Monday, July 16, 2012

From the Johannah Madsen Hafen Collection

On July 1st, Joann Hafen Granger brought Peter and I two huge boxes of photos, documents, and books that had belonged to her mother, Johannah Madsen Hafen.  Like so many others, Joann had held on to these family treasures for several years, but now realizes they need to be shared with others who will also appreciate them.  We thank Joann and her family for thinking of us.  Peter and Joann are full cousins.  Her father, Boyd Hafen a brother to Peter's father, Neil Hafen.  The photos and documents however have more to do with Joann's (Madsen side of the family).  Johannah Madsen Hafen was a daughter of Nielson Moroni Madsen and Anna Wilcox Madsen. 

While some of the pictures are labeled, some were not.  We hope that someone will recognize the unlabeled photos and let us know who they are. We will also post them on the Mt. Pleasant Unknown Photos blog which has many subscribers.

Most of these photos are of tin-type variety .



Annie Madsen

Anton Madsen

Hilda Madsen

 Andrew Pearson
Andrew Pearson


Comment from Anonymous:The fourth pic from the bottom (above) looks to me like it might be Ransom Abraham Stevens and his wife Tranquilla Ann Brady; both lived in Fairview. Their daughter Keziah Frances Stevens married Jacob Hafen and they lived in Mount Pleasant.



Unknown Group of men

1 comment:

  1. The fourth pic from the bottom looks to me like it might be Ransom Abraham Stevens and his wife Tranquilla Ann Brady; both lived in Fairview. Their daughter Keziah Frances Stevens married Jacob Hafen and they lived in Mount Pleasant.


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