Saturday, December 8, 2012

Female Relief Society June 11, 1877

Meeting held June 11th 1877
 Opened with singing
Prayer by Sister Morrison
Sister Morrison addressed the sisters and said that business called her away and prevented her to attend fully to this meeting and she hoped that all the sisters  .... for a good purpose, so they will have a good time anyhow.

 After she left most all the sisters bore their testimonies in a faithful manner. Sister Josephsen spoke and felt like she would try to do good, but she can not .......she seeks to be a good Latter Day Saint and a good member of the Society, but she thought she could not come  ..... to it.

Sister Christine Jensen then testified that she visited Sister Josephsen's house almost from the beginning of the Society, and that she never left her home without a gift for the poor, and as a general thing treated the sisters with something good to eat

Sister Fechser brought in the report how she was getting along at Manti, looking for the Brethren felt well and was glad to do a little good towards the great work and was glad to have been chosen.

Sister Peterson spoke some about the silkworms and encouraged the sisters to take an interest in it and also she bore a faithful testimony to the truth; said that she was baptized in the church for 24 years and never faltered a minute, that this kingdom? was not the only truth in this world.

All felt well and a good spirit prevailed.

Meeting was closes with singing "We Thank Thee God for the the Prophet and prayer by Sister Peterson.

MFC Morrison Pres.
Louise Hasler, Sec

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