Meeting held November 14, 1877
Opened with singing: "Come All The Saints Who Dwell on Earth
Prayer by Sister Madsen.
Sister Morrison addressed the Sisters. Felt glad to meet again after ...meetings. Said raison (sp) why and testified that her mind and thoughts were with the sisters all the time when they meet and have the same interest in the Society as she always had. She wished for the Sisters to be faithful and prayerful in everything they undertake; wished that they should not encourage the spirit of belittling and evil speaking of another. Said that if there was evil in such fault finding in our society, we have all try to do the best we know hos. She begged the sisters in the Visiting Society to encourage the sisters to come to Meeting to see and hear what was going on. She also spoke a good deal about our Young Ladies Soc.
Said that they will be organized the fourth time and hoped for it....... a day was appointed for a quilting bee for the temple and arrangement be made for the poor. More teachers were appointed to assist for the winter season and their first business would be to sell for wheat to be the pail.
The question was asked if the wheat in the office should be locked up for itself, but every lady seemed to be satisfied to the way it was. Sister Madsen translated to the sisters in her language. Sister Peel felt well to be together with the Sisters and her interest was like all the time for the prospering of the Society and wished for the Sisters to take full interest in the Society and not only give but come to Meeting to be sure to be benefited by.
Sister Simpson felt well to be with the Sisters and her interest said it was the general expression, but a true one was interested in everything which was said, and felt greatly benefited to come to Meeting.
Closed with singing and Prayer
MFM Morrison, Pres.
Louise Hasler, Sec
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