Monday, November 17, 2014

Funeral Serviice for Wilford Hafen

Salt Lake Telegram 24 Nov 1921 SERVICES HELD FOR CHURCHMAN WILFORD HAFEN, CHOIR MANAGER, LAID TO REST 24 Nov 1921 Mount Pleasant, Utah Mount Pleasant, Nov 24----Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the North Ward chapel for Wilford Hafen, who died last Saturday from injuries suffered when his horse fell with him. The services were conducted by Bishop H. C. Jacobs. Music was furnished by the choir, with special numbers by Elida Staker and George Squires. A male quartet consisting of Harold Olversen, George Squires, Lloyd Barton and Theodore Christensen sang. Miss Marjorie Winters and Tom Tomlinson sang. The speakers were; William Olsen, William E. Watson. J.W. Anderson, President A. Merz and Bishop Jacobs. The opening and closing prayers were offered by Joseph Seely and G. M. Nielsen. The grave was dedicated by H. C. Jacobs. Mr. Hafen was born in this city June 12, 1882. He was married to Miss Carrie Nielsen October 19, 1907. He is survived by his widow and three sons, Boyd, Neil, and Bert, his mother Catherine Hafen, and the following brothers and sisters; Emil Hafen, Mrs. Lizette Beck, Mrs. Lydia Hansen, Mrs. Hermena Rasmussen, Mrs. Pauline Seely and Mrs. Anna Johnsen all of Mt Pleasant; Mrs. Frank Hansen of Moroni and Mrs. Rozetta Brandstead of Melba, Idaho. Mr. Hafen was a active church worker, having been manager of the North ward choir for several years, and which position he held at the time of his death. He was a member of the National Guard for several years.

Wilford, Shortly before his death

Wilford Franklin Hafen
Children of Jacob Hafen and Anna Katherine (Naef) Hafen Wilford is the little boy in the picture and Rozetta Sarah is the young lady in the black dress. Does anyone know the arrangement and names of the other girls? 

Wilford Hafen Home
Front: Boyd Hafen, Theo Hansen, Arthur Hansen Second Row: Carrie Hafen, Neil Hafen, Wilford Hafen, John Carlson Located at approx. 650 West Main. Where Stanton Seely lives today (2009). Johanna and Dutch Hafen raised their family here.

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