Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Copy of the Journal of Madison Daniel Hambleton ~ Pioneer of the Month ~ June 2013

In the spring of 1852, under the direction of Madison D. Ham­bleton and Gardner Potter, about half a dozen families proceeded to move northward from Manti, for the purpose of establishing a new colony. Among these settlers were Henry Wilcox, John Lowry Jr., William Davis, Seth Dodge, and John 'Bench. They located on both sides of the stream, just below where Mount Pleasant is now situated, and north of the main road running east and west. The stream, now Pleasant Creek, they named Ham­bleton, and the settlement was given the same name in honor of the leader of the company. Early in March, at the mouth of Pleas­ant Creek Canyon, just below where the Mount Pleasant City Power plant is now located, they erected a sawmill known as the Hambleton and Potter Mill. They commenced cutting timber and sawing lumber for the purpose of building their homes. They cleared the land and began farming about a mile slightly north­west of where the D. & R. G. depot is now located; planting crops on the south side of the creek, near the place where they built their homes. They enclosed some of the lands with substantial fences and raised a fair crop of wheat that year, and at the same time, the Hambleton and Potter Mill were turning out lumber and shingles. Mt. Pleasant History page 18 and 19 by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf

I, Madison Daniel Hambleton, was born in the year1811, 

November 2nd, in the town of Hamburgh, 
Erie County, State
of New York, No. America.! My father's name was Samuel
Hambleton, who was the son of Jonas Hambleton, who was the son
of Stephen Hambleton, who I have been told by my

father was an emigrant from Scotland to Philadelphia where he got his name
changed, by law, from Hamilton to Hambleton.! My grandfather,
Jonas Hambleton moved from Lycoming County, Pennsylvania to
Erie County, New York, A.D. 1808. Here my father married my
mother whose name was Hannah Hilton Thurston, a daughter of
Daniel Thurston.! My progenitors on my father’s side were Friend
Quakers and I was taught that persuasion in my younger days, but
in my riper years I abandoned all religions and was unconcerned
about any.! I lived with my father until I was 21 years old and had
a limited education.!I went to school the winter after I was 21, and
in the spring following I!went by the month. The law set all white

male persons free from their parents!at the age of 21.! I attended
different orders of worship and the more I saw of them the more I
was disgusted with their hypox-racy, and I quit going to any
religious meetings although I observed morality and stayed by my

In the Fall of 1834, I had a very severe attack of
inflammatory rheumatism which! confined me to the house for six
weeks. After I was able to get about I got! acquainted with
Chelnecha Smith who I married on the seventh day of January
A.D.!l835 and took her to my father's house, where we remained
until April. There!I left my wife and went to the city of Rochester to
obtain a berth on a canal!boat but did not succeed so I returned to
my fathers home. I stayed at home!for a few days and then went to
the city of Buffalo and was engaged to build!a house which I
completed the coming Fall. I moved my wife there and rented!a
house of Mr. Heacock to live in. I bought a city lot at the
Hydraulicks, built a house on it during the course of the winter and
moved into it.!

In the Spring, of April 20th A.D. 1836 our first child
was born, a daughter who weighed 3-1/4 lbs. dressed.
 A common-sized teacup covered her head to the shoulders.
We named her
Gerusha Lucretia. I continued to work at my trade until Spring,
clerking in a grocery store a portion of the Winter.! In 1836 the
cholera broke out in the city of Buffalo during the Summer and
many died. Hundreds of others left the city and moved into the
country to avoid it. Early in the spring of 1837, I was attacked with
the inflammatory rheumatism again which confined me to my bed for
another six weeks. I was afflicted all over my whole system finally
settling in my hip joints and one of my thighs shrunk away to a
mere skeleton. I was under the necessity of moving to my father's
in Hamburgh to obtain something to eat. My wife worked for my
father at kitchen work at a dollar a week.! She paid fifty cents per
week for her child’s board and two dollars a week for my board.!

In the fall (September) my father and I, with one horse and a light
wagon, took passage on the steam boat “Michigan” and went up
the lake (Erie) to the city of Detroit, thence to Tolida in Ohio,
where we landed. We traveled up the Maumee River via old Fort
Defiance at the mouth of the Auglaze River to old Fort Wane at the
head of the Maumee River, a flourishing little town. From here we
went to the Wabash River at a little town by the name of
Huntington. We followed the river down as far as the town of Peru
opposite the mouth of the Mississinaway River. Steam boats have
been up the river to this point, so say the people. This town is a
flourishing place, the Wabash and Erie canal passes through here
which is a beautiful section of country.! Here we expected to find
my brother, Andrew Jackson Hambleton, who left my house in the
city of Buffalo in the Spring of 1837 to look at the country. We
learned that he had been here and had suffered an attack of fever
and ague. Later he had left for Jag County some sixty miles above
the mouth of the Salmony River (a tributary of the Wabash) in a
South East direction to visit some cousins of ours.

After remaining

in Peru for a short time we went on to Marion and on through a
densely timbered section of the country for thirty miles. Except for a
hard-to-fol1ow Indian trail there was no road, but after two days of
hard work and travel, we arrived at the home of our cousin Moses
Hambleton. My brother had returned to the Wabash River before
we arrived. Father and I remained some three or four days when
my brother returned, having heard that we were there. After
another days visit father started, on foot, for Fort Wayne on his
way home.! Andrew and I went back to a point 4-1/2 miles below
Peru where we got a job on a canal lock for the State of Indiana, at
$20.00 per month until the 9th of December A.D. 1837, when I
started for home on foot. The weather had got very cold and I was
ten days traveling 175 miles to Maumee City. When I got there the
river was full of ice and difficult to cross. I waited two days when
the ice had got strong enough to hold me up, except a narrow
channel down the middle. This I crossed in a canoe.! 

From here I
traveled on for a distance of 31 miles through the Maumee
Swamps to Lower Sanduska, where there were 23 taverns. Every
house was a Tavern. The entire distance of 31 miles was one
complete mud hole. Continuing on, sometimes by Stage,
sometimes on foot, I finally arrived at my father’s home a few days
before Christmas, when I was drafted into the Militia of the State
of New York to keep the neutrality, by proclamation of the
Governor (William L. March).! 

