Saturday, September 28, 2013

Biography of Mary Napier Rowe ~ taken from "History of Mountainville" Compiled by Melba Shelley Hill

Birth: Mar. 30, 1823
Stirling, Scotland
Death: Mar. 4, 1902
Mount Pleasant
Sanpete County
Utah, USA

Mary was a Scotch lassie, who joined the Church and came as a young girl to America.

She married Caratat Conderset Rowe 20 Nov 1848

Together they had the following children; Conderset, Candance Blanchard, William Napier, Janet Sterling, Allen "Lene", and Mary Rowe.

Read more on his memorial.

(Information has been gathered from several sources, so some of it may not be correct)

Isabella Napier Livingston was Mary's sister.
They were young girls in Scotland when they joined the Mormon Church, they were the only two in their family to do so. Mary emigrated first in the 1840's. Isabella came in 1860 with her 2 small boys. Sadly, they never met in America.

Furnished by: Carolee Grove

Family links:
  Caratat Conderset Rowe (1823 - 1904)

  Conderset Rowe (1849 - 1929)*
  William Napier Rowe (1853 - 1877)*
  Jannet S R Brotherson (1855 - 1922)*
  Allen Rowe (1858 - 1934)*

*Calculated relationship
Mount Pleasant City Cemetery
Mount Pleasant
Sanpete County
Utah, USA
Plot: A_37_3_7

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Maintained by: Nancy K (Wilcock) Atwood
Originally Created by: Utah State Historical So...
Record added: Feb 02, 2000
Find A Grave Memorial# 141674

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