Friday, July 31, 2009

William Fletcher Reynolds - - - Pioneer of the Month - - - August, 2009

Dictated and prepared by his oldest daughter, Ellis Reynolds Shipp

My father, William Fletcher Reynolds was born on the 8th of August 1826 in Fayette County, Indiana. His father, James Burt Reynolds was in Maryland about 1796. His mother, Eliza Ann Lawrence Reynolds came to America on a "Man of War" vessel in the days of our pilgrim fathers. As yet we have no trace of my father's ancestry, as to their honor and integrity we can never doubt, but for their carelessness in keeping records, we can never cease to regret.

My father, was one of a number of brothers and two sisters, Mary Emeline and Eliza Ann of whom I have often heard him speak most tenderly.

At an early age, he was made an orphan and mostly thrown upon his own responsiblity. However, his innate honesty and industry enabled him to make his way honorably and obtain through his intelligence and genius, a very remarkable power of usefulness which with his generosity, kindness and sympathy were a remarkable combination, proving a blessing throughout all phases of his life. His genial nature and executive ablility made him an ever welcome addition to any group or community.

At an early age, he made the acquaintance of the Hawley Family, where he was ever a welcome guest. My grandparents soon learned to love him as their own son and the early age of 19, he became the husband of their daughter Anna. She was the sainted one to become my mother when but seventeen years old. While regretting so early a motherhood for her, for myself I shall ever feel grateful for the ideal union of those "two souls with but a single thought and two loyal hearts that ever beat as one." Never in my years have I ever known such perfect congeniality between mortal man and woman. Truly the most perfect connubial happiness I have ever known.

It was in those early days that my people first heard and received the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That same gospel taught by Jesus Christ of former day saints.

In the year of 1852 my happy father left his native land and all his kindred but his youngest brother Levi W. Reynolds whom he sponsored to the far west, greatly to the dissatisfaction of his elder brothers because of their unbelief in what was called by them the Mormon Doctrine. My father was sincere in his belief and enduring faith and joyfully took up his ox whip and steered the way of his covered wagon with his dearest treasures and all his human possessions. He had been a wise and helpful co-worker with my mother's father in the years of preparation for their long journey into the wilderness of the west. He was a true son to his wife's parents and they loved and honored him as did all who knew him for his genial, upright, helpful ways as a husband and father. He was as perfect as a mortal could ever be. As a saint of the living God, his faith and integrity was true to the end.

On that long eventful pioneer journey, his inventive genius, skill and efficiency seemed in constant demand, being ever ready to repair damage for all in need. Never was he too busy to lend a helping hand. He quickly detected defective mechanism in any machinery for which he knew the remedy. In my recollection, I can see him now trudging patiently the old rough trails managing his two yoke of oxen more with his kind words and gentle voice than with the whip in hand. He was ever on the alert to pick up the pretty pebbles or shells for me, and especially any lost or cast off article found along the trail.

One day, it chanced to be two wagon tires which he thought might sometime be utilized for good. He tied them securely to the side of our wagon and there for many weeks they rattled and dangled with every jolt, which yet I seem to hear. But to my childish mind the most assuring music of the journey coming above all the clatter of the moving caravan, was the voice of my father shouting encouraging words and warnings and pointing out landmarks and beautiful scenery. He was eve a peace maker, not only with humanity but with animals. He could see ways and means superior to easing the load. He seemed to know how to ward off stampedes with wild cattle and buffalo which sometimes threatened. He was merciful to the Indians and dangers could be avoided by kindness, "to feed and not fight them."

The now historic touching story of the death and burial and last resting place of our friend and sister in the gospel, Rebecca Winters, could never have been forcefully told had it not been for the wagon tire surmounting her grave upon which my father chiseled the name, "Rebecca Winters 52" making it now an important landmark of the Old Oregon Trail. And it should be a monument of honor to men who sat up through the long night to laboriously chisel the hard iron by the dim candle light of an old lantern. While others slept, he worked and thus exemplified the unflinching innate desire of his honest soul to live a life of service. So in every righteous cause, 'twas thus he gave his precious life to the fulfillment of this purpose. He became immune to smallpox through a severe attack of the confluent variety and thus he in his whole lifetime worked through many such epidemics going where the nearest and dearest ones dared not to go, a constant bedside nurse helping to restore to health, giving hopeful relief in faith and good cheer. And in fatalities, he alone ministered in those last sad rites of burial and removing all possibilities of further contagion, burning and burying every vestige of danger.

