
The Turkish Empire will be one of the first powers that will be disrupted, as power for freedom must be given for the Gospel to be preached in the holy land. The Lord took of the best blood of the nations and planted them on the islands now called England or Great Britain, and has given them great power in the Nations for a thousand years, and their power will continue with them, that they may keep Russia from sweeping the world. England and France are now bitter enemies, but they will be allied together and be united. The protestants do not know how much they are indebted to Henry VIII of England for throwing off the Papal yoke and establishing the Protestant religion. He was the only monarc who could do so at that time, and the people of England sustained him. The Coat of Arms of England is the Lion and the Unicorn. (also emblems of Judah and Ephraim) indicating that there is much of the blood of Israel in the nation. While the terrible things here mentioned are going on, England will be a neutral, until it becomes so inhuman that she will interfere to stop the shedding of blood. England and France will then unite to help make peace, not to subdue the nations. They will find so many claiming Government, and it will appear to the other nations that England has taken possession of the country, the black race will join them and armed with british bayonets, their deeds will be terrible. Here the Prophet asked the Lord to close the vision from his view as he could not endure to behold it. He continued by saying: During this time Zion will have gained in strength, and will send out Elders to gather together the honest and honorable among the people of the U. S. to stand by the Constitution as it was given. In these days God will set up his Kingdom never to be over thrown. And those Kingdoms, who will not let the Gospel be preached will be humbled. England, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland and Belgium have much of the blood of Israel among their people which must be gathered. These Nations will submit to the Kingdom of God. England will be the last of these kingdoms to surrender, but when she does it, she will do it like she did when she threw off the Catholic power. The nobility, many of them, know the gospel is true, but it has not enough pomp and grandeour for them to embrace it, they will not come until they see the power of God. Peace and Safety in the Rocky Mountains will be maintained by U.S. Soldiers. The coming of the Messiah among this people will be natural and only those who see him will know that He is here, but He will come and give His laws to Zion and minister unto His people. This will not be His coming in the clouds of Heaven to take vengeance on the ungodly. The Temple in Jackson County will be built in this generation, with all the great help you will receive you can put up a temple in a very short time. You will have plenty of gold and silver and precious stones, and these things will be used for the beautifying of the temple. All the skilled mechanics and the Lamanites will help you build it. When you see this land bound with iron, you may look toward Jackson County. There is a land beyond the Rocky Mountains that will be invaded by the heathen Chinese unless great care and protection is given. -- Speaking further he said: -- Power will be given to the U.S. to rebuke nations afar off, and when the laws go forth from Zion they will obey. The last great struggle Zion will have will be when the whole land of America will be made the Zion of our God. Those opposing will be called "Gog & Magog" and they will be great, but all opposition will be overcome and this land will be the Zion of our God. --end
Is that Odell Christiansen as the referee?
Neil, obviously, much older than High School age!
Location: Old Armory State Street and Main
Alice told me the story behind this picture today. The merchant's of Mt. Pleasant were sponsoring this game for some occasion. Neil didn't have any basketball shorts, so Alice cut off a pair of her "bloomers" (that's what she called them) and gave them to Neil to wear. When Neil came out on the basketball floor, there were whoops and whistles all over the building.
1. Beulah Anderson Neal
2. Melba Aldrich
3. Mildred Allred
4. Claire Anderson
5. Odessa Allred
6. Myra Anderson
7. Opal Allen
8. Ursel Aiken
9. Carel Stewart
12. Wyroa Bennel
13. Lola Brady
14. Reese Bench
15. Erwin Bohne
16. Merl Beckstrom
17. James Bills
18. Elmira Barton
19. Virband Beck
21. Berl Bramstead
22. Frank Brady
23. Pat Barney
25. Warner Christensen
26. Clifford Christensen
27. Marie Christensen
28. Gertrude ?
30. Arthur Clark
31. George Cluff
32. Verona Cox
33. Alfred Cherry
34. Er Christiansen
35. Anna Clemenson
36. Evan Cox
37. Harold Cox (died Oct. 1918)
38. Harold Christensen
39. Stanley Cox
40. Roscoe Cox
41. Conda Carlston
42. Georgia Christensen
43. Dott Christensen
44. Calvin Christensen
45. Mae Clemenson
46. Blanche Dage
47. Idella Dahl
49. Gladys Ericksen
50. Ethel Ericksen
51. Eva Ericksen
52. Kate Ericksen
53. Ina Ericksen
54. Lavern Frantsen
55. Eva Farnsworth Garlic
56. Maggie Frandsen
57. Austin Frandsen
58. Ruby Graham
59. Lutora Gunderson
61. Clifton Graham
63. Rachel Gunderson
64. Alta Gunderson Monson
65. Douglas Gunderson
66. Laban Gunderson
68. Retella Gunderson
69. Ada Gunderson
70. Vera Hasler
71. Clarence Hansen
72. Leon Howell
73. Orlando Hansen
74. Hortense Hurst
75. Coquella Jones
76. Seymour Jensen
77. Pearl Johansen
78. Eula Jorgensen
79. Rhoda Jorgensen
81. Margaret Johnson
82. Cloy Justensen
83. Morris Jensen
84. Arthur Jorgensen (died Oct 1918)
85. Alta Justensen
86. Tarza Justensen
87. Marilda Jones Riggs
88. Mervilla Jones
89. Goldie Jensen
90. Vida Knudsen
91. Russell Larsen
92. Thelma Larsen
93. Ferl Larsen
94. Helen Larsen
95. Opal Larsen Scovil
96. Merl Lee
97. Petra Larsen
98. Croft Larsen
99. Tressa Lindquist
100. Glen Miner
101. Glen Matsen
102. Nellie Madsen
103. Fanny Monsen
104. Paul Monsen
105. Edith Madsen Mower
106. Harold Mower
107. Laurel Miner
108. Elva Madsen
109. Bert Madsen
110. Bruce Madsen
111. Ruth Monsen
112. Vanza Nielsen
113. Nathaniel Nielsen
114. Helen Nelsen
115. Emil Nielsen
116. Goldie Nielsen
118. Ed Olsen
119. Rhoda Olsen
120. Loren Petersen
122. Leslie Porter
123. Lenard Petersen
124. Stanley Petersen
125. Alden Petersen
127. Vesta Rasmussen Murphy
128. Verda Rasmussen
130. Francis Rasmussen
131. Erla Rasmussen
132. Alice Rowe
133. Chesley Seely
134. Elva Sorensen
136. Eva Simpson
137. Glen Scovil
138. Vao Scofield
139. Claren Scofield
145. Golden Sanderson
146. Ernest Staker
147. Winfred Stewart
148. Dessa Spencer
149. Delma Spencer
150. Ruel Seely
151. Ivan Sanderson
152. Holly Scofield
153. Everett Strait
154. Della Seely
160. Hilden Tucker
161. Kenneth Thayne
162. Willis Tidwell
163. Emma Watson
164. Aurel Winkler
165. Martel Winkler
166. Owen Winkler
167. Martie Whitbeck
168. Claude Wheelock
(top left-hand corner is Loyal Graham, who was the first male from Milburn)
Faculty: Principal, P. M. Nielsen; G.L. Baron; J.M. Boyden; M.N. Thurman
Donated by Betty and Lois Gunderson