Saturday, December 1, 2012

Claus Wilheim Anderson History ~ Pioneer of the Month ~ December 2012 ~ compiled by Judy Malkiewicz

Claus Wilhelm Anderson
aka Claus Wilhelm Josephsson
Born 1 April 1838; Died 6 January 1923
(Hazel Theora Jensen Anderson Lundberg’s Adopted Father)

Claus Wilhelm Anderson’s name was Claus Wilhelm Josephsson in Sweden. 
Claus was born 1 April 1838 in Sweden to father, Joseph Anderson (b 11 Dec 1805 in Alvsborg, Norrbotten, Sweden, d 2 Jun 1884 in Mt. Pleasant, Utah and mother, Maja aka Marie Stina aka Christine Magnison Anderson (b 18 Jan 1814 in Alvsborg, Norrbotten, Sweden, d 1 Jun 1883 in Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah. Joseph and Maja were married 24 May 1835 in Bona Redvag, Alvborg, Sweden.

The Joseph Anderson family immigrated to Mt. Pleasant, Utah in 1861 with the Samuel A. Woolley Company departing 12-13 July 1861 from Florence Nebraska (now Omaha) with 338 souls and 61 wagons. The Anderson family arrived in Salt Lake City 22 September 1861 when Joseph was 55 years old and Marie was 47. It is believed that they came with all of their children, however Claus is not listed. Claus' obituary indicates he came to Mt. Pleasant, Utah in 1866 when he was 28 years old.

Below are the “Anderson” surnames who immigrated from Sweden to Mt. Pleasant, Utah in 1861 with the Samuel A. Woolley Company (Not sure of the relationships). Claus Anderson does not seem to be listed and his name cannot be found in any company. Claus’s father, Joseph Anderson is listed as being 55 years old and his mother, Maria Christine Lundberg Anderson is listed as being age 47.

Claus’s father, Joseph Anderson died 2 Jun 1884 in Mt. Pleasant, Utah and is buried in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery  Plot: A_114_3_2. He lived in Mt. Pleasant, Utah for 23 years before his death. His headstone is unusual in that his surname “Anderson” is divided on two lines “An” and ‘Dersen” and it appears incorrectly spelled with “sen” vs “son” at the end.

Claus’s mother, Maria Christine Lundberg Anderson died in Mt. Pleasant, Utah on 1 Jun 1883 at the age of 69 years. She lived in Mt. Pleasant for 22 years before her death.  She is buried in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery Plot: A_114_3_1 (her headstone is badly damaged).

Claus had 9 siblings,
1. John Eric Anderson or Josephsen (b 1835). May have died in 1908 and is buried in the Logan City Cemetery, Utah.
2. Carolina C. Anderson (b 1837). Immigrated 1861 at age of 29 (listed as age 23 on records).
3. Claus Wilhelm (b 1838) Immigrated to the Utah Territory in 1866 when he was 23 years old.
4. Carl August Anderson or Josephsen (1840)
5. Carl August Anderson (1842)
6. Sophia Charlotte Anderson (1845)
7. Frans Oscar Anderson (1848)
8. Oscar F. Anderson (b 13 Dec 1849, d 17 Aug 1936). Buried in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Utah Plot: A_114_3_6. Oscar married Chastie Neilsen Anderson (b 1860 – d 1939). See end for Chastie’s obituary.
9. Matilida Josephine Anderson Burns Bennett (b 10 Mar 1853 d 13 Feb 1936 of acute myocarditis at age 82 years). Matilida Josephine Anderson married twice. First to Sheriff James Burns who was killed in the line of duty as a peace officer and second to Rudolphus N. Bennett. See end for Matlida’s obituary and Utah Death Certificate. 
10. Edwin Theodore Anderson (1859)

Claus’ married twice. First, to Stina Greta Andersdotter (b 1858-?) in 1858 in Sweden and second to Hanna Persson Jensen Anderson (b 1841, d 1925) in 1873 in Utah.

Hanna Jensen Anderson aka Mrs. Claus Anderson

Claus served in the Utah Territory militia in 1867 for 6 months. He was listed in their files as Claudeus Anderson and served 1 May 1867 to 1 Nov 1867 earning $96 dollar over the 6 months.