We served a few days at the City
of Buffalo when in order to draw pay from the United States
Government, the whole Brigade enlisted for three months under
the command of Major-General Winfield Scott. It was mustered
into service by Captain Almond C. Clapp. Generals Wool and
Calworth took command of the brigade and we were put up in
good quarters in Benjamin Rathbone’s joiner shops.! We stayed
there about three weeks when cannonading was heard down the
Negro River. We were called upon to march in that direction,
ammunition was issued to us and we started about 12 o’clock at
night and marched to Black Rock, a distance of three miles.! Here
we met an express giving us the information that the cannonading
was at Navy Island so we marched back to our barracks. 

I got a
furlough to go home for a few days and when I got back my
Company had gone on to Rounswanda, I took a seat in the railroad
car by the side of Major-General W. Scott and overtook my
company. We stayed one night and returned to Buffalo. The
Patriots were waiting at Navy Island. We remained in camp for
some two weeks when my company was ordered up the Lake. The
Government fitted up the Steamboat Robert Fulton for the trip by
water. We went on board about 4 o’clock P.M. and sailed up the
Lake some ten miles when we were driven back by storm and we
lay in port over night.! Next morning we set out for Erie, stopped at
Deenkirk, went ashore, formed ranks and marched three miles to
Fredonia where we took a depot of the Canadian Patriots arms
which they had stolen from the forts and arsenals of the U.S.
Government, and deposited in Samuel Johnsons barn. There were
about 100 muskets, 300 swords, two pieces artillery, some rifles,
individual property and a considerable quantity of ammunition. We
took it to Deenkirk and put it on board our ship. This raised the
indignation of the Patriots to a considerable pitch, but not high
enough to cause them commit any acts of violence. 

We then set out
again for Erie, New York where we landed that night and took up
quarters in a tavern. The boat was frozen in the harbor and after
remaining here for a week we were taken by team and wagon
overland to Buffalo. From here I obtained a furlough and went
home to my family.! The next day, February 20th, 1858, my wife
was confined and gave birth to her second child, a boy, whom we
named Lorin Franklin. I remained home four or five days then
returned to my company.! 

In a few days we were ordered to march
up the Lake some eight miles. From here we were taken in sleighs
in the night. In the morning at day break we marched out on the ice
seven miles to a party of Patriots who had built barracks and
encamped there. As soon as we came in sight they manifested a
disposition to give us a battle but when we formed out line they
sent out a white flag. Colonel Worth, with the officers from our
ranks, met them and had a short interview. They surrendered their
arms. We formed a line around their camp and took possession of
their arms and ammunition which consisted of 100 stands of arms,
one small cannon and one small Howitzer, loaded it on sleighs and
guarded it to land. We went to a tavern and had breakfast and then
started for Buffalo and thence to Fort Niagara with all the arms we
had recovered.! At the tavern where we had breakfast there was a
small company of revenue cutters with us who set fire to the
Barrocks we had captured and left in five minutes. We stayed at
Fort Niagara one day and while we were there I saw the figure
head of the Steam Boat Caroline which the Canadians burnt at
Slasher and sent it over the Niagara Falls on fire. The figure head
was picked up at the mouth of the river. We returned home by way
of the falls.! 

After a few weeks we were discharged and paid for
our services. I returned to my and home and family and
commenced making preparations to move to the West. On the
night day of April, 1858 I left my father’s house and went to
Buffalo and took passage on the Steam Boat Columbus, the first
boat that left the harbor that Spring. We had some forty miles of
ice to go through which was very tedious.! After we left Erie
Harbor, on our way to Cleveland, there came a very heavy gale
which caused much sea sickness. The boat tossed about so badly
that one could not stand without holding to something. After about
four days sail we landed at Maumee City. I hired a wagon and
team to haul my luggage 18 miles around the rapids of the river. I
got passage on a flat boat which was pushed up the river by men
with poles from the torn of Providence to Fort Wayne a distance of
100 miles from Maumee City. We were about two weeks making
the trip.! I put up at Sours Tavern, stayed for three days and was
charged $22.00. Being out of money I made arrangements with a
canal boat captain to settle my bill with Mr. Sours. I then got
passage on the boat to Peru where I expected to meet my brother
and obtain money to settle for my fare and also pay my Tavern bill
at Fort Wayne. 

When I arrived in Peru I was disappointed as my
brother had been sick all winter and had but $30.00. He let roe
have it and I gave it to the captain but still I owed him $50.00 so I
had to leave my goods as security. I went to work on the Canal and
as soon as possible earned enough money to redeem my goods.

About the 1st of May we landed at Lock port, Carrol Co. in the
State of Indiana. I continued to work hard and was poor, I was
some $80.00 in debt. Brother came to live with me who was taken
sick with the ague and fever in the early part of the season and the
7th day of July I was taken sick with the same complaint and all of
my family was laid prostate with the same complaint. Two of my
family died with it. My older son died the 8th day of Sept. 1838.
The other was an orphan boy about 13 years old. He died in Jan.
1839.! After we was all taken sick I was not able to work. Sick and
work or go without food. The people in that country were very
inhuman; they pay no attention to the sick, they showed no
hospitality, they hardly come to the house of death and mourning.
We had to attend to our own funeral services ourselves. I procured
medicine of different kinds and took them but they did not affect a
cure although they would stop the ague for four or five days and it
would return again. So it continued until the first of March when I
quit taking medicine and in about four weeks it left me so weak I
was not able to do any kind of work for some three months.! About
the first of Jan. my brother and myself went out into the country
some eight miles to find a piece of land to enter but being unable to
find any that suited me I bought a piece of 80 acres second-handed
and moved onto it. 

