Monday, October 29, 2012
Female Relief Society May 28, 1877
Opened with singing
Prayer by Sister Peel
The minutes from the former meeting were read and accepted, and also the yearly account of all what was done in the Society from May 11, 1876 to May 11, 1877.
As there was not but 19 $ and 85 cents for the book, "Women of Mormondom" instead of 25$ it was moved and seconded that we would borrow the 5$ from the Emigration money that was laying in the treasure case and pay it back as soon as are able. The vote was unanimous.
Then Sister Morrison spoke about the silkworms and begged we take an interest in it, and divide the eggs that we have on hand among them, that none of them be wasted, and by so sharing, we carried out the counsel of our President, Brigham Young, and increase in the small things so that we may be able to come up to greater things.
Sister Morrison remarked also that it was custom that every year the Sisters had the privilege to vote for the President, and so the.... now and reminded the sisters that she would leave Mt. Pleasant in a few months to make her home in Richfield, but promised to be one with us all the time and as often as she came to her home here; she would be sure and attend our meetings and correspond with us as often as we wish to. She thanked the Sisters for their well ... and faithfulness towards her, and prayed the Lord that He may bless this Society that we may prosper in every good thing, and be on hand to every call that will be made to us.
Sister Peel rose and felt glad for the progress we have made in the society when originated, and said how well she felt when she visited the Sisters, but she never left her home without asking the Lord to be with her, and guide and direct her in all things ..... would benefit her and the Sisters she was visiting.
Many of the other Sisters bore their testimony, felt glad to ....., that we had ..... a little good this year. Most all rose to speak and expressed their feeling... ....should think about becoming the President ....that done so much good and been so faithful to her duty; but were in hopes that she would not leave us entirely, and come and associate with us whenever she had a chance to do so.
A good feeling prevailed and the meeting was closed with singing and prayer by Sister Jensen.
MFC Morrison, President
Louise Hasler, Secretary
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