“Pay-roll of Captain Frederick Neilson’s company – infantry, Utah Territory militia, employed in the suppression of Indian hostilities in Sanpete County, Utah Territory form May 1, 1867, to November 1, 1867.” 

“We, the undersigned, acknowledge to have received from James W. Cummings, paymaster Utah Territory militia, the sums opposite to our names, in full payment for our services for the time specified

“This company was mustered into service at Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, May 1, 1867, by Brigadier General Wm. B. Pace, and by him assigned to duty in vicinity of same settlement; they were in active service every day as I cerify that the above account is correct. H.B. Clawson, Adjutant General Utah Territory Militia.”

After the Black Hawk War, Claus W. Anderson and Hanna Jensen Anderson had five children together, however, their birth order is unclear.
  • William C. "Will" Anderson aka Claus William Anderson (b 17 Mar 1873, d 22 Sept 1965 at age 91 years); Married Bertha E. Young Anderson (b 20 Sept 1878, d 11 Feb 1970 at age 91 years; Bertha's parents were David E. Young and Mary Evans). Will and Bertha had 5 children together:
    • Alton W. Anderson (b 27 Sept 1911, d 26 Dec 1911 at age 2 months, 19 days, "Our little rosebud"
    • Nathella M. Anderson Hughes; married Jim Hughes (children Shirley and Carla)
    • Dorothea Constance Anderson Bergstrom Simmons (b 11 Aug 1908, d 2 Dec 1971 in Salt Lake City. Dorothea was married twice - 1st to Simmons and divorced and 2nd to Paul Scheller Bergstrom (b 1906, d 1972). Dorothea and Paul Bergstrom's children: Jack Bergstrom and Donna Bergstrom.
    • Clarence William "Bus" Anderson (b 8 Sept 1912, d Sept 1981) married Katherine Clark Anderson and had children John Warren Anderson (California), Eric Anderson (California), Tony Anderson (Idaho), and Kristin Anderson (Odgen, Utah)
    • Donald Edward Anderson (b 15 May 1903, d 26 May 1989 at age 86 years and buried a Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Utah). Married Ina Elizabeth Madsen Anderson (b 1910, d1999). Child Gary Anderson (b 1943, d 1999).
  • Unknown Twin Boy died early
  • Unknown Twin Boy died early
  • Oscar Anderson (1848-1936); Married Chastie Nielsen (1860-1939). Oscar and Chastie had 6 children together:
    • Oscar Francis Anderson (1879-1887)
    • Archie J. Anderson (1881-1887)
    • Lettie C. Anderson (1883-1887)
    • Anna Letitia Anderson Meiling (1888-1972)
    • Gerald Leroy Anderson (1891-1912)
    • Addie M. Anderson VaneveraStang (1896-1976)
  • Hazel Theora Jensen Anderson (22 Jan1889 – adopted from birth mother (Hilda Jensen Jensen) Hilda’s, father’s (Andrew Peter Jensen) sister Hanna Jensen Andersson Anderson and her 2nd husband, Claus Anderson (born 1 Apr 1938 and died 6 Jan 1923). Hanna was Hazel’s great-aunt. Hazel and her husband, Maple Henning Lundberg had three children together:
    • Rex Henning Lundberg
    • Edward Auer Lundberg
    • Marjorie Christine Lundberg Malkiewicz
In the 1880 Mt. Pleasant, Utah Census, Claus W. Anderson was 44 years of age and listed as a farmer. His wife, Hanna, age 39, was keeping house and they had 3 children living at home:

  • Claus W. Anderson aka William C. “Will” Anderson, age 6
  • Oscar I Anderson, age 1
  • M. Rasmussen, age 12 (perhaps a hired helper)
The Anderson family lived in Mt. Pleasant, Utah at 308 South 300 West, Mt. Pleasant, Utah Plat A Block 66 Lot 1 

From the Mt. Pleasant, Utah Blog

Same house pictured below in 1994 is still standing today in 2012. It is rumored that Claus’s initials are carved in a shed in the back.
308 South 300 West, Mt. Pleasant, Utah Plat A Block 66 Lot 1
Claus Anderson is credited with bringing the first telegraph to Sanpete County, Utah.

