Sunday, June 30, 2013


In the Spring of the year when the sap is up in the willows, it is easy to make a whistle. Cut a length of willow, from between two branches so it has no knots (1).

Carve a notch halfway through the stem. Cut just through the bark and then slide the bark sleeve off the stem (2).

Be careful not to squeeze the bark sleeve too hard or it will crack. The bark slips off real easy after tapping it gently with the handle of a pocket knife. When the bark is removed, carve the inner soft wood as shown in the picture (3).

After the wood is carved, wet the carved end of the whistle in your mouth, and
slip the bark sleeve back on (4).

You have just made yourself a Willow Whistle.
Six years ago we hosted both the Spring City Elementary and the Mt. Pleasant Elementary Schools. Out on the back lawn, we had 95 year old Alice Hafen demonstrating how to make this willow whistle. It was a delight for the children.

Grandma Alice knew so many of the pioneer craft that she was taught by her pioneer grandparents. She was a wonderful resource for both our blog and the Relic Home.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sanpete County

The above is taken from a booklet prepared by the Sanpete Industrial Development Committee, Manti, Utah  in 1957

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sunday School Jubilee, Dress, Sheep Industry and Laundry, as Remembered by Arlo May Stansfield

Inside  the Laundry (compliments of Relic Home archives)
The Laundry was located on 5th west and 89 south
where Pat Willcox Meats did business,  and currently the Wine Distillery now operates.

(from Relic Home Archives)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fourth of July ~ Chilldhood Daze

Edith Allred
Saga of the Sanpitch 1977

The Fourth of July   holiday was
the social event of the season for children. Weeks before the big event arrived, I was busy picking out
materials and pattern for my dress. Pastel shades in violets, organdies, georgette crepes, linens or ducks
were the most popular materials. Length of the ribbon sash often determined one’s social status.
Children saved their allowances for days, and obtained promises from daddy for a certain specific
amount to be forthcoming. Fifty cents was fair, but one dollar to spend all in one day was unbelievable.
Stirring patriotic speeches, in the patriotic meetings held after the parade, were sincere and
impressive. Although the younger children did not understand all of the speeches, they sensed their value
and appeal. The American flag was a symbol to be revered; no one put it down.

In the afternoon, races were held on the church lawn. What a thrill to win 35 cents for one race.
Baseball games, concessions, and matinee dances for the children offered additional fun for the day. Of
course, a grand ball in the Armory Hall completed the day’s festivities.
Several times a year, married folks’ dances were held in the Armory Hall. Younger people attended,
but the dances were geared for the older people, and the music was for their special dances. It was
fascinating to watch these people dance the schottische, mazurka, Virginia Reel, quadrille, Rye waltz, and
plain waltz. Jimmie Fiddler of Spring City furnished the music for many of these dances.
Some of the younger people tried to learn these dances, but none could master the techniques of
the “old timers.” Not one could kick up his leg with the sprightly grace of Hyrum Seely, Erick Ericksen,
Clarence Jacobsen, Hyrum Merz, Peter Peel or John Winkelman to name a few. Neither did any ever learn
to call the square dances like Erick Ericksen.

Playing out at night during the summer was another special form of entertainment. If one had
never hidden in Peter Matson’s garden spot waiting for the play leader to call “Run, My Sheep, Run”, he
had missed a part of his education, especially if Mr. Matson discovered him first.
“Kick the Can” was another fun game, especially when the older boys were part of the group.
Stolen secret kisses while we were hiding were all a part of the game.
Spirited baseball games took place in the middle of the road during the earlier hours of the day,
although they never quite attained the same amount of ‘spirit’ that some of the Little League games of
today generate. Perhaps the mothers had more to keep them occupied in those days; Kind drivers turned
their teams around the edges of the road so as not to disturb the game.
Riding out to the farm with Lawrence Winters on his hayrack was also an unforgettable experience.

