Monday, October 21, 2013

Genealogy Roadshow On PBS.

I recommend this show to everyone.  I pre-record every airing to view later.  It is shown on P.B.S. (Kathy)

Fourth Episode of Genealogy Roadshow

GenealogyRoadshow-logoThe fourth episode of Genealogy Roadshow was broadcast earlier this evening on PBS. I watched and found there isn't much new that I can write about the show. It continued with the same format as the earlier episodes I have already written about. Indeed, I like that format.

The one obvious exception in this evening's broadcast was the fact that it was videotaped in Austin, Texas, in the historic Driskill Hotel. Many of the stories revolved around Texas genealogy and history. One guest found she was a relative of, although not a descendant of, Sam Houston and also Texas' current governor, Rick Perry. Another found that her Tejano ancestor fought in the Texas Revolution. She also had her DNA tested and it indicated descent from Crypto Jews, one of the groups who settled in Mexico early in its colonial days. DNA obviously doesn't provide names, places, or dates, but does provide connections to documented ethnic groups.

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