The people here were very benevolent and
moved of different denomination religiously; Methodists,
Newtites, Baptists, Ceceded Campbellites and Bernets Creed.! July
16th 1840 my wife gave birth to a little daughter, named Lucy
Ann. I lived here on my farm making some little improvements.
The most of my time I spent at the carpenters and grainers trade for
others barely making a living in consequence of ill health.! In the
fall of 1841 I traded my 80 acres for 160 acres unimproved in
White County and moved onto it, built me a house, improved 20
acres and put it under good fence. While living in Cass County I
was very frequently solicited to unite with the different
denominations of religion and finally did join the Methodists on
trial for six months.! After this I began to read the old scriptures
which I had never done before and I soon became convinced in my
mind their doctrine was not in accordance with the doctrine of the
old and new testaments. I had not been with them very long before
I commenced to teach the scriptures as I understood them. This
made me rather unpopular amongst them and they sought to
approach me in my belief and finally they prepared a charge
against me before a council of Elders and leading men of the days
to which I belonged. Not being able to maintain anything of an
unchristian-like conduct hoped that I would see the error of my
belief and reform and they would exercise their faith and prayers in
my behalf. When they got through with me I got up and told them
they could blot my name from the book of their remembrance. My
wife followed my example and also one Jeremiah Dunham who
had been a member of the Methodist church for 15 years. I
afterwards ascertained that he had hold of the Book of Mormon
from one of the Mormon Elders some years before and had never
showed it to anyone but had studied it and had believed it.! About
this time I heard of a man by the name of Gehial Savage who they
said was a Mormon Elder and was teaching at Door Prairie,
Laporte Co. 

I immediately wrote him a letter stating that I wanted
him to come to my house or send me one of his Profession. I
waited nine months, heard nothing from him but heard that there
was a branch of the Mormon Church there. I wrote another letter to
the branch which later got into the hands of one of the sisters and
in about nine months from the date of my last letter it was taken to
Nauvoo and was read from the stand at a General Conference
when the Prophet Joseph sent two Elders (James Carroll and Ezra
Strong) to the neighborhood. The first sermon they preached I
believed and offered myself for baptism, also my wife and
Jeremiah Dunham. The date of baptism I do not know but I think it
was in the month of October 1842. Soon after I had written to
Elder Savage there was a man by the name of William Williams
who was a Mormon in Kirtland and had moved into the
neighborhood near me who was an honest old man and still firm in
the faith. His son Charles who also was a Mormon in Kirtland had
denied the faith and joined the Methodists and done all he could to
persuade me against them. I got possession of a Book of Mormon
which soon converted me to the gospel of the Son of God, and
glory and honor be to the Lord and his servant Joseph and all the
faithful who caused it to come for and be preached to nations. My
brother Andrew Jackson Hambleton also read the Book of
Mormon and believed it but died before he had the opportunity of
embracing the gospel. I also got hold of the book of Doctrine and
Covenants which continued to strengthen me. 

The finger of scorn
was pointed toward me because of my belief. The neighborhood in
which I lived they called Nauvoo which made me feel proud. After
the Elders came there they continued to preach but none but my
wife, Jeremiah Dunham and myself obeyed for some two months
when there were some ten or fifteen more came forward and were
baptised.! The people got so incensed at us they would disturb our
meetings and even throw stones at the elders. 

March 24th 1842 my
wife gave birth to our second son, named James Finley.! The
following summer I worked on my new farm, built myself a frame
house. In the Spring of l843 my wife went to the State of New
York on a visit to my father and her friends but they spurned her
because of her religion. She returned home the same season
without making one convert. 

In the fall I offered my home for sale
for the purpose of moving to Nauvoo and soon sold it and trusted
the man for every dollar of the price which was $400.00, less than
half what it was worth at the time of sale. The man failed and left
the country and I finally got $80.00 in property.! Soon after my
wife returned from her visit my younger child died,1843., and a
short time after the death of our child I was ordained an elder in the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints under the hands of
Alva L. Tippit and James McGaw, October 16. 

I started to move to
Nauvoo and a young woman by the name of Mary Ann Greathouse
went with us. We landed in Nauvoo November 2nd, 1843; my
birthday. Soon after I took one yoke of my oxen to the Temple
Committee and paid them on my tithing. I had one yoke left and
one wagon which I traded for a little log house 10 by 12 ft. on the
ground and a City lot. I had two cows, one of them I sold for
provisions and the man failed to pay me and so she done me but a
little good. I had one cow left and one 3 years mare. Them I
wintered and in the spring my mare was stolen. I worked at my
trade making cabinet wear and window sash but could not sell
much to get provisions to live upon. Plenty in the country for
money-and cheap corn 25 cents per bushel, but we made out to live
on very short allowance, mostly corn bread. I was poor as to the
necessities of life but I rejoiced in the principles of the Gospel and
the spirit of the Lord. 

In the Spring of 1844 I was chosen one of the
city Police of the City of Nauvoo.! In February I received a
Patriarchal blessing under the hands of Father Issaac Morley as
follows: Brother Hambleton I lay my hands upon thy head in the
name of the Lord Jesus and by the authority vested in my I seal a
fathers blessing upon thy head and this thy blessing thou mayst
rejoice. The Lord thy Saviour is mindful of thee because thou has
covenanted in thee with pure intent to serve the Lord. Thy name in
registered in heaven; thou has a mind given thee capable of
expansion and an intellect that thou must improve. Prepare thy
mind for thou will yet have to stand in responsible stations in this
kingdom. There is an endowment and an annointing for thee. The
gifts of the Gospel will ere long enlighten thy mind; the Lord thy
Saviour has a work for thee to perform, thy garments are not clear
of the blood of this generation; remember when thou art called to
be ready, let the voice of Brother Joseph by the voice of God to
thee, never let mind querry when thou art commanded and thou
shalt have the power and victory over all thy admirers balcony.
Remember that this blessing and thy wisdom are obtained by
contract and if thou art called to pass trials remember it is for thy
good. There shall be given the power to rise above all opposition.

The spirit of peace which is the spirit of Elijah shall rest upon thee
and thy posterity after thee to the latest ages of posterity. Let thy
mind be cheered for thou shalt be the means of restoring the hearts
of thy progeneters to their children and the hearts of the children to
the hearts of their progenetors. There is a work and a blessing for
thee to perform in preaching the everlasting Gospel to thy kindred
and many shall accept and acknowledge the truth from thy lips.
Thy descent is from Jospeh and thou hast a peculiar regard for that
people. Thou hast pondered much in regard to thy duty
encumbered upon thee. Thy duty shall be made plain and thy duty
clear. Obedience will bring every blessing that thy heart can desire
and I ask God, the Eternal Father to seal his own blessing upon
thee to be thy protector and benefactor because this thy servant 0
Lord has great responsibility to rest upon him and I seal this fathers
blessing upon thee together with blessing of everlasting and
Eternal life to rest upon you. Amen and Amen.

