Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Anyone Know the Details? When did Madsen and Madsen operate a Beer Hall? Discovered by Tudy Barentsen Standlee.

From some date prior to April 1933 the Madsens (from down Moroni way) operated the candy store corner State and Main. After Congress ruled 3.2 beer no longer acholic and as soon as Utah agreed the Madsen Bros buildt and opened a beer hall just north of the candy store. They were still there when I left Mt Pleasant with the National Guard April 1941. As an 18 year old in uniform I had no trouble getting a pint of suds. lee  (Lee R. Christensen)

I knew we could count on Lee !!!  Kathy

1 comment:

  1. From some date prior to April 1933 the Madsens (from down Moroni way) operated the candy store corner State and Main. After Congress ruled 3.2 beer no longer acholic and as soon as Utah agreed the Madsen Bros buildt and opened a beer hall just north of the candy store. They were still there when I left Mt Pleasant with the National Guard April 1941. As an 18 year old in uniform I had no trouble getting a pint of suds. lee


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