Opened with singing
Prayer by Sister Peel
Sister Morrison addressed the sisters, she felt well and please as the way was opened for us to build a temple on our very door and exhorted the sister to be diligent and to be on hand with a willing heart to as was our power to do. And the call was made on the Brethren to commence the work next week; we should try to do the best we can to sustain them in their work, therefore we would meet in capacity of a council meeting. First the Sisters give their.......that a call should be made on every sister in Mount Pleasant to donate 25 cents towards the furnishing of the house that was built at Manti for our brethren to eat in. Every Sister present gave her name down for 25 cents and the visiting sisters promised to go around the next day and gather all the they could get. Then the sisters volunteered to go and cook for the brethren as follows:
1 week, Stine Mangeson and Maggie Peel,
Sister Kath Fechser and Lucy Winkler
Sister Peel and Anne Peel
Sine Monroe and Sine Morrison
Sister Brown? and Mary Johnson
Sister Porter
After this the sisters volunteered to stay with Sister Anna at night and also with another sick sister.
Meeting was closed with singing and Prayer by Sister Frandsen.
MFC Morrison, Pres
Louise Hasler Secr.
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