Friday, March 28, 2014

Meeting held March 2th 1878.
Opened with singing and prayer by Sister Peel.
Minutes from former meeting were read and accepted. Disbursements and donations were read; also the temple donations.

Sister Morrison then stood and read a letter that was sent to her about our share towards the book printed, "Women of Mormon Home"(?)  Sister Wells related in a kind letter to Sister Morrison that our share was acknowledged but Sister L.R. Snow thought it best to sell the first edition and bring forth the next edition then the sisters could have their share and divided in books (?). But  if they wished, the books would be handed out to them now.  It was moved and seconded that our share should remain there  until the second edition.

Sister Morrison appointed a quilting bee on March 12 for the temple. She also made some remarks about raising of silk, and said that now is the time to take those things to considerigen (consideration) and to plant out Mulberry trees in time.  She hoped that others would make an effort..... good Sister Peterson has left, and exhorted the sisters in truth and faithfulness in the gospel.  She then gave place for the sisters to bear their testimonies.

Sister Peel bore a faithful testimony and felt glad that we were prepared to fulfill the wants and needs of the poor. She also translated all that was said and written to the sisters who could not understand the English language.

Sister Simpson felt well to meet with the sisters and bore her testimony of truths.

Many sisters bore their testimony in their own language.  Sister Ingre Christensen was admitted as a  member of the Female Relief Society and the meeting was closed with singing and prayer.

MFC Morrison, Pres.
Louise Hasler, Sec.

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