Claus died 6 January 1923 at the age of 84 years at his home in Mt. Pleasant, Utah after long illness of paralysis leaving his widow, Hanna at the family home.

Aged Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Succumbs
Mount Pleasant. Jan. 8. Claus Anderson, an aged pioneer, died at his home her last evening. He was born in Sweden, April 1, 1838. Two children survive, William Anderson of this city and Mrs. M.H. Lundberg of Mackay, Idaho. Also one brother and one sister, Mrs. R.N. Bennett and Oscar Anderson, both of Mount Pleasant. From Salt Lake Telegram 8 Jan 1923.

Claus Anderson, one of the earliest settlers in Mt. Pleasant died at his home here Saturday evening after a long illness from paralysis. Mr. Anderson was born in Sweden, April 1, 1838 coming to Utah as a young man and to Mt. Pleasant with one of the first companies of pioneers.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Hannah J. Anderson, a son, W.C. Anderson of this city, a daughter, Mrs. M.H. Lundberg of Mackay, Idaho, and a sister, Mrs. R.N. Bennett and a brother, Oscar Anderson, both of this city.
President Adolph Merz was in charge of the funeral services held Wednesday afternoon in the South Ward chapel. The ward choir furnished special music and a ladies quartet composed ob the Misses Ethel Lund, Rhoda Ericksen, Ovie Monsen, and Faughn Poulsen sang several numbers. The invocation was offered by Peter Monsen and the speakers were President Merz, William Olson, C.W. Anderson, and Henry P. Olsen. The benediction was pronounced by C.M. Petersen and Henry P. Olsen dedicated the grave. The pallbearers, all of them Indian War Veterans, former comrades of Mr. Anderson were Olof Rosenlof, John Stansfield, Hyrum Seely, John Carlson, Hazzard Wilcox, and Joseph Wise.
Mr. Anderson served with Captain Fred Neilson’s Company in the Black Hawk Indian Wars. He came to Mt. Pleasant in 1866 and helped to build the first telegraph line to enter Sanpete County and in other way helped in the upbuilding of this young community. From the Hazel Theora Jenseon Anderson Lundberg Collection - Source Unknown

Funeral Held For Pioneer Resident
Mount Pleasant. Jan. 12. Funeral services for Claus Anderson, pioneer resident of Mount Pleasant, were held in the South Ward Chapel Wednesday afternoon with President Adolph Merz in charge. Music was furnished by the ward choir and a ladies quartet, comprising the Misses Ethel Lund, Olive Monsen, Rhoda Ericksen and Faughn Poulsen. The speakers were William Olsen, C. W. Sorensen, Henry P. Olsen, and President C.W. Merz. Prayers were offered by Peter Monsen and C.M.Peterson. The grave in the City Cemetery was dedicated by Henry P. Olsen. From Salt Lake Telegram 12 Jan 1923. 

Early Mt. Pleasant Settler Dies After Extended Illness
Special in the Tribune.
Mt. Pleasant. Jan 7 – Claus Anderson, one of the earliest settlers of Mt. Pleasant, died at his home here Saturday evening, after a long illness.
He was born in Sweden, April 1, 1838, coming to Utah as a young man, and to Mt. Pleasant with one of the first companies of pioneers. He aided in the building of the young community and served in the Black Hawk Indian War. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Hannah J. Anderson: a son, W.C. Anderson of Mt. Pleasant; a daughter, Mrs. M.H. Lundberg of Mackay, Idaho; a sister, Mrs. R.N. Bennett, and a brother, Oscar Anderson, both living here. Funeral services will be held either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, according to the arrival of relatives. From the Hazel Theora Jensen Anderson Lundberg Collection - Source Unknown.