On arriving in Utah, our home was first made in Utah County called "the bottoms" near the present site of Pleasant Grove on what was a sort of camping ground for the first winter, but in the spring my father assisted in locating the site for what is now called Pleasant Grove. Its first name was called Battle Creek because of a former battle with Indians on that spot. The first few years were years of struggle and unbounded endeavor. In two cities, Pleasant Grove andMt. Pleasant, he planted the first fruit trees.

Within a very short time aftger completing his little log cabin for his home, he constructed a planing mill in his granary adjoining. This mill was set in motion with his feet while his dexterious hands succeeded in turning rounds for broken down chairs or any other needed reconstruction of household furniture. Here he would replace the broken fragments with the new he had turned on his lathe. He would reseat the old chairs with green willow, rawhide or rope, polish up with a coat or two of paint, making them look like new. His labor were done in the morning and evenings between strenuous farm duties. As a child I enjoyed seeing the shavings fly in that shop which seemed almost like fairyland as I watched a piece of rough wood fashioned into butter bowls and paddles and rolling pins and potato mashers. The best were fashioned from pieces of mahogany he discovered in nearby canyons. The whole neighborhood was supplied with these useful kitchen utensils. Even as children we had them in our playhouses. Throughout the whole country, my father was known for his genius and handiwork. He had great executive ability which proved a great factor in building a new home in the desert land. His service proved a great blessing to the inexperienced. It was said, he could do anything from building a house to painting the flags for a 4th of July Celebration, or even making a crochet hook for the little girls just learning to make laces for their panties which they so proudly wore with their little white edges showing below their dresses.

We had not long been in Utah when in 1859 my father's quick eye discovered in the dashing waters of the American Fork Canyon, the very favorable possibilities of a grist mill or flour mill where the scanty harvest of wheat and corn could be ground into flour and meal to make our bread and his firtile brain had soon conceived the wonderful ideas, or should we say it was a divine inspiration, for the sustenance and the physical salvation of a righteous, God fearing people. Thus did a true, pure minded man put his hand and head and heart to the work of the construction of this mill which was in good running order in 1859.

In 1862,Grandfather Reynolds built in Pleasant Grove a mill with great wooded rollers for extracting the juice from the native sugar cane. He also constructed metal vats where the syrup was boiled down to the molasses which was such a luxury to the saints. Pioneers brought their sugar cane from many miles to his mill.

One of our first buildings was of logs brought from the hills. This one room structure served for a school house and church activities. For evening service a sagebrush fire in the large fireplace was our only light until the advent of tallow candles molded by our ingenious mothers.

In the building of every domicile thereabouts, my dear father was more or less active for he was naturally skilled in carpentry and all manner of mechanics. In his little shop he constructed a turning lathe which he propelled by treading with his feet. Here he turned the housekeepers rolling pins and potato mashers and made many toys for the younger generations, wooden eggs for Easter and for their elders, repaired broken down furniture and made them new when called for. All this work was done in the evenings and between the hours of laborious farm industries. He made and repaired everything for the people, from a crochet hook to the house that sheltered them. He put new seats in their chairs with rawhide and willow. And best of all he loved and honored by his chosen people whom he not only blessed with his efficient manual service but with his unbounded faith so pure and childlike and yet so powerful to bless a sufferer. So often his humble ministrations brought blessings upon me as a child.

My father, with ready genius strength and brawn and implicit faith, discovered in the dashing waters of American Fork Canyon the motor power for a grist mill where the whole wheat and the golden kernals of corn could be converted into flour and meal and thus he set about to construct a mill for this purpose whidh he did successfully. A little later, down in the valley, he constructed a large water wheel which supplied the power in the Battle Creek waters for running wooden rollers to crush the long sugar cane stocks pressing out the wonderful supply of juice to be boiled in the vats the same skillful hands had constructed and thus was supplied the needed sweets, the molasses for our tables and the sweeteneing for all our desserts and so nice to eat with our corn bread. Now at this late date, I bow my head in reverence and gratitude for the faith and skill and executive ability of my father.

