He died February 9, 1922
With the sheep industry in Sanpete county Christian W. Anderson of Mount Pleasant is closely and prominently associated and throughout the period of his connection with agricultural interests he has displayed a most progressive spirit and has occupied a position of leadership which has largely established a standard of activity for others along agricultural lines. Mr. Anderson was born November 11, 1843, in Malmo, Sweden, and came to Utah with his parents when a lad of twelve years. He is a son of Nels Widergren and Louisa (Linburg) Anderson, who were likewise natives of Sweden.
They joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1853 and on the 11th of November, 1854. started for America to join the colonists of their religious faith in Utah. They crossed the plains with ox teams in 1855 and soon after arriving at Salt
Lake removed to Brigham, where they remained until after the big move, when the family home was established at Ephraim in 1858. On the 20th of March, 1859, Mr.Anderson became one of the pioneers who settled Mount Pleasant, then known as Hamilton. It had been previously settled but afterward abandoned by the Hamilton party on account of Indian attacks. The second settlers remained and Wedergren Anderson continued a resident of Mount Pleasant until his death, being active throughout the entire period in various offices for the church. He died in 1880 and the mother passed
away in 1882. C. W. Anderson has an only sister, who was born in 1840 and on the 25th of December, 1858, became the wife of Andrew Madsen, a son of Lars and Bodel Madsen.
C. W. Anderson acquired his early education in the common schools of Sweden and after coming to America in order to acquaint himself with the English language attended school for one winter, the school being held in the basement of the church at Brigham. He studied spoiling and mathematics and later he continued his education by attending night school at Mount Pleasant. His has been a life of unremitting industry and his attention has largely been given to farming and the raising of sheep and other
live stock. As he has prospered in his undertakings as a farmer he has invested his surplus in stock and sheep and is still largely interested along those lines.
Sheep raising constitutes the most important industry of Sanpete county and Mr. Anderson is a prominent figure in connection therewith. In his farm work he has always followed the most progressive methods and that he is a man of initiative and enterprise is indicated in the fact that he brought the first mower and the first self-binder to Mount Pleasant. Also, in connection with his brother-in-law, Andrew Madsen, he ordered from Buffalo, New York, the first threshing machine used in the county. It was sent by water to San Francisco and by team to Salt Lake and thence brought to its destination. Mr. Anderson was likewise connected with the first sawmill, in which all the lumber was sawed for the Manti Temple. He figured as" one of the most prominent, active and influential men of Sanpete county during the early years of its development and progress. As time has passed and he has prospered in his undertakings he has become a stockholder in various important business enterprises and industries. On the organization of the North Sanpete Bank of Mount Pleasant he made investments in its stock and is also a stockholder in the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Provo, in the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company and in the Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company. He has displayed sound judgment and keen sagacity in the conduct of all of his business affairs and his success has followed as the legitimate outcome of intelligently directed effort.
In 1874 C. W. Anderson was married to Miss Margaret Thompson, a daughter of Thomas and Margaret Thompson. Mrs. Anderson passed away in 1875. For his second wife Mr. Anderson chose Johannah Pearson, a daughter of Lars and Benta (Poulson) Pearson, who were natives of Sweden and came to Utah at an early day, spending quiet lives at Mount Pleasant until called to their final rest.
The only son of Mr. Anderson's first marriage was William Martin, who died when but six months old. The children of the second marriage were: James McCalius, who died at the age of seven years; and Nelson W., who was born in Mount Pleasant, July 3, 1885. He was married in October, 1909, to Emma C. Johnson, of Salt Lake, and they became parents of six children, of whom three died in infancy, while those living are: Hulda Elizabeth, born November 14, 1910; Gordon N„ born April 20, 1915: Olive Emma, born May 5, 1918, Nelson W. Anderson filled a mission to Sweden, leaving home in February. 1907. and returning inJune, 1909. He was educated in the graded schools of Mount Pleasant and the Latter-day Saints College at Salt Lake, where he studied for seven years, pursuing a generaland also a commercial course. He likewise took a missionary course and also spent
one year as a student in the Agricultural College at Logan, where he gave his attention to civil engineering.
C. W. Anderson remains a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. He is the vice president of the Mount Pleasant (Utah) Historical Society and is serving on the monument directorate. In 1864 he went to the frontier in Captain
Canfield's company to aid in bringing emigrants to Utah. In 1897 he went on a mission to Sweden, where he spent two years. He has been closely associated with many events which have had to do with shaping the history and formulating the policy of Utah. He
was in the Indian wars of 1865, 1866 and 1867 and received a pension in recognition of services then rendered. In politics he is a democrat, well informed on the questions and issues of the day. He has now reached the seventy-sixth milestone on life's journey and his life has been one of usefulness, in which many interesting experiences have come to him. his stories of the early days in Utah presenting a most fascinating picture.
photo submitted by David R. Gunderson
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