Sunday, October 12, 2014

James Buchanan Porter

James Buchanan Porter is mentioned many times in Mt. Pleasant History.  We didn't have a picture of him, but here he is on line.

James Buchanan Porter
was born 4 Aug 1805 
in Buffalo, Pennsylvania


Father: James Porter

James married Mary Ann Leslie
1 Nov 1852 in Salt Lake City, Utah

He is buried next to his wife
in Mt. Pleasant, Utah
Plot: A_60_1_6


James and Mary Ann's Children


Mary Ellen Porter
B: 23 Feb 1854
D: 25 Sep 1914
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Plot # A_60_1_8

 Ann Catherine Porter
B: 18 Jan 1856
M: Augustus Gustave Nelson
D: 23 Jul 1948
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Plot # A_19_1_4

 Brigham Young Porter
B: 5 Feb 1858
M: Christina Threna Christensen
D: 26 Apr 1946
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Plot # A_79_1_3

  Jane Kent Porter
B: 13 Mar 1850
M: John William Coates
D: 5 Apr 1942
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Plot # A_152_2_5

Heber C. Porter 
B: 23 Feb 1862
D: 23 Sep 1865
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Plot # A_60_1_1

Rosella Marie Porter
B: 26 Mar 1864
M: Jacob Larsen Jacobsen
D: 12 Mar 1959
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery 
Plot # A-65_1_7

Rebecca Reynolds

Rebecca Porter
B: 26 Oct 1866
M: Henry Taylor Reynolds
D: 28 Sep 1958
Springville City Cemetery
Plot: Blk 42 Lot 2 Pos 8

Andrew Leslie Porter
B: 28 Jan 1871
M: Julia Ida Boyer
D: 2 May 1959
Springville Evergreen Cemetery
Sec B Lot 143 Pos 1

James Buchanan Porter
B: 9 May 1873
M: Emily Tate 
D: 15 Nov 1961
Salt Lake City Cemetery

April 14, 1894, the militia was organized in Mt. Pleasant. This company was known as Company C, First Infantry, and was mus­tered in by Colonel Tatlock, with Thomas Braby, Captain; Daniel C. Jensen, First Lieutenant; Magnus G. Rolph, Second Lieutenant, and was commissioned by Kaleb W. West, the last Territorial Governor. The company consisted of the following: Thomas Braby, Daniel C. Jensen, M. G. Rolph, J. M. Boyden, M. A. Boy­den, W. E. Watson, L. P. Nelson, J. W. Lowe, John Forsland. A. B. Williams, G. W. Thompson, B. C. Skillicorn, Willie Ander­son, Ferdinand Ericksen, Charles Hampshire, Axel Bjelke, E. W. Wall, Ole Olson, Clarence Winters, W. P. Winters, George W. Reynolds, John O. Lofgren, J. B. Porter, Andrew L. Porter, Byron G. Wheelock, George Christensen, Henry Ericksen, Erick H. Erick­sen, Olaf C. Andersen, John Knudsen, Amasa Aldrich, James Jor­gensen, James F. Jensen, Louis H. Brand, George Brand, George M. Miller, William B. Allen, Bent R. Hansen, L. 1. Harward, Olaf Rosenlof, John H. Hansen, Arthur McArthur. Mt. Pleasant History p 174

During the late summer and during the fall and winter months, P. M. Peel and James Porter Sr., built a chopping mill on Peel's lot on Pleasant Creek, (northeast corner, intersection, Main Street and First West) where the stream had previously been taken out and used for irrigation purposes. Here the stream furnished the water power with which to run the mill. Owing to the distance to the nearest flour mill, this mill was a great assistance, and the people were glad to take their wheat there to be chopped. It was ground between two stones and came out quite black, but coarse as it was, it served the purpose and was used for bread. At about this time, a small Burr mill was built east on Pleasant Creek, a little south of where the Mount Pleasant flour mill is now, by John

Fredrick Fechser and John Ellertsen, (Spring City). A whip saw was installed in the fort, on the banks of Pleasant Creek, by Wellington Seeley and Rudolph N. Bennett, and was operated by Tho­mas Dutton.  Mt. Pleasant History p 64

Because of the need of shoes, one of the most important and useful industries was that of leather tanning. A tannery was established by James Porter, on the east side of the street, First West between Main and First South, and here with others, John Willis was employed. Wallis, a professional tanner, also operated a tannery on his lot, Main Street and Third East. He did splendid work and was a great help to the community. Later, N. P. Nielsen, usually known as Pete Tanner, set up in a smaller way an establishment on his lot in the western part of the city. Still later, a stock company was organized, for which certificates were issued and stock in the company was sold. This company was located on Twin Creek and was later run for a number of years by Emanuel Christensen.     Mt. Pleasant History p 73 

The North Ward Association was re-organized November 2, 1886, as follows: Joseph Madsen, president; Mangus G. Rolph and William Sorensen, counselors. The South Ward Association was re-organized with George Christensen as president; Ferdinand Clark and Lauritz Clark, counselors; Ferdinand Ericksen, Secre­tary. Mangus G. Rolph became president of the Ward February 29, 1888. The respective associations in both wards continued to meet together for several years after the division with their two sets of presiding officers. No records have been preserved for the period commencing with April 3, 1889, and ending with October 20, 1895. On the latter date, Adolph Merz was sustained as pres­ident, with Robert W. Livingston as First, and John A. Matson, as Second Counselor. Christian N. Lund, Jr., Secretary. By this time Mt. Pleasant had again become only one ward; hence the last organization included all the young men in Mt. Pleasant. John H. Hansen was sustained as Second counselor to President Merz, October 18, 1896, and James B. Porter, secretary and treas­urer. The society was re-organized September 25 1897, as follows: Robert W. Livingston, President; Andrew Larsen, First, and Asa F. Reynolds, Second Counselor; James B. Porter, Secretary. John N. Ericksen and Asa F. Reynolds were sustained as counselors to President Livingston, November 27, 1899, with the following offi­cers, who still acted at the close of the century: John N. Ericksen, President; Christian Johansen, First, and Byron Carter, Second Counselor; Eugene McArthur, Secretary. Mt. Pleasant History p 257

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