Meeting held September 3rd, 1877
Opened with singing and prayer by Sister Peel.
Reports of donations and disbursements were read and also a letter of condolences to the family of President B. Young sent from the Sisters of Mt. Pleasant.
Sister Morrison addresssed the Sisters with a penful (sp) feeling for the loss of our beloved Pres. B. Young. She said it was hard trial and a great loss for the Latter Day Saints but the Lord gives and the Lord only takes what he gives and he finished his work upon the earth and was ready to go beyond the veil to dwell with the Gods. Sister Morrison exhorted the Sisters to live so that we always may remember the good counsel and wise instruction that our beloved Prophet had given when he was amongst us.
Sister Peel also felt the great change and heavy loss of our dear Prophet and the same feeling was spoken of of every Sister that rose to speak.
Some business matter were arranged and a Sewingbee was selected of Mondy 24, September and meeting was closed with singing, "Let Those Who Would Be Saints Indeed" and prayer by Sister Morrison
MFC Morrison, Pres
K. Louise Hasler, Sec
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