Siantha Billings,

Nauvoo, 26th, 1844 my wife gave birth to a son. He was
still born, we called his name Parley Pratt Hambleton. At this time
the mob began to gather and threaten the city with destruction and
extermination, which caused great excitement in the midst of the
Saints. The Nauvoo Legion was called to arms as a home guard to
protect the city in case the mob should attempt to come against us.
A request was made to the Governor of the State of Illinois,
Thomas Ford, then occupying the chair of the State, to disperse
and disband the mob and restore peace. He pretended to give us
assistance and came to Nauvoo with several companies of Militia
and made a great display in and about the city. They accidently
shot one of their own men while on guard in a false alarm in the
night. They marched from Nauvoo about the country pretending to
disperse the mob but giving them encouragement and help. 

this time there were a few dissentions from the Church among who
was Wm. Saw, who was President Joseph Smith’s first counsellor,
and his brother, Wilson Saw and several others who were in high
standing.! The apostates bought a printing press and set it up in the
heart of the city and commenced a newspaper called the Nauvoo
Expositor, a most disgraceful and lying sheet. Made one issue
when the city council met and held a session of court and declared
it a nuisance and ordered it removed. In the evening I was called
upon by the city Marshall (John P. Green) to go and help to abut.
About sunset we met at the Temple. The city police and many
others under the charge of the city marshall who selected fourteen
of the police, myself one of the number, who with sledges or other
necessary tools went into the printing office, pied the type, threw
the fixtures into the street and burned them, broke the press and
threw it into the street, set afire to them and burned all that would.
We obeyed the order of the city council with delight. When done
we marched to the Prophet’s house, under the command of the city
Marshall, and reported to him our doings. The Prophet said he was
glad of it and he said he never felt better in his life and blessed us
in the name of Jesus Christ. 

The destruction of the press had a
tendency to increase the rage of the mob against the Prophet and
all who upheld him. Many went out from amongst us with the huge
cry of false prophet, poligamy, thieves and robbers, and sent out a
writ for the Prophet. An officer came to Nauvoo to arrest him and
brought a process of soldiers with him. The Prophet not being in
the city they were about to leave for home and had mounted their
horses when Regnolds Cahoon and Hyrum Kimball took the
officer to one side and prevailed on him to stay and they would go
and find the prophet and prevail on him to come home and give
himself up to the officers and go to Carthage with them. This they
effected and the next morning the prophet, his brother Hyrum,
Willard Richards, and John Taylor were all lodged in the jail. 

company of Carthage Grays (who were no more or less than a
portion of the mob) were placed as guards there to keep the mob
from disturbing them.! The Governor then pledged the faith of the
State of Illinois together with his honor and the honor of the State
that they should not be molested. He then disbanded all the troops
except the guard. The Governor then went immediately to the city
of Nauvoo and in a speech there he branded the Saints as being a
set of military Saints and abused them shamefully. He then gave
orders to Captain Singleton who was stationed there with his
company to assist the police in protecting the City against the mob,
to remain there until further ordered. He then started for Carthage
about five P. M. About thirty minutes after the Governor left,
Singleton, with his company, left for Carthage also. On their way
there they met the express bearing the news of the murder of the
Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. They took them
prisoners back to Carthage for fear the Saints would rise in mobs
and pursue them before they could get out of the country: 

27th 1844.! The next morning the “Express” arrived in Nauvoo
bringing us the terrible news of the murder. This raised a great
excitement and great sorrow and mourning. Teams were sent for
the bodies and they were brought home, together with Brother
John Taylor and one of the thieves who was wounded with five
balls in the affray. The bodies of the Prophet and Patriarch were
taken to the Nauvoo Mansion and all who had a desire to take a
last view of their corpse had the opportunity. The mob dispersed
and all was peace for a while they thinking that they had destroyed
the Priesthood from the earth, not believing that the gospel had
been restored to the earth in these days.! The twelve Apostles soon
all got home from their missions, who were away. A great query
had arisen in the minds of the Saints as to who should be the
successor to the Prophet. 

Sidney Rigdon came back from
Pittsburgh, Pa. and attempted to get the presidency of the Church
and raised quite an excitement in the minds of some whose faith
was some-what shaken. But when Brigham Young presented
himself before the Saints and spoke to them the people became
satisfied and peace remained for a short space of time.! 

11th I received a letter from W. K. Miller informing me of the
death of my brother, Andrew Jackson Hambleton who died with
consumption November 21st, in the town of Lockport, State of
Indiana.! Volney Hambleton, another brother of mine some four
years younger than Andrew, died at my father’s house in the town
of Hamburgh, State of New York, May 5th A. D. 1842, which was
my father’s birthday. He said he was willing to die and called the
family to the bedside and said to them, “Do not mourn for me for I
am happy and want to leave this”. At last he exclaimed “Oh Lord
come and take me out of this world” and he expired in a few

January 19th, 1845 I was called and ordained to be one
of the Presidents of the 16th Quorum of Seventies under the hands
of Joseph Young and Levi W. Hancock. 

March 22nd at 30 minutes
past 2 P.M. I took passage on board the steam boat, Uncle Tobie,
for St. Louis, arrived on the 23rd at 2P.M. On the 24th I left St.
Louis on board the steam boat, Time, at 11 A.M. to Mt. Vernon.
27th I left before sunrise on board stern wheel steam boat Revenue
Cutter for Logans Port. January 28 we got to the foot of the rapids
on the Wabash River 11 A.M. very much fatigued and feet very
sore. Stayed there one day. 

April 1st went to see Doctor Motisette,
one of the brethren, who treated me very cooly. April 2nd started
for Layfette a distance of 95 miles. Arrived at that place the 4th at
2 P.M. Took passage on canal boat for Lockport where I expected
to meet my brother Andrew’ s wife but she had left for the State of
New York some ten days before. I done my business there, bought
a horse, paid $80.00 for him and April 14th started for Nauvoo
across the country by land 500 miles and arrived home on the 20th.
April 22nd I stood guard at Heber C. Kimball’s. 