As husband and father I have never seen his devotion equaled. For him, no effort or sacrifice was too great to make for his beloved Anna. And his sacred devotion was mutual. What an example to their posterity, for which I as their daughter, can never express my gratitude for the blessing it has proven, for which I as their daughter, can never express my gratitude for the blessing it has proven to me in my own home life. When my mother was ill, my father would climb in the heat of the summer sun to the highest peakes of the Rockies for snow to quench her thirst and cool her fevered brow. No effort was ever too great that could bring blessings to those he loved.

No home life could ever be more blessed than that of my childhood and its sacred influence will live in my soul forever. In heaven it had its origin and there it will live forever. In mortality, it could not long exist. Too much of joy to remain of eearth apart. We found this so sadly true with the passing of my angel mother, January 28, 1861 but with such a father, his devoted love, his divine faith and the gracious love which our Father in Heaven bestows on those whom he chasteneth, we found comfort and strength and blessed resignation. Every day we missed her guiding ministering presence and yet we knew that she, with our Eternal Father's love was guiding us through mortal paths. In gospel truth, my father's faith never wavered and in good works he never faltered.

With a number of others, my father was advised to remove to Sanpete County to build up another center stake of Zion, where a number of new colonies were established. In the meantime he had brought home to us a new mother, and I am assured no nobler stepmother ever lived. I had no fears after a short time of residing in the care of two beloved sisters and two equally loved brothers to her watchful care, for I knew she was a noble woman with a most kind, loving sympathetic nature.

My father soon became one of the presiding bishopric of his ward and once began another mission of reconstruction. Another mill for grinding the grain which soon became very plentiful. This mill was another monument to my father's constructive ability.

In the year 1864, he filled a mission to his native state of Indiana and old home in Iowa where he carried the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to his kindred and all who would listen to the great plan of salvation, making every effort to secure genealogy of his kindred now gone. On his return I was blessed with the opportunity of assisting in this work in the old Endowment House when he visited me in my own home after my marriage. This was a sacred work of great satisfaction to both of us. This glorious work for our kindred dead who never had the privelege of doing for themselves. Later my father and his new family removed to Colorado. My mother's children were all married and settled in their own homes and taking noble part in the same work of their pioneer parents.

Through all these many years of changing, never ending vicissitudes, my father's industries and novle works continued. His faith in the Gospel was unwavering. In 1899 I made a visit, and at the same time utilized my time in teaching classes for women on the art of nursing, while I had these pleasant visits between times. When the parting time came, I had a premonition that our next reunion would be in that "better land" where parting never comes again.

How bitterly I wept as he clasped me in his arms as in the olden days, when he would lull my cries and repeat, "Don't cry, darling." This time how I well understood his comforting words and well I knew his words would come true, "We would meet again." but not in this life. Although in those later years we were so far distant from each other, our devotion for each other never wavered. I knew no child ever had a more tender, kind and helpful father, one more faithful and mindful of a daughter's welfare, more exemplary and wise in his teachings and more lovingly true.

I was far away when his call came. When the sad news reached me, I was an orphan indeed! I had already said my last good byes, now I was too far away to reach him. I was in a situation rendering a long journey impossible. I was far from home and all my kindred. No comforting note could reach me, save the echoing of memory, "Don't weep, my child, we shall meet again." At the age of 78 he passed on to his reward. All who knew his integrity and good works knew full well his reward was sure in the highest glories of eternal life. Oh, I feel assured through his spiritual uplifting and daily righteousness of life that he has earned life everlasting and how well we know, "Truth is reason, Truth eternal and that in heaven we have a father and mother there." And those precious ones, our earthly guardians will be there to meet us once again, in perfect blessedness.
Sent in by JoAnn Truscott Peterson

Hamilton School Band 1935 or 36 - - - Salt Lake City - - - 24th of July Parade- - - Marsden Allred Band Leader

click photo to enlarge
Drum Major on the left: Elmer Fillis, Carol Anderson, front; Alice Winkleman right; Tommy Brunger, trombone; Others in the band are: Montel Miner, Kenneth Young, Duskey Seely-trombone, Billy Hansen, Bert Ruesch, Billy Andersen, Leone Larsen, Jean Brunger - flute, Lambert Jensen, Gordon Brunger, Bill Hafen - trombone, Robert Fowles, Marion Aldrich, Kenneth Nunley, Dona Mari Simpson, Beth Anderson, Eugene Madsen- far right susaphone, Anthon Allred, Lynn Jensen, Clair Sorensen - tuba. (photo compliments of Elmer Fillis)

Dehlin , Paul and Elna

Because we know there are viewers out there researching the Dehlin Family, we are happy to share. If someone would please send us a complete history or biography, we would appreciate it.


