Saturday, January 26, 2013

MOUNT PLEASANT The Business of a Thriving Burg

The Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City [Utah) 1870-1909, March 27, 1892, 

MOUNT PLEASANTThe Business of a Thriving Burg

The Immense Lumber and Wool Interests
List of Her Principal Houses

Mount Pleasant dates her history back
to the 29th day of April 1859 when seven
pioneers with their families located on
what is now the city creek. It has had its ups
and downs but finally it has come in ahead
of any of its neighboring towns as regards
population and it would have been the capItal 
of Sanpeto were it not so far east and
north of the center of the county
The resources of Mt Pleasant are legion
and peer with those of any of our southern
towns Agriculture is tho leading pursuit
hero being between 7000 and 8000 acres
under cultivation embracing grain fruit
produce and all kinds of hay lucerno being
that most largely grown Tile clip of wool
reaches beyond the half million mark
The population of Mt Pleasant Is rated
2320 but it is thought this should be
nearly 3000

The principal industry outside tho agricultural
cultural is lumber there being no less than
a dozen sawmills owned by the citizens of
Mount Pleasant Coal mines are located east of the city
ample for her needs they will eventually
nncl other markets The sheep interests
are no small items there being no less than L
150000 sheep who traco their ownership to Lt t
Mt Pleasantites

The educational status of Mt Pleasant is I
one of its best features and should be 1
noted more fully than space will now per
mit but brief mention must bo made of
lie Wasatch academy an institution established 
about seventeen years ago by the 
Synod of New York a benevolent 
organisation and sustained by contributions  
from the Presbyterians and others of Mt
Pleasant The new building at once strikes
the visitor as being a monument of credit  
to its founders This temple of learning is
of brick two stories covering an area of
49x01 feet with well equipped recitation
rooms on the first floor and a music room
library and laboratory on the second to
gether with temporary living apartments
for those in charge The academy man
agement havo secured the services of
Prof I N Smith an efficient teacher
and graduate of Ann Arbor Michigan
who is also well versed in what constitutes
a gentleman and a friend hence once a
pupil ever a I friend in this school This
popular quality is also enjoyed by his able
corps of assistants in the lower branches of
education from tho chart classes to the
high school A course of nine years is  
necessary to graduate or three years in
each department There is   at present an
attendance of one hundred and fifty pupils I
and Prof Smith feels very much encouraged 
 with his laudablo work.

The professor has taken time to establish
what is called a Young Mens Columbian 
club the object of which is the
dissemination of literature moral and
social science and politics discussion of
these subjects being a decided feature A
Chautauqua circle is also an emanation
from this college which however includes
some outside the institution and has for its
object the literary and educational inter L
ests of its members This circle has a
membership of twenty and is much en I
joyed The Wasatch academy has a de
partment under the management of Mrs
A L Burnett called the Girls Home
whose object is to give a home for young
ladies from a distance attending school
domestic instruction is the special feature
of this branch.

is presided over by a bright young lady
Miss Nora Omenn who besides being well
adapted to her duties is a devout Christian
and loses no opportunity to encourage
those under her care to keep in the line oi
their duties from her standpoint and she is
also a thorough musician Hud maims the
divine art a feature of the course of in

is a bright newsy weekly that is independent
 from every standpoint being fearless
to express itself on any subject of public
interest It makes a specialty of allowing
the Mormons the privilege of independence
and is under no Liberal lash It is owned
by Boydon Brothers Anderson three
young gentlemen work rs and practical
newspaper men and printers hence the
paper is a creditable sheet throughout
The president of the Saupete county

is located at Mt Pleasant Mr Ferdinand
Ericksen Ho is also prosecuting attorney
for the county and is decidedly one of the
brightest young lawyers and Democrats in
the county