27th, went to
meeting. A. Babbit and John Taylor preached. Some of the boys
whistled and whitted old one-eyed Couele out of town he being an
apostate who had come back to see what was going on and might
gather some information.! 

May 6th, the Twelve Apostles met with
the city police to contemplate the policy of having the Nauvoo
Legion in good order in case of trouble. Adjourned until tomorrow
at 5 A. M. I stood guard at H. C. Kimball’s. (7th), the police met
with the officers of the Legion according to appointment and were
addressed by General Brigham Young and others who made such
remarks as were necessary and they adjourned. 8th, the police
assembled and took an account of our arms to know that all was in
order. Afterward I was on guard at H. C. Kimball’s part of the

May 9th, 1845 Brigham Heber Hambleton was born at 25
minutes after 8 o’clock!P. M. Witnesses: Roxane Repsher, Emily
Haws, Harriet Parker and Mrs. Winslow Farr.! 

12th, I was
appointed constable and was qualified. 

15th, searched the house of
Amos Hodges and Mr. Bruffet for stolen property and assisted in
the arrest of William Badges and his brother for murder. Attended
court in the examination and they were found guilty and delivered
to the sheriff of Lowey Territory and afterward suffered the
extreme penalty of the law. Charles Sherwood got home from New
Orleans and brought with him three pieces of the iron cannon for
the Legion, not mentioned. Hasa Stout sent spies to the
surrounding parts of the country to learn the movements of our
enemies as they began to make threats again and to trouble us.

18th, the cannon was moved to the basement of the Temple for the
purpose of boarding and mounting on carriages ready for use. 

24th, 6 A. M. the capstone of the Temple was laid by Brigham

 June 25, there seemed to be some jealousy arising on the
part of Am. Smith (the brother of Joseph) against the police and
some words passed between him and policeman Tuffts and some
blows issued. 10 P. M. Irvine Hadger was knocked down and
stabbed with his own knife 5 or 4 times and died in a few minutes.

24th, Gen. Deming of Carthage in dispute shot one Doctor
Marshall in the Court House who died in a few minutes. Said
Marshall is one of the persons concerned in the murder of the
Prophet Joseph and Hyrum Smith. The disputes took place about
Deming not serving a writ on Brigham Young and Heber C.
Kimball when they were not to be found in the city of Nauvoo.

25th, the Twelve met with the police and also bishops and some
others to hear from William Smith concerning his disapprobation
of the police saying his life had been falsely and without
provocation taken. After getting a sharp rebuke from Pres.
Brigham Young he stated he had no feelings against the police and
claiming their protection. We agreed to accept his
acknowledgement on our part so long as Bro. William does the
work of righteousness.! 

27th— Mother Smith told a vision
reporting to be the police with the twelve assembled in a room with
weapons of death, with the intention of taking the life of William
Smith, and there was among the number, some more wicked than
the rest and they were Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball. I
was one of the number and know that there was no such thing
contemplated, and if she had such a vision it was from the devil.!

August 16, l84? Brigham Heber Hambleton died, son of Madison
Daniel and Chelnecha Smith Hambleton, age three months and
seven days. We buried him in the garden west of the house.! Sept.
10th, we are informed that a meeting of the mob was held on the
9th at the school house in Green Plains Precinct, Hancock Co. We
have not been apprised of the nature of the meeting but can judge
from their former conduct a preconcerted plan had been entered
into. Several shots were fired by their own party through the
windows and doors of the school house where they assembled.
Nothing was known of the pretended pretext until the next day
when the mob commenced firing on the houses in the Morley
settlement. Eleven dwelling houses and three outhouses have been

Sept. 11, a messenger has just arrived bringing word that
the most of the settlers of the East part of the settlement have
moved to the West part in order to protect themselves from the
COUNTY, STATE OF ILLIINOIS.!Whereas a mob of some one
hundred to two hundred men under arms have gathered themselves
together in the South part of Hancock County and are at this time
destroying the dwellings and other buildings, stocks of grain and
other property of a portion of our citizens in the most inhuman
manner, compelling defenceless women and children and others
who are sick and unable to help themselves, to lay on the cold
ground at night and in the hot sun by day, and then burn the houses
and the furniture, stocks of grain and barns with grain in: their
presence and shooting at and threatening them with death if they
make any resistance, although the mob continue to burn the
houses; yet they say their intention is to maintain law and order.!
The Mormons are not the only sufferers: E.A Bodell Esq.
postmaster and Justice of the peace in Warsaw, and Chaney
Robertson Esq. Postmaster at Carthage have been forcibly expelled
from their several offices and homes and others to leave or take up
arms against the Mormons:! If the United 5tates or Illinois submit
to such high handed mobocracy we may calculate that liberty has
bargained with undertakers to bury her emaciated corps as soon as
she can get a chance to commit suicide.! When Sheriff Backenstar
left Warsaw he was pursued by an armed force of some twenty or
more men on the Carthage and Warsaw road two or three miles
Eastward of me and going toward Warsaw. I watched them and on
discovering four of them mounted on horses, left the main body,
apparently to gain a point in advance of me, with all the speed of
their horses, and finding that they were in pursuit of me I put a
whip to my horse as I was in a buggy. They took a near cut and
were evidently gaining on me. The chase lasted for a distance of
about two miles when I overtook three, men with teams. I
immediately informed them that armed men were in pursuit of me,
evidently to take my life. I summoned them as a posse to aid me.
Then I got from my buggy and took a position in the road, with
pistol in hand. When one of them held his musket in a shooting
attitude one of my posse fired and killed one of the lawless bandits
by the name of Frank World. We remained and stood on the
ground prepared for the worst, for about ten minutes when the mob
retreated some little distance and made no further assaults. They
finally retreated and I made my way to Nauuvoo.!Signed: J.B.