Early in the morning we took our lunches and set out. Here, in the cool, crisp morning air I heard the first
meadowlark calling its mate. Just the joy of being alive on such beautiful days provided the zest for living.
Besides, we just might be the ones to find the first buttercup of the season.  
  Coming home in the late afternoon, we lay on our backs atop a load of newly mown hay and talked
of our dreams and aspirations, the lazy white clouds floating above us in the blue sky.  
Perhaps the greatest thrill of the year was our annual trip to Manti to attend the Sanpete County
Fair. Mama always managed to get us some new clothes for this occasion. What fun it was to ride the
Ferris wheel, judge the produce to suit ourselves, and tease the animals. Once we took one of my friends
with us. We were all in the Manti Theater watching a wrestling match. We were twelve and had not yet
developed an appreciation for the violence of the wrestlers, so we ran outside.
As luck would have it, two nice-looking young men who were also about twelve came along and
invited us to go in the Ferris wheel. We accepted, and when it stopped with us on the very top, the boys
asked us our names and told us they were Kermit and Gail. This was the real beginning of my romantic
interests in Manti, a love affair I never forgot because of the many good times I had there with relatives and
       As my own two daughter were growing up, I was saddened to see them dancing all evening with the
same boy. I felt that they never really got to know what fun was, for growing up in Sanpete included a
liberal education in dancing with all the boys, not just one possessive “steady.”
At Moonwinks, Moroni Open Air, Palisade Park, Fountain Green, and Fiddlers’ Green we danced
under the stars until all hours. Then home we went with a few friends to have bacon and eggs.
Ephraim, Armory Hall, Fairview, Spring City, Manti, all were a part of the dancing circle. July 3rd
dances usually lasted all night, and the Junior Proms were held for two consecutive evenings. Never were
children treated to such dancing pleasure.

Thank you, Sanpete County, for a childhood I would not change.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Peter Madsen Peel and Wife, Christine Folkman Peel

This information was found  the Scandinavian Jubilee page 190
Peter Madsen Peel was Mt. Peasant's first blacksmith......Christine Folkman Peel served for many years as a counselor to Mary Margaret Morrison in the Relief Society.

Carolyn Christensen

01/22/1928 - 06/20/2013

Arla Carolyn Christensen 85 of Mount Pleasant, UT passed away June 20, 2013 in Sandy, UT. She was born January 22, 1928 in Mount Pleasant, UT to William McKay and Dolores Evelyn Christensen Zabriskie. Graduated from Wasatch Academy in 1946 and later worked for Wasatch in the business office as a book keeper and later as a cook in the cafeteria. Married James Elmer Christensen June 24, 1947 in Mount Pleasant, UT. He passed away Sept of 1999. Later married Robert Heeson Bushell April of 2011. He passed away June 2012. Carolyn enjoyed playing the piano, but her real passion was the love of her church. She devoted all of her life in service and was the oldest member. The missionaries at the 1st Presbyterian Church always made her feel loved and special. She is revered by all who knew her. Survived by daughters, Faye Elaine (Wallace) Coates, Sandy, UT; Julie Kae (Jay) King, Corvallis, MT; Ann Marie (Charles) Weber, Lake Charles, LA; 11 grand children and 12 great grand children. Preceded in death by her parents; husbands; daughter, Teri Katheryn Brower; son-in-law, Gerry Brower; siblings, Duane, Gail, Marland, Darwin and Kay Zabriskie. Memorial services will be held Thurs June 27, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. at the Grace Lutheran Church (1815 E 9800 S Sandy, UT 84092). Visitation Friday June 28th at 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Rasmussen Mortuary (96 N 100 W) Mount Pleasant, UT. Interment in the Mount Pleasant City Cemetery following.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Old Mt. Pleasant North Ward Church- Torn down in 1952

This picture of the Old Mt. Pleasant North Ward Church  also shwos  the Hamilton Elementary School in the background, the bell tower which stood atop 
The following are excerpts from History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf concerning the planning and construction of the North Ward Church:

First Meeting and School House
Early in 1860, a temporary building for meeting and school purposes was finished. It was a building 20 feet by 30 feet, located almost in the center of the fort; facing south, with one door and two windows, and a huge fire place in the west end of the building.
The logs for the building had been cut in the mountains and hauled to the fort by Orange and Wellington Seeley, John Carter, and several others, and later when the tithing office was built, Orange and Wellington Seeley had the contract to get logs out, while others were assigned to haul them from the mountain.
January 12th, Apostle Orson Hyde and Ezra T. Benson visited the colony and preached to the people, and on January 13th, A. B. Strickland assisted by Mrs. Oscar Winters began teaching school. Brother Strickland, who had some difficulty with the children, was assaulted and abused by James R. Ivie, the dispute arising over some punishment inflicted by the teacher upon a brother of Ivie. Brother Strickland closed his school the 26th of March. On April 9th, Alma J. Forsyth began a similar school for the summer months. We quote Rudolph N. Bennett, in a talk given by him at a pioneer meeting, March 24, 1924, "There was at that time three months at school and nine months out at work, not vacation; no wonder some of us have not the book learning we would like, but we did not have the opportunity to get it. The school seats were then made of slabs and the desks were of rough boards. The schools now have all that is necessary, including music." Concerning the use of the building, we again quote Mr. Bennett, "This building was also used for a dance hall, 'Nigger Shows,' theatre and school doings. The lights were furnished by a sage brush or cedar fire; on special occasions tallow candles were used. The house was always packed because the people were glad for any kind of entertainment that could be given."
pp 62-63

New Meeting House

January 4, 1865, a special meeting was called for the purpose of discussing ways and means of erecting the new meeting house, as the Social Hall was now too small and a larger place was needed to accommodate the people. It was proposed to erect a large meeting house in the center of the church block. A resolution was adopted assessing each person over eighteen years of age $10.00. Besides, a property tax of three percent was levied upon the property. William S. Seeley, Amasa Scovil, Niels Rosenlof, and William F. Reynolds were appointed as a building committee. February 17th, a contract was let to James Hansen and Niels Ro­senlof to erect the building. It was to be of white adobe and was to be completed by May 1, 1866. The contract price was $14, ­000.  p. 93

Work was at once begun, a good foundation laid, and the wall started, but on President Young's next visit, he told the people the building was too small and, consequently work was discontinued for the time being. March 4th, a grand celebration was held in Salt Lake City, celebrating the re-inauguration of President Lincoln, and a number of people throughout the county attended. On Saturday, April 5th, upon learning of the assassination of President Lincoln, all business houses in Salt Lake City were closed and the communities were in mourning. p. 94

Brigham Young Visits Mt. Pleasant

President Young and a number of the twelve apostles again visited the community. They were met by the brass band, the Sunday School children and a great many saints. At a large gathering held in the bowery, Joseph F. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, George A. Smith and George Q. Cannon spoke of the benefits of  co-operation and home manufacturing, and also dwelt on the Word of Wisdom. President Young pronounced a blessing upon the people, begging them to live their religion. Many good instructions were received and the saints rejoiced much over the visit. Lauritz Larsen was at this time serving as the church re­corder. The grasshoppers having nearly disappeared, the people "were successful in again raising a large crop of grain. The Union Pacific Railroad had reached Ogden and many implements were shipped into the territory. A combined reaper-mowing machine, called "The World," and a hay rake were purchased and brought to the town by C. W. Anderson and Andrew Madsen. This was the first rake and machine brought to Mt. Pleasant.
August 16th, Paul Dehlin, Abraham Day, and Samuel S. Witten were appointed to supervise the building of the meeting house, on the foundation laid in 1867, at which time, on account of the trouble with the Indians, work was suspended. Ebbie Jessen took contract for the mason work for $800.00 and Erick Gunderson and Jacob Rolfson the carpenter work for $2,000.00 A poll tax of $10.00 for each man was paid towards it. It might be interesting to know that at that time adobes were $10.00 per thousand, and freight on window glass was $25.00 cwt., from the Missouri River. At about this time some people became dissatisfied and apostatized from the church. The High Council, a quorum of twelve men, chosen by the church to settle difficulties among the Saints, was organized with Bishop Seeley as the president. p 131

