Meeting Held October 1, 1877
Opened with singing "All Prise to Our Redeeming Love
Prayer by Sister Madsen
Sister Madsen addressed the Sisters and said that she felt well to meet with the Sisters again, but felt sorry that there was only a few with us today, she said by last meeting a Sister ask .... duty it ... upon a sister that ...her name down for a Member of the Society. She thought that it was the duty of every Sister to come to meeting and unity with the Sisters in every duty. She hoped that the Sisters would take an interest and ...over there work and come to meeting and invited (?) there gifts with their faith and all would feel better.
Sister Peel rose and felt well, but the same curious feeling was spoken of as Sister Madsen remarking that only a few of the Sisters takes the time to come to Meeting and that........... they would take more interst to come to Meeting. She exhorted the sisters to send their children to our school and also to sustain our Co-op Stoor and sustain everything that belong to this kingdom and stand up for the upbuilding of this church. She also put in mind of the Sisters to take care of everything with which the Lord had given us and to do as much good as we can.
Sister Simpson aso bore a faithful testimony and felt to thank the Lord for the abundant crop and hope that the Sisters will always have something to share for the poor.
Others of the Sisters brought in the report as the ....visiting.
Meeting was closed with singing "The Time .....Happy Time"
Prayer by Sister Peel
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