The following is taken from the Nauvoo Neighbor.!
J.B. Backenstar: Sir, I received a communication yesterday
through the words of Mr. Cawkins addressed to me on the
character of the leader of the mob. I entertain no communication,
neither will make any reply in that your communication bespeaks
the character of its author and meets from me that indignant
contempt it so richly deserves. If you were worthy of the notice of
a gentleman, sir, I would meet you on any field, but as you occupy
a station so far beneath the dignity of a men I shall not condescend
to have anything to do with you in any manner, shape, or form.
You can pursue what course with the mob, you choose. I answer
not for you or them, but rest assured they are all at all times ready
for you.!signed: Levi Williams.! 

Sunday Sept. 28th, the Governors
troops under command of General Hardin, 320 in number, arrived
at Carthage and took possession of the Court House, which was
under the command of Captain Egan, who returned to Nauvoo on
Sunday night. Monday morning the Nauvoo Legion was
disbanded and each went to their usual occupations. Tuesday 29th,
General Hardin arrived in Nauvoo with his troops at 11:30. They
searched the Temple for the dead body of a Mr. Willcon but did not
find it. From there they went to the Masonic Hall and searched
there with the same result; from there to a camp ground down the
river some three miles. Wednesday they marched into the city
again and searched some houses for State arms but found none.!
Gen. Hardin and his staff, with attorney general held a council with
the presidency of the church at 11 A.M. They went to the temple,
up onto the tower and on the roof, thence back to camp. In the
evening the Gen. and staff with the attorney-general held a court of
inquiry concerning the missing Willcon. John Scott was
subpoenaed as a witness and was sworn in. Questioned: Are you
Captain of the Police? Are you Captain of the Company? Do you
know of one Mr. Willcon who lately was in this City? The
questions being duly answered the court was adjourned and the
officers went to camp. I went with them and Brother Howard Egan
and Daniel Garner in search of some private arms of which Gen.
Hardin took possession at Carthage. We did not get them. Sheriff
Backenstar agreed to be responsible for them. Thursday, Oct 2nd,
the Governors troops left the camp for Carthage and passed
through the city. All things are peaceful at present. 

Oct. 5th a
meeting was called in the Temple on the first floor (a temporary
one). Some four thousand persons were present. In the afternoon
the male members only were requested to meet to organize some
companies for our removal from the city to some place unknown
by us. 

Oct. 11th the Nauvoo Legion was called together, each
regiment by itself, to hold a prayer meeting and to see that each
one had his arms in good order. This, in order that in case of an
attack we might be ready for the worst. We were instructed to
continue in prayer to almighty God by day and night, that he would
deliver us from this place and from our enemies.! 

Oct. 25th, Major
Warren, by order of the Governor of the State, with some of the
officers of the Court of Hancock County visited Nauvoo and held a
consultation with our leaders with regard to our difficulties. In the
evening Brother John Taylor met them at the Nauvoo Mansion
where they expressed the sentiment of our citizens to these officers
in a very plain manner and in warm terms which created some
feelings on the part of the officers He also laid before them the
oppression that was laid upon the Saints by the mob and by the
government and gave them to understand that we had born their
oppression long enough without resistance. 

Oct. 27th, The sheriff
of Hancock county called for the trial of the murderer of Frank
World, while pursuing said sheriff with the mob. The Court
refused to try the case end let him out on bail until the next spring
term of court.! 

December 21st, 1845— the Temple was dedicated
by the twelve Apostles. That is, the upper part of it. 

Dec. 22nd my
wife and myself were called upon to go to the Temple and receive
our washings and annointings and our endowment, which we
cheerfully obeyed. After we had received our blessings we were
requested to stay there and assist in the labor of the endowment,
which we also cheerfully obeyed, and continued to do for the best
part of the time until the endowment was closed.! 

February 6,
1846, my wife Chelnecha was sealed to me at the altar in the
Temple under the hands of President Brigham Young. Then was
sealed to us an adopted child, for all eternity under the hands of
Pres. Heber C. Kimball. 

Feb. 8th the endowment was ended in the
Temple at Nauvoo and we danced before the Lord. 

Feb. 9th, the
Temple took fire from the stove pipe through the roof. Although
extinguished in a very few minutes the fire did considerable
damage. In the evening we enjoyed a dance in the endowment
room after the canvass was taken out. Pres. Brigham Young, Pres.
Heber C. Kimball and Pres. Orson Hyde of the Twelve with the
other brethren. We had a good time of social recreation and
partook of a glass of pure wine of our own making.! 

February 11th,
I started with the pioneer Camp for Sugar Creek in Iowa. I left my
family in Nauvoo, which was very painful to my feelings as I had
left but a short allowance of provisions. I stayed with the camp on
Sugar Creek until it started West. I then went back to Nauvoo to
prepare to leave with the Saints. Made two wagons, one for myself,
and left the City for the Pioneer Camp. 

May 12th: we started out
with 100 lbs. of flour, 1-1/2 bu. of parched corn meal. We sold all
of our feather beds except two pillows, left all our furniture
standing in the house. Made our load as light as possible so that
one yoke of two year old steers could draw it, trusting in the Lord
and His providential hand for our support. We travelled west some
75 miles when we overtook Major Jefferson Hunt with 15 teems,
traveled with him two miles north of the town of Bloomfield. Here
I was arrested by a court from the Missouri River on a charge of
larceny. I went back and was lodged in Fort Madison Prison, they
refusing to take any ‘Mormon bail’. I stayed in 13 days and was
discharged without a trial. I had left my family standing on the
prairie all alone, except for one young man by the name of John O.
Angus, who traveled with me. Before I arrived to where I had left
my family, my wife gave two three year old steers and my rifle for
a large yoke of oxen, and had gone on with another company under
Captain Andrew Perkins. I overtook them at the head of the
Charedon River and on the 25, June we arrived at Mt. Pisgah.
Stayed until the 1st of July when we started for Council Bluffs
where we arrived on the 10 of July.! 

Here 500 volunteers were
called for the U.S. Government under Col. Allen of the Army. The
duty was responded to through the influence of Pres. Brigham
Young and was organized June 16th. I took charge of the family of
Andrew Lylle who went as captain of one of the companies.!