What faith he had, the Pioneer,
Who planted civilization here!

And how he wrought
And bravely fought

To chase the desert's frown away,
And make for us a better day!

What price he paid
That he might aid

Fair freedom and a home to win
And make a state worth living in.

We honor him,
Let nothing dim

The mem'ry of the Pioneer,
Unto the last we'll it dear!

(taken from Hilda's Scrapbook)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Carrie N. Hafen - the Sportswoman, as well as Nurse and Midwife

Carrie Nielsen Hafen and Dr. Pete Peterson

Carrie Nielsen Hafen and Dr. Bert Madsen

Dr. Bert Madsen and Dr. Pete Peterson


A few weeks ago we posted this photo and told you a little about our textile collection. The corset is always a popular subject when visitors see it at the Relic Home. The description you see with the corset in the photo the following:


In Europe the corset has been in use since the middle ages.

In the 1830’s the corset was thought of as a medical necessity. It was believed that a woman was very fragile, and needed assistance from some form of stay to hold her up. Even girls as young as three or four, were laced up into bodices.
Gradually these garments were lengthened and tightened.

By the time they were teenagers, the girls were unable to sit or stand for any length of time without the aid of a heavy canvas corset reinforced with whale bone or steel. The corset deformed the internal organs making it impossible to draw a deep breath. Because of this, Victorian women were always fainting and getting the vapors.

(And that is probably why they invented fainting couches.)

Tight lacing was considered virtuous.
A loose corset was probably a sign of a loose woman.

The most widespread use of corsets was in the 19th Century. Almost all women of every class were users of this fashion device.

(taken from Corset history

Andrew Madsen Obituary

We are now adding an "Obituary Page" to our blog. Most of these obituaries will be taken from "Hilda's Scrapbook" but will be posted here and then also in their own dedicated page. We will begin with Hilda's own father, Andrew Madsen.

click to enlarge

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Men With Beards - Pioneer Day 19??

Back Row Left to Right: Seymour Jensen, Grant Johansen, David Jorgensen, Dr. Dail Averett, Jay Hafen, Daniel Rasmussen, John Monsen, O.M. Aldrich, Irvin Brotherson, Frank Swensen, O.F. Peel, R. Bruce Seely, Frank Seely, Roy Barton, Lawrence Seely.

Front Row Left to Right: Gibbs Monsen, Tom Christensen, John Seely (son of Leo), Harold Hansen, James Monsen, Harold Winkler, Charley Wright, ?, Leo Seely, Otto Clark, John Frank Pritchett.

Pioneer Recipe - - - Cure for Goiter - Burdock Root

Click to enlarge

This recipe was found at the Relic Home. We are not sure of the age - the year - or the effectiveness of the so-called cure. And so we kindly ask that you do not hold us responsible or liable for any adverse effects. This is our own private disclaimer

Monday, July 27, 2009

"Old Armory" now Recreation Center, Honors Mt. Pleasant Soldiers

The "old armory", now Recreation Center, located on the north east corner of the intersection of State Street and Main was given special treatment by a couple of local artists last summer. Soldiers were painted on the outside walls in a very realistic 3-D effect that actually looks like they have been carved into the exterior wall. On the inside of the building, in the foyer area, the names of all the veterans of Mt. Pleasant are displayed from the Blackhawk War to the present day. Then all along the bottom wall of the building are faux stones which look very realistic and add so much to the aesthetics of the old building.

The Doughboy that once stood in the middle of the intersection, had lost his rifle. Rather, the rifle had been stolen. Now it has been replaced. A number of years ago, the Doughboy was moved to the corner to avoid traffic problems.

A lot of hours were put into the project and a lot of dollars to honor our Mt. Pleasant Veterans.

The grounds around the building have been re landscaped. In 1991 the Daughters of Utah Pioneers placed this marker to mark this corner as the location where the Old Mt. Pleasant Fort once stood. All improvements make for a very nice addition to our city.