From the minutes of the priesthood quorum the following is taken: "December 11, 1870, High Priests met according to
appointment in the new Meeting House. After some remarks
President Staker stated he did not feel to lengthen his remarks on account of the uncomfortable condition in the house." This is the first record of any gathering having been held in the build­ing.
The Deseret News of March 3, 1871, published the following
"Mt. Pleasant. Elder George Farnsworth writes an interesting letter on the 26 ult. from Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah He says that on account of the very mild winter, fears of the scarcity of water during the coming summer for irrigation pur­poses have been very general throughout Sanpete Valley. But as such fear has been dispelled by the abundance of snow which has fallen during two or three weeks, prior to the date of his  letter. p. 134

Under date of April 28th, the Deseret News contained the following from a correspondent from Mount Pleasant: "The Northern Sanpete
Co-operative institution, organized a short time ago, having sold shares to a considerable amount within the past few days, taking mostly young stock in payment, was started from this place this morning for the herd ground in Thistle Valley. Our new meeting house is nearly completed. The weather in this section has been very cold and stormy, causing delay in sowing, hut a good crop is anticipated this season. The health of the people is generally good." p. 134
A committee was named to clean the interior and white wash the walls of the meeting house, which had been built a few years previous. In 1889 it was thought advisable to have the meeting house heated with coal instead of wood. Report was made that fifty benches had been made by members for use in the bowery
They proposed to get a church bell before the next year. A
committee was appointed to get men and teams to level the north side of the church square, and to further beautify the grounds by planting suitable shade and pine trees. A committee was also appointed to supervise the painting of the fence." Note: The fence was built by Levi and William Reynolds, and was extra high. p. 164


"Mt. Pleasant, March 21, 1910.-Yesterday was Pioneer Day in this City, but the Pioneers and their descendants held their celebration Saturday. A program was given at the North Ward Meeting House. An interesting feature of the day was a collection of Pioneer relics, displayed at the Opera House. There were old spinning wheels, wooden shoes, flint-lock guns of over a hundred years ago, Indian millstones, pewter ware brought across the plains in the handcart companies, and many other things. The day's festivities closed with a grand ball in the evening at the Madsen Opera House." p. 195

In 1913-14, the old "meeting house" was remodeled and new benches purchased. At this time, the gallery was taken out, and a vestibule was built on the west. The building was dedicated by President Anthon H. Lund, and then became known as the North Ward Chapel. p. 198

Later (John Hasler) took the leadership of the ward choir; George Farnsworth, the former leader had resigned. At that time, no printed
music was arranged to the Church Hymn books, he wrote all the notes and arranged them to the Latter-day Saints' Hymns, until the Psalmody was edited. No heated rooms were provided for their practices, a leader had to make his own fires, and bring his own coal oil for their lights. Later, when an organ was pro­vided for the meeting house, the leader had to teach the organists before the practices. Entertainments had to be arranged to en­courage the members as well as the public. In this capacity, Mr. Hastler labored for over twenty years. . . . He was greatly thankful to be able to enjoy his work. He was noted for his punctuality, he never was known to have been late to meet an ap­pointment where duty called.
He was an organizer in this line of work, not only in Mt. Pleasant, but in many other towns he organized choirs and bands. p. 243

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Those Big Horses Can Pull At Your Heart Strings, Too

Photos courtesy of The Salt Lake Tribune  ~ Sunday, April 24, 1977

Que Seely  and Pulling Horse

Que Seely, resident of Mt. Pleasant (now deceased) pulled horses as a hobby. 
It cost him both legs, amputated below the knees in horse -related injuries and
 complicated by diabetes.

He loved big horses all his life
He won second place in his first pulling contest in Ephraim in 1946.
He  conditioned his team beginning in the spring by pulling them every day.

He pulled his team in 13 states and in 1976 pulled them in his wheelchair.

In a pulling contest the big teams are hooked up to boats or sleds loaded with rocks,
barrels of cement, anything heavy enough. 
The winners are the ones who pull the farthest.

