Opened by singing by the Choir
Prayer by Edward Cliff
Singing by the choir.
Sister Morrison called the congregation to order and introduced Sister Eliza R. Snow and Sister Zina Young.
Sister E. Snow addressed the meeting and said that she had the opportunity to meet with the Sisters and she read our .......... report and found it very recommending(?) but that it was not all that she likes to see. She likes to see just as much the important part of the work of the Society. If the sisters work morally and spiritually, if this cultivates the Spirit of God.
Ask all if they were aware of

maybe you are certainly unhappy and what is more in Heaven and on Earth then the happiness of this kingdom would be in this Last Days.(?)
Then she spoke about the celestial law when it was revealed to her in the days of

She thanked the brethren for coming and was, and was always glad to see them come to meeting, hoped that they felt benefited by..
She did not come to preach to you because she thought she was better than you but we have our duties to perform and every day of our life we should think of our duty as mothers and as ......workers in the great and glorious work.
She spoke again about plural marriage as a principle that was given to us to.......... prepare us for exaltation and glory that God has promised to them that will practice it............
Sister Elisa is a little greedy, but I am only that much greedy that I want to obtain all the blessings and exaltation that God will restore upon us if we only keep His commandments. If a man is married to one wife and thinks he can obtain the same blessings and glory than a man that has more wives and endure all the trials and troubles therewith. We should not ........ourselves with that. We have to overcome all things that will hinder us to keep the commandments of God. Would you want a man that loves only one wife at the time. Who would not despise such a man? But would you want a man that would promise you that he would never take another? I would not have him if he was the only man in the world.
If we want to come up to our duty, we have to meet often, and that way obtain the Spirit of God. This makes our homes happy. A woman that has the Spirit of God in her heart is kind to her husband, kind to her children. A woman that attends her meetings can do more work. The woman that day after day works and toils will never overcome her work and certainly be unhappy and makes all her........unhappy. A woman that day after day tries to do her duty and is willing to improve in all good things until she is called away....... she will meet her friends that have gone before her...... sisters they want to become
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