Rabbit Hunt #2 - - - This one with a few names

Click to enlarge
Alice was able to give me a few names for this picture: Front l to r: ? Brotherson, Harry Ericksen, Andrew Marx, ?,?, Joe Brewer.

Back Row l to r: Peter Azel Peel, ? Barton, ?,?.

To see Rabbit Hunt # 1, Click Here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


(A fun walking tour of Main Street found amongst Hilda's Memorabilia)
Next stop is Mt. Pleasant City. As I step from the train, the first sign that meets my eye is "ROOMS 5 BLOCKS EAST 1 BLOCK NORTH". I am next attracted by a road sign that reads: "Fairview - 6 1/2 miles, Thistle - 37 1/2 miles, Provo - 57 miles, Price - 95 miles, Spring City - 5 miles, Ephraim - 15 1/2 miles, Manti- 23 miles, Gunnison - 38 miles. After sizing up the conveyances, I decided to walk up one side of the street and down the other. Between third and fourth west is a red BLACK SMITH SHOP sign with a sign PEERLESS, on the west side and LUCKY STRIKE TOBACCO on the east side. Nearly a block east we notice a blue sign advertising FIRESTONE on the west side of the building, with the sign BENT HANSEN AND COMPANY LUMBER in front. We pass the building painted yellow and two sign boards advertising DODGE BROTHERS and LUCKY STRIKE. As we pass the brick house surrounded by pines we see the sign SWEET CHOCOLATE. In front of the building is a painted sign SANPETE COUNTY COOP GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Next is the Mt. Pleasant Bank Building. On the front is painted 19BANK01. On the front of the LAMONT BUILDING upstairs are the following signs: A. SUNDWALL, M.D., and P.L. HOLMAN, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. In the east window, the sign reads W.D. TUELER, DENTIST. In the lower window is MRS. LAMONT MILLINERY and JAMES SQUIRE JEWELRY. Next we come to the GUNDERSON BLOCK. Next is the JAMES F. JENSEN building plainly labeled. Then we pass the CLEANING AND PRESSING and the MAYTAG SHOP. Next a frame building with a lot of CIRCUS posters; then the GOOD YEAR TIRES SERVICE STATION. On the corner of Main and 1st west is the MT. PLEASANT POST OFFICE and SEELY HINCKLEY GARAGE. and next is a BARBER SHOP. And now for a hot dog at REDI-QUICK LUNCH. Now the PYRAMID building, on the west side is the sign UTAH MEAT AND PRODUCE. The next building is the EQUITABLE building occupied by PROGRESS MERCANTILE CO. In the window upstairs is I.O.O.F. HALL. Now we are at SKAGGS', SAFEWAY. The WASATCH BLOCK comes next, L. A. PHILLIPS, DENTIST is located on the second floor, and J.C. PENNEY occupies the ground floor.
More than likely you have not observed the sign POST OFFICE and HENRY GEORGE CIGAR on the side of the building. The NORTH SANPETE BANK BUILDING which is built of stone with larger glass windows now greets the view. The next building we se is occupied by JOHANSEN BROTHERS and the MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY upstairs. Now the next building we see is built of stone with large glass windows now greets the view. The building has a sign: PALACE PHARMACY near the top and is occupied by SLIM'S BARBER SHOP. The next building is labeled at the top LUNDBERG BLOCK. In the front on the ground floor is the sign, big enough for near-sighted people to see CONSOLIDATED WAGON AND MACHINE. Over the door is the sign JOHN DEER PLOWS.
My, we are hungry again and here we are at the CITY LUNCH ROOM. On the second floor is the sign, beginning to age DR. A. LUNDBERG, DENTIST. on the ground floor is the RECREATION HALL. Last year the CONSOLIDATED FURNITURE COMPANY built a fine new building, putting the name F. C. JENSEN on a marble plate in front. Over the sidewalk, facing west, is the sign FURNITURE, and facing east, HARDWARE. We won't forget the RED FRONT SHOE SHOP just east and in the old BANK BUILDING is the OPTICAL SHOP and CONFECTIONARY. At the intersection of Main and State is the Doughboy erected by the Service Star Legion in 1926. On the southwest corner of the next block is the sign, MADSEN AND LONGSDORF, and in the front window is the sign, S.D. LONGSDORF. On first east we come to the BISHOP'S STOREHOUSE. Opposite is the PUBLIC SCHOOL, ERECTED IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD 1896. We now turn west and on the opposite side of the street from the one we have just traveled. The next building is the CARNEGIE LIBRARY. Next we know, although it is not labeled is the Pioneer Monument which was erected on the fiftieth anniversary of the coming of the pioneers in the year 1859.
Going west we pass JOHNSTON DRUG STORE. Two sign boards, advertising PEET GREENALDI SOAP and VELVET CIGARET are set in a distance from the street. A lumber building where cream and eggs are handled is labeled ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. It must be strictly up to date, according to the sign. The next sign west is BJELKE SHOE HOSPITAL. On the red brick building next, appears the sign ERICKSEN MEAT AND SUPPLY. And on an upstairs window reads L.P. NELSON AGENC Y, NOTARY PUBLIC. Across the alley is another cream station.
And now we are almost dead but are not ready for MERZ MONUMENT, although it is near Decoration Day. The beautiful MOBILE OIL HUB service station comes next. After passing a home with a hedge fence, there is a lumber building with the sign COMMERCIAL PRINTING and in the window is WATCH MAKING AND JEWELRY.
The train now whistles and we only notice the GUNDERSON CANDY SHOP, and on third west a house with the sign ROOMS FOR RENT. Just as we arrive at the station, we notice N.P. NIELSEN SERVICE, and R.R. CROSSING. On the depot stands out boldly, AMERICAN RAILWAY and WESTERN UNIION TELEGRAPH AND CABLE OFFICE. We now leave Mt. Pleasant at the elevation of 5857 feet and board the train for Denver, which is 719 mile away.
(Some of you no doubt will remember things differently as to the signs along Mt. Pleasant's Main Street. Different generations remember different things. some may argue that the railroad station was never American Railway, but always the Denver Rio Grande. We have retyped the original document for easier reading purposes. Also, in some cases the penciled in writing was very difficult to read. The original is at the Relic Home in Hilda's Scrapbook.)