August 8th- moved to Cutler Park for winter quarters. Here we met
the head chief of the Amshaw Indians, whose name was Elk, with
about all of his warriors. All manifested friendship and were
willing for us to stay.! 

Sept. 10th— President Brigham Young
chose myself and nine others to take the herd of cattle for the
whole camp. 

Oct. 26th, we gave up a part of the, herd and went to
work to hunt for the stray cattle end take them to the creek beds up
the river and her them all winter. We made up a herd of some 800
head. We were troubled a. great deal with the Indian’s killing
them. When we delivered the stock to their owners we got partly
paid for our services so we gathered a few dollars in money. Went
down the river about 176 miles bought 1200 lbs. of flour and
returned to Winter Quarters.! 

June 10th, 1847— left Winter
Quarters for the plaines. At Elkhorne River we organized in the
first hundred, second fifty and second ten. Stayed here five days.
17th— moved o’mp 12 miles to the Platte River on our way to the
Great Salt Lake basin where we lend the 22nd day of September. 

never enjoyed myself better in my life than I did on the Journey.
We met President Brigham Young and the Pioneer camp, on the
Big Sandy, returning to Winter Quarters to .get their families after
locating Great Salt Lake City. We felt to rejoice in the Lord on
learning of their success. We were very short of provisions and
other necessities of life. We brought all that we had on earth in one
wagon with one yoke of oxen and one yoke of cows. Our bread
gave out on the 4th day of April and we were obliged to dig roots
for our bread until harvest which was in August. I raised 3 bushels
of very poor corn and l3-1/2 bushels of wheat which was my bread
for another year. In the fall President Brigham Young and his
family with most of the Twelve and some five or six hundred
wagons with the Saints arrived. This added to our strength making
some 2,000 souls. On our first arrival we built houses in solid
compact, forming a fort 116 rods by 40 rods, which we lived in.!

May 4, 1849— myself with nine others, was selected by Pres.
Young to go to the North Platte Farry and attend to it and cross the
emigrations. This we did, realizing $625 each in money,
merchandise and stock. Got home August 14th.! I then went 12
miles north of Salt Lake City, took up 40 acres of land and got a
large amount of fencing from the mountains anticipating making a
good farm. Soon after the October conference I was cslled upon to
pull stakes, take my family, and move 132 miles south to Sanpete
County, some 90 miles from any settlement and amongst the
Indians, where we arrived November 25th. Being late in the fall
the grass lands had been burnt by the IndIans before we got there
and there was no hay to get. The canyons being filled with snow,
we could not get into them to get building timber. Consequently
we were under the necessity of living in our wagons, those who
had not tents, which were very few. Thirty men constituted our
force, most of which had families, with a short allowance of
provisions. The snow fell to a depth of 2-1/2 feet from mountain to
mountain with a heavy crust on the top. This made it impossible to
go out of the valley for any more supplies and our stock could get
no food to subsist on. We shoveled snow from off the little grass
that we could find in order to save some of our few cattle. In
consequence of this we lost two thirds of our entire stock which
perished in the snow. This undoubtedly was a blessing to us and
probably saved many of our lives as it provided plenty of food for
the Indians who were very numorous and somewhat hostile.!

December 5, 1849— I left my family and went with a company of
fifty men from Salt Lake City. They were fitted up with wagons
and supplies: beef cattle, also horses and mules for riding and
packing, to go up the Sevier River to the South part of this territory
on the Vergin River and the Santa Clara. Here we first found the
iron oar in the vicinity of Cedar City. Also a good place fcr settling
in various localities. On returning home we were snowbound
where the city of Fillmore is located. Stayed there some three
weeks when I felt an anxiety to get home. I started with John
Lowry and G. G. Potter to come home. We had seven small
biscuits apiece and one blanket.! 

March 21, 1867— This morning
at 7 A.M. about 25 indians made a raid on Glen Cove in Sevier
Co., took most of the stock and started for the mountains. They
were intercepted by about half that number who retook the stock.
Several Indians were unhorsed, the horses leaving their riders. I do
not know that any indians were killed. Joseph Snow’s horse was
shot through the knee while he was charging on the indians. A
squad of Infantry also intercepted the retreating indians and had a
small skirmish. One man was wounded in the arm and back. The
indians took some 70 head of cattle and ten head of colts on the
night of the twentieth end got away with them. While indians were
gathering the stock they intercepted a man, woman, and a ten year
old girl who were on their way from Richfield to Glenn Cove.
About two miles from the later place they were killed. They were
Jens P. Peterson, about thirty years of age, his wife Sharlatte,
twenty-seven, and a girl, Mary Smith, sixteen years old who had
the appearance of having been ravaged by the indians; in her
privates was an eight inch long stick of greasewood.! 

April 16—
May Vancott started to Richfield from Manti, took some fifty, men
to assist in moving the citizens from Sevier Co. by order of
President Brigham Young. I sat out apple trees in my garden.!
April 29— Generals D.H. Wells, R.F. Burton, and William Pace of
Salt Lake City ate here.! 

May 22— Adam Paul of Salt Lake City,
while on Military duty at Gunnison, Sanpete County, accidently
shot himself through the foot while in the act of mounting his
horse. Some ten days ago Amasa Lyman was dropped from the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for preaching false doctrine.! June
1st— The indians have taken about 20 head of horses and about
the same number of horned cattle. The herdsmen were dismounted
and went some distance from their horses, leaving their guns on the
saddles. The Indians took the horses, saddles end guns and killed
Louis Lund end wounded Robertson. The Moroni Guard and the
Uinta guard pursued the indians some two hours behind. Col. J.
lvey started with a company of Mounted Cavalry to intercept them
(the indians) in Thistle Valley. Col. R.N. Allred with some l5 men
from Spring Town followed Ivey.! 

