Friday, June 6, 2014

D-Day Remembered by Lee

Lee R. Christensen's  Photos and Stories From Mt. Pleasant
Taken from Lee's Book "You Knew Me As Buddy"

 2nd  Div that replaced the 28th Div as the  D+ 1 Div and hence my disappointment.    lee





Kenneth Young


  Photo showing the work of his battalion on Omaha beach.

 Kenneth Young  may have been the first Mt Pleasant man to cross a Normandy beach following D Day .    Even then he was a few weeks behind the first men off a  landing craft  but a head of my unit and the Mt Pleasant unit both of whom went ashore mid-July.  Kenneth was in the 69th Seabee Bn and their mission was to build ramps so us late landers could walk ashore without  wading thru the surf.  I’ve attached a photo of Kenneth from the North Sanpete High school  1940 yearbook.  He was a sophomore and the schools best trumpeter player.     lee

1 comment:

  1. Lee, I appreciate your service, and echo the sentiments of those school girls 20 years ago in the letter they wrote you. It is true, you may not have been here with us today had you been there when the curtain rose. That day is a day to never forget. My Grandpa has a hard time even thinking about what he saw there on D+1. I am glad I better understand what he was doing there in building those ramps for the late landers. Unbelievable the sacrifices made that so many take for granted today. Thanks for posting.

    Eric V. -Grandson of Ken


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