Hamilton School - - - Pioneer Monument

This picture was obviously taken prior to the Carnegie Library being built. No names do we have for the ladies. (David R. Gunderson Collection)

Unknown Photo 23

After some scanning, photo correction and contrasting we discover the above information

Niels H. Burrisen - Father of Mrs. Ed Johnston 1927.

Our Friend, Kaye says this man lived in Spring City on Main Street and he is wearing his Blackhawk medal.

Gordon and Glenda Staker - Dressed for Pioneer Day

This is choice !!! Gordon and Glenda Staker dressed for Pioneer Day. Taken from a newspaper article and photo advertising Pioneer Day.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

1941 Dedication of the South Ward Church

left to right: John K. Madsen, John Gunderson, Reuben J. Clark, Lionel Peterson
Sent in by David R. Gunderson

Jens Gunderson Hotel 1910

Sent in by David R. Gunderson
In the History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf page 197 we read: " In 1912, Mrs Emma Lamont built the Lamont building and J. E. Gunderson, the Gunderson building, on the south side of Main, between First and Second West."
"The J. C. Penney Company, with W.B. Hicks as manager began business in the Gunderson Building." (no mention of the Gunderson Hotel???)

UPDATE: Hotel was located on the north side of Main Street at approximately 124 West Main.

Between Scofield and Colton - - - sent in by David R. Gunderson

Pictured left to right: Bent Rolfson, Anthon Madsen, Hilda Madsen Longsdorf, Showman Longsdorf, ...Wanlass, (Betsy the Car),

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Swimming Pool - John Gunderson

David R. Gunderson just sent me a bunch of wonderful pictures. This one is my first choice. John Gunderson was a mayor of Mt. Pleasant. Perhaps the photo was taken when the swimming pool was first opened.
We'll get more information on this and pass it along. Thank you David...Brings back so many memories.

Old Folks Party - - - 1900

double click to enlarge
I wish the faces were more identifiable. I scanned this in at 600 dpi, but still not good.
Many of our ancestors were there and enjoying a lot of food and good entertainment. Location is anybody's guess.