Veteran of Indian Wars Buried in Mt. Pleasant
Special to the Tribune.
Mt. Pleasant. Jan. 11 – President Adolph Merz was in charge of the funeral services for Claus Anderson held yesterday afternoon in the South Ward Chapel. The ward choir furnished special music and a ladies quartet, composed of the Misses Ethel Lund, Rhoda Ericksen, Olive Monson and Faughn Poulsen sang several numbers. The invocation was offered by Peter Monson and the speakers were President Merz, William Olson, C.W. Sorensen and Henry P. Olsen. The benediction was pronounced by C.M. Petersen and Henry P. Olsen dedicated the grave. The pallbearers, all of them Indian War Veterans, former comrades of Mr. Anderson, were Olof Rosenlof, John Stansfield, Hyrum Seely, John Carlson, Hazzard Willcox and Joseph Wise. Mr. Anderson served with Captain Fred Neilsen’s Company in the Black Hawk Indian War. He came to Mt. Pleasant in 1866 and helped build the first telegraph line to enter Sanpete County and in other ways helped in the upbuilding of the young community. From the Hazel Theora Jensen Anderson Lundberg Collection - Source Unknown.

Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery A_70_4_5
After Claus’s death, his widow, Hanna Jensen Anderson was awarded his Black Hawk Indian Veteran Pension of $12 per month in May 1923 (see last sentence from Salt Lake Telegram 10 May 1923). "A pension of $12 a month, dating from last January 7, is allowed to Mrs. Hannah J. Anderson of Mount Pleasant, widow of Claus Anderson."

Claus’s second wife, Hanna Jensen Anderson died 13 May 1925.
Pioneer Woman Found Dead at Home on Couch – 1925. Mrs. Hannah J. Anderson.
Special to the Tribune.
Mt. Pleasant – May 14 – Mrs. Hannah J. Anderson (Andersen), widow of Claus Anderson and a pioneer of this city, was found dead at her home in this city last evening when her son, W.C. Anderson went to call on her. Mrs. Anderson apparently had ben in her usual health and indications showed that she had lain down on a couch during the afternoon and had passed away while sleeping. Mrs. Anderson was born January 26, 1841, at Kayrnhedding, Malmo Lane, Sweden. Her husband and eldest child died in Sweden, and on November 14, 1871, Mrs. Anderson came to Utah. She was married to Claus Anderson in Mt. Pleasant, June 1, 1873, and they were the parents of four children, only one of whom survives, W.C. Anderson of this city. Mrs. Anderson also is survived by an adopted daughter, Mrs. M.H. Lundberg of Mackay, Idaho; a twin sister, Mrs. Anna Jensen Fredricksen, of this city, and another sister, Mrs. Charles Benson of Los Angeles, California. Seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild also survive. Mr. Anderson who was an Indian War veteran, died two and a half years ago. Funeral arrangements will not be completed until the arrival of relatives.

Hanna (Hannah) Jensen Anderson is buried at the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery Plot A_70_4_6 next to her husband, Claus Anderson.
Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Utah

Claus Anderson's sister, Matilda J. A. B. Bennett.
Mrs. Matilda Josephine Anderson Burns Bennett, 82, died Thursday evening following a lingering illness of causes incident to age. Mrs. Bennett was the widow of former Sheriff James Burn (b 1849, d 1984), early peace officer of Sanpete county, who was shot and killed by outlaws during a cattle foray in the mountains east of Spring City. Her oldest son, James Milton Burns (b 1873, d 1934) was killed while on duty as a guard at a Utah Fuel company mine in Castle Gate. He died of injuries suffered when beaten by a negro who later was lynched by a mob. Born in Jutland, Sweden, March 10, 1853, Mrs. Bennett was a daughter of Joseph and Marie Hogenson Anderson, who came to Utah in 1860. She was married o Sheriff Burns in Salt Lake City in 1869 and lived in Manti until his death in 1894. She had 2 sons James Milton Burns (b 1873, d 1925) and Clifton Thomas Burns (b 1879, d 1934). She married Rodolphus N. Bennett (b 1843, d 1927) an Indian war veteran. In 1902, and lived here. He died in 1926. Five sons and two daughters survive: Mrs. Lydia Williams and A.A. Burns, Willow Creek, Montana; Mrs. Beatrice Olson, Mt. Pleasant; J. H. Burns, Marysvale, and Reed Burns, Manhattan Beach California; a brother, Oscar Anderson, Mt. Pleasant; 19 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Salt Lake Tribune February 15, 1936.