June 2nd— Col Ivey returned
this afternoon. He reports having intercepted the indians in Thistle
valley and overtaking then on foot, their horses having given out
after being ridden for 20 miles. The indians commenced shooting
the stock and killed all but 12 heed of the cattle. They changed
horses and left, taking with them everything but the twelve head of
cattle and 5 horses which Ivey brought back.! Another sad affair
took place this evening at sunset. while Maj. John Vance, Capt.
Orson Miles and Hauts were returning from Manti they camped
near Gunnison at the crossing of Twelve Mile Creek. While here
Hauts was fored upon by the indians. He was captured and killed
after running on foot, one mile. Capt. Miles and Vance got away,
brought Haut’s horse with them and pursued some 3 or 4 miles.
The indians returned, after killing Hauts to within a short distance
of the main body of the troops and stole some 20 head of oxen and
3 horses which the brethren of Gunnison had turned out to graze
through the night.! 

June 22, 1867, Madison Daniel Hambleton Jr.
Died in Manti, Sanpete Co. Utah Territory at two in the morning,
after an illness of three days, supposed to be the result of eating
green huckberries, or currants, squaw berries and other green
vegetables. My wife says that he had no pain in his body but
complained of one of his legs being lame. It swelled some. They
could get no action from his bowels by medicine or injection,
though they used them thoroughly. The last words he spoke to
Harriet were “I am going to sleep”. He breathed his last in about
five minutes. I was not at home during his sickness and death. I
was in Pres. Brigham Young’s office in Salt Lake City when the
following telegram reached me through the Deseret State
Telegraph line: Manti June 22— M.D. Hambleton: Care Eldridge
and Clawson, I have to communicate to you the mournful news
that your son Madison, after three days illness, died last night, two
o’clock. Disease unknown. Was five years eleven months and
eight days old. Signed— F.M. Jolly.!

 Aug. 15— The indians made
a descent on Spring Town herd ground and road leading to the hay
field. Killed James Meek, Arche Ellis, and mortally wounded
Andrew Johnson, who has died; shot William Blain through the
ear; took about 40 head of horses and colts; were pursued so close
they killed 8 horses and left 7. One indian supposed to be killed.
He left his horse, saddle and buffalo robe. Several others wounded.
They were pursued from Moroni, Mt. Pleasant, Ephriam and
Manti, also Fort Gunnison.! Sept. 5th, ll:40 A.M.— Lieut. Gen. D.
H. Wells, Salt Lake Binders Co., was shot dead by indians while
tending the fire at the lime kiln near Warm Creek. The indians
crawled up to within 25 feet, fired one shot only, then fled. It
appeared the guard had changed their position for some cause and
had left this avenue open. Detachments from Manti and this place
were immediately placed upon the trails to intercept them but
without success. A reconnaissance since daylight reports signs of
only three indians on foot, who, from the course and length of
steps must have made Twelve Mile Canyon in less than one hour
from the time of committing the murder. Reconnaissances are out
in search of their hide-out.!Signed- yours, W.B. Pace.! 

March 26,
1868— F.M. Jolly started for the Sweet Water Mines, was gone
three months and arrived at home without obtaining any of the
precious metals. But was well satisfied to give up mining.! This
season the indians have made but few raids on our stock. They
killed Lars Alexander Justeson and wounded one other man in the
thigh, while on the road to re-settle Alma on the Sevier River.! The
grasshoppers or locusts have preyed upon our crops and cut them
off so that bread is very scarce to subsist upon.! Manti City—

December 30, 1873!A Patriarchal blessing from under the hand of
James M. Works, upon the head of!Chelnecha Smith Hambleton,
daughter of David and Sarah Wait Smith,, born March 5, 1818.
Born in Cambridge, Washington Co. State of New York.! Sister
Chelnecha Hambleton, I lay my hands upon thy head at this time in
accordance and according to the Spirit of my office and calling to
seal a patriarchal or fathers blessing upon thee, that shall be a
source of comfort unto thee while thou art permitted to remain
upon the earth. Thou hast rendered obedience unto the first
principles of the everlasting gospel and in consequence thereof
thou hast been deprived of thy rights and privileges of an
American citizen. And thou hast been deprived of many of the
necessaries and comforts of life. Thou hast had to pass through
dangers in the valleys of these mountains. Thou hast helped to
feed the hungry and to clothe the naked, thou hast not turned any
away that have come to thee for relief. Thou hast been a mother to
the motherless and in all thy deeds thy recording Angel has been
with thee, both by day and by night, to protect thee from harm and
from accident, Also thy guardian Angel has been with thee at all
times and under all circumstances when his presence was required
and will continue to be with the until thy work is done. Thou art a
descendent of Abraham through the loins of Isaac and Rebecca and
of the blood of Ephriam.! Thy last days shall be thy best days and
when thou art called to leave this stage of existence thou need have
no fear with regard to thy future wishes. Thou shall go and visit thy
friends among the Spirits in prison and once more enjoy the
society of thy husband. In the morning of the resurrection thou
shall be crowned with a royal Diadem at the head of thy posterity,
in connection with thy husband, in the Redeemers kingdom and
shall have thy lamp trimmed and burning and put on thy robes of
Royalty when the cry goes forth- “The bridegroom cometh, go ye
out to greet him”. Thou shall sit down at the marriage supper of the
Lamb and enjoy The presence of God and His holy angles, with
Joseph and Hyrrum, Brigham and Heber, David, Parley and
Willard, and Jedediah and Brother George A. Smith. With all the
redeemed and sacrificed of Adam’s roll. These blessings I seal
upon thee and seal thee up unto Eternal life in the name of Jesus
our Redeemer, even so, Amen.!

Reuben W. Allred, Clerk.!

Madison Daniel Hambleton Died May 29, 1870, at Manti, Sanpete Co. Utah
and is buried there.! Note: Madison Daniel Hambleton was
sometimes called Crook-neck Hambelton because of an abcess he
had had on his neck and which had shrunk the cords of his neck
until it pulled his head to one side.! Chelnecha Smith Hambleton
was a widow for many years. As a younger woman, in the early
lays of the Church, she was a devout follower of its principles. At
one time she gave her set of good silver spoons as a donation to the
cause.! In later years she became a midwife and when she got too
old to practice that, she obtained her living from the shares of stock
she owned in a grist mill owned by her son-in-law, Francis Marion
Jolly.! Her grand-daughter, Lucy Boswell Lamb, lived with her for
about ten years. As she grew older she seldom went out, not even
to attend meetings. She spent most of her time in her own home or
visiting with a very dear friend, a Sister Tuttle.

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