Posted September 21, 2012
I found this photo amongst Johanna's collection last night.
I sent the following photo to Dave Gunderson last night at 9:00 p.m., knowing it was a couple of his relatives; Til Madsen Carter and Byron Carter. Both Til and Byron were originally from Mt. Pleasant.
This morning I received the restored photo below and this message:
Dear Peter and Kathy,
I appreciate getting the picture of Uncle Byron and Aunt Till.
They were wonderful people. I think that Uncle Byron was the Bishop of
Helper for 20 or 30 years.
I have worked on the picture and will attach both the original and the
restored picture
for what ever you want to use them.
I appreciate all that you do and hope that you will continue to send
pictures and articles as they come to you.
David R. Gunderson
David R. Gunderson
We genuinely appreciate Dave and all he does for us. I think this is such a wonderful photo depicting a style used at the time of the photograph.
But also notice the photographer on the bottom:
J.M. Boyden, Photographer, Mt. Pleasant, Utah.
This is one photographer I had not noticed before.
Even more amazing:
Yesterday at the Relic Home, we had some young girls come in looking for some history of their grandmother's home. As it turned out, the home was built by
Even more amazing:
Yesterday at the Relic Home, we had some young girls come in looking for some history of their grandmother's home. As it turned out, the home was built by
J.M. Boyden
Most of this generation know this house as the Hans and Lois Poulsen home on 5th west.
While the granddaughters were at the Relic Home, they told us that J.M. Boyden was the depot agent and he built it to somewhat match the depot which was just a half block away. A lot of the gingerbread features were removed some time later.
Any history on J.M. Boyden you can give us would be much appreciated. Did he
do his photography at the depot? Was he the first Depot Agent? Did any of his
children stay in the Mt. Pleasant area? Are there descendants living here or
nearby now?
Both Tudy and I know there are angels sitting on our shoulders as well as angels living on earth today
wanting to do all they can to support our efforts in
Preserving the History of Mt. Pleasant.
Thank You All, both on earth and in Heaven above !!!
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