Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Andrew Madsen's Journal ~ Malitia Organized, Thrashing Machine, Brigham Young Visits

Andrew Madsen

On July 15th,   General W. S. Snow was put in command of the Sanpete District and ordered against the Indians.  Three companies were at once organized at Mt. Pleasant and officers appointed.  Company "A" with Frederick Neilson, who resigned later and Lauritz Larsen succeeded him.

Company "B" with Jacob Christensen as Captain and myself (Andrew Madsen), First Lieutenant.  "Home Guard" called the Silver Grays consisted of the elder men with John Tidwell as Captain.

While the organization of the Militias were being effected throughout the county, Robert Glisby and Anthony Robinson were attacked and killed by Indians in Sevier County. Glisby being a resident of Mt. Pleasant was brought here for burial.

General Snow, with Captain Ivie, Orange Seely, Peter Christofferson, Aaron Bennet, George Frandsen, W.W. Brandon, Joseph Gleddel, Jefferson Tidwell, William Stevenson and Neils Madsen from Mt. Pleasant and a number of others from other settlements at once started and on July 16th surprised a party of hostile Indians in Grass Valley.  Twelve of them were killed and the balance were routed.  The command then went east to Green River.  Robert Bennet swam over the river, found Indian tents and wikiups, which had just been vacated by the fleeing Indians.  They suffered much of the journey by long marches and for want of supplies.

July 26th,  the raging savages raided Glenwood, Sevier County, wounding some of the settlers and killing a number of horses and driving away nearly all the cattle belonging to the people.

On July 30, 1865, we organized a Sunday School.  H. P. Miller became Superintendent and A.H. Lund became Church Recorder.

August 6th, a meeting was held at Manti, consisting of the Bishops throughout the county and several of the authorities of the militia.  It was decided and agreed to have a standing army and pay the men for their services.

John Ivie was appointed Commander of the Militia in the northern settlements of the county.

Charles Durkie, Utah's first Governor, commissioned the officers and captains.  The system of paying the men was by assessment upon the settlers.  My portion was $75.00 per year.  Some of the men could not fit themselves out.  We were ordered to let them have such articles as they could use and receive credit for it.
Besides the above assessment, I furnished them a horse, bridle and saddle, kept it on hand for them and together with this, One Ballard Rifle and one cap and ball revolver.  Others did likewise.

After being equipped, the Company at once started south on Indian Campaigns, while the Home Guards remained at home, and were called out by the call of a bugle to answer to roll call and some detailed for Guards each day.

The Militia was also called out at various times during the three years of their services, for encampments and inspections, which were held at Chester, Ephraim, and Manti.
Sunday School commenced at Mt. Pleasant August 6, 1865 with 150 scholars: Joseph Stanford, Superintendent; George Farnworth, Edward Cliff, Germia Page, A.H. Lund, Mrs. Charlotte Hyde, Mrs. Susan Holly, S. Anderson, and Miss Jeanette McArthur, teachers.  Previous to this, George Farnworth had taught in the bowry as early as 1860. 

Another Visit from Brigham Young

First Thrashing Machine

During this season the first imported thrashing machine was brought into our city.  The name of it was "PITTS".  It was manufactured in Buffalo, New York.  It was shipped up the Lawrence River and around by way of South America around to San Francisco in a sail vessel and from there it was hauled overland by Alma Bennet to this point, being several months on the way.  

It was ordered by C.W. Anderson, Peter Madsen, Hans Y. Simpson, Rasmus Frandsen and myself, Andrew Madsen.

November 1, 1865 a number of missionaries were called to settle Muddy (now in Nevada).  John L. Ivy, Paul Stark, Peder Nielson, C.P., Larsen, James C. Harbro, George Merrick, Bendt Hansen, Martin Rasmussen, Soren Jacobsen and Hyrum Winters.

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