Pioneer Mt. Pleasant Woman Succumbs At Home To Long Illness
Feb 13, 1936
Mt. Pleasant – Mrs. Matilda Josephine Anderson Burns Bennett, 82, died Thursday evening following a lingering illness of causes incident to age. Mrs. Bennett was the widow of former Sheriff James Burns, early peace officer of Sanpete County who was shot and killed by outlaws during a cattle foray in the mountains east of Spring City. Her oldest son, James Milton Burns, also a former Deputy Sheriff, was killed while on duty as a guard at a Utah Fuel company mine in Castlegate. He died of injuries suffered when beaten by a negro who later was lynched by a mob. Born in Jutland, Sweden, March 10, 1853, Mrs. Bennett was a daughter of Joseph and Marie Hogenson Anderson, who came to Utah in 1860. She was married to Sheriff Burns in Salt Lake City in 1869 and lived in Manti until his death in 1894. She married Rodolphus N. Bennett, an Indian War veteran, in 1902, and lived here. He died in 1928. Five sons and two daughters survive: Mrs. Lydia Williams and A.A. Burns, Willow Creek, Montana; Mrs. Beatrice Olson, Mt. Pleasant; J.H. Burns, Marysvale and Reed Burns, Manhattan Beach, California; a brother, Oscar Anderson, Mt. Pleasant; 19 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

[Matilda had 9 siblings in total:
1.    John Eric Anderson or Josephsen (b 1835). May have died in 1908 and is buried in the Logan City Cemetery, Utah.
2.    Carolina C. Anderson (b 1837). Immigrated 1861 at age of 29 (listed as age 23 on immigration company records).
3.    Claus Wilhelm (b 1838) Immigrated to the Utah Territory in 1866 when he was 28 years old. Lived in Mt. Pleasant. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran died in 1923.
4.    Carl August Anderson or Josephsen (1840)
5.    Carl August Anderson (1842
6.    Sophia Charlotte Anderson (1845)
7.    Frans Oscar Anderson (1848)
8.    Oscar F. Anderson (b 13 Dec 1849, d 17 Aug 1936). Buried in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Utah Plot: A_114_3_6. Oscar married Chastie Neilsen Anderson (b 1860 – d 1939).
9.    Edwin Theodore Anderson (1859)]
Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Utah

Claus Anderson's brother, Oscar Anderson and his wife, Chastie Neilsen Anderson.

Funeral for Chastie Anderson
Funeral services for Mrs. Chastie Anderson were held Saturday, December 16th at 2 p.m. in the North Ward Chapel with Bishop Henry P. Olsen presiding. Opening song, “Sometime Somewhere” was rendered by the choir. Invocation was offered by P.A. Peel. Choir sang “Rock of Ages”. O.F. Peel paid tribute to her memory. Vocal solo “In the Garden” was rendered by Ralph Hafen. Mrs. Margaret Hampshire eulogized her character. Vocal solo “That Wonderful Mother of Mine” was sung by Mrs. Pearl Peterson. Closing remarks were given by Bishop Henry P. Olsen. Closing song, “Abide With Me” was rendered by the choir. Benediction was offered by Jos Monsen. The grave in the City Cemetery was dedicated by Wilford West. From the Hazel Theora Jensen Anderson Lundberg Collection - Source Unknown.

Funeral for Chastie Anderson
Funeral services for Mrs. Chastie Anderson were held Saturday, December 16th at 2 p.m. in the North Ward Chapel with Bishop Henry P. Olsen presiding. Opening song, “Sometime Somewhere” was rendered by the choir. Invocation was offered by P.A. Peel. Choir sang “Rock of Ages”. O.F. Peel paid tribute to her memory. Vocal solo “In the Garden” was rendered by Ralph Hafen. Mrs. Margaret Hampshire eulogized her character. Vocal solo “That Wonderful Mother of Mine” was sung by Mrs. Pearl Peterson. Closing remarks were given by Bishop Henry P. Olsen. Closing song, “Abide With Me” was rendered by the choir. Benediction was offered by Jos Monsen. The grave in the City Cemetery was dedicated by Wilford West. From the Hazel Theora Jensen Anderson Lundberg Collection - Source Unknown.

Oscar and Chastie N Anderson along with their son Gerald Leroy Anderson are buried at the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery in Mt. Pleasant, Utah.

Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery A_114_3_6, Mt. Pleasant, Utah 

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