Saturday, March 14, 2015

Female Relief Society ~ October 14, 1878

Meeting held Oct. 14, 1878

Opened with singing
Prayer by Sister Peel
Sister Morrison opened the meeting in the usual manner.  Minutes from  former meeting were read and accepted.

Sister Morrison talked about Conference coming up soon and we would get our report ready of the temple and wished by no m....s to be behind in this respect, advised the Head teachers to get as many units as possible for the Temple; said every little was accepted.

Talked about Hanah T...gaard, that she was fitted out to go to the city and get her endowments.  Urged the Sisters to remember our wheat donations and advised the teachers to see about it while teaching; time will soon be over.

Sister Migglean brought us in the report of the donations of the North Ward.

Sister Peel made some short remarks from what was said, and felt well and pleased that we were able to do a little something for the building up of the kingdom.  She only wished that the Sisters would take more interest to coming to meeting because it was their duty to do so.

Sister Frandsen bore her testimony and said she would do all she could to gather  something for the temple in her district, and hoped that the sisters would respond to their calling

Meeting then dismissed with singing and prayer.

MFC Morrison,  Pres.
Louise Hasler, Sec.

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