Depot- Mt. Pleasant - A Gathering

Double click to enlarge

Some kind of gathering at the Mt. Pleasant Depot. Do you recognize the homes in the background? The one just right of the depot itself is the Oman Home. The home just right of center and above the flag is the Morten Rasmussen Home. What the occasion was, we do not know.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brigham Young Enters the Great Salt Lake Valley

July 24, 1847

Brigham Young, ill of mountain fever, traveled in rear of group in Wilford Woodruff's carriage. He first saw the valley at noon,
July 24, 1847.

(picture courtesy of Salt Lake Tribune Centennial Edition, Sunday April 6, 1947)

First-Hand Account of Arrival in the Salt Lake Valley by Alma Eldredge

Double click to enlarge.
Taken from Hilda's Scrapbook

Original source "The Utah Farmer" - July 1922

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mary Lou Nichols sitting by her Great Grandmother's Organ

Mary Lou Nichols, her husband and daughter recently visited our Relic Home. They were also in attendance at our Pioneer Day Program in March. When she realized that this organ had been donated by her great grandmother (Ida Fechser), she asked for permission to play it. Ordinarily, we wouldn't allow such a thing. But since she was a direct descendant, we did allow her to sit down and play a few chords. It plays beautifully and she seemed delighted to to be able to do this.

Mary Lou is a descendant of Mads Madsen, John F. Fechser and Abraham Johnson

Hamilton School Fourth Grade - Alice or Niel Hafen Class

Alice is always reminding us to label and date our pictures. She is as guilty as anyone.
However, I do see Niel somewhat hidden on the second row from front, a little right of the center.

Monday, July 20, 2009

"NIGHT ON THE TOWN" ..... A Charming story as remembered and told by Louise F. Seely, first published in Saga of the Sanpitch 1998

It was a beautiful spring day - - - just right to begin housecleaning. Aunt Hilda always worked from the cellar up, so her first chore was to go through the fruit jars on the cellar shelves, selecting the good ones to dust and place on clean papered shelves. The fruit that hadn't kept well, that was showing signs of fermentation or mold, was opened and the contents poured into buckets to be disposed of later.

With the cobwebs swept down, shelves washed and re-papered, floors swept, and stairs scrubbed clean, the room was finally finished, the day almost spent. Hilda looked on the room with satisfaction, picked up the bucket of fruit, but just at that moment her big Plymouth Rock rooster helped himself to a beak-full of fruit. Hilda changed her mind and immediately poured the contents of the bucket into the chicken trough. This taste of fruit might be a nice change from the handsful of wheat she fed her chickens morning and night.

Hilda didn't see her chickens again until evening when she went to feed them. What she saw startled her almost beyond reason. There on the ground lay every one of her chicks; roosters, hens and spring pullets. At first glance she thought a skunk or weasel had been in her flock. On closer inspection she saw them sprawled in every unlikely position possible: some lying with wings widespread; some lying on their sides, others cramped in strange, grotesque positions with their heads under their bodies; some on their backs with legs straight in the air; and some had fallen across another's lifeless body.

Had she killed them? She knelt down and felt a body. It was warm. Then she realized she had a drunken flock of chickens. She knew just how it had happened - - - the fermented fruit, of course.

Since the bodies were still warm, her first thought was to cut their heads off and dress them, but she was too tired after her day of housecleaning. So she decided to leave them in the cool night air and finish the job in the morning.

Bright and early the next day she approached the yard and was startled to see the dead chickens up walking around - - - a little wobbly, to be sure, but up and walking. she gave them plenty of grain and fresh water, and by night they were chipper as ever. Who knows, maybe they enjoyed their "night on the town."

July 24th Celebration 1871

Bowery as Used by the Primary in 1885

Although the pioneers had plenty of hard work, problems and trials, they also made their joys and amusements.

A few days prior to the 24th of July which marked the 12th anniversary of the arrival of the first group of pioneers into Salt Lake Valley, the people of Mount Pleasant assembled and ar­ranged for a grand celebration. Much time and pains were taken in arranging the program and the dinner. A bowery 40 by 60 feet, built of cedar posts, placed upright holding as a shed, and covered with fresh green willows and limbs, was erected in the southwest corner of the fort. Pitch pine wood, to furnish light for the dance and the amusement in the evening, was brought from the mountains by John Waldermar and Christian Widergren An­derson.