Dr S H Allen a rising young M D is
located at Mt Pleasant and with Dr W
W Woodring another Democrat
constitutes the medical fraternity of Mt
Pleasant and surrounding towns
Mt Pleasant Business Men
M G Rolph is one of the most enterprising 
young men of Sanpete county and
as a merchant is well rated commercially
On July I5 I891 Mr Webb Green took an
interest in the business which is now one
of the most flourishing concerns in the
town They ship on an average of about
thirtyfive cases of eggs per week and re
cently sent a carload of live chickens to
California Their store is located in the
very heart of the business center and their I
stock is most complete in all that is known
as general merchandise including all the
novelties in this seasons market such as
valentines Christmas novelties fireworks
masks etc As before intimated they do
an immense export trade in grain produce
eggs poultry and lumber They enjoy the
credit of being the first store in town to
discard scrip and make cash their circulating
Tho Mount Pleasant hotel is recognized
as being the best in town and a visit to this
popular home for the traveler shows the
veracity of the statement Mrs A P
Omenn the hostess is one of those kind
motherly ladies who make all her guests
feel like blessing her for her many kind
little acts of kindness that cannot be
bought in any of the hotels on the road
She is ably seconded by the entire family
all joining to make the weary comfortable
A short distance south of Main street
lands a neat little store where we find a
choice stock of dry goods groceries  
and china ware a courteous reception is
accorded by those in charge The store
we refer to is owned by Larsen Brothers  
three young men well known in Mount
Pleasant bavins been born there and
grown up with the city The establish
ment of their business was a venture that
t heir judgment told them would bo profitable
which subseqbently proved to be correct
and the result showed that their judgment
was not at fault Mr Lauritz Larsen the
manager obtained his experience acting in
the capacity of clerk in several of the local
stores and his commercial abilitv and care
ful management coupled with his good
uying qnahties insure a good fresh stock
at prices to suit the most exacting customer
omer They do an exclusive cash busi
ness and are on the high road to prosperity
Martin Reinheimer a familiar figure n
Mount Pleasant and Spring city having
been a drug dispenser and proprietor of
the Capitol saloon has pulled up stakes
and will hereafter run a drug store in
Marysvaie the coming mining town Mr
Reinheimer is an adept at making friends
and will without doubt count them by
egion in his new field Success to you
The Mount Pleasant planing mill with
Messrs Hanson Lee its proprietors is
ocated l on the street leading Irom the depot
and enjoys the distinction of being the
pioneer steam saw and planing j mill in San
pete county They have a shop in connec
tion with the mill in which a complete sot
of machines for all kinds of scroll sawing
shaping turning etc can be seen
The immense lumber interests of Mount
Pleasant are so well known that comment
is   unnecessary but among the principal
lumbermen are found Messrs Hanson
Sink  Co who had command at the
foundation of the business and about six
months ago established a most complete
and well equipped lumberyard and planing
mill which was a most neces
sary auxiliary to the Mt Pleasant 
building interests The contractors and
builders recognized their enterprise 
inasmuch as they have a most encouraging busi
ness and outlook The keep an immense
stock of nice finishing lumber hand and
do all kinds of sawing planing and 
machine work including moulding matching
rustic work etc They have aiJohorse
steam engine which they find totally in
adequate to their increasing business and a
new one is ordered which will be fully half
as large again
The Lee Seely Lumber company is the
chief lumber company in the county and is
a source of surprise to thoso passing
through from the immense piles noticed at
their lumber yard near the depot Their I
mill located about twelve miles east has all
capacity for running out 1100000 feet in
one season They havo a stock on hand of
about 3000000 feet and have a market
reaching all over the county Their trade
did reach to Salt Lake until the new timber 
law cut off their outside market
Rosenstone Brother late of Nephi
have opened up their Chicago bargain
store in a good location on Main street
These gentlemen are well known for their
active enterprise and soon commanded a
good trade in their line which comprises I
all kinds of novelties dry goods boots
slices tinware jewelry optical goods etc
all of which they sell at prices unknown to I
this part of Utah on the strict Chicago
basis in fact Mr B S Kosenstone is now
in  the east on his annual business trip 1
purchasing goods for this and their brand
store in Richfield This store is in charge I
of Mr A Rosenstone

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