Saturday, April 27, 2013

40th Division Furlough Dance 1941

Comment from Lee R. Christensen:

KATHY;   Sorry I could not help you with this one.  I’m still guessing the Rhythmairs were Marsden Allred and his group.  The date has me confused? 
I’m thinking September a bit early for the furloughs that were granted when it was announced that we were headed overseas.  As I remember in September we were doing Army granted  time killing activates.  A number of the troopers hunted deer with army rifles and ammunition.    A number of us spent nearly a week in Monterey, California at the County fair.  The Draft Act  had just been reworked so we were in for the duration and could be sent overseas.   I wonder who in Mt Pleasant was giving this period a special emphasis.    Sorry no help .   But your posting has given me an idea for July.  I’ll write a short article on our unit acitivities from 8 December ’41 to when I left the unit in May ’42.  

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