On the morning of July 24th, salutes were fired at daybreak and drums were beat. At 9 a. m., the people gathered at the bowery. The program began with singing by the choir. (James Hansen was choir leader at that time.) The invocation was offered by Bishop William S. Seeley; there followed spirited speeches, music, vocal and instrumental, recitations, etc., until one o'clock, when an abundant meal was served. At 3 p.m., everything was cleared away for the amusements and dancing, which continued until 2 o'clock in the morning of the 25th, and with the rhythm of the music, and on the bare ground they really did dance. This cele­bration was characterized all the way through by the harmony and good feeling that prevailed among the people. (History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf pp: 55-54)

Dancing was enjoyed to the utmost, and during the early days of the settlement, dances were also often held in the homes, among them being the John Fredrick Fechser home, which was on the east side in the fort; it was there that Fred Nielson taught the waltz step. James Hansen also taught dancing at his home.
It is said that Hans Y. Simpson had the first board floor in the fort, and that almost before it was finished, the colonists gath­ered there for a dance.

Fortunate were the pioneers in having among them so many fine musicians, who willingly contributed their talents toward the amusement of the colony. John Waldermar played the violin, flute, and cornet. James Hansen, who prior to his coming to Mount Pleasant, had belonged to the Brass Band in Salt Lake City, also played the violin, flute and cornet. Lars Nielsen, known as Lars Fiddler, played by ear, became very popular and had many invi­tations from other settlements to locate there. He, with John Waldermar and James Hansen, played for all the important gatherings held in Mount Pleasant during the first sixteen years.

Among other prominent pioneer musicians, who also contributed necessary pioneer music were Levi B. Reynolds, violinist; George Nielsen, tambourine; Orin Clark, the Jaw Bones of an Ox on a stick; Alma Staker, Bone Clapper; Rudolph Bennett, Triangle; Bent Hansen, Bass Fiddle; Soren Hansen, Clarinet; Andrew Bram­sted, Violin; and August Mynear, Violin. Later August Mynear
and his son were musicians in the Salt Lake Theatre for many years. (p. 64 HML)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

HAMILTON GRADUATES no names no year

This photo has been damaged with cracks, fading and fly specks.

Hilda's Scrapbook - A New Web Page

Hilda's Scrapbook is a collection of documents, pictures, and writings found in three boxes at the Relic Home, clearly marked "Hilda's". Hilda Madsen Longsdorf must have hoped that someday these documents would be published as we found little notes such as "this needs to be corrected", "please use this", and "best choice". You can check out Hilda's Scrapbook by clicking the title above.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

SMALL TOWN MEN - - - by Virginia Scott Miner, (found in Hilda's scrapbook)

It takes big men to deal with little towns
And not themselves grow smaller year by year;
To stand the endless flick of envious tongues,
Nor mind too much. To see the reason clear--
The aching need for power or for love;
the bitter emptiness of those who fear
The slipping decades; and slow week by week,
The gentle, awful patience of the meek.
Who know they bear within them some great lack
Of vigor to attack or yet hit back.
Yet one who truly knows his town will find
It's people not more cruel than they're kind.
He'll see the shining goodness - - - all the care
They give the sick or needy neighbor there;
He'll see the washerwoman's younger son
Out playing with the banker's. They are one.
Small-town folks, that if folks be clean
And pay their bill, they'll wait till it be seen
Which has the better boy.
But he who does not truly know will see
Only the smallness and the snobbery,
And slowly with the years he will become
The thing he sees - - - the essence of the sum.

School Buses? - Muddy Roads

These photos come from my father's (Neldon Rigby) photo album.

Oh how I wished I had sat down with him to get an explanation for each photo he shot with his brownie (box style) camera. He grew up in Milburn and used to walk the railroad track into Fairview every day to attend school. Whether these are school buses or just mass transportation, I do not know. One thing is for sure, how muddy the roads were before asphalt.

Make sure all your photos are labeled and dated !!!

Pioneer Procession of July 24th, 1880

Double click the picture above to enlarge it and see the oxen-drawn float. Also, click the title to go to another page for additional information.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Peterson, George and Hannah

George and Hannah Peterson, (Rosenberg) lived on 8th South and State Street; just as the highway starts to make a bend. Their home still stands. I have a collection of women's pioneer hats that Hannah used to make for my mother as well as others. I don't remember the story behind the Rosenberg name. Rosenberg is usually associated with a Jewish heritage. Both Hannah and George were Swedish-Danish. Click on their names for a genealogy link.