Que passed away October 24, 1981
He was married to Eva Tolman Seely

Friday, June 21, 2013

History of Mary Campbell ~ Mountainville History ~ Compiled by Melba Shelley Hill

Additional information taken from Family Search:  

Mary died 30 November 1966 in Boise, Idaho
She was married to David Garlic from Fairview.  He died in Idaho in 1952.
They were parents to twelve children.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Photos of South Side of Main Street ~ Found at City Hall

Five and Dime            ~              Safeway  
Drugstore  ~ Main and State

Telephone Office

Red and White

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Female Relief Society ~ October 1, 1877

Meeting Held October 1, 1877

Opened with singing  "All  Prise to Our Redeeming Love
Prayer by Sister Madsen

Sister Madsen addressed the Sisters and said that she felt well to meet with the Sisters again, but felt sorry that there was only a few with us today, she said by last meeting a Sister ask .... duty it ... upon a sister that ...her name down for a Member of the Society.  She thought that it was the duty of every Sister to come to meeting and unity with the Sisters in every duty.  She hoped that the Sisters would take an interest and ...over there work and come to meeting and invited (?) there gifts with their faith and all would feel better.

Sister Peel rose and felt well, but the same curious feeling was spoken of as Sister Madsen remarking that only a few of the Sisters takes the time to come to Meeting and that........... they would take more interst to come to Meeting.  She exhorted the sisters to send their children to our school and also to sustain our Co-op Stoor and sustain everything that belong to this kingdom and stand up for the upbuilding of this church.  She also put in mind of the Sisters to take care of everything with which the Lord had given us and to do as much good as we can.

Sister Simpson aso bore a faithful testimony and felt to thank the Lord for the abundant crop and hope that the Sisters will always have something to share for the poor.

Others of the Sisters brought in  the report as the ....visiting.

Meeting was  closed with singing "The Time .....Happy Time"
Prayer by Sister Peel

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Early Mt. Pleasant City Photos Found at City Hall

The top photo is if Main Street.  The building with the sign says Chicago....... (can't read the rest)

Center Photo is the Old North Ward Church

Bottom photo is Main Street after a fire or flood.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Andrew Madsen's Journal Part V

Andrew Madsen Sr.
About the middle of August, 1958, James R. Ivie, Ben E. Clapp, Joseph R. Clemens, Isaac Allred, Sr., James Allred, Jr., James Allred Sr., Reubin W. Allred and Richard Ivie were chosen at Ephraim as an Exploring Committee to select a suitable location for a new settlement in Northern Sanpete Valley.

This committee traveled northward until they reached the spot where Madison D. Hamilton, five years previous attempted to colonize and settle, but was later driven away by the terrorizing Indians.  The Indians regarded the retreat of Madison D. Hamilton as an indication of weakness on the part of their white foes, and rejoiced that the waters of Hamilton Creek and the grasses of the broad meadows were to remain undisturbed as the famous hunting ground of the Red Men of Central Utah, but such a site could not be overlooked by men in search  of homes and desirous of founding a city where the natural facilities were everywhere present and where the climate is tempered by the altitude and pleasant breeze, never too hot in summer or too cold in the winter.  The cool mountain waters fresh from the snow and the clear bracing atmosphere, made life a continuous round of pleasure.

These brave men determined that this was the ideal spot for the location of a city and returned  and reported their views to the emigrants, who had reached Ephraim to remain over the winter.  A meeting was called and a petition was drafted, signed by sixty men who were desirous of locating further north, at the place selected.  Not knowing just how to proceed or what  to do, James R. Allred and James Ivie were chosen as a committee to go to Salt Lake City and present the petition to President Brigham Young.

The committee arrived in Salt Lake City, September 6th, met Elder Orson Hyde on the street and at once stated their purpose, after which, he kindly escorted them to President Young's office.  After the petition was considered, the President expressed himself as perfectly in favor of the place designated.  President Young, not being desirous  of choosing their leaders or Bishop at this time, drafted the following letter, which was sent back with the committee and submitted to the petitioners.

Great Salt Lake City, Sept. 6, 1858
"To Brother John Reese and the rest of the Brethren whos names are on the list.
I am perfectly willing that you shall go ahead and make a settlement, but we must consider whether it will be safe or not.  You wish to know my mind on the subject.  It is this:  That you must build you a good substantial Fort to live in.  Use every caution that is necessary against the Indians.  Your Fort wall must be 12 feet hig, 4 ft. thick and good stone or dobies laid in lime mortar.
I also wish you to select one of your members as President and one for a Bishop.

You will have to  be very careful of your stock or you will lose them.  You should have a good, substantial corral for them.  In choosing your farming land get it as near together as possible.  It would be better to have only one piece, fenced, then you are compact in case of an attack on you of Indians or white men.

I think this is all I have to say on this subject.

Perhaps you would like to hear the news.  Everything is quiet here in the City.  There are a good many gentiles but they behave themselves pretty well.

May God bless you, is my prayer for all other  good men."

(Signed) Brigham Young.

P.S. This is my counsel to you.

September 14th.  The committee returned from Salt Lake City and notified the petitioners, who at once called a meeting.

The letter received from President Young was presented and read and the contents therein noted, which advice was favorably received.

At this time a committee of three, viz; James R. Ivie, James K. Clemens and Isaac Allred were chosen to go with the surveyors to choose and select a site where th Fort should be built and to lay out city lots and twenty more tracts of farming land.  This was done and 1300 acres of choice farming land was selected and platted, together with a number of city lots, after which the committee returned home about the middle of October.

Upon the return, a meeting was called by the petitioners.  Their report was accepted and later thy drew lots by number for the land aned lots which were pointed out to them by the committee the following Spring.

January 10th, 1859 the petitioners  again called a meeting which was held in the school house for the purpose of organizing and to make preparations for moving to the new quarters.  After a discussion of some length James R. Ivie was chosen their President and Redick Allred was chosen Bishop, after which the meeting adjourned.

Redick Allred not being sure whether or not he would move north with the party in the Spring declined to accept the position as Bishop over the colony.

About the last of February I, Andrew Madson, in the company with my four brothers Mads, Peter, Christian and Neils, and George Frandsen, Rasmus Frandsen, Neils Widergreen Anderson, C.W. Anderson, Sidney Allred, Peter Monsen, Christian Jensen1st, , Alma Allred, Peter Johansen, Mikle Christensen, soren Jacobsen, James Meiling, moved north until we were just west of where the settlement was to be located.  We pitched our camp in a ravine on the west side of the Sanpitch River and began cutting posts, which were to be used for fencing farms as soon as Spring opened up.

Here we were joined by Alma Zabriskie, James Allred and Sidney Allred, who had gone up prior to us with cattle and horses to winter, they being the first to move towards the new settlement.

After remaining at the camp for a short time, Alma Zabriskie, James Allred and Sidney Allred, with five yoke of cattle, their wagons with seed wheat, drove through the deep snow to the present site where Mt. Pleasant now stands.

March 20th we broke up camp and moved our wagons and tents to where the Fort was to be built and pitched our camps on the bank of the creek, which is now Pleasant Creek.  Some of our party remained and myself with the balance returned to Fort Ephraim to see our families and get a supply of provisions.  We returned again to the new quarters on April 10th in company with President Ivie, Isaac Allred and their sons.  Also C.C.A. Christensen, P.M. Peel, Martin Aldrich, together with a great many others, carrying with us our farming tools (such as they were, all homemade) and a supply of seed wheat and grain.

Neils M. Burrison, Phillip Burrison, James Hansen, frederick Fechser and a number of others from Utah Valley arrived there about the same time.

My farming in 1859 was very limited.  The sagebrush on my land was large and dense, the soil being very rich.

I like the other settlers, had to work hard for we had all we could do and no mans to hire help with.

We began plowing on the 16th day of April and settlers continued to arrive from various parts.  It became necessary for President Ivie to call upon the surveyors to plat out more land and at this time there was 1200 acres more platted making a total of 2500 acres claimed.

On April 20th, President Ivie directed a letter to Brigham Young advising him of the organisation they had affected and also of the move from Ephraim and the progress of the colony.  He also made mention of the constantly arriving settlers.
A short time later the following letter was received from President Young in reply to the one sent.

(James R. Ivie,
Pleasant Creek
Sanpete County

Dear Brother:

In reply to your letter oof the 20th inst.  I have to inform you that I have heard no complaint concerning your new settlement and trust there will be no grounds for any reasonable complaint by anyone disposed to do right.  In your location it would seem to be an easy matter to manage your affairs justly for the benefit of all concerned and to take early and efficient steps for building a secure Fort that you may be safe in an Indian Country and conduct all your affairs upon wise principles, living industriously and humble that you may make your settlement pleasant and beneficial to yourself, the Country and territory at large, in all of which you have the best wishes of your Brother in the Gospel."

(signed)  Brigham Young

We continued in planting crops until we had cleared and cultivated about 1000 acres, built a number of irrigation ditches and conveyed the water upon the land.

Later in May, when the planting of crops ceased, we united ourselves together and built and erected two and one half miles of fence along the east side of the big field.

Much trouble was experienced in taking care of our oxen, as they would stray off for miles during the night.

On May 11th Isaac Allred was assaulted and killed by Thomas Ivie, resulting from a quarrel over the differences of a small herd bill.  Mr. Ivie at once left the territory and never returned.

Just as soon as the opportunity afforded, myself and brother, Mads Madsen, built a dugout jointly and about May 12th we went to Fort Ephraim for our families, returning a few days later.

May the 15th, a number of families arrived from Pleasant Grove amongst who were W.S. Seely, John Carter, Moroni Seeley, Jesse W. Seeley, Justus Wellington Seeley, Orange Seely, John Tidwell, George Farnsworth, Harvey Tidwell, Jefferson Tidwell, Nelson Tidwell, John Meyrick, George Meyrick and others.  They were received with welcome.  Allotments of land were given them upon arrival and they began to till the soil.

On May 30th, President Ivie called a meeting for the purpose of discussing the building of the Fort and as to what methods to pursue.  In conclusion four men were appointed to supervise the construction of the wall.  Jahu Cox was allotted the north side, Thomas Woolsey the west side, Wm. S. Seely the south side and John Tidwell the east side.  Workmen were organized in companies of ten and the work commenced immediately with rapid progress.

This list herein contains a complete record of every person who contributed labor towards the erection of this great stone wall.

During the month of June we were kept very busy utilizing every spare moment in attending to our crops and the building of the large Fort Wall, which was four feet wide at the bottom, two feet wide at the top and twelve feet high, enclosing one of the large blocks in the center of the colony of about five and one half acres.  This wall was constructed, leaving port holes for every family therein, and the space between was utilized for the erection of one house for each port hole.

July 9th, Apostle George A. Smith and Amasa Lyman visited the Colony, giving much good advice and instructions unto the people, stating that they had come for the purpose of perfecting an organization and to organize them into an ecclesiastical Ward.  Wm. Stewart Seeley was chosen, sustained and ordained as Bishop, Harvey Tidwell his first councilor and  Peter Y. Jensen, his second councilor.

The office of President was vacated and Brother Ivie felt much pleased from being released of the responsibility placed upon him in the establishing of the Colony with which he had worked so faithfully.

The name Mt. Pleasant was adopted for the Colony, giving credit to its pleasant location, the beautiful fields and surroundings.

Work continued on the Fort Wall until July the 18th, when the same was completed.

A few days prior to July 24th, thepeople assembled together and arranged for a program and grand celebration, it being the anniversary in honor of the Pioneers arrival in Salt Lake Valley, July 24, 1847.

A bowery was erected in the southwest corner of the fort.  Much time was spent in arranging for the program and luncheon.

Pitch pine wood was brought from the mountains to be burned in order to furnish light for the dance and amusements in the evening.

On the morning of July 24th, salutes were fired at daybreak, drums were beat and at 9 a.m. the people gathered together at the bowery.

The services were commenced with singing by the choir.  The invocation was rendered by Bishop Wm. S. Seely,  the remaining program consisted of singing, speech making,  music, recitations etc., which kept up until about 1 p.m. when luncheon and picnic was served in abundance.  At 3 p.m. everything was cleared away for amusements and dancing, which continued until 2 a.m. July 25th. A good many of the people danced in their bare feet and on the bare ground.  The celebration was characterized all the way through by the good feelings which prevailed among the Saints.

About August 1st, we began harvesting our hay crops which consisted of the natural grasses, which grew in abundance in the lowlands between Mt. Pleasant and Ephraim, som of it being hauled as far as ten and twelve miles.  We were not equipped with modern machinery and our only means of cutting the grass was with homemade cythes and swathes, raking with wooden rakes and pitchforks, which were made from the native wood.

Much time was consumed haying on account of this simple method and the use of ox teams and the hauling of the hay at so great a distance.

As soon as the hay crops were put up, harvesting of grain began, which was handled in about the same manner as haying.  The grain was cradled, raked up into bundles and bound by hand, then hauled to the yards and thrashed by being trtramped with oxen or flailed by men.

The system of separating the grain from the chaff was accomplished by waiting for a light wind or breeze, at which time the farmers would toss it into the air, the grain falling on a canvas, while the chaff was blown off.  This was continued over and over several times until the wheat would be thoroughly seperated.  The crops were good and much grain was raised.  However, some of it matured very late; some was frozen, owing to the fact that some of the settlers arrived late in the Spring and did not get their seed planted early enough in the season.

More to come.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Flood Photo1919 and 1946

1919 Flood, Unknown Location
Water wagon in center now sits in front of the Relic Home

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lee's Letter to Beth ~ April 26, 2003

Dear Beth                                                                                         26 April, 03

            How do you hi-rise city dwellers know when it’s Spring?  There is the calendar, the weather reports, neighborhood images by the roving reporter, and the Kentucky derby, always run the first Saturday in May.

Out here in the Yakima boonies, spring is not a calendar event tho it’s never more that 2-3 weeks off the traditional dates.  This year, the butter cups were in bloom the first week of March and they’re long lasting.  They were overlapped and followed by a colorful continuum of wild flora that will go into mid-summer, some lasting but 2-3 days. 
Next door, the pear orchard is in bloom and the 60 acres of apples will follow in about 10 days.  Earlier, the lone family cherry tree and apricot tree bloomed.
            After my morning hike with the dogs, I frequently refer to the Sagebrush Country- a Wildflower Sanctuary for the names of the flowers I’ve seen.  By now I should know them all-but I don’t-and Andy Anderson, our old high school biology teacher, would be disappointed.  Poor memory for wildflowers I guess.     

  From my youngster days, I still remember Indian Paint brush which I don’t have in my backyard and lupine which I do.     


 Over the years from my hikes thru the brush, I’ve added only Balsam root, Large headed clover, Phlox, and Desert parsley. 

From my hikes on the wet side-out of Seattle-I know the Columbine and Trillium, neither of which we have here in the sagebrush.
            On this mornings hike, I spotted a flower just blooming which for now, after checking my book guide, I’m calling the Camas.  It looks like the so called Death Camas and I’ll want my homo sapiens expert to look at it. 

 The Camas, as do most wildflowers, comes in a number of varieties and only the Death Camas is poisonous.  Utah’s Kamas, my mother’s home town, was named after the flower.  Here in Washington, we also have a town named Camas.  Our spelling is better.  Neither named after the Death Camas, which I’m guessing by looking at the latin names, is a very different species than the more beautiful flowering Camas which is not deadly.
            And when you think Spring, don’t overlook the bugs that also take on new life and vigor as the days lengthen and warm, such as the wood tick-here called the dog tick.  An ugly little creature.  I’ve been warned about ticks since the first day I crawled into the sagebrush-about age 2.  There was always the anxious ritual of mother and dad inspecting your naked body for the little crawling creature with much talk about dying from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.  And of course a discussion of how to force the little varmint to let go if he had a grip.  Dad was for the lighted cigarette, Eva for the turpentine.  It is no wonder some grown-ups still panic when they see one.  If the ugly little tick can cause such fear it is a good thing the dinosaurs are long gone.
            Both Lynn Poulsen and Elmer Fellis attended Mt. Pleasant’s Pioneer Day luncheon.  The program was improved from last year but the luncheon entrĂ©e was still a sub sandwich-however unlike last year, it had been thawed.  Elmer said he’s told the food committee no more subs or he is gone.  Lynn, a former president of the group, never comments on the food.  He may be packing in his own lunch.  The church has a large modern kitchen and I may get a group together including you to prepare next years meal.  Old fashioned meat stew-maybe Venison with dumplings.  Sharpen your spud peeling skills so you’ll be ready.
