Sunday, May 19, 2013
Mt. Pleasant Relief Society Sisters Letter to Mary Ann Young ~ August 1877
Mrs. Mary Ann Young
And others of the family,
Beloved Sisters
The painfull intelligence has reached us this afternoon of the decease of your beloved husband and father, and our much respected Pres. Brother Brigham.
He has run his race and finished his course and gained for himself an inheritance among the Gods.
Dear Sisters and children, we the sisters of Mt. Pleasant do most deeply sympathise with you all under this your most trying bereavement. And pray God our Heavenly Father that you may receive strength equal to the affliction you have been called upon to pass through.
Brother Brigham has closed his career with honor and dignity. And like a shock of corn fully ripe has laid down to await a glorious resurrection. May we who are here behind try to adhere to counsels and teaching, strive to emulate his example. And may our whole future be spent in meekness and humility that when our turn comes to pass behind the veil it may be said to us as to him, "Well done good and faithful servants, enter then into the joy of thy Lord".
Your Sisters in the Gospel
MVC Morrison, Pres
Helena Madsen, couns.
Christiana Peel, couns.
Louisa